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Has Everybody Noticed This
Post Date: 2008-06-24 10:13:47 by bush_is_a_moonie
As the election nears does anybody find this to be a bit odd? Click on the URL source for the PNAC.

The Bushes and Hitler's Appeasement
Post Date: 2008-06-22 11:57:49 by Rotara
by: Robert Parry, Consortium News Prescott Bush and son George H. W. Bush The irony of George W. Bush going before the Knesset and mocking the late Sen. William Borah for expressing surprise at Adolf Hitler's 1939 invasion of Poland is that Bush's own family played a much bigger role assisting the Nazis.     If Borah, an isolationist Republican from Idaho, sounded naive saying "Lord, if only I could have talked to Hitler, all of this might have been avoided," then what should be said about Bush's grandfather and other members of his family providing banking and industrial assistance to the Nazis as they built their war machine in the 1930s? ...

Militarized Police Celebrate Killing Americans ( Notches on side of APC reveal horror of bloodlust)
Post Date: 2008-06-20 15:42:22 by Rotara
A former US Army tank driver asserts that two figures depicted on the side of an APC SWAT tank that was recently used to protect cops from the deadly threat of women and children during the raid of a West Texas polygamist retreat actually represents the amount of people killed by police. Gary Roberts, a veteran Army tank driver in the 80's, relates to us the fact that the two figures etched into the side of the US M113 Armored Personnel Carrier denote "kills," as in how many people the SWAT unit has killed. The other image appears to depict a vehicle, according to Roberts. Roberts appeared on The Alex Jones Show today to confirm the fact that Midland County police are ...

AFP Reporter Grills Dan Rather on Bilderberg
Post Date: 2008-06-18 13:24:02 by Rotara
AFP grilled former CBS News anchorman Dan Rather and former CNN Commentator Catherine Crier, among others, about the Bilderberg Group during the National Conference for Media Reform in Minneapolis, June 6-8. Bilderberg was meeting in Chantilly, Va. at the same time.Rather denied even having heard of the Bilderberg Group when asked about this matter by AFP during a June 7 press conference attended by 25 other reporters. Despite gestures from a moderator to keep the questions for Rather brief, AFP pressed on to concisely describe Bilderberg to Rather as the very thing he had just mentioned when he answered a previous question and noted that media representatives often are corrupted by rubbing ...

Bilderbergers Leave Confab To Initiate Fresh Orders (NY Fed chief attends secret elites meeting at weekend, calls for global bank framework Monday )
Post Date: 2008-06-17 01:26:30 by Rotara
The president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York called for a global bank framework Monday just hours after leaving the Bilderberg Group meeting in Chantilly, Virginia. According to Bilderberg's list of attendees for this year, present at the secret meeting was Timothy Geithner, the Fed's President in New York. It therefore came as no great shock to see Geithner call for a globalized banking system in this morning's Financial Times. Writing in Monday's Financial Times, Mr Geithner, a key US policymaker throughout the credit crisis and one of the main architects of the rescue of Bear Stearns, says that the US Federal Reserve should play a "central role" in ...

Democrative Socialists of America - Opposition Research (A Brief History of the American Left - Their Words)
Post Date: 2008-06-17 00:43:22 by Rotara
"Promising indeed," Eugene Debs wrote in September l900, "is the outlook for Socialism in the United States. The very contemplation of the prospect is a wellspring of inspiration." Debs, a gifted and militant leader of America's railroad workers, seemed to have been granted a prophetic gift. When he ran for President in 1900 as the candidate of the newly unified socialist movement, he attracted a mere one hundred thousand votes. As the Socialist Party's standard-bearer twelve years later, he won nearly a million votes, some 6 percent of the total. In some states, such as Oklahoma, Washington, and California, the Socialist share of the vote climbed into the double ...

The Violent and Demented Pathology of Michael Reagan
Post Date: 2008-06-16 17:43:59 by christine
In the video clip here, Michael Reagan suggests killing Arab and Muslim babies in the most cruel and inhumane fashion, thus revealing the disgusting and mentally depraved mindset of the neocons. For Reagan and the neocons, there will be peace “when everybody in the Middle East is dead.” Is it possible Reagan wants to one up another scurrilous neocon, Ann Coulter? “We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity,” said Coulter after the September 11 attacks. Coulter’s comment was so crazed and psychotic, the neocons at the National Review fired her, but Coulter did not blink. “I am often asked if I still think we should ...

George W Bush meets Pope amid claims he might convert to Catholicism
Post Date: 2008-06-15 15:23:43 by Rotara
George W Bush and Pope Benedict XVI have held an intimate meeting in Rome as rumours mounted in Italy that the president may follow in Tony Blair's footsteps and convert to Catholicism. President Bush and the Pope spoke for half an hour in the 12th century Tower of St John, usually reserved for the Pope's private reflection The two men spoke for half an hour in the 12th century Tower of St John, a private area in the Vatican gardens which is used by the pope for private reflection. The usual protocol for heads-of-state is a meeting in the pope's library in the Apostolic Palace, but a spokesman for the Vatican said Benedict wanted to reward Mr Bush for the "warmth" ...

Confessions of a Would-Be Bilderberger
Post Date: 2008-06-15 15:03:56 by Rotara
Let me confess this: I just love hobnobbing as a "journalistic courtesan" -- a term used by author Daniel Estulin in The True Story of the Bilderberg Group. The Bilderberg group met early this month in Virginia, USA. And they forgot to invite me. It might be unconscionable of me to be shamelessly attempting to pander to the all powerful on this planet. But since I do not own a "big chunk of land" like Dutch royalty, the Rockefellers or the Rothschilds do, which apparently is a prerequisite to becoming a Bilderberger inductee, my chances of being invited to this very private cafe klatch are slim indeed.Can a Secret Society Wannabe Be a Citizen Journalist? Thanks to good ...

Iraqi PM suggests US might be asked to leave
Post Date: 2008-06-15 14:50:22 by Rotara
Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al Maliki suggested that US forces might be asked to leave if the two countries cannot agree on the new status of forces agreement, McClatchy reported Friday. Maliki, seen above, made the comment after pressure from Shiite lawmakers who feel that Iraq’s sovereignty is threatened by US forces and after talks over the status of forces agreement “reached an impasse,” according to McClatchy. “Iraq has another option that it may use,” Maliki said during a visit to Amman, Jordan. “The Iraqi government, if it wants, has the right to demand that the U.N. terminate the presence of international forces on Iraqi sovereign soil.” ...

More Offensive: Illegal Aliens With Mexico's Flag, Or US Citizens With A Confederate Flag??
Post Date: 2008-06-13 22:23:06 by X-15
One of the most disconcerting aspects of liberal bigots is their insatiable appetite for tearing down anything American in order to build up anti-American sentiment and people. The issue over the Confederate Flag is an excellent example. Most liberals have nothing but contempt for one the most lasting and cherished symbols of the South; preferring to label those who revere the Confederate Flag as red-necked racists and hate mongers. To most liberals, diversity is a terrific concept, except when it spawns tolerance for ideas and practices that the left opposes. Long live liberal fascists? Amazingly enough, those same self-righteous liberals who are so anxious to disembowel American ...

Bush slams anti-US 'propaganda'
Post Date: 2008-06-12 14:52:21 by PSUSA
US President George W Bush has denounced "misinformation and propaganda" which he says are sullying his country's image abroad. On a visit to Italy, he told young entrepreneurs on an exchange programme that going to the US would show them it was compassionate and open. Mr Bush will later hold talks in Rome with Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi. The two leaders are expected to discuss further sanctions against Iran, and the role of Italian troops in Afghanistan. Mr Bush will conclude his visit to Italy on Friday by meeting Pope Benedict XVI. In an unusual break with protocol, they will meet not in the Papal Study, but in the Vatican's gardens. The Holy See said the ...

China Denies Hacking Into U.S. Computers
Post Date: 2008-06-12 14:26:45 by X-15
BEIJING -- China denied accusations by two U.S. lawmakers that it hacked into congressional computers, saying Thursday that as a developing country it wasn't capable of sophisticated cybercrime. "Is there any evidence? ... Do we have such advanced technology? Even I don't believe it," Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang told a regularly scheduled news conference. Rep. Frank Wolf, R-Va., and New Jersey Rep. Chris Smith, a senior Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Wednesday that their office computers were hacked into by people working from China. Both lawmakers, longtime critics of China's human rights record, said the compromised computers had ...

Dear Freepers: It Is Time To Support John McCain
Post Date: 2008-06-10 15:36:34 by X-15
It was only a matter of time....

Cheney Makes Incest Joke About West Virginians
Post Date: 2008-06-03 18:38:13 by Ferret Mike
***UPDATE*** Akers reports that Cheney has now apologized for his West Virginia incest joke: Vice President Dick Cheney has apologized through his spokeswoman for making an offhand joke during a speech at the National Press Club Monday stereotyping West Virginia as a state prone to incest. Cheney spokeswoman Lea Anne McBride tells us, "The Vice President's offhand comment was not meant to hurt anyone. On reflection, he concluded that it was an inappropriate attempt at humor that he should not have made. The Vice President apologizes to the people of West Virginia for the inappropriate remark." Mary Ann Akers of the Washington Post asks if West Virginia was just handed to ...

Man threatened with arrest at Heathrow for wearing Transformers T-shirt
Post Date: 2008-06-03 18:34:36 by Ferret Mike
Brad Jayakody wearing the Transformers T-shift which caused offence at Heathrow An airline passenger claimed that a security guard threatened to arrest him because he was wearing a T-shirt showing a cartoon robot with a gun. Brad Jayakody, 30, from London, said he was stopped from passing through security at Heathrow's Terminal 5 after his Transformers T-shirt was deemed 'offensive.' The IT consultant was set to fly off on a business trip to Dusseldorf in Germany when he was pulled to one side. Mr Jayakody said the first guard started joking with him about the Transformers character depicted on his French Connection T-shirt. '"Then he explains that since Megatron ...

Richardson urges US on aid package for Mexico
Post Date: 2008-06-03 17:34:44 by X-15
MEXICO CITY (AP) — New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson urged U.S. lawmakers Thursday to resolve their differences over an aid package to help Mexico fight drugs, saying it would be "disastrous" for security on both sides of the border if the Merida Initiative fell through. U.S. President George W. Bush has used a wave of violence in Mexico to push for Congressional approval of the first US$500 million installment of the multiyear aid proposal. But the U.S. Senate approved only US$450 million for the plan, and the House US$461.5 million. The two chambers must agree on a final version before sending it back to Bush for approval. Richardson said Mexican President Felipe Calderon ...

28-MAY - Tim Russert reacts to Scott McClellan book
Post Date: 2008-06-01 22:01:17 by Itisa1mosttoolate
28-MAY - Tim Russert reacts to Scott McClellan book Poster Comment:I felt sorry for the guy. I could see he wasn't in for all the lies of the WH.

McClellan: Bush should have fired Rove
Post Date: 2008-06-01 16:16:10 by Ferret Mike
WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Bush broke his promise to the country by refusing to fire aide Karl Rove for leaking a CIA agent's identity, said Scott McClellan, the president's chief spokesman for almost three years. "I think the president should have stood by his word and that meant Karl should have left," McClellan said Sunday in a broadcast interview about his new tell-all book, a scathing rebuke of the White House under Bush's leadership. McClellan now acknowledges he felt burned by Rove, Bush's top political adviser, and I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff. He said Rove and Libby assured him they were not ...

Reality show will document homeland security (poopaganda)
Post Date: 2008-05-29 04:48:16 by noone222
A new ABC unscripted series will take an unprecedented look behind the scenes at the government's fight against terrorism. The network has ordered 11 hours of "Border Security USA" from executive producer Arnold Shapiro ("Big Brother"). Shot on location throughout the United States, the series will focus on the efforts of border protection agencies to halt illegal smuggling and immigration. A typical episode might jump from a border patrol in Texas to security screeners at a New York airport to a Coast Guard boat off Puerto Rico. "Border" is billed as the first multiepisode television series to be shot in cooperation with the Department of Homeland ...

John Bolton escapes citizen's arrest at Hay Festival
Post Date: 2008-05-29 02:21:25 by X-15
Security guards blocked the path of columnist and activist George Monbiot, who tried to make the arrest as Mr Bolton left the stage. The former ambassador - a key advisor to President George W Bush who argued strongly in favour of invading Iraq - had been giving a talk on international relations to more than 600 people at the literary festival. Mr Monbiot was blocked by two heavily-built security guards at the end of the one-and-a-half hour appearance, before he could serve a "charge sheet" on him. After being released by the guards the columnist - a fierce critic of the 2003 American-led invasion - made a dash through the rain-soaked tented village in a failed attempt to catch ...

Bush compares today's wars to World War II efforts
Post Date: 2008-05-28 07:53:46 by angle
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. - President Bush, linking the wars of his tenure to the deadliest one in history, is asking the country to commit anew to postwar rebuilding. In an address for Wednesday to more than 1,000 graduates of the U.S. Air Force Academy, Bush frames their futures by drawing back to the World War II generation. He links the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to postwar Germany and Japan six decades ago. "America has assumed this obligation before," Bush said in prepared remarks released by the White House. "After World War II we helped Germany and Japan build free societies and strong economies. These efforts took time and patience, and as a result Germany and ...

Bush inducted into biker group
Post Date: 2008-05-26 08:26:23 by angle
WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President George W. Bush donned a black leather biker jacket Sunday as he was given honorary membership in the Rolling Thunder motorcycle group which paraded through Washington to honor veterans on Memorial Day. The man with no shame. Tens of thousands of members of the biker group joined the parade down the US capital's main boulevards Sunday in the group's annual "Ride for Freedom" event to celebrate US soldiers and sailors and press for greater benefits for veterans. Rolling Thunder leaders including National Executive Director Artie Muller met Bush at the White House, where they presented him with the vest in honor of their 21st Memorial Day ...

The Nation-Destroying Naïveté of an American President
Post Date: 2008-05-22 13:50:06 by X-15
The dullness of President Bush needs no expanding here. Critics right, left, racial-nationalist and otherwise have weighed in the utter obtuseness of our Commander-in-Chief. But a recent item from a New York Times' reporter's notebook reveals the stunning depths of that naïveté. In it, Bush, visiting Jerusalem as part of his tribute to Israel's 60th birthday, was surprised to learn that Arabs and Jews do not date each other. "No dances?" he asked. The American ambassador, Richard H. Jones, had to step in and tell him, as the item says, that society there is "more conservative." Reflect on that for a minute. The leader of the world's ...

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