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Glenn Beck cries while speaking of his love for jews
Post Date: 2011-08-23 11:11:34 by X-15
CAESARIA, Israel -- The tears came early for Glenn Beck. Holding a bible in his hand, his eyes moistened and his voice cracked only moments after he took the stage at the ancient Roman amphitheater of Caeseria, Israel in front of a crowd of nearly 3,000 on Sunday. Beck paced the stage, praising the righteous Gentiles of history who saved Jews from anti-Semitism, and spoke of the greatness of the Jewish people and the need to "love the Jewish people as they are." Standing on the ancient ruins, Beck also spoke of what he called Jews' "2,000 year old flinch," which makes them shy away from affection from Gentiles (including, presumably, himself) because of "not ...

Post Date: 2011-08-19 16:23:08 by Jack

Migraines Such as Michele Bachmann's Can Be Incapacitating
Post Date: 2011-07-23 13:47:39 by X-15
Rep. Michele Bachmann told a crowd in Aiken, S.C., today that her migraine headaches are under control with medication and would not affect her ability to be president, playing down reports that the ailment has prevented her from doing her job. Her spokeswoman told ABC News earlier today that the migraines have not interfered with her presidential campaign or her ability to serve as a member of Congress. She denied reports that Bachmann's migraines have "incapacitated" her in the past. "Twelve percent of Americans suffer from migraines, so if you're saying that Americans who suffer from migraines can't do their jobs, then I think you're going to run into ...

Drug addict/pill-popper running for POTUS in 2012....(my title)
Post Date: 2011-07-19 09:46:12 by X-15
In late July 2010, Rep. Michele Bachmann’s then-communications director, Dave Dziok, told his boss that he planned to take a new job with the public relations firm Edelman. Dziok had worked for Bachmann for two and a half years, a relatively long period by the standards of her office, and was leaving on good terms. Staff turnover can frustrate any employer, but Bachmann responded more dramatically. Dziok’s departure triggered a debilitating medical episode that landed the congresswoman in urgent care. “Within 24 hours she was in the hospital,” a former aide says. Bachmann was admitted to a Washington, D.C. hospital on Friday, July 30, and released that same day. She ...

White guilt on parade....
Post Date: 2011-07-18 19:00:30 by X-15
Lots of white guilt and jaw-dropping rationalization, along with neocon-worship.

Michelle Bachmann's Christian Zionism; Epidemic Bubble of Discordant Faith
Post Date: 2011-07-17 09:47:28 by Eric Stratton
Michelle Bachmann's Christian Zionism; Epidemic Bubble of Discordant Faith Charles E. Carlson Jul 1, 2011  The wave of Judeo-Christianity, popularly known as Christian Zionism, seems to be a prerequisite for American presidential candidates today.  It can best be thought of as an acquired mental illness because it results in discordant actions among those who admit to having it.  Unfortunately, some are in public office, and this then becomes the business of each of us.  Christian Zionism has grown so large that it is fair to call it a religious bubble, and is the number one enabler of the economic and moral dilemma that faces the USA and other North American ...

Herman Cain: Don’t mess with Israel
Post Date: 2011-07-15 22:10:31 by X-15
NEW ORLEANS — When ex-corporate chieftain Herman Cain told some 2,000 Republican officials and activists here that if he were president, the world would know that anyone who "messes with Israel messes with the United States," the audience applauded while two tour-bus loads of youthful Ron Paul supporters booed. That triggered a counter reaction, with row after row of audience members at the Republican Leadership Conference rising to cheer and applaud Mr. Cain, who, like Rep. Paul, is running for the GOP presidential nomination. The division in GOP ranks over U.S. policy toward Israel and the Arab and Muslim nations that surround it once again took center stage briefly but ...

9/11 is now a joke
Post Date: 2011-07-13 18:47:11 by Turtle
Although a few cynical observers anticipated that Barack Obama, the erstwhile peace candidate, would not end the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq – remember, he beat out Hillary Clinton for the Democratic nomination largely on the grounds of her pro-war positions – no one was cynical enough to foresee that his occupation of the presidency would lead to the U.S. military fighting no less than six wars in its third year under his command. Republicans who have resolutely supported the ongoing wars of democratic imperialism over the last 10 years are long overdue to answer some very serious questions about the strategic sanity of America's continuous military aggression, ...

'Epic-Fail' starring Sarah Palin
Post Date: 2011-07-10 15:17:22 by X-15

Call for News review in Australia after (Rupert Murdoch's News Corp) hacking scandal
Post Date: 2011-07-09 22:22:59 by X-15
SYDNEY — The phone hacking scandal rocking Rupert Murdoch's News Corp threatened to spread to Australia Saturday with calls for an official inquiry, which could hurt his play for a major television contract. Murdoch's global News International empire had its humble beginnings in Australia, and the Australian-born media baron is seeking to expand his already vast local holdings with a bid for the public broadcaster's international arm. Claims that Murdoch's News of the World, Britain's biggest-selling Sunday paper, hacked into the voicemails of a murdered girl and the families of dead soldiers have already cast a shadow over his bid for British network BSkyB. And ...

More evidence that there is more going on with yukon, Goldi-lox and LP than meets the eye
Post Date: 2011-06-17 15:00:08 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Check out this thread and the comments and then notice Goldi-Lox's comments. WE HAVE A BUNCH OF CLOSET STATISTS POSTING HERE! Are you folks so far along in OUR SOCIALIST SYSTEM...that we secretly report other for breaking a "REGULATION?" Are you the new SS?? Are you folks so heartless that the REGULATION is more important than a person's quality of life? Notice that yukon is the only person supporting the actions of the government on this thread (as usual). Everyone else is backing the citizen except for A. Pole who just makes a single meaningless remark. Yet Goldi refuses to confront yukon directly as she would anyone else and instead voices her displeasure in a ...

Right-wing Unleashes Campaign Against Democracy in Latin America
Post Date: 2011-06-01 05:52:51 by Ferret
US Latin Americanist Cold Warriors and their far-right allies in the region kicked off a propaganda campaign in May to influence Congress and US citizens against Venezuela and fellow ALBA (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our Americas) countries. With declining attention being paid to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, neoconservatives and neoliberals want to turn our attention to rolling back social and economic advances in Latin America. The campaign began with a Sunday, May 22, 2011, opinion piece in the Miami Herald penned by Reagan administration chief propagandist Otto Reich and continued with a Congressional briefing that he moderated on May 26. His premise in the Miami Herald ...

Farrell and Stockman - Latter Day Prophets of Doom
Post Date: 2011-05-26 12:47:30 by MichaelCollins
Michael Collins Paul Farrell of MarketWatch caused quite a stir with his recent article, Reagan insider [David Stockman]: GOP destroyed U.S. economy, Part 2, May 24. Farrell breaks some new ground in the strident critique of long standing policy trends and offers a highly functional description of the destructive personalities controlling Wall Street. This article describes the several high points of the Farrell-Stockman thesis, a frontal assault on the modern Republican Party. It also provides important cautions on key information absent from the Farrell-Stockman broadside. (Image: Art & Perception) Farrell makes his case by using Stockman's July 2010 New York Times OpEd, Four ...

Jewish, Republican, pro-gay rights
Post Date: 2011-05-15 20:43:56 by X-15
York State is coming from Republicans. The figures named are also Jewish, which isn't too surprising, considering that state's tradition of Jewish socially moderate Republicans. (The four named philanthropists are also hedge fund managers.) But I mean every name. Here's what a quick Google search came up with: --Paul Singer: on the boards of Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs and Commentary --Daniel Loeb: Appeared at events for YIVO and the Jewish Enrichment Center. --Clifford Asness: Likened Obama's proposed tax policies to pogroms. (Yes, philanthropy would be nicer than name calling, but this is still a form of identification.) --Steven A. Cohen: this ...

Why Neo-cons idolise Lincoln & despise decentralised government
Post Date: 2011-05-12 20:45:09 by X-15
Dr. Thomas DiLorenzo, economic historian and author of The Real Lincoln and Lincoln Unmasked, addresses the title question in a short article for LRC: The answer is simple: Decentralized governments abroad are more difficult for an imperialist power like the U.S. government to control. It’s much easier to control a single despot with bribes and threats. Comparing the despot to the “sainted” Abe Lincoln also helps stave off opposition by the American sheeple. Sometimes the puppet/dictator makes the comparison himself, as the former dictator of Pakistan did a few years ago when he declared marshal law there. “Lincoln did it,” he said, so everyone should just shut up! ...

Schumer Calls For ‘Do Not Ride’ List For Amtrak
Post Date: 2011-05-09 08:52:38 by noone222
NEW YORK (WCBS 880/AP) — Sen. Charles Schumer is calling for better rail security now that the raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound has turned up plans to attack trains in the U.S. “Anyone, even a member of al-Qaida could purchase a train ticket and board an Amtrak train without so much as a question asked,” Schumer said. “So that’s why I’m calling for the creation of an Amtrak no ride list. That would take the secure flight program and apply it to Amtrak trains.” Schumer said Sunday that he will push for the creation of a “do not ride” list for Amtrak. The list would be similar to the no-fly list that keeps those suspected of terrorism from ...

Obama pays tribute to unit in bin Laden raid
Post Date: 2011-05-07 04:53:16 by noone222
(Reuters) - President Barack Obama, basking in U.S. public approval for the killing of Osama bin Laden, flew to a military base in Kentucky on Friday to thank special forces who carried out the deadly raid and led a rally filled with cheering troops. With his poll numbers up and even Republican critics congratulating him for the bin Laden operation, Obama paid tribute to the elite military team in a secrecy-shrouded meeting at Fort Campbell five days after announcing the al Qaeda leader was dead. Commandos who conducted the assault on bin Laden's compound in Pakistan gave Obama first-hand accounts of what happened, and he awarded them the highest presidential honor a military unit ...

Mike Huckabee's Revealing Holocaust Gaffe
Post Date: 2011-05-05 17:46:03 by X-15
New York - The former governor thinks he can get away with comparing higher taxes to the Holocaust because of his “unequalled friendship” with Israel. But is he really an ally of the Jewish community? After all he’s done for Israel, Mike Huckabee does not appreciate being criticized for comparing American debt to the Holocaust. Thus on Tuesday, when the Anti-Defamation League’s Abraham Foxman chastised him for doing just that, he responded with anger and a hint of menace, saying, “Israel and Jewish people need to make friends, not insult the ones they have.” Such words are unlikely to convince many Jews that Huckabee is their ally. The statement should serve ...

Trump vs. Private Property
Post Date: 2011-05-03 08:04:33 by Eric Stratton
Trump vs. Private Property If real-estate magnate/pink-slip impresario Donald Trump can’t comb over his hair plausibly, how does he expect to convincingly coif his wheeler-dealer track record? Over the past several months, Trump has been making disturbing noises about pursuing the GOP presidential nomination. Perhaps those encouraging him want the Republicans to remain almost as unpalatable to freedom-loving folk as the Democrats. Trump has an atrocious track record when it comes to limited government and private property. Like many developers in collusion with bureaucrats and the tax man, he doesn’t hesitate to use eminent domain to steal what ain’t his. All in the name ...

Bush Home Buzzing After Bin Laden Killing
Post Date: 2011-05-02 13:39:30 by X-15
DALLAS (AP) – Flag-waving supporters left flowers and patriotic red, white and blue balloons outside the Dallas home of former President George W. Bush Monday in the hours that followed the U.S.-led mission that killed Osama bin Laden. “Thank you President Bush,” said a sign left on the gate outside the street leading to the secluded Bush residence. About a dozen people gathered near his security-tight residence until a thunderstorm rolled into the area early Monday. Bush, who was home when he learned of bin Laden’s death late Sunday, released a statement congratulating President Barack Obama and praising the U.S. military personnel involved in the operation in ...

Poll: who should be the 2012 Republican candidate for POTUS?
Post Date: 2011-04-25 15:07:20 by X-15
[ ] Rand Paul [ ] Mitt Romney [ ] Mike Huckabee [ ] Sarah Palin [ ] Tim Pawlenty [ ] Donald Trump [ ] Haley Barbour [ ] Ron Paul [ ] Newt Gingrich [ ] Michele Bachmann [ ] Jeb Bush [ ] John Bolton [ ] Whoever is most willing, male or female, to be Israel's bitch. [ ] other Poster Comment:discuss.

Tavistock Institute: Glenn Beck's Conspiracy Credentials
Post Date: 2011-04-19 00:29:08 by Coral Snake
Tavistock Institute: Glenn Beck's Conspiracy Credentials Paul A Drockton M.A. Glenn Beck is leaving Illuminatis Extraordinaire Ruport Murdoch's Fox News and going "independant" so he can tell us the whole truth behind the Satanic Psychopathic Conspiracy. Yet, the truth about Glenn Beck's relationship with Fox News is that they were never his Primary Employer. "Forbes has an interesting article about the sources of Glenn Beck's income. Interestingly, only $2 million of his $32 million annual salary comes from his Fox News show where he gets most of his publicity. The majority of the money comes from his radio and publishing empire. It could be said that Fox ...

Poll: What really goes on at the Bohemian Grove?
Post Date: 2011-04-09 23:31:29 by X-15
[ ] Gay sex [ ] Hard drugs, and lots of 'em [ ] Human sacrifice [ ] All of the above [ ]Something even worse (please elaborate) [ ] None of the above; just drinking and fratboy hijinks

Post Date: 2011-04-06 08:48:42 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Kick back with Andrew Klavan and enjoy the roaring, soaring, constitution ignoring days of Obama's Recovery Summer. It's sunny. It's funny. But I'm out of work honey. With unemployment over 9%, what isn't there to love? At least it isn't the grim old days of George W. Bush when unemployment was below 6% and General Petraeus was leading a surge. http://www.PJTV.com. Poster Comment:================================================== No mention of the largest invasion of illegal aliens or the historic outsourcing of American jobs from 2000 ~ 2008. Obama is simply Bush III.

This Is What Happens When Establishment Control Of The Media Cracks For A Moment
Post Date: 2011-04-04 15:57:43 by X-15
Every once in a while, establishment control of the mainstream media cracks for a moment. In an effort to achieve higher ratings, mainstream news programs will invite guests on that promise to be "interesting", but then they will say something that is not part of the script and the entire system will go into a state of chaos for a moment. One example of this happened recently when two CNN "infobabes" interviewed former CIA officer Michael Scheuer about the situation on the ground in Libya. They asked Scheuer some questions regarding the role of the CIA in Libya, but the interview rapidly moved in some directions that the "infobabes" were not anticipating. ...

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