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The Genesis of the Smears (JOHN COLE ASKS ABOUT FREEPER ICUWHATUDO) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-10-11 14:47:37 by aristeides
The Genesis of the Smears By: John Cole October 11, 2007 at 12:53 pm Appears to have been an aide to Mitch McConnell, according to the Communists at ThinkProgress: ThinkProgress has obtained an email that congressional sources tell us was sent to reporters by Sen. McConnell’s communications director Don Stewart. On Monday morning, Don Stewart sent an email with the following text to reporters: Seen the latest blogswarm? Apparently, there’s more to the story on the kid (Graeme Frost) that did the Dems’ radio response on SCHIP. Bloggers have done a little digging and turned up that the Dad owns his own business (and the building it’s in), seems to have some commercial ...

Post Date: 2007-10-11 14:28:51 by aristeides
In Tehran by Summer Rudy Giuliani has just announced a new raft of foreign policy advisors. And I guess the premise of the campaign is now that the Bush administration wasn't sufficiently riddled by neoconservative whackjobs. Topping the list: Michael Rubin as Senior Iran and Turkey Advisor and Middle East Advisory Board Member. I really don't know how to describe Rubin for those who aren't familiar with him. He worked at Doug Feith's Office of Special Plans. But that hardly does the matter justice -- rather like saying Dick Cheney was a supporter of the Iraq War. On the TPM Scale of Pure Neoconism (TM) Rubin gets well over 99%. Like the most interesting and frightening ...

The Swift-Boating of Graeme Frost
Post Date: 2007-10-11 11:58:47 by aristeides
The Swift-Boating of Graeme Frost Wednesday, Oct. 10, 2007 By KAREN TUMULTY/WASHINGTON If you listen closely to the two-minute radio address that 12-year-old Graeme Frost delivered last week for the Democrats, you can hear the lingering effects of the 2004 car crash that put him into a coma for a week and left one of his vocal chords paralyzed. "Most kids my age probably haven't heard of CHIP, the Children's Health Insurance Program," he says in a voice that sounds weak and stressed. "But I know all about it, because if it weren't for CHIP, I might not be here today." Graeme, whose sister suffered worse brain injuries when their family SUV hit a patch of ...

Best-Selling "Author" Ann Coulter
Post Date: 2007-10-10 19:24:38 by Mekons4
Lessee. Coulter's new piece of garbage was technically released yesterday. Today you can get it for FREE! Geez, the last one, they were at least charging five bucks. There was a joke in the Onion a few years ago about a new video: Land Before Time VI: The Straight to the Landfill Edition. This is Ann Coulter IX: The Straight to the Chipper Edition. Dear GOPUSA Reader: NewsMax has an incredible offer for you -- we'll send you Ann Coulter's new book absolutely free! Go Here Now! Presidential candidate John Edwards calls her a "she devil." Why is Ann so hated and so feared? You will find out in her latest blockbuster: "If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be ...

America’s broken health insurance system (MALKIN ON MD HEALTH INSURANCE IN 2004)
Post Date: 2007-10-10 14:55:18 by aristeides
America’s broken health insurance system By Michelle Malkin • August 27, 2004 07:29 AM Paul Krugman has a column in today’s New York Times decrying America’s health care system. He supports–surprise!–a single payer approach. I have commented before on the problems with central planning in health care. I certainly am not convinced that a government-run system is the answer, but I do agree with Krugman that there are serious problems with our health insurance system, particularly in the market for individually-purchased (non-group) coverage. After my husband quit his job earlier this year (to become a full-time stay-at-home dad), we had a choice. We could ...

When Rhetoric Meets Reality (JOHN COLE ON THE FROSTS)
Post Date: 2007-10-10 14:11:56 by aristeides
When Rhetoric Meets Reality By: John Cole October 9, 2007 at 12:21 pm I was talking to Tim via AOL IM, and I decided it was probably worthwhile to bring this up for everyone. One of the things that is so surprising (for me, at least) about the whole Graeme Frost episode is that rather than make their case against this program with their vicious assault against this family, they Malkin/Freeper/Limbaugh brigade are doing just the opposite. Rather than expose this family as a bunch of frauds and lazy slackers and welfare queens, they are making the family’s case. If you look through this family’s dossier, it appears they are doing everything Republicans say they should be doing- ...

Capitol Feud: A 12-Year-Old Is the Fodder
Post Date: 2007-10-10 09:56:21 by aristeides
Capitol Feud: A 12-Year-Old Is the Fodder By DAVID M. HERSZENHORN Published: October 10, 2007 WASHINGTON, Oct. 9 — There have been moments when the fight between Congressional Democrats and President Bush over the State Children’s Health Insurance Program seemed to devolve into a shouting match about who loves children more. So when Democrats enlisted 12-year-old Graeme Frost, who along with a younger sister relied on the program for treatment of severe brain injuries suffered in a car crash, to give the response to Mr. Bush’s weekly radio address on Sept. 29, Republican opponents quickly accused them of exploiting the boy to score political points. Then, they wasted ...

Frost family draws ire of conservatives
Post Date: 2007-10-10 09:23:59 by aristeides
Frost family draws ire of conservatives By Matthew Hay Brown | Sun Reporter October 10, 2007 When Halsey and Bonnie Frost agreed to go public with how the State Children's Health Insurance Program helped them after a car crash left two of their children comatose, the Baltimore couple expected to hear from critics of government-funded health care. But while the Frosts were helping a bipartisan majority in Congress sell a plan to expand the program, they were not prepared for comments such as this one, posted over the weekend on the conservative Web site Redstate: "If federal funds were required [they] could die for all I care. Let the parents get second jobs, let their state ...

Limbaugh and Winger Hate-Radio smear a 12-Year-Old
Post Date: 2007-10-09 17:34:29 by aristeides
Limbaugh and Winger Hate-Radio smear a 12-Year-Old by Vyan [Subscribe] Tue Oct 09, 2007 at 02:01:50 PM PDT Well, we've all known for sometime that hardcore Republicans have absolutely no shame. Not after Terri Schiavo. Not after the infamous Sylvia's incident. Not after Mark Foley or Jeff Gannon/Guckert. But yesterday Rush Limbaugh actually managed to pull out a backhoe and discover a brand new low point. It wasn't bad enough that he implied that any soldier who disagree with him was a "phony" or a some kind of "suicide smear-bomber" or somehow incapable of thinking for himself. Now he's attacked a 12-year-old SCHIP recipient, whose sister has ...

The Conservatives The Right-Wing Bloggers Hate (RON PAUL AT TOP OF LIST)
Post Date: 2007-10-09 15:50:39 by aristeides
The Conservatives The Right-Wing Bloggers Hate Ron Paul is the most loathed. I'm as unpopular as Ann Coulter. Yay! A weird list. A schizo-litany. Almost a data point in the unraveling of the right. One day, we'll ravel again. Will Clinton bring us all together?

Surge Protectors; The mixed motives behind the Freedom’s Watch ad campaign
Post Date: 2007-10-09 11:07:08 by Brian S
Late this summer, just as American political armies were squaring off over the next, and likely last, act of President Bush’s Iraq War policy, a new pro-war group called Freedom’s Watch announced a $15-million ad buy over several months in key states. The first ads featured soldiers who had been maimed in Iraq but stood by the cause of a global war on terror. Political observers said they were targeted at the districts of Republican congressmen who were going wobbly on the war. The rollout was not auspicious. Ari Fleischer, a board member of Freedom’s Watch and the former White House spokesman, stumbled on MSNBC’s “Hardball” when Mike Barnicle screened one of ...

Iraq wants Blackwater to pay $136 million compensation
Post Date: 2007-10-09 09:23:55 by Eoghan
The Iraqi government wants security firm Blackwater to pay $8 million in compensation to each of the families of 17 people killed in a shooting, a senior government source said on Tuesday. Iraqi government spokesman Ali al-Dabbagh said on Sunday an investigation set up by Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki had found Blackwater "deliberately killed" the 17 people and injuring more than 20 in the September 16 shooting in western Baghdad. The new details of Iraq's demands were outlined in an official report issued on Monday in Arabic and subsequently translated by international news agencies. The report says in the time since Blackwater took over security for US diplomats in 2003, ...

Joe Scarborough Takes on "Iraqi Losers" About Blackwater
Post Date: 2007-10-08 18:48:23 by Zipporah
Poster Comment:what a jerk..

Would You Buy a Used Hawk From This Man? Neocons Converge Around Giuliani Campaign
Post Date: 2007-10-08 11:32:19 by Brian S
Oct. 15, 2007 issue - Neocons can't help but slink around Washington, D.C. The Iraq War has given the neoconservatives—who favor the assertive use of American power abroad to spread American values—something of a bad name, and several of the Republican candidates seem less than eager to hire them as advisers. But Rudy Giuliani apparently never got that memo. One of the top foreign-policy consultants to the leading GOP candidate is Norman Podhoretz, a founding father of the neocon movement. Podhoretz is in favor of bombing Iran because of the country's unwillingness to suspend its uranium-enrichment program. He also believes America is engaged in a "world war" ...

NEO-CON GOLD (Hilarious video)
Post Date: 2007-10-08 01:29:21 by Arator

Dead Certain: The Presidency of George W Bush by Robert Draper
Post Date: 2007-10-05 17:40:18 by Peetie Wheatstraw
Mens sana in corpore sano is a fatuous tag for a political leader to adopt as a guiding principle. Some of the greatest in history have been physical wrecks. The delusion that pursuing fitness to the point of obsession is likely to make one a better president or prime minister would be risible if it were not now so widespread. Even Vladimir Putin no longer wears a shirt for photocalls. If George W Bush spent a fraction of the hours that he devotes to speed-cycling listening to wise counsellors, his presidency might not be ending in a shambles. Robert Draper describes the president on a morning run, two days after being reinaugurated in January 2005: “A thousand calories in 80 minutes. ...

DiFatta twice detained in lewd conduct in restrooms
Post Date: 2007-10-05 12:32:00 by Indrid Cold
St. Bernard Parish Councilman Joey DiFatta, who on Thursday withdrew from the 1st Senate District campaign, has been stopped twice since 1996 for suspicion of engaging in lewd behavior in public restrooms in Jefferson Parish, records obtained by The Times-Picayune show. DiFatta, 53, acknowledged that reports he had been stopped are true, but he denied any wrongdoing in both cases. He said he was not prosecuted in either case and has no arrest record. "If I had done something wrong, I would have been arrested," DiFatta said Thursday afternoon. "I was not. I will deny that I was involved in any activity of that nature." Earlier Thursday, DiFatta called reporters to ...

Another Bushie caught lying and stealing (Jackson, HUD)
Post Date: 2007-10-04 19:32:53 by Mekons4
Magazine: Bush Official, Friend Under Investigation Email Print Share October 04, 2007 3:36 PM Justin Rood Reports: Magazinebusho_mn A Bush administration cabinet secretary is facing multiple federal investigations about whether he lied to Congress when he vowed he never intervened in contracting awards at his department, according to a new report. The FBI and the Justice Department are working with the inspector general for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to probe whether HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson arranged for nearly half a million dollars worth of work to go to a golfing partner and friend, according to the National Journal magazine. At a Senate hearing May ...

Battle lines are drawn over conservative radio
Post Date: 2007-10-03 11:31:13 by aristeides
Battle lines are drawn over conservative radio By Alexander Bolton October 03, 2007 House Republicans are threatening to launch a discharge petition on legislation that would ensure the future prosperity of conservative radio talk-show hosts but is expected to face opposition from Democratic leaders. On Monday evening, Republicans filed a rule with the House Rules Committee laying the groundwork for a petition that would force action on protecting radio from government regulation later this fall. The move comes at a time when Democrats have launched a coordinated attack on conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh, accusing him of disparaging American troops critical of the Iraq war as ...

US gearing up for war with Iran, despite denials
Post Date: 2007-10-03 11:24:00 by Eoghan
AFTER weeks of speculation over a US military attack on Iran, events moved closer towards war this week. Last Friday attempts by the United States, Britain and France to push for new sanctions against Iran at the UN Security Council were blocked by Russia and China as the other permanent five council members. As before, frustrating such attempted measures could be less an indication of no action at all than a sign of an alternative military option. As with Iraq in 2003, UN consensus even at Security Council level was never needed for an illegal war. Washington argues that Iran is planning to build a nuclear bomb, despite Teheran's insistence that its nuclear project is only for ...

Trial Starts in Liberty City 7 Case
Post Date: 2007-10-02 15:46:57 by Eoghan
Seven men intended to destroy Chicago's Sears Tower and bomb FBI buildings to ignite a guerrilla war that would overthrow the U.S. government and pave the way for an Islamic regime, federal prosecutors said Tuesday in opening statements. FBI audio and video recordings show that the so-called "Liberty City Seven" hoped to use street gangs as soldiers who would stage attacks, ranging from large-scale bombings of major buildings to poisoning salt shakers in restaurants, Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Gregorie said. On one of the 15,000 FBI recordings, Narseal Batiste is overheard saying he would make sure no one survived destruction of the 110-story Sears Tower because his ...

Dems propose war tax to make Iraq more unpopular
Post Date: 2007-10-02 14:51:48 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Dems propose war tax to make Iraq more unpopular by Matthew Hay Brown Senior Democrats, apparently looking to make the war in Iraq still more unpopular, now are proposing a new tax to pay for continuing combat operations. The plan unveiled today by House Appropriations Committee Chairman David R. Obey, Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman John P. "Jack" Murtha and Rep. Jim McGovern would spread the sacrifice among all taxpayers by tacking a "war surcharge" on top of the federal income tax. Americans would pay up to 15 percent more on their taxes in order to raise the $150 billion needed annually to keep the war going. "If you don’t like the cost, ...

Blackwater security staff in Iraq involved in 'at least 195 shootings'
Post Date: 2007-10-02 11:14:04 by Eoghan
A new report into Blackwater, the US security firm operating in Iraq, shows the contractors have been involved in at least 195 shootings since early 2005. The company is being investigated jointly by the US and Iraq after a gun fight in Baghdad that left eight civilians dead. The "escalated incidents" now detailed include several previously unreported killings of Iraqi civilians, according to a new congressional account of State Department and company documents. Based on more than 437 Blackwater documents and "a limited number of incident reports and documents from the State Department," Blackwater personnel had participated in 195 incidents in which they discharged ...

From Lincoln Republican to Neocon
Post Date: 2007-09-29 18:47:57 by Peetie Wheatstraw
Although Bill Hawkins and I have not agreed on all political and historical questions, until this week I continued to respect him as a principled, intelligent person. Hawkins, or so it seemed to me, was a Lincoln Republican, who praised the consolidated national government achieved by the victorious Union side in the War Between the States. He also consistently applied his nationalist principles taken from an earlier age by being a critic of liberal immigration policies and an outspoken advocate of tariffs. Although his views would not appeal to readers of this website, as someone who can appreciate nation states and the efforts involved in building and sustaining them (I am to Ralph ...

Heart breaking here. Gingrich not running
Post Date: 2007-09-29 13:20:41 by Mekons4
I know I have to be strong, but it's a dark, dark day in my soul. Spokesman: Gingrich won’t run for president Aide says former House speaker will not seek Republican nomination in ’08 WASHINGTON - Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich will not run for president in 2008 after determining he could not legally explore a bid and remain as head of his tax-exempt political organization, a spokesman said Saturday. “Newt is not running,” spokesman Rick Tyler said. “It is legally impermissible for him to continue on as chairman of American Solutions (for Winning the Future) and to explore a campaign for president.” Gingrich decided “to continue on raising the ...

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