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Bush Massaging German Chancellor Angela Merkel an uninvited neck massage during the G-8 Summit. (Appears to be Real)
Post Date: 2008-01-15 20:14:58 by tom007

Post Date: 2008-01-15 19:16:44 by aristeides
Lord Shiva’s Dance George W. Bush seems to have fits of divine inspiration whenever he gets into the vicinity of the Middle East. Back in 2003, shortly after the invasion of Iraq, he met with a delegation of Palestinians in the Egyptian resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. One participant told the Guardian: “President Bush said to all of us: ‘I am driven with a mission from God’. God would tell me, ‘George go and fight these terrorists in Afghanistan’. And I did. And then God would tell me ‘George, go and end the tyranny in Iraq’. And I did.” Mr Bush went on: “And now, again, I feel God’s words coming to me, ‘Go get the Palestinians their ...

EUREKA! I just found the ultimate "pot, kettle, black"
Post Date: 2008-01-14 13:10:53 by PSUSA
[...] >>He was referring to parts of the speech where Bush claimed that Iran was ’the world’s leading state sponsor of terror’ and told the Iranian people they deserve a better government. [...] Click for Full Text! Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:The Iranian president could say the same to us, and he would actually be telling the truth.

President Bush Declares Victory in "War on White House Squirrel Family"
Post Date: 2008-01-13 17:41:52 by tom007
President Bush Declares Victory in "War on White House Squirrel Family" Written by Kingsly Ned Story written: 12 January 2008 Rated 3 out of 5Rated 3 out of 5Rated 3 out of 5Rated 3 out of 5Rated 3 out of 5 Email this story Print this story image for President Bush Declares Victory in "War on White House Squirrel Family" Reconnaissance squirrel surveys the White House President Bush held a press conference Wednesday to declare that the squirrels that keep stealing his wife's wig have been successfully neutralized. Standing in front of a giant banner reading "Objective Completed", Bush told reporters, "We have demolished their tree and any tree that ...

O’Reilly: Fox Vandalized, Attacked
Post Date: 2008-01-12 12:37:05 by Ferret Mike
Bill O’Reilly says all Fox News employees are now “cautious” after several run-ins during coverage of the New Hampshire primary that were fueled by “anti-Fox hatred.” In his syndicated column out this week, O’Reilly described attacks on Fox that border on violence. “I saw the anti-Fox hatred first-hand when I traveled to New Hampshire. Fox News vehicles have been vandalized; FNC reporters cursed; and all Fox News personnel are cautious,” the cable news star writes. O’Reilly also detailed in his column an encounter he had at a Barack Obama rally, which was aired on “The O’Reilly Factor.” O’Reilly described an Obama ...

Meet cute Knut's competition (This is right off Fox News' Debate page)
Post Date: 2008-01-10 21:12:40 by tom007
This is crazy - right off Fox, the conservative flag wearing network. To the right of the republican debate screen. I am now convinced - there is something wrong with that network.

Post Date: 2008-01-10 10:00:45 by Itisa1mosttoolate
http://clifylq.livejournal.com/64705.html We might have to create an ADOPT A VETERAN program where families with means are helping to pay for the medical needs of these soldiers. The Red Cross raised over $1 billion for the tsunami victims and their plight pales in comparison to this DU contamination catastrophe. Americans sent hundreds of millions for the tsunami relief fund and it is now time to make some of that American giving count here at home for Americans. http://clifylq.livejournal.com/74600.html DEPLEATED URANIUM - US LUNG CANCER RATES SOAR From Karl W B Schwarz kwbschwarz2@snet.net 3-9-6 SO, WHAT IS THE PLAN? On the March 8, 2006 edition of the CNN American Morning ...

Fox News: We Report -- Even if We Know It's False
Post Date: 2008-01-09 23:03:02 by kiki
I've been dealing with the media and politics for 25 years, but I've never had a more surrealistic day than January 8. Several times that day Fox News reported that I was joining Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign. It was a big story - at least until the stunning election returns. The only problem was, it wasn't true. Fox News never even tried to contact me to verify their story, and when I contacted Fox, I felt like a character in a Kafka novel -- or at least Curb Your Enthusiasm. Fox's Major Garrett -- a good guy whom I've known for years -- broke the story. My phone started ringing off the hook, and my email box bulged. There are still, thank goodness, a lot of ...

Post Date: 2008-01-09 15:22:03 by aristeides
Where's Wolfowitz? Keeping up with . . . former Pentagon No. 2 and former World Bank president Paul Wolfowitz, who's now at the American Enterprise Institute. Last seen Friday in Seoul chatting with incoming president Lee Myung-bak of the conservative Grand National Party. Wolfowitz was part of an informal Asia-hands delegation put together by former representative Steve Solarz, now senior counselor at consulting firm APCO Worldwide, and Cal Berkeley professor emeritus Robert Scalapino as the new Korean government takes shape. Others in the meeting included former defense secretary William Perry, now at Stanford, former nuke negotiator Robert Gallucci, now at Georgetown, former ...

Snicker. Glenn Beck's life-threatening surgery was for roids
Post Date: 2008-01-08 01:53:14 by Mekons4
To: Crazieman He woke up on the table. Described alarm bells went off saying he stopped breathing, remembers nurses telling him to breathe. 2 posted on 01/07/2008 6:13:12 AM PST by Crazieman (The Democrat Party: Culture of Treason) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies ] To: Crazieman Lypo or hemorrhoids? 3 posted on 01/07/2008 6:13:17 AM PST by MHT [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies ] To: Crazieman I’m listening. Do you know what kind of surgery he had? I know it has to do with his @$$. 4 posted on 01/07/2008 6:13:32 AM PST by Fawn (Fred 2008) [ Post Reply | Private Reply | To 1 | View Replies ] To: Crazieman Was it for hemorrhoids? 5 posted on 01/0 ...

Kristol flubs his first day on the job
Post Date: 2008-01-07 16:12:46 by aristeides
Kristol flubs his first day on the job by davidkc [Subscribe] Mon Jan 07, 2008 at 12:57:02 PM PST Several kossacks have already posted diaries today about William Kristol's pathetic inaugural column for the New York Times, where he once again shows the difficulties he faces living in the reality-based world. What hasn't been diaried yet, as far as I can see, is that Kristol's column includes a major blunder and he has been called on it by none other than wingnut extraordinaire Michelle Malkin. Midway through his drivel of a column, where he kinda gives some compliments to Mike Huckabee, but in a backhanded and snotty kinda way, Kristol quotes the "conservative writer ...

Fox News Used Planted Actor In Focus Groups
Post Date: 2008-01-07 08:16:00 by PSUSA
The credibility of Fox News is pretty much close to zero. It was bad enough that they refused to allow Ron Paul in their NH debate forum, but now they have been caught planting an actor in their supposedly random focus groups. Frank Luntz one of the chief propagandists for Fox News who organizes these focus groups has been caught planting people in focus groups in a clear attempt to distort reality. During tonight's Fox News GOP debate, Luntz organized a focus group to provide feedback from so called random Republican voters. However, one of the people in the focus group was also used in a previous focus group Luntz organized for the September 5th, 2007 GOP presidential debate. Take a ...

The Iranian Time Travel Program
Post Date: 2008-01-04 17:40:27 by freepatriot32

Huckabee Is No Ronald Reagan; There Is No Reagan in the Race (LIMBAUGH)
Post Date: 2008-01-04 14:25:31 by aristeides
Huckabee Is No Ronald Reagan; There Is No Reagan in the Race January 3, 2008 BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: Let's go to the phones, people patiently waiting, we start in Peoria today with Andrew. I'm glad you called, sir. CALLER: Hi, Rush. How are you? RUSH: Fine. Very well. CALLER: Well, I've been listening, I'm a 24/7 subscriber and everything, but I'm also a big Huckabee fan. I think you've been unfair, and I think Club for Growth has been unfair. Ronald Reagan had the same problems as what Huckabee had in his -- went up double, taxes went up. And it's because of the format of -- it's the format of the government, you know, you have to have a balanced ...

Watching Fox Last Night (ANDREW SULLIVAN)
Post Date: 2008-01-04 11:49:50 by aristeides
Watching Fox Last Night 04 Jan 2008 10:11 am A reader writes: It was hilarious. They had no idea what to do. Rush Limbaugh was on and he was clearly annoyed that the Republicans did not vote the way that the establishment wanted. It was watching the machine Rove built begin to crumble. They didn't know what to do about Huckabee, they didn't know what to do about Paul, and they really didn't know what to do about the fact that they might not have Hillary to attack come November. It was beautiful. I did watch Fox. The one thing that kept striking me was that almost every single woman on the channel has been made to look like a Barbie doll (just not as articulate); and almost ...

LIVE THREAD: Watch the Dem moonbats caucus and reallocate themselves...C-span 1..NOW
Post Date: 2008-01-03 21:16:21 by Itisa1mosttoolate
This thread has been locked, it will not receive new replies. Locked on 01/03/2008 4:52:57 PM PST by Admin Moderator, reason: Post on existing thread http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1947866/posts LIVE THREAD: Watch the Dem moonbats caucus and reallocate themselves...C-span 1..NOW c-span Posted on 01/03/2008 4:50:52 PM PST by ken5050 As you watch the talking heads tonight..flick over to C-span 1, for a live Dem caucus..and C-sapn 2, for a live GOP caucus. Watch moondats, dingbats, and assorted left-wing crazies...run around the room and huddle with each other, and maybe sing Kumbaya..and then the supporters of "non-viable" candidates get to do it all over again.. No ...

Waterboarding is not torture
Post Date: 2008-01-02 11:47:20 by PSUSA
Americans are simply losing their ability to distinguish right from wrong. I don't know how else to put it. Up is down, day is night, left is right and right is wrong. A good illustration of my thesis is the growing political consensus around the idea that the U.S. should stop using any effective interrogation techniques that make our terrorist enemies uncomfortable – even those involved in planning acts of mass destruction and annihilation. For instance, armchair generals are increasingly referring to "waterboarding" as torture and saying it must be stopped in all cases. I have no doubts waterboarding is a very unpleasant experience. It must be so because it is ...

So Much for Islamo-Fascism Awareness
Post Date: 2008-01-02 06:44:32 by Ada
Thank You, David Horowitz In America awareness never sleeps and has been on particularly active duty this October, designated as Breast Cancer Awareness Month (proclamation of President George Bush); as Domestic Violence Awareness Month (proclamation of President George Bush); as Energy Awareness Month (proclamation of President George Bush and the Environmental Protection Agency); and--we speak here specifically of October 22-29 -- Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week (proclamation of David Horowitz, a fat and hairy ex-Trot living in Los Angeles). Cautionary interpolation: Horowitz was certainly fat last time I clapped eyes on him and he sports a beard which waxes and wanes in outreach ...

FBI makes new bid to find 1971 skyjacker
Post Date: 2008-01-01 15:42:37 by richard9151
Amazing. The FBI can not find the criminals bringing drugs into the nation, can not find out who was responsible for building 7 dropping, can not, frankly, find their asses with both hands AND a flashlight.... but they can keep people's attention away from reality with non-sense like this! 2 hours, 11 minutes ago PORTLAND, Ore. - The FBI is making a new stab at identifying mysterious skyjacker Dan Cooper, who bailed out of an airliner in 1971 and vanished, releasing new details that it hopes will jog someone's memory. The man calling himself Dan Cooper, also known as D.B. Cooper, boarded a Northwest flight in Portland for a flight to Seattle on the night of Nov, 24, 1971, and ...

Merry Christmas To All From Tom007
Post Date: 2007-12-30 20:08:55 by tom007

Huckabee's muzzle control problem
Post Date: 2007-12-29 10:30:11 by PSUSA
Huckabee's muzzle control problem by Jim Tankersley Republican Mike Huckabee took his presidential campaign for a quick pheasant-hunting expedition in Iowa on Wednesday, and at one point, a reporter asked why he hadn’t invited sporting enthusiast Dick Cheney along. "Because I want to survive all the way through this," Huckabee replied, in a chuckling dig at the vice president’s accidental shooting of a quail-hunting partner last year. Any good sportsman, though, couldn’t miss a distinctly Cheneyesque moment in the press accounts of the former Arkansas governor’s morning hunt: At one point, Huckabee’s party turned toward a cluster of reporters and ...

A Christmas song for freedom4um
Post Date: 2007-12-25 18:38:22 by freepatriot32

Poor White House: Victimized by threat of subpoena
Post Date: 2007-12-24 21:17:03 by Mekons4
Fear of subpoenas ‘crippling’ the White House? Posted December 24th, 2007 at 2:05 pm Share This | Spotlight | Permalink As she departs the White House, and steps down as Bush’s chief terrorism adviser, Frances Fragos Townsend stopped to tell the NYT how disappointed she is with the political climate in DC. Promoted to domestic security adviser in 2004, she became a loyalist and said she was leaving wearied by the acrimony that hangs over Mr. Bush’s last year in office. “I find it both offensive and crippling,” she said. “When both career people and political people are worried about getting subpoenaed, it’s hard to get a lot accomplished.” ...

Yes, Virginia, There is a War on Terror
Post Date: 2007-12-24 21:07:43 by kiki
Dear Editor, I am 28 years old. Some of my friends say that the war on terror is a mistake, and furthermore "terror" is an abstract noun, it's not a country, and you can't wage war on an abstract noun. My friends, especially Peter Wilkins, say that there is no war on terror, it's just an excuse to manipulate and terrify the American public. I kind of agree with Peter, who's also very cute. My father though says I'm full of crap, and a slut, and have been misled by the liberal media as well as by my stupid friends. My father said I should write my question to this newspaper, and then accept the answer and shut up. So, Wall Street Journal, please tell me the ...

Christopher Hitchens, Christmas-Hater, Sings A Holiday Song
Post Date: 2007-12-24 19:46:50 by robin
Christopher Hitchens, noted hater of Christmas, Hanukkah, and all things religious, appeared at Monday night's "Secular Christmas" party hosted by libertarian Reason magazine. Watch as he helps "get the X back in X-Mas" and leads the chorus in a rendition of Tom Lehrer's satirical Christmas Carol:

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