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She's Not There ... Sarah Palin Theme Song
Post Date: 2008-10-08 06:13:06 by noone222

More charter school failure—this time on Jeb's watch
Post Date: 2008-10-06 19:19:08 by buckeye
One school board in Florida has had it with charter schools. Charter schools, you will recall, are that wonderful Republican invention that was supposed to "save" public education by privatizing it in much the same way that investment accounts are supposed to "save" Social Security by privatizing it. In fact, the No Child Left Behind Act actually offers to "failing" schools the option of converting themselves into charter schools—where they may continue to fail without public scrutiny. Naturally, Florida Governor Jeb Bush thinks they're just dandy. From the perspective of the Hillsborough County School Board the charter schools in the Tampa area have ...

The secret of anti-Americanism
Post Date: 2008-10-04 22:50:13 by buckeye
As a young American living outside the US I often found myself exposed to the odd belief system that's often called "anti-Americanism." I had trouble understanding how or why anyone could think this way. Reality, which my father brought home every night in the slim and serious form of the Herald Trib, was one thing, and anti-Americanism quite another.And yet the creed seemed quite popular. Moreover, it was no peasant superstition. If anything, the local elites - with whose spawn I was of course raised, and whose wealth and sophistication were undeniable - tended to be the most anti-American around. If anyone was pro-American, it was the people farther down the food chain. This ...

Justice Department sues Dayton over hiring practices
Post Date: 2008-09-30 22:47:19 by X-15
DAYTON — The U.S. Department of Justice has filed a lawsuit against the City of Dayton, alleging the city has discriminated against blacks through its hiring practices for police officers and firefighters. The lawsuit, filed Friday, Sept. 26, has been expected since Dayton Law Director Pat Bonfield received an Aug. 29 letter from the justice department. The city was notified about the lawsuit on Monday. Bonfield was not available for comment Tuesday morning. The city has 20 days to file an answer to the filed complaint. The lawsuit states that the city's civilian labor force is about 36.8 percent black. Of the 440 police officers in all ranks, only 9.1 percent is black. Only ...

A Grim Fairy Tale
Post Date: 2008-09-28 19:49:41 by Ada
Once upon a time there lived an emperor who had three sons. The emperor was getting old, and began grooming a replacement. He soon concluded that one of the sons, a simpleton called Clever Jorg, could never succeed him. Jorg spent his days at the local tavern amusing the barmaids. He was a happy-go-lucky sort, less industrious than his brothers. But since fairy tale protocol requires that the happy-go-lucky simpleton get the throne/princess in the end, Clever Jorg wound up wearing ermine. Some of the peasants laughed when they heard Jorg was going to run the show. "At least this might be entertaining," they said. Others did not laugh. "At best this might be ...

Breaking News: McCain suspends campaign to work on bailout [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-09-24 14:53:09 by X-15

Post Date: 2008-09-24 03:07:24 by wudidiz
64. To: NterTained Lurker (#61) What's this? Are you wetting yourself now little girl? yukon  posted on  2008-09-24   02:00:41 ET  Reply   Trace 65. To: satadru (#59) They are getting weaker and their Tourette is getting funnier. I agree there! LOL! If Saint Sarah could only see how these tards are representing her... tsk... tsk... tsk... NterTained Lurker  posted on  2008-09-24   02:00:44 ET  Reply   Trace 66. To: NewTurded Loser (#52) Another infamous coward and liar appears! Are you still beating your husband New Turd? Mad Dog  posted on  2008-09-24   02:00:46 ET  Reply   Trace 67. To: NterTained ...

The American way or the highway: Get ready, world. Managed mass democracy and market capitalism are coming. It'll be good for you. We promise
Post Date: 2008-09-22 10:45:05 by Destro
The American way or the highway Get ready, world. Managed mass democracy and market capitalism are coming. It'll be good for you. We promise Michael Dougherty guardian.co.uk, Tuesday September 16 2008 21:00 BST Don't you dream of the day when Iraqis, South Ossetians or whoever - Africans? - can have the plenitude of blessings that democracy brings? I know I do. I have a dream that one day international media conglomerates will poll Iraqis in Anbar province on the latest "gaffe" of Nouri al-Maliki. Won't that be liberating? I dream of a Fox News affiliate in the Caucuses that informs the South Ossetians on what South Ossetians think of Mikhail Sakashvilli's ...

Cheney must keep records, judge orders
Post Date: 2008-09-20 22:15:42 by Ferret Mike
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Vice President Dick Cheney must preserve a broad range of records from his time in office, a federal judge ordered Saturday, ruling in favor of a private watchdog group. U.S. District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly found that the records are not excluded from preservation under Presidential Records Act, which gives the national archivist responsibility over the custody of and access to the records at the end of a president's final term. The Bush administration had sought a narrow interpretation of the act to allow for fewer materials to be preserved by the National Archives. "Defendants were only willing to agree to a preservation order that tracked their ...

The Neocons' Palin Project
Post Date: 2008-09-16 11:29:12 by Rupert_Pupkin
PJB: The Neocons’ Palin Project Posted By Linda On September 16, 2008 @ 12:55 am In PJB Columns | 9 Comments By Patrick J. Buchanan Will the neocons who tutored George W. Bush in the ideology he pursued to the ruin of his presidency do the same for Sarah Palin? Should they succeed, they will destroy her. Yet, they are moving even now to capture this princess of the right and hope of the party. In St. Paul, Palin was told to cancel a meeting with Phyllis Schlafly and pro-life conservatives. McCain’s operatives said Palin had to rest for her Wednesday convention speech. Yet, on Tuesday, Palin was behind closed doors with Joe Lieberman and officials of the Israeli lobby AIPAC. ...

Where is the money?
Post Date: 2008-09-16 06:12:01 by Itisa1mosttoolate

N&O to distribute controversial DVD
Post Date: 2008-09-12 22:15:44 by Eoghan
Bundled in The News & Observer tomorrow is a DVD of a controversial documentary film on Islam that has stirred anger on college campuses and led the Florida attorney general to form a Muslim advisory board in the wake of community objections. The film, "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Against the West," features scenes of Muslim children being encouraged to become suicide bombers, interspersed with those of Nazi rallies. The two-year-old film was produced by Raphael Shore, a Canadian who lives in Israel, and directed by Wayne Kopping of South Africa. When no traditional film distributors picked it up, it was screened on college campuses. This month -- just in time for ...

Letter From Tallahassee ~Hail to the Empress Moosalina~
Post Date: 2008-09-12 21:33:46 by angle
Listen, mister, I'm pretty sure that lady is crazy. She thinks the earth is only 6,000 years old, like God put the fossils here to mess with our heads. She thinks no woman should have an abortion, even if she is raped by her smackhead older brother. She thinks global warming is nothing to do with our SUVs or tumble dryers or coal-fired power plants or air conditioners or airplanes or over-zealous central heating, oh no. It's all perfectly natural. She thinks guns are good, but books not so much. She thinks Jesus wanted us to invade Iraq. She thinks the only sex education kids should get is abstinence. If you let them find out about condoms, they'll be at it like prairie dogs ...

John Ashton Touches The Third Rail: Anyone Who Claims Palin Is Ready To Be President Is A Fucking Moron
Post Date: 2008-09-09 13:35:41 by Indrid Cold
August 30, 2008 – They just gave their new child two middle names. Why two? Because, they wanted the second one to be Van. Why? Because they thought it would be cute to have their child's name be Van Palin. You know, it sounds like Van Halen. Funny, huh? No, I didn't make this up. Let the right-wing propaganda machine that dominates the media play their victimization routine and claim it is simply unfair and wrong to question her readiness for the most important, complex office on the planet. However, this is The Moderate Independent, and we only speak truth here. And the truth we learned today is that John McCain is a fucking idiot who just put our nation at risk for the ...

The Neocons As They Are - Wimps - And Response
Post Date: 2008-09-08 20:57:54 by Destro
The Neocons As They Are - Wimps - And Response posted August 15, 2008 The events of the past week in the former Soviet satellite state of Georgia show definitively the current U.S. President is a weakling. Could he have been more wrong when a few years ago he claimed to have looked into the eyes of Vladimir Putin and saw his (Putin’s) soul and concluded that, "he is a good man?" Undoubtedly, the U.S. President suffers from a false delusion of grandeur; an affliction most of the Neocons suffer too. This administration enticed Georgia into conflict with Russia, and when it came right down to it the administration blinked. Russia isn't a small demoralized country in the ...

Palin's Hockey Rink Leads To Legal Trouble in the Town She Led
Post Date: 2008-09-08 10:35:52 by angle
WASILLA, Alaska -- The biggest project that Sarah Palin undertook as mayor of this small town was an indoor sports complex, where locals played hockey, soccer, and basketball, especially during the long, dark Alaskan winters. The only catch was that the city began building roads and installing utilities for the project before it had unchallenged title to the land. The misstep led to years of litigation and at least $1.3 million in extra costs for a small municipality with a small budget. What was to be Ms. Palin's legacy has turned into a financial mess that continues to plague Wasilla. "It's too bad that the city of Wasilla didn't do their homework and secure the land ...

La Russophobe Uncovered? (neocon front)
Post Date: 2008-09-07 21:38:28 by Destro
La Russophobe Uncovered? Published August 13th, 2008 The neoconservatives in Washington, DC have gotten the result they so desperately wanted. Russia is now the enemy again, NATO is needed more than ever, insane military spending can be justified, and…. oh, we almost forgot, American is still fighting two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. (Note: sarcasm) I have to be honest, I don’t really know that much about the neocons. Sure, I’d read all the normal articles and vaguely knew the names (Wolfowitz, Podhoretz, Chaney, Pipes etc.) but I kind of dismissed them as kooks. My bad! Dumb move by me. These guys actually run our country. Talking to a neoconservative is a bit like ...

Neocon Gotterdammerung (New York Sun May Close)
Post Date: 2008-09-06 16:55:58 by Destro
Neocon Gotterdammerung (New York Sun May Close) Filed under Opinion Editorials, Media objectivity, USA foreign policy, Iraq war, Neo-Cons - on Friday, May 09, 2008 - By: Weiss, Philip Just received a note from Jack Ross saying "Kahanist Thunderbolt Is Going Under!" It referred me to this editorial from Seth Lipsky, editor of the New York Sun, warning that the paper is scrambling for new funding and may well close by the end of the month: "If we fail, the newspaper and its voice will die." A few quick thoughts. Financial genius Bruce Kovner was a backer of the paper. Kovner the supporter of Juilliard has supported many neocon ventures but lately was seen giving ...

Russians raided Israeli airfields in Georgia that were to be used against Iran
Post Date: 2008-09-06 14:46:49 by Rotara
Friday, September 05, 2008 Russians raided Israeli airfields in Georgia that were to be used against Iran UPI's Arnaud De Borchgrave is reporting that one of the reasons that Russia started a war with Georgia last month was as a pretext to raid two airfields that Tbilisi allowed Israel to use as forward bases for an attack against Iran's nuclear facilities. In a secret agreement between Israel and Georgia, two military airfields in southern Georgia had been earmarked for the use of Israeli fighter-bombers in the event of pre-emptive attacks against Iranian nuclear installations. This would sharply reduce the distance Israeli fighter-bombers would have to fly to hit ...

The Man Behind Palin's Speech (Wrote for Dubya)
Post Date: 2008-09-06 10:23:06 by buckeye
As Democrats and Barack Obama's campaign scrambled to attack Sarah Palin's well-received acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minn., on Wednesday night, they latched on early and hard to the fact that it was penned by former Bush speechwriter Matthew Scully. But the story is more complicated than just the recycling of a Bush staffer into John McCain's fold, and it tells you more about how McCain's camp intends to use Palin than it does about the continuing influence of the current White House. The clues are in the text itself. Scully started working on the vice-presidential speech a week ago, before he or anyone else knew who the nominee ...

Sarah Palin Needs to Step Aside ... And James Dobson Is Just a Sorry Religious Hustler [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-09-06 01:01:47 by snoopdougg
I commend Bristol Palin on deciding to go through with her pregnancy and her plans to marry Levi Johnston. I also commend Sarah Palin for not rushing her daughter off to an abortionist because a pregnant, unwed 17-year-old daughter might tarnish her political image.That said, Sarah Palin needs to step aside and let someone else be John McCain’s vice presidential nominee.In a constitutional world, vice presidents would have a simple job with just two duties: break ties in the Senate and hope and pray that the president doesn’t meet an untimely demise.We do not live in such a world. The vice presidency, like every other aspect of the federal government, has grown grotesquely out of ...

Post Date: 2008-09-05 18:13:43 by Rotara
Barack Obama, who has not been “vetted” by the FBI for the position of president of the United States, received his “first high level briefing” on Tuesday from the office of the Director of National Intelligence, CNN has reported. “Obama was given the briefing at the FBI field office in Chicago,” the cable channel said, from a “team of intelligence experts.” But why should Obama, with a documented history of contacts with communists and terrorists, be trusted with this information? What procedures are in place to make sure that Obama and/or his aides do not disclose any of this information to foreign or hostile interests? Will somebody in the media ...

Sarah Palin: The New Face of Neocon Foreign Policy?
Post Date: 2008-09-05 05:27:29 by wudidiz
Sarah Palin: The New Face of Neocon Foreign Policy?Posted September 4, 2008 Last night, vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin gave a speech at the Republican National Convention which served as the first major address by a candidate who only a week ago many Americans had never even heard of. And while much of the speech was dedicated to introducing herself and her family to the American public (particularly her son Track who is being deployed to Iraq next week), it also provided the first serious glimpse at what turned out to be an unadulteratedly neoconservative position on foreign policy: a year old video of her declaring the Iraq War a task from God notwithstanding. Twice in her ...

Liberal plot to discredit conservatism is Kristol clear (Kristol-Strauss-Trotsky-Fobama Alert)
Post Date: 2008-09-05 00:15:41 by Rotara
If you were a member of the liberal media who wanted to discredit conservative thought in America, how would you do it? Here's an idea: Search for the most incompetent commentator in America, a guy who still hasn't figured out the Iraq War was a classic example of big-government bungling. Make sure this guy's not a self-made man; far better to hire someone who got his start in life thanks to a famous father. Better yet, make sure the father in question is one of the primary creators of a thoroughly wacky system of thought that has its roots in the fevered rantings of a Russian revolutionary. So far, so good. And for a finishing touch, once you find this nutcase, you then label ...

US gives $1bn to rebuild Georgia
Post Date: 2008-09-04 14:03:52 by X-15
The US has announced $1bn (£564m) of aid to Georgia for reconstruction after the conflict with Russia. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the aid would be used to rebuild houses and infrastructure - but not for military purposes. Georgia has requested $2bn in funding from the international community. Fighting between Russia and Georgia began on 7 August after the Georgian military tried to retake the breakaway region of South Ossetia by force. Russian forces launched a counter-attack and the conflict ended with the ejection of Georgian troops from both South Ossetia and another breakaway region, Abkhazia. Russia has since recognised the independence of both regions. ...

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