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Vice President Lieberman?
Post Date: 2007-11-10 18:15:37 by Ferret Mike
Just eight years after Joe Lieberman was on the Democratic Party’s presidential ticket, a growing number of conservatives have a better idea: put in him on the Republican Party’s presidential ticket. The Weekly Standard’s William Kristol touted the idea in his column this week. After running a lengthy excerpt of a speech Lieberman recently gave, imploring Democrats to embrace Bush’s vision for combating “Islamist extremism,” Kristol concluded: Read the whole speech on Lieberman’s website. As for Rudy and John and Fred and Mitt and Mike: Take a break from kissing babies to pick up the phone and congratulate Joe. Seek his endorsement after you win the ...

FEMA to Workers: Stay Out of Trailers
Post Date: 2007-11-10 09:51:51 by Ferret Mike
NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- The Federal Emergency Management Agency is barring employees from entering thousands of stored travel trailers over concerns about hazardous fumes, while more than 48,000 other trailers continue to be used by hurricane victims in Louisiana and Mississippi. FEMA is advising employees not to enter any of the roughly 70,000 trailers in storage areas across the country, but the directive does not apply to other trailers still in use, agency spokeswoman Mary Margaret Walker said Thursday. "It's common knowledge that formaldehyde emission levels rise when they are closed in the heat and humidity without any ventilation," Walker said. Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La., ...

LP Bedwetters paralyzed in fear over "Muslum Takeover of US"
Post Date: 2007-11-10 09:43:12 by F.A. Hayek Fan
According to the US Census Bureau, in 2001, muslums made up .6% of the population (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dem...cs_of_the_United_States), yet the girly-men of LP actually believe that muslums can make good on their supposed desire to turn the US into a muslum nation. I don't think I've ever seen a bigger group of sissy's in all my born days. I can in no way relate to the fear they have that this will happen. What makes matters worse is that not only do these yellow-bellied bedwetters vote, many of them have children who will grow up and go through life living with these same nonsensical fears and will beg the government to "do something" to protect them from the ...

Bolton: US Should Support Musharraf (Thinks Dictators are good for stability)
Post Date: 2007-11-10 09:30:25 by Ferret Mike
UNITED NATIONS (AP) -- The United States should support President Gen. Pervez Musharraf to prevent Pakistan's nuclear arsenal from falling into the hands of Islamic fundamentalists or al-Qaida terrorists, former U.S. Ambassador John Bolton said Friday. The United States has repeatedly urged Musharraf to restore constitutional order since he seized emergency powers last week, rounded up thousands of opponents and sent security forces to break up protests. "I think, in fact, the United States has contributed to some of the instability by applying less than robust support of Musharraf," said Bolton, who stepped down as ambassador to the United Nations nearly a year ago when it ...

Buchanan: Is A Vote For Rudy A Vote For War?
Post Date: 2007-11-09 11:13:29 by Brian S
Rudy Giuliani has made a "promise" not to allow Iran to acquire a nuclear capability, even if it requires U.S. military action. Though the U.S. Army is scrimping to meet recruitment goals, Rudy has pledged to add at least 10 new combat brigades. Speaking to an Atlantic Bridge conference in London, Rudy called for NATO expansion to include Japan, India, Australia, Singapore and Israel. Has Rudy thought this through? Why would Japan and Australia, each of which already has a U.S. commitment to come to its defense, commit to go to war with a nuclear-armed Russia if it invaded Estonia? For joining NATO would require them to treat an attack on Estonia, or any other NATO nation in ...

Is fake news now the standard? :TV journalism is increasingly playing to the Colberts and Stewarts to attract younger viewers
Post Date: 2007-11-07 22:01:11 by Zipporah
TV journalism is increasingly playing to the Colberts and Stewarts to attract younger viewers. November 6, 2007 'Pat Philbin, the man who staged a fake FEMA news conference on the California wildfires last week, has lost his promotion because of the event, which begs the question: What does it actually take to get fired from FEMA?" That was the lead story on the latest installment of Weekend Update, the faux news broadcast on "Saturday Night Live." Something bothered me about this, and not just Amy Poehler's misuse of the phrase "beg the question." Nor was it the idea that FEMA's staged news conference was scandalous simply because reporters, ...

The Demons of David Horowitz
Post Date: 2007-11-07 11:37:02 by Brian S
During the week of October 21, far-right wing operative and former communist agitator David Horowitz deployed his allies to college campuses America to spout crude anti-Muslim invective. He called this event "Islamofascism Awareness Week." Among Horowitz's stable of campus speakers were noted Islam experts Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity. "Islamofascism Awareness Week" was, from the beginning, little more than a marathon fashion show for the paranoid style. But it was not until Horowitz muscled his way onto the campus of his alma mater, Columbia University, on October 26 that his event attained the commanding heights of reactionary hysteria. Pacing the stage like a ...

Senile rant or calculated propaganda aimed at the feeble-minded? [Yessss! Amazon Publishes My Review of Podhoretz!]
Post Date: 2007-11-06 18:27:58 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Senile rant or calculated propaganda aimed at the feeble-minded? Possibly a little bit of both. In Norman's proposed universe... Iran is Germany, 2007 is 1938, Ahmadianajad is Heil Hitler, Bush is Churchill, Billy Crystol is Churchill's cigar, Bush's war on non-prescription drugs is World War 4, or 5 or maybe 6 and Podhoretz is... the king's philosopher? Or maybe... senile? Well, let's grant him 'senile' but, without a doubt we should also celebrate him as an enthusiastic and not-so-secret agent of Israel, fifth columnist ordinaire, tasked with draining whatever is left of America's might, international prestige and ability to borrow from China so that more ...

'No Skeletons in MY Closet!': Oh yeah? How Michael Mukasey and Bernie Kerik are haunting Rudy's run.
Post Date: 2007-11-01 17:03:15 by aristeides
'No Skeletons in MY Closet!' Oh yeah? How Michael Mukasey and Bernie Kerik are haunting Rudy's run. by Wayne Barrett October 30th, 2007 5:57 PM The Democrats who questioned attorney general nominee Michael Mukasey at his recent Senate confirmation hearing outdid one another in a frustrating effort to get the former judge to assert his independence from the Bush White House. With his predecessor, Bush pal Alberto Gonzales, finally forced from office, the senators were hoping for a nominee with fewer complicating relationships. Fat chance. The question for Mukasey is not what he'll do at Justice for the soon-to-be- departing Republican president, but what he'll do for ...

Al Qaeda Declares Internet Jihad(Keyboard Commandos claim Freepers are shutting down Jihad websites)
Post Date: 2007-10-31 18:20:29 by SmokinOPs
Al Qaeda's online community is threatening all out cyber war against counter jihadis. Bring. It. On. Bitches. DEBKA: In a special Internet announcement in Arabic, picked up DEBKAfile’s counter-terror sources, Osama bin Laden’s followers announced Monday, Oct. 29, the launching of Electronic Jihad. On Sunday, Nov. 11, al Qaeda’s electronic experts will start attacking Western, Jewish, Israeli, Muslim apostate and Shiite Web sites. On Day One, they will test their skills against 15 targeted sites expand the operation from day to day thereafter until hundreds of thousands of Islamist hackers are in action against untold numbers of anti-Muslim sites.... Our sources say ...

The Boylan trail...he's a stone liar
Post Date: 2007-10-30 23:21:58 by Mekons4
Deciphering the email headers to determine if the same person sent them both Glenn Greenwald posted email headers from a discussion he was having where a person denied sending an email that Glenn received. The post about the email and denial are here: http://www.salon.com/opinion/greenwald/2007/10/28/boylan/index.html and the post where he gives email headers is here: http://utdocuments.blogspot.com/2007/10/e-mail-headers-from-col-boylan-and-mnf.html I have experience programming, in syadmin work, netops work, and have been studying the Internet in an effort to get a PhD in computer science. I'm pretty sure those emails came from the same person. My reasoning is explained below. The ...

Post Date: 2007-10-30 20:07:27 by Brian S
The NYT takes a closer look at the Bush-supporting advocacy group, Freedom's Watch, and hints the that group may take its millions and start actively making the case (through paid ads) against Iran. "Next month, Freedom’s Watch will sponsor a private forum of 20 experts on radical Islam that is expected to make the case that Iran poses a direct threat to the security of the United States, according to several benefactors of the group. Although the group declined to identify the experts, several were invited from the American Enterprise Institute, a Washington research group with close ties to the White House. Some institute scholars have advocated a more confrontational ...

Gen. Petraeus' Spokesman Denies Sending Angry Email -- Plot Thickens
Post Date: 2007-10-30 11:05:23 by aristeides
Gen. Petraeus' Spokesman Denies Sending Angry Email -- Plot Thickens A critical email allegedly sent by a top U.S. military spokesman to a leading blogger this past weekend is starting to draw mainstream attention. But the colonel had sent an equally hot note to E&P in May defending the general -- without reading the report in question. By Greg Mitchell NEW YORK (October 29, 2007) -- A disturbing email allegedly sent by a top U.S. military spokesman to a leading blogger at Salon.com this past weekend is just starting to draw mainstream attention. Howard Kurtz at The Washington Post mentioned it today, for example. It requires a good deal of background information to fully ...

The Biggest Lie Told To The American People: Ahmadinejad's Alleged Remarks On Israel
Post Date: 2007-10-29 19:52:23 by Brian S
As the Bush Administration beats the drums for another war of choice with another country that had nothing to do with 9/11, they are using another series of fabricated facts to indoctrinate the American people into thinking that Iran poses a serious threat to our security. At the core of these fabrications is the claim that on October 25, 2005, during a speech at the Ministry of Interior conference hall, the then newly-elected President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad remarked that "Israel must be wiped off the map." As someone who was born in Tehran, lived there for seventeen years and is a native Farsi speaker, I have read the original transcripts of the speech in Farsi and want to inform ...

Department of State and Homeland Security declare Mickey Mouse as U.S. "spokesperson"
Post Date: 2007-10-28 22:25:59 by kiki
Isn't America so beautiful? You won't believe this crap, but it's true. The Department of State and the Department of Homeland Security has joined forces with Walt Disney and produced a highly patriotic video. Folks, it's not a joke. The U.S. Department of State and Homeland Security believes foreigners perception of America should be given by America's spokesperson, Mickey Mouse. Are you kidding, me? It will be shown in the international arrivals halls of all major US airports as well as in visa-processing offices around the world. Major airlines will also be encouraged to show it on aircraft shortly before landing in the US. According to The Independent, From now ...

Malkin makes an ass of herself again: Attacks wingnuts through poor research
Post Date: 2007-10-27 22:30:53 by Mekons4
Malkin & Co. target Soros, hit Bush pioneers Posted October 27th, 2007 at 10:27 am The St. Petersburg Times reported this week that WellCare Health Plans, a Florida-based company that provides managed-care plans for millions of Medicare and Medicaid participants, has come under federal investigation. Indeed, the FBI raided WellCare’s headquarters Wednesday morning, along with the U.S. Attorney’s office, HHS investigators, and the Florida Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. The Times article included a little tidbit towards the end of the piece. WellCare was a slow-growing Florida company until 1992 when its owner, Dr. Kiran Patel, sold it to a New York ...

Horowitz {at Columbia} : There’s a ‘figurative’ noose ‘over my head.’
Post Date: 2007-10-27 14:21:48 by Zipporah
Horowitz: There’s a ‘figurative’ noose ‘over my head.’ Speaking at Columbia University today for the culmination of Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, right winger David Horowitz compared the negative reception his campaign has received on campus to the recent incident of a noose being hung on the door of a black professor at Columbia. Horowitz claimed “nooses have been put figuratively on the doors of the College Republicans“: We’ve had many distractions this semester, and I guess I’m one of them. A recent one was an unfortunate incident of a noose being put on a professor’s door. I think that the campus is right to be concerned about that. ...

Jewish Singer to Coulter: Perfect Me
Post Date: 2007-10-27 13:57:28 by Zipporah
The latest offering from satirist Leah Kauffman, the musical mind behind the 'Obama Girl' videos, takes a shot at conservative commentator Ann Coulter. The video, featured in a blog post on in the ABC blog Political Punch, goes after Coulter in a far more serious tone that her previous videos. "The song features clips of Coulter making some of her more offensive comments about John Edwards, Arabs, and the 9/11 widows," Jake Trapper writes. "Playing off Coulter's recent pronouncement that Christians want to 'perfect' Jews by converting them, Kauffman makes light of Coulter's imperfections." For Kauffman, it's no holds barred. "Mom says ...

Iran; The Road to Armageddon ?
Post Date: 2007-10-27 12:53:41 by Brian S
Reminder to the crusading Armageddonists .....“Thou shalt not kill.” Exodus 20: 13.They are at it again. Remember when Milosovic was “the butcher of Belgrade”, the new Hitler? Then Saddam Hussein was “the butcher of Bagdad” and, of course the most dangerous man since Hitler - with weapons of mass destruction which could be unleashed on the world “in forty five minutes”. Colin Powell lied to the U.N., about the danger Iraq posed to the planet; George Bush lied to anyone who would listen; Tony Blair lied to Parliament and aides concocted dossiers so dodgy they were laughable, yet in spite of the millions who marched, protested and knew the lies for ...

US disaster agency apologizes for fake 'reporters'
Post Date: 2007-10-26 23:00:49 by kiki
WASHINGTON, Oct 26 (Reuters) - The main U.S. disaster-response agency apologized on Friday for having its employees pose as reporters in a news briefing on California's wildfires that no journalists attended. The Federal Emergency Management Agency, still struggling to restore its image after the bungled handling of Hurricane Katrina in 2005, issued the apology after The Washington Post published details of the Tuesday briefing. "We can and must do better, and apologize for this error in judgment," FEMA deputy administrator Harvey Johnson, who conducted the briefing, said in a statement. "Our intent was to provide useful information and be responsive to the many ...

David Horowitz gets booed off the stage at Emory
Post Date: 2007-10-26 18:43:02 by Zipporah
I have a message for our college campuses: People like Horowitz and Malkin speak at colleges because they WANT to be booed. Then FOX can run the video over and over all day to play the poor little Conservative victim card. The idiotic “Islamo-fasicsts” week is pure lunacy, but David craves your disapproval. He uses the canard that he’s trying to also make people aware that women are being oppressed in the Middle East too. I’m sure he’s a big Feminist… Play A former marine points out Horowitz’ racism associated with this venture: “There’s an inhernet racism behind this that I experienced first hand through my service with the Marine Corps in ...

Right Wing Enraged: Laura Bush Is A ‘Butt-Kisser’ For Wearing Headscarf In Mideast
Post Date: 2007-10-26 15:47:19 by Brian S
When House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) wore a headscarf while visiting the Umayyad mosque in Damascus in April, the right wing pounced on her, attacking her as “subservient” and calling the act “disgust[ing].” Ironically, the right wing failed to note that First Lady Laura Bush had also worn a headscarf while previously visiting the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. During a tour of the Middle East this week, Laura Bush again donned a traditional hijab given to her as a gift by a Saudi Arabian doctor. Subsequently, several progressive bloggers questioned whether similar “opprobium” would follow from the right wing this time. Now we have our answer. The conservative ...

The Ten MOST DANGEROUS Organizations in America
Post Date: 2007-10-25 20:45:58 by Zipporah
The Ten MOST DANGEROUS Organizations in America By: Nicole Belle @ 3:55 PM - PDT Jane Hamsher found this little gem from FamilySecurityMatters.org What would you guess would be on the list? Blackwater? The KKK? The John Birch Society? Skinheads? Pfffft. Amateurs. No, no, no…FSM takes “danger” to America very seriously: (click the link at your own peril, I’ve cited it here so you don’t have to) 10 ) Think Progress 9 ) Muslim Student Association 8 ) CodePINK 7 ) American Civil Liberties Union, National 6 ) Family Research Council 5 ) Center for American Progress 4 ) League of the South 3 ) MoveOn. org 2 ) Universities and Colleges 1 ) Media Matters for America ...

Post Date: 2007-10-25 19:47:21 by Zipporah
ANN COULTER'S IMPERFECT MOMENT October 25, 2007 -- ANN Coulter - who might be more despised than Dick Cheney in some neighborhoods - riled up some enemies even more with her recent remarks on "The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch" over how Jews could "perfect" themselves by becoming Christians. While the leggy blonde was dining with Andrew Stein at Centolire on Madison Avenue the other night, a wild-eyed man came up to their table and shouted at Coulter for her right-wing views and at Stein for dating her. Stein told the heckler, "Listen pal, get lost and learn some manners!" The lifelong Democrat, who was City Council president before he quit politics, told ...

Bill Clinton Takes On 9/11 Conspiracy Protesters
Post Date: 2007-10-25 19:12:26 by Ferret Mike
Bill Clinton addressed a crowd in Minneapolis, Minnesota at a fundraiser for his wife's campaign on Tuesday. Clinton's 50-minute speech, which started about an hour behind schedule, was derailed briefly by several hecklers in the audience who shouted that the 2001 terrorist attacks were a fraud. Rather than ignoring them, Clinton seemed to relish a direct confrontation. "A fraud? No, it wasn't a fraud," Clinton said, as the crowd cheered him on. "I'll be glad to talk to you if you shut up and let me talk." When another heckler shouted that the attacks were an "inside job," Clinton took even greater umbrage. "An inside job? How dare you. ...

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