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Who Are the Jews Behind Palin in 2012?
Post Date: 2010-05-05 19:34:43 by X-15
When Sarah Palin was asked by Barbara Walters late last year whether she supported a freeze on settlement growth in the West Bank, Palin issued an emphatic no. But her reasoning confounded many: “More and more Jewish people will be flocking to Israel in the days and weeks and months ahead. And I don’t think that the Obama administration has any right to tell Israel that the Jewish settlements cannot expand.” Who were these Jews, and why were they “flocking”? Those predisposed to be critical of the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential nominee, such as writer and blogger Jeffrey Goldberg, saw Palin’s evangelical Christian roots showing. She ...

Black Hopefuls Pick This Year in G.O.P. Races (32 AA's pre-selected)
Post Date: 2010-05-05 11:01:19 by hondo68
Among the many reverberations of President Obama’s election, here is one he probably never anticipated: at least 32 African-Americans are running for Congress this year as Republicans, the biggest surge since Reconstruction, according to party officials. The House has not had a black Republican since 2003, when J. C. Watts of Oklahoma left after eight years. But now black Republicans are running across the country — from a largely white swath of beach communities in Florida to the suburbs of Phoenix, where an African-American candidate has raised more money than all but two of his nine (white) Republican competitors in the primary. Party officials and the candidates themselves ...

Sociopath nation: The New York Times on Iran.
Post Date: 2010-04-28 14:22:43 by F.A. Hayek Fan
We are ruled by sociopaths and here is all the proof you need tightly encapsulated in one New York Times editorial: 264 Days and Counting This one editorial lays bare for the world to see the criminally insane collective mindset of American political, media, and corporate elites. Today is the 264th day that three American "hikers" were arrested by Iranian border guards after wandering over the border from Iraq . . . and the New York Times is outraged at Iran over this and chose today to take them to task: Nine months. Two-hundred-sixty-four days. However you total it up, it is too long for three Americans to be cruelly, and unfairly, held in an Iranian jail. Shane Bauer, ...

Abu Zubaydah: Tortured for Nothing
Post Date: 2010-04-17 22:26:53 by F.A. Hayek Fan
The story of Abu Zubaydah — a Saudi-born Palestinian whose real name is Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husayn — has always been absolutely central to the “war on terror.” Seized in a house raid in Faisalabad, Pakistan, on March 28, 2002, he was immediately touted as “al-Qaeda’s chief of operations and top recruiter,” who would be able to “provide the names of terrorists around the world and which targets they planned to hit.” He then pretty much vanished off the face of the earth for four and a half years. In September 2006, he resurfaced in Guantánamo, when President Bush announced that he was one of 14 “high-value detainees,” ...

Response to a "friend's E-Mail" (MONKEYS and ORGAN GRINDERS)
Post Date: 2010-04-16 05:34:18 by noone222
I'm replying to this video (http://apathetic-usa.com/) because it's a unilateral attack upon the Democrap Party by the Republicrap Party both of which ignore the Constitution, and in its own way this video keeps the masses (that's you) intellectually CHAINED to the two party FRAUD that plays the good cop / bad cop routine like a fiddle that ALL IDIOT VOTERS and BRAIN DEAD TAXPAYERS dance to just like the little monkeys do for political organ grinders like Grover Norquist, Dick Morris, James Carville, or Bob Beckel. I warned people about Clinton, to no avail. I warned people against Bush Jr., to no avail. I have warned people for 25 years that "our" (THEIR) system is ...

So What Happened to Iraq?
Post Date: 2010-04-15 09:14:37 by Eric Stratton
So What Happened to Iraq? Victor Davis Hanson Thursday, April 15, 2010 Six years ago, the conventional wisdom was that Ayad Allawi, then prime minister of the appointed Iraqi Interim Government, was a puppet of the United States. Last month, though, the Allawi-led Iraqiya alliance won, by a narrow margin, more parliamentary seats than any other coalition in national elections -- and he may become the country's next prime minister. The secular Allawi successfully campaigned on the message of curbing religious interference in government -- countering the often-argued charge that the U.S. has created a radical Islamic republic in Iraq. Indeed, as we look back at our years in Iraq, ...

Obama to the World: Damn America, Full Speed Ahead
Post Date: 2010-04-14 08:43:44 by Eric Stratton
Obama to the World: Damn America, Full Speed Ahead Ben Shapiro Wednesday, April 14, 2010 In February 1945, three world leaders -- FDR, Stalin and Churchill -- gathered in Yalta, in Crimea, to discuss the fate of post-war Europe. At that conference, FDR signed away half of Germany, all of Poland, enslavement of the German population to the Soviet Union. While the conference suggested that liberated countries would be granted free elections, no enforcement mechanism was put in place, so the Soviets effectively annexed every piece of land they occupied. FDR insisted he had not been duped. "Poor Neville Chamberlain believed he could trust Hitler," FDR said days after the conference. ...

Masonic Handshake
Post Date: 2010-04-12 11:32:46 by Itistoolate

Obama In the Nuclear World: The Enemy is War Itself [Neocon Imperialism Alert]
Post Date: 2010-04-11 11:19:58 by Eric Stratton
Obama In the Nuclear World: The Enemy is War Itself Austin Hill Sunday, April 11, 2010 If President Obama weakens America, will the world be more “fair?” Back on September 20th of 2009, I authored a column that pondered this very question. At that time, our President was still holding frequent press briefings in which he reminded us of the terrible $1.3 trillion deficit that he “inherited” from his successor, while ignoring the fact that he had spent more than half that amount in one, so-called “economic stimulus” bill, and had implemented an annual budget costing an additional $3.6 trillion. At that time, our President had also alienated a good bit of ...

Post Date: 2010-04-11 06:51:23 by noone222
1. If the primary election for president were held today, for whom would you vote? Please check the box by the candidate of your choice. Newt Gingrich 18% Mike Huckabee 4% Gary Johnson 1% Sarah Palin 18% Ron Paul 24% (438 votes) Tim Pawlenty 3% Mike Pence 3% Mitt Romney 24% (439 votes) Rick Santorum 2% 2. Who would be your second choice in the Republican Primary Election for president? Newt Gingrich 19% Mike Huckabee 10% Gary Johnson 6% Sarah Palin 18% Ron Paul 5% Tim Pawlenty 6% Mike Pence 8% Mitt Romney 13% Rick Santorum 7% Read more: www.politico.com/news/sto.../35620.html#ixzz0kmsLrinM Poster Comment:This is a perfect example of the dishonesty that rules Party ...

The Grievance Machine
Post Date: 2010-04-10 10:09:52 by Eric Stratton
The Grievance Machine Michael Gerson Friday, April 09, 2010 WASHINGTON -- What is so wrong about Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell declaring April to be Confederate History Month? Can't we respect Robert E. Lee's high-minded sense of honor? The average Confederate soldier's outnumbered stubbornness? Americans can appreciate these things, and do. But when a public official celebrates Confederate history without mentioning slavery, there is a problem. The historical context of secession was the defense of slavery -- what Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens called the "cornerstone" of the Southern cause. Downplaying this context, as McDonnell initially did before ...

Republican threatens filibuster if next Supreme Court nominee stands up ‘for the little guy’
Post Date: 2010-04-04 19:56:08 by tom007
Republican threatens filibuster if next Supreme Court nominee stands up ‘for the little guy’ By David Edwards and Gavin Dahl Sunday, April 4th, 2010 -- 10:53 am submit to reddit Stumble This! 123Share scotussupremecourt112007 Republican threatens filibuster if next Supreme Court nominee stands up for the little guyThere is not yet a vacancy on the Supreme Court but the second-ranking Republican in the Senate is already planning a strategy of opposing President Barack Obama's potential nominee. Jon Kyl (R-Az) told Fox News' Chris Wallace that Republicans are prepared to fight a nominee who might stick up for the little guy, a position he called "overly ...

Scott Horton Interview with Jesse Trentadue re; OKC Bombing
Post Date: 2010-04-04 02:22:24 by noone222
http://www.scotthortonshow.com/2...-radio-jesse-trentadue-2/ Poster Comment:I thought the interview reinforces the idea that government agent infiltrators (infil-traitors)are standard procedure for nearly every bullshit arrest or bombing that has taken place since OKC. It also sounded to me as if Trentadue has found out that Morris Dees (the faggot from SPLC) and his Southern Poverty Liars Center is actually an FBI cutout that side steps laws that prevent the FEDS from violating religious organizations.

Post Date: 2010-03-30 15:50:07 by X-15
SEAN HANNITY’S FREEDOM CONCERT SCAM: ALMOST NONE OF CHARITY’S $ WENT TO INJURED TROOPS, KIDS OF FALLEN TROOPS; G5S FOR VANNITY? For the last several years, Sean Hannity and the Freedom Alliance “charity” have conducted “Freedom Concerts” across America. They’ve told you that they are raising money to pay for the college tuition of the children of fallen soldiers and to pay severely wounded war vets. And on Friday Night, Hannity will be honored with an award for this “Outstanding Community Service by a Radio Talk Show Host” at Talkers Magazine’s convention. But it’s all a huge scam. In fact, less than 20%–and in two recent ...

Buzzkill at the Tea Party
Post Date: 2010-03-24 17:15:12 by F.A. Hayek Fan
They were certainly not the proudest moments in what has been called the Tea Party Movement: activists on Capitol Hill this weekend to oppose the Democratic health-care bill accused of slinging the N-bomb at black lawmakers, screaming "baby killer" at Rep. Bart Stupak, calling openly gay Rep. Barney Frank a "faggot," and spitting on Missouri Democrat Rep. Emanuel Cleaver. These Washington Post reports and others, which were denied in part by the Washington Times and the right-wing blogosphere, nonetheless became part of the full front-page coverage of the health care debate drama, which climaxed with House passage of the legislation Sunday night. Obama is expected to ...

Neocons Still Clueless
Post Date: 2010-03-23 06:11:34 by Eric Stratton
Judging by the flurry of neocon penned articles this morning, the neocons are still clueless with their hope in a corrupt and defunct political process. After that they appear to be resigned to the notion that it is indeed "game over" for liberty. What strikes me as hilarious amid the cataclysmic horror of it all, is how Douche "Trust Me Folks, We're Winning!" Lameblow who used to utter that byline fairly often for years and as recently as approximately two years ago, all of a sudden appears to be hopeless in the matter suggesting that millions, including himself of course, are willing to go to jail for non-compliance with the new "health care" ...

Tom Hanks: Stupid Is as Stupid Does
Post Date: 2010-03-21 08:22:38 by Eric Stratton
Tom Hanks: Stupid Is as Stupid Does Doug Giles Saturday, March 20, 2010 What the heck is wrong with Hollywood’s elite? Do they reach a certain monetary threshold, receive an Academy Award or a Golden Globe, and then get whisked away to a secret B. F. Skinner lab in Hollywood where “they” suck the brains out of their skulls and install the Michael Moore Crap-O-Matic, which programs the talented and successful abductee to think and say that America is the devil on any and all issues? Is that what happens? For an amazing actor and director, especially one who has focused so much on the World War II era, it’s clear that Tom Hanks has jumped the sane shark of historical ...

There Will Be Blood! [Sounds good, ... punchline's at the end]
Post Date: 2010-03-21 08:14:44 by Eric Stratton
There Will Be Blood! Joseph C. Phillips Sunday, March 21, 2010 I’m not crazy about congressional Democrats right now. As I write this, Congressional Democrats are engaged in a furious partisan battle to pass their idea of healthcare reform. Alas it is an idea the majority of Americans do not share. It is in fact an idea that the majority of congressmen do not share, which is why President Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are twisting arms, bribing, cajoling and threatening all manner of mischief in order to eek out a majority vote – or non vote -- on a bill the people have made clear they do not want. They may succeed. I am not all that enamored of Congressional Republicans ...

A Republican Is Someone Who Thinks...
Post Date: 2010-03-16 00:13:29 by F.A. Hayek Fan
*That unemployment compensation for laid-off workers is socialism and multibillion-dollar bailouts for banking and stock swindlers is capitalism. *That killing women and children with high explosives in remote corners of the earth is defending “our way of life.” *That the purpose of education is to train good workers. *That immigration is good because it supplies good cheap workers. *That Earl Warren, Nelson Rockefeller, Gerald Ford, George W. Bush, Newt Gingrich, Rudy Giuliani, Colin Powell, and Mitt Romney are great American statesmen. *That the main reason not to train women for combat is that it is inefficient. *That the 10th Amendment means that the federal government ...

Conservative Leninists and the War on Terror
Post Date: 2010-03-15 23:51:29 by F.A. Hayek Fan
One long-standing hallmark of Western conservative thought is the emphasis on the rule of law. Earlier generations of conservatives understood that, without such constraints, liberty would be imperiled and a free society would ultimately descend into tyranny. As Lord Acton observed, “Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” Even during the 20th century, most conservatives were wary of unfettered pragmatism, and they viewed with horror the assertion of Vladimir Lenin and his communist followers that the end justifies the means. To the contrary, conservatives stressed that even when the goals were worthy, the use of unconstitutional, illegal, or immoral means ...

Glenn Beck Finally Gets Around To Denouncing Bruce Springsteen
Post Date: 2010-03-15 19:33:29 by Ferret
You wouldn't think this was possible, but Glenn Beck had apparently never actually sat down and listened to Bruce Springsteen's "Born In The USA," never heard the lyrics, never formed a familiarity with the song's storied history in American politics, until this week, I guess? Anyway, now that he's heard that the song isn't some glorious tongue-bath to American exceptionalism, he's denouncing it on the radio. Per Lindsay Beyerstein: Twenty-six years after the release of Bruce Springsteen's hit song, "Born in The USA," conservative talk show host/performance artist Glenn Beck finally got around to listening to the lyrics. Beck was shocked, ...

Prayer Warriors and Palin Organizing Spiritual Warfare to Take Over America
Post Date: 2010-03-15 13:51:00 by Ferret
Imagine a religious movement that makes geographic maps of where demons reside and claims among its adherents the Republican Party's most recent vice presidential nominee and whose leaders have presided over prayer sessions (one aimed at putting the kibosh on health-care reform) with a host of leading GOP figures. It's a movement whose followers played a significant role in the battle over Proposition 8, California's anti-same-sex marriage initiative, and Uganda's infamous proposed Anti-Homosexuality Law, more commonly associated with the Family, a religious network of elites drawn from the ranks of business and government throughout the world. But the movement we're ...

The Rogue Nation
Post Date: 2010-03-13 19:04:46 by F.A. Hayek Fan
In spite of the fact that the United States faces no enemy anywhere in the world capable of opposing it on a battlefield, the Defense budget for 2011 will go up 7.1 percent from current levels. A lot of the new spending will be on drones, America’s latest contribution to western civilization, capable of surveilling large areas on the ground and delivering death from the skies. It is a peculiarly American vision of warfare, with a "pilot" sitting at a desk half a world away and pressing a button that can kill a target far below. Hygienic and mechanical, it is a bit like a video game with no messy cleanup afterwards. The recently released United States Quadrennial Defense ...

(Iraqi) Women Miss Sadaam
Post Date: 2010-03-13 18:59:12 by F.A. Hayek Fan
BAGHDAD – Under Saddam Hussein, women in government got a year’s maternity leave; that is now cut to six months. Under the Personal Status Law in force since Jul. 14, 1958, when Iraqis overthrew the British-installed monarchy, Iraqi women had most of the rights that Western women do. Now they have Article 2 of the Constitution: "Islam is the official religion of the state and is a basic source of legislation." Sub-head A says "No law can be passed that contradicts the undisputed rules of Islam." Under this Article the interpretation of women’s rights is left to religious leaders – and many of them are under Iranian influence. "The U.S. ...

Real Patriots Uphold Our Values
Post Date: 2010-03-13 18:51:48 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Impugning the patriotism of others is the favorite sport of flag-wrapped conservatives who have a cribbed view of love of country. These folks become apoplectic when liberals criticize war-making and are fond of telling people on the left: America, love it or leave it. That is, until the commander in chief is not one whom they voted for. Then they join Tea Parties or found organizations to throw verbal stink bombs in the direction of the president. The hypocrisy eludes them. Keep America Safe is a conservative advocacy organization run by Liz Cheney, daughter of the former vice president. Its reason for being is to push out a drumbeat of material that traduces the Obama ...

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