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Sean Hannity for President
Post Date: 2009-08-27 13:25:11 by Brian S
Much of America is eagerly awaiting mid-term elections next year and presidential elections in 2012 so we can stop and reverse the destructive policies of Barack Obama and the Democratic Congress. Yet, we all know it takes something to beat something. Republicans have not offered much in the way of an alternative vision. Nor have they even been willing and able to jump on the tidal wave of opposition that has spontaneously erupted across the country as a result of their adversaries' arrogance and their perversion of American ideals. I think many Americans share my longing for new leadership to emerge. We're looking for people of strong, unshakeable convictions to the principles ...

Rep. Jenkins: GOP Looking For 'Great White Hope' To Stop Obama
Post Date: 2009-08-27 13:01:00 by Brian S
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) - U.S. Rep. Lynn Jenkins told a recent gathering in northeast Kansas that the Republican Party is looking for a "great white hope" to help stop President Barack Obama's political agenda. Videotape shows Jenkins, a Republican, making the comment at an Aug. 19 forum. She was discussing the GOP's future after Democrats took control of the House and Senate and Obama became the nation's first black president. Jenkins is white. Jenkins spokeswoman Mary Geiger told The Associated Press Thursday Jenkins apologizes for her word choice and did not intend to offend anyone. A White House spokesman withheld comment ahead of Thursday afternoon's on-the-record ...

Giuliani Could be Nearing Bid for NY Governor In 2010
Post Date: 2009-08-26 17:57:31 by Brian S
Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani may be considering a run for governor in 2010, according to various reports, and could come to a decision on the matter within weeks. The former 2008 Republican presidential candidate could decide to run in as soon as the next 30 to 60 days, the New York Times reports, if he concludes that public discontent with state government and economic unrest have created the right conditions. In what the New York Post called "the strongest signal yet that he's thinking of running for governor," Giuliani's aides on Monday were working the phones to gauge whether Niagara County Republican chairman Henry Wojtaszek (a longtime Giuliani ...

Florida Governor Cites Kotel Prayer In Absence Of Hurricanes
Post Date: 2009-08-26 13:04:50 by Brian S
WASHINGTON (JTA) -- The governor of Florida said he placed prayer notes in the Western Wall asking God to prevent hurricanes from hitting his state. In a talk to a group of real estate agents last Friday, Gov. Charlie Crist (R) noted that he inserted a note with the prayer during a trade mission to Israel in 2007 and that no major hurricanes had struck the state since. The prayer, according to The Associated Press, was, "Dear God, please protect our Florida from storms and other difficulties. Charlie." After no major storms hit the state in 2007, Crist asked Florida Sen. Nan Rich (D) to put a note with the same prayer in the Kotel when she traveled to Israel in 2008, and had a ...

Lynching of Cynthia McKinney urged by ‘journalist’ trained and paid by FBI
Post Date: 2009-08-25 11:28:35 by Brian S
Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney sent an email around on Sunday in which she wrote: “[I]t has just now come to my attention that a ‘journalist’ who suggested that I be lynched was actually being paid by our own government to say that. Now, when I reported it to the FBI, how in the world was I to know that he was at that time on the FBI’s payroll?” “Hate blogger” Hal Turner’s lawyer said last week, and prosecutors agreed, that Turner was “trained by the FBI on how to be deliberately provocative” and “worked for the FBI from 2002 to 2007 as an ‘agent provocateur’ and was taught by the agency ‘what he could say that ...

Huckabee: Wingnut Fundies Now More Supportive of Israeli Gov't Than U.S. Jews
Post Date: 2009-08-22 20:44:33 by Brian S
Over at TPM, they're making quite a bit of this comment by Mike Huckabee: Mike Huckabee just told CBN: "One of the things I find most interesting is that generally Evangelicals are so much more supportive of Israel than the American Jewish community." Josh Marshall offers some analysis -- hitting the obvious point: "American Jews tend to support Israel because of a mix of nationalism, ethnic identification, religious belief and democratic values while the religious right tends to support Israel because its existence will hasten the apocalypse when God will vanquish the Jews en masse in hellfire and turn Israel into a vast evangelical theme park. So the two groups sort ...

Recapping What Nevada's Senator John Ensign Promised As A Promise Keeper
Post Date: 2009-08-22 14:21:06 by Brian S
Beleaguered Sen. John Ensign (R-No Comment) got chatty this week at a Chamber of Commerce event in Fernley, Nev., that marked his first public appearance in his home state since announcing his extramarital affair. A week after being called out by a fellow Republican for his prolonged silence, Ensign told the Associated Press on Wednesday that, unlike President Clinton and former Idaho Sen. Larry Craig, whom he strongly chastised for their indiscretions, he shouldn’t consider resigning. "I haven't done anything legally wrong," he said, though a Washington watchdog group thinks investigators could possibly come to a different conclusion. "In the case of President ...

Bachmann 2012? God Willing! [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-08-21 20:00:17 by Brian S
God must really have a thing for hot right-wing politicians with questionable grips on reality and nothing but pure Jesus love in their hearts.  HE is always trying to tempt them with his "higher callings" and cryptic messages from heaven above. First it was devoted servant of the lord Sarah Palin who was forced to resign as governor of Alaska to pursue her higher calling of becoming Queen of the Facebooks and head ruler of Twitterland. What can you do when it's God's will?  But taking our sweet Alaskan bunny out of the political arena a year and a half before her term ended wasn't enough to satisfy Mr. Fickle Creator of the Universe.  Now he's got ...

Former Aide to Dick Armey Charged With Corruption, Linked to Abramoff
Post Date: 2009-08-21 17:22:03 by Brian S
The former chief of staff for Voice of America has been indicted on corruption charges tied to disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff. Horace Cooper, who is also a one-time aide to former Republican lawmaker Dick Armey, is accused of defrauding the government in exchange for repeated gifts of tickets to concerts and sport events. The indictment charges Cooper agreed to use his position at Voice of America -- and his subsequent job at the Labor Department, to advance the interests of Abramoff and his clients. Abramoff was sentenced in September 2008 to four years in prison on charges of mail fraud, conspiracy and tax evasion. Since pleading guilty in 2006, the once-powerful lobbyist has ...

Obama moves to break deadlock in Middle East
Post Date: 2009-08-21 14:46:17 by X-15
Washington - United States President Barack Obama, making a fresh bid to break the deadlock on Middle East peace, called on Israel, the Palestinians and the Arab states on Thursday to act simultaneously to help kick-start negotiations. Obama's proposal seeks to overcome deep disagreement between Israelis and Arabs on which side should go first in conciliatory gestures to revive a peace process the president has promised to relaunch since taking office in January. The White House put forth the idea - but provided no specifics - in announcing that Obama had spoken by phone with Jordan's King Abdullah and "agreed on the need to launch Israeli-Palestinian negotiations as soon as ...

Orly Finally finds an Honest Journalist [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-08-19 13:32:00 by IDon'tThinkSo

Walmart, CVS, Best Buy Ditch Glenn Beck (Plus Five More Companies)
Post Date: 2009-08-17 20:22:32 by Brian S
Big news today. We've confirmed that eight more major advertisers have pulled their support from Glenn Beck's show -- Wal-Mart, Best Buy, CVS, Travelocity, Allergan (maker of Restasis), Ally Bank, Broadview Security, and Re-Bath. Overall, twenty advertisers have now ended their support of Beck. We're going to keep the pressure on Beck's remaining advertisers this week, and we'll let you know how you can help. From the press release we're sending right now: Eight more Glenn Beck advertisers, including Wal-Mart -- the world's largest retailer -- have confirmed to ColorOfChange.org that they pulled their ads from the controversial Fox News Channel ...

Protesters Heckle US Republican Huckabee In Jerusalem
Post Date: 2009-08-17 20:05:50 by Brian S
(AFP) – 6 hours ago JERUSALEM — About 100 protesters heckled former US Republican presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee on Monday as he attended a function to support Jewish settlements in mainly Arab east Jerusalem. Two dozen right-wing Israelis staged a counter-protest, waving huge flags and cheering Huckabee, who has been touted as a possible Republican candidate in 2012. Huckabee was among about 100 guests, including several Israeli MPs, who attended a private function held at the former Shepherd Hotel, the site of a controversial housing project for Jewish settlers funded by US millionaire Irving Moskovitz. Protesters chanted "go home" one of the banners they held ...

Cheney’s New Gambit --- Taking Bush Down With Him
Post Date: 2009-08-16 19:59:44 by Brian S
The stenographers of the Fawning Corporate Media (FCM) are missing the most obvious explanation for former Vice President Dick Cheney’s widely reported “disappointment” with former President George W. Bush on the issue of pardons -- self-interest. Barton Gellman of the Washington Post has now joined feature writers from Time in aping Cheney’s hagiographer in chief, Stephen Hayes of The Weekly Standard. They all choose to dote on Cheney’s loyalty to his former chief of staff, Irv Lewis “Scooter” Libby, while ignoring reasons why Cheney might have hoped for a presidential pardon himself. Gellman is a talented journalist with a tainted record. He wrote a ...

Becoming a FEMA Disaster Kid
Post Date: 2009-08-14 23:45:13 by CadetD
http://www.fema.gov/kids/pdf/juliarobbie2.pdf The Adventures of Julia and Robbie the Disaster Twins Poster Comment:People get paid lots to make up this garbage.

On Suddenly Shy Republicans And 'End-Of-Life' Counseling
Post Date: 2009-08-14 19:24:08 by Brian S
Until last week, Republican Sen. Johnny Isakson was among the most enthusiastic backers of end-of-life counseling in government health care programs like Medicare. That was before conservatives called it a step toward euthanasia and former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin likened the idea to a bureaucratic "death panel" that would decide whether sick people get to live. And even though those claims have been widely discredited, the issue remains a political weapon in the increasingly bitter health care debate. Now, Isakson and other Republicans who eagerly backed the idea are distancing themselves from it or lying low in the face of a backlash from the right. "Until last week this ...

Texas Department of Public Safety, new laws go in effect September 01, 2009 (read 'em and weep)
Post Date: 2009-08-13 22:46:34 by X-15
www.txdps.state.tx.us/dir..._information/pr081109.pdf Third one down, SB 61 "requires that any child under 8 years of age be restrained in an approved child passenger safety seat unless the child is 4 fee, 9 inches in height." !!!!!! Utter BS!!!!!

Bachmann: "Don't Let Them Palinize Me!"
Post Date: 2009-08-13 17:15:39 by Brian S
Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has a message for her supporters in a new fundraising letter: Don't let the media do to her what they did to Sarah Palin -- "Don't let them Palinize me!" "With Governor Palin taking a well-deserved step out of the spotlight, it appears that I may be absorbing even more of the liberals' scorn," says Bachmann. "And, I'd really appreciate your support so that I can defend myself against their attacks. She later adds: "But just as they did with Sarah Palin, the more I talk about the issues, the more they attack with below-the-belt personal hits. In fact, yesterday, a Minnesota paper gave a full column to a hit piece on ...

Mike Huckabee, A Likely 2012 Republican Presidential Candidate, Will Visit A Controversial Eastern Jerusalem Site
Post Date: 2009-08-13 13:15:51 by Brian S
August 13, 2009 WASHINGTON (JTA) -- Mike Huckabee, a likely 2012 Republican presidential candidate, will visit a controversial eastern Jerusalem site. Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor who lost his GOP bid for the 2008 presidency, will attend a dinner at the Shepherd Hotel on Sunday during a trip to Israel, according to media reports. The Obama administration has objected to plans to build 20 apartments at the site, but Israel has asserted that Jews have the right to build in eastern Jerusalem. Irving Moskowitz, an American philanthropist and activist, purchased the land on which the Shepherd Hotel sits in 1985. The land is located near an Israeli compound housing several government ...

'Death to Obama' Sign Holder In Hagerstown, MD Detained
Post Date: 2009-08-13 11:46:33 by Brian S
HAGERSTOWN - Authorities in Hagerstown said they turned over to the Secret Service a man who was holding a sign reading "Death to Obama" outside Wednesday's town hall meeting on health care reform. Washington County sheriff's Capt. Peter Lazich said the sign also read, "Death to Michelle and her two stupid kids." He said Secret Service agents took the unidentified 51-year-old man into custody after deputies detained him. The Secret Service did not immediately return telephone calls from the Associated Press inquiring about the matter. President Barack Obama was not at the meeting held by Maryland Democratic Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin.

A French Revelation, or The Burning Bush
Post Date: 2009-08-13 05:22:09 by HOUNDDAWG
Incredibly, President George W. Bush told French President Jacques Chirac in early 2003 that Iraq must be invaded to thwart Gog and Magog, the Bible’s satanic agents of the Apocalypse. Honest. This isn’t a joke. The president of the United States, in a top-secret phone call to a major European ally, asked for French troops to join American soldiers in attacking Iraq as a mission from God. Now out of office, Chirac recounts that the American leader appealed to their “common faith” (Christianity) and told him: “Gog and Magog are at work in the Middle East…. The biblical prophecies are being fulfilled…. This confrontation is willed by God, who wants to use ...

More Advertisers Pull Support For Glenn Beck
Post Date: 2009-08-12 16:43:11 by Brian S
An online campaign against Fox News editorialist Glenn Beck is working. Web site ColorofChange.org, reacting to a long line of racial comments about President Barack Obama, has managed thus far to knock loose from Beck's fold Lawyers.com, Procter & Gamble, Progressive, S.C. Johnson, GEICO, Men's Wearhouse and, just this morning, Sargento. "We applaud GEICO and all of the other companies who have stepped forward to pull their ads from Glenn Beck," said James Rucker, executive director of Color of Change, in a Tuesday media advisory. "Beck’s rhetoric is dangerous to the fabric of our democracy, and we are heartened that so many big companies feel the same way. ...

Fighting the Campus War Against Israel and the Jews: the Muslim Students Association
Post Date: 2009-08-12 15:13:33 by Brian S
The Muslim Students Association of the U.S. and Canada (MSA) has chapters at nearly 600 colleges and universities across North America. Treated by administrators and student governments alike as a respectable political organization, the MSA has, over the past few years, sponsored a series of vile expressions of Jew-hatred in a variety of campus and non-campus venues. A few examples serve to illustrate the content of the MSA's character: In October 2000, the president of UCLA's MSA led a crowd of demonstrators at the Israeli consulate in chants of "Death to Israel!" and "Death to the Jews!" At UCLA's annual "Anti-Zionist Week" festivities, ...

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum To Visit Iowa To Discuss GOP Future
Post Date: 2009-08-12 11:30:43 by Brian S
(08-12) 07:19 PDT WASHINGTON (AP) -- Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, the blunt-talking conservative who once was the No. 3 Senate Republican, will make appearances this fall in the early caucus state of Iowa. Santorum's scheduled to give a speech Oct. 1 at the University of Dubuque about the future of the Republican Party, John Brabender, his longtime political adviser, said Wednesday. Brabender said he's also attending a luncheon in Des Moines with an anti-abortion group. Brabender played down speculation that Santorum has presidential aspirations and said it's not necessarily the first step of a presidential run. "Rick Santorum certainly feels he has a lot to ...

Rove’s Involvement in U.S. Attorney Firings Detailed in E-mails
Post Date: 2009-08-12 11:22:02 by Brian S
By Justin Blum and James Rowley Aug. 12 (Bloomberg) -- Karl Rove and other aides to former President George W. Bush played a bigger role in the dismissal of federal prosecutors than was previously disclosed, newly released documents show. E-mails and transcripts of interviews with Rove, Bush’s political adviser, and former White House Counsel Harriet Miers, were made public yesterday by Representative John Conyers Jr., a Michigan Democrat and chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. The firings of nine prosecutors in 2006 touched off a political furor in Congress, leading to the resignations of Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty and ...

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