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With no new evidence, Fox continues to ask: Did al Qaeda burn California?
Post Date: 2007-10-25 17:28:30 by aristeides
With no new evidence, Fox continues to ask: Did al Qaeda burn California? David Edwards and Nick Juliano Published: Thursday October 25, 2007 For the second straight day, Fox News stood virtually alone in advancing thinly supported speculation to raise fears that the wildfires ravaging California are not the result of a confluence of arid heat and high winds but were set deliberately by al Qaeda terrorists bent on destroying America. Fox & Friends, the conservative cable channel, was panned Wednesday for breathlessly reporting a sketchy, four-year-old FBI memo as if it offered new information linking America's enemies in the "Global War on Terror" with a plot to burn ...

Thuggish Madness
Post Date: 2007-10-25 16:52:44 by Peetie Wheatstraw
The NYO on N-Pod's WWIV:Norman Podhoretz believes that America needs to go to war soon with Iran. As far as he knows, Rudy Giuliani thinks the same thing. “I was asked to come in and give him a briefing on the war, World War IV,” said Mr. Podhoretz, a founding father of neoconservatism and leading foreign policy adviser to Mr. Giuliani. “As far as I can tell there is very little difference in how he sees the war and how I see it...” ...“My view has been, and I very much doubt that Giuliani would disagree with what I am about to say, what we are doing is to try and clear the ground that has been covered over at least since WWI,” he said. “Draining the ...

Employees Expose FOX NEWS Distortions
Post Date: 2007-10-24 20:54:27 by Peetie Wheatstraw

Disgusting Democrats, Drive-Bys Politicize the California Wildfires (LIMBAUGH CRITICIZES DEMS FOR POLITICIZING FIRES)
Post Date: 2007-10-24 19:21:23 by aristeides
Disgusting Democrats, Drive-Bys Politicize the California Wildfires October 24, 2007 BEGIN TRANSCRIPT RUSH: And I'm going to tell you exactly why you feel that way, because I bet you a lot of people are just fit to be tied. Snerdley just said to me, I saw him staring intently right into my eyes, I wasn't saying anything. I said, "What are you staring at?" He said, "It feels like one of these days everything is spinning out of control, like nothing's going right." Well, for me that started last night. I blew my top so many times last night and I was ready to blow my top this morning. I had so many just BS minutia things going that prevented me from doing ...

Where Are the Environmentalists Battling California Wildfires? (LIMBAUGH BLAMES 'ENVIRONMENTALIST WACKOS' FOR CA FIRES)
Post Date: 2007-10-24 19:10:09 by aristeides
Where Are the Environmentalists Battling California Wildfires? October 22, 2007 How about these fires out in Southern California -- Malibu? This is just, well, it's amazing, but it's not uncommon. I actually think these fires are worse than hurricanes. I wonder where in the world are the environmentalist wackos here trying to put the fires out? This has been an amazing thing to watch and to read about. I imagine if you were sitting in Southern California on Sunday, the experience of watching these fires and the media reaction was fascinating. But one thing stood out to me, especially in Malibu, when you watch the wall-to-wall coverage, you see firemen, you see homeowners, you ...

Ill-informed Fox anchors spread fears of al Qaeda link to California fires
Post Date: 2007-10-24 15:13:30 by aristeides
Ill-informed Fox anchors spread fears of al Qaeda link to California fires David Edwards and Nick Juliano Published: Wednesday October 24, 2007 Questionable 4-year-old FBI memo presented as new to stoke terror fears Did al Qaeda start the California wildfires? As more than a million people escaped the flames, Fox News anchors couldn't help speculating about a terrorism link to the blazes ravaging southern California. "I've heard some people talk about this a little bit to me, but have you heard anybody suggest that this could be some form of terrorism," Fox & Friends co-host Steve Doocy asked Wednesday morning. Correspondent Adam Housley said he's received ...

August 22 : Does Iran have something in store? (BERNARD LEWIS PREDICTS IRAN MIGHT END WORLD ON AUG. 22, 2006)
Post Date: 2007-10-23 11:59:53 by aristeides
August 22 Does Iran have something in store? BY BERNARD LEWIS Tuesday, August 8, 2006 4:30 p.m. EDT During the Cold War, both sides possessed weapons of mass destruction, but neither side used them, deterred by what was known as MAD, mutual assured destruction. Similar constraints have no doubt prevented their use in the confrontation between India and Pakistan. In our own day a new such confrontation seems to be looming between a nuclear-armed Iran and its favorite enemies, named by the late Ayatollah Khomeini as the Great Satan and the Little Satan, i.e., the United States and Israel. Against the U.S. the bombs might be delivered by terrorists, a method having the advantage of ...

The Self-Parodying Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week Kicks Off
Post Date: 2007-10-23 11:52:56 by Brian S
It’s a genuinely tough call. One certainly tempted to ignore David Horowitz’s “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week,” which kicked off yesterday, because it’s just too absurd to even bother. Or one could marvel at “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week,” and offer a reminder of just how far gone today’s conservative movement really is. Let’s go with the latter. I don’t think Hallmark has started producing greeting cards to mark the occasion quite yet, but far-right activists, led by Horowitz, have created “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week” to, well, the name probably says quite a bit about the point of the endeavor. In case there’s any doubt, ...

You STILL Can't Argue with Stupid
Post Date: 2007-10-23 02:18:17 by nolu_chan
NanceGreggs's Journal: Nance Rants You STILL Can't Argue with Stupid Posted by NanceGreggs in General Discussion: Politics Mon Oct 22nd 2007, 09:30 PM Edited on Mon Oct-22-07 09:32 PM by NanceGreggs You STILL Can’t Argue With Stupid By Nancy Greggs Well, I’ve said it before – and I’ll say it again. You can’t argue with Stupid. And we all know who Stupid is. He’s posting on websites about the necessity of war from the safety of his mother’s basement. He is always in a state of furor over the fact that the other guy isn’t in Iraq fightin’ the good fight. He’d be there himself, but like his heroes, he has other priorities – ...

The GOP Purge; The War Party can't win the war in Iraq, so they're taking it out on the GOP
Post Date: 2007-10-22 19:59:07 by Brian S
The ongoing hara-kiri of the GOP proceeds apace, with the latest being a concerted effort by the party's neoconservative wing to oust sitting Republican members of Congress who oppose the war. The latest examples: Walter B. Jones of North Carolina and Wayne Gilchrest of Maryland. Rep. Jones attracted national attention when, at the height of the pre-invasion war hysteria, he led an effort (with now-jailed Rep. Bob Ney) to rename the French fries on the menu in the House cafeteria "Freedom Fries" – and then attracted more serious attention when he turned against the war he had championed, and began to denounce the president's war policies in no uncertain terms. Jones ...

Waxman: Blackwater may have engaged in tax evasion
Post Date: 2007-10-22 18:26:21 by Mekons4
Waxman: Blackwater may have engaged in tax evasion By Klaus Marre October 22, 2007 The chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee asserted Monday that Iraq security contractor Blackwater USA “may have engaged in significant tax evasion.” In a letter to Blackwater Chairman Erik Prince, panel Chairman Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) noted that the IRS earlier this year ruled that the company “violated federal tax laws by treating an armed guard as an ‘independent contractor,’ ” Waxman said. “The implication of this ruling is that Blackwater may have avoided paying millions of dollars in Social Security, Medicare, unemployment and related taxes ...

(Neo)conservatives gush over Clinton
Post Date: 2007-10-22 12:00:09 by Rupert_Pupkin
Out of right field, conservatives gush over Clinton By Matt Stearns McClatchy Newspapers WASHINGTON — Since when is Hillary Clinton the idol of conservative pundits? After Clinton delivered a foreign-policy haymaker to Barack Obama's head during a Democratic presidential debate Tuesday: • Fred Barnes of The Weekly Standard, a neoconservative weekly, wrote that she answered the now-famous "would-you-meet-with-despots" question "firmly and coolly." • Rich Lowry of National Review, a conservative weekly, gushed: "She excels. ... Clinton has run a nearly flawless campaign and has done more than any other Democrat to show she's ready to be ...

Portents of A Nuclear Al-Qaeda
Post Date: 2007-10-18 16:13:48 by Peetie Wheatstraw
Rolf Mowatt-Larssen is paid to think about the unthinkable. As the Energy Department's director of intelligence, he's responsible for gathering information about the threat that a terrorist group will attack America with a nuclear weapon. .... He is convinced that al-Qaeda is trying to acquire a nuclear bomb that will leave the ultimate terrorist signature -- a mushroom cloud. We've all had enough fear-mongering to last a lifetime. Indeed, we have become so frightened of terrorism since Sept. 11, 2001, that we have begun doing the terrorists' job for them by undermining the legal framework of our democracy. And truly, I wish I could dismiss Mowatt-Larssen's analysis ...

A Campus Crusade Against Muslims
Post Date: 2007-10-18 12:05:17 by Brian S
COMING SOON to a college or university near you: A crusade of racist hate against Arabs and Muslims, featuring some of the right wing’s most vile figures. Beginning on October 22, conservative groups on more than 200 campuses will hold “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week”--an invention of David Horowitz, the self-appointed chief of the new campus thought police, that is being billed as the “biggest conservative campus protest ever.” Horowitz--a former leftist turned hard-core right-winger--sees communist and Islamic plots to take over America lurking on every campus. In the past, he has organized witch-hunts against progressive academics and attempted to introduce ...

Detroit Free Press: Wisecup doesn't regret tirade on camera
Post Date: 2007-10-17 17:16:09 by aristeides
Detroit Free Press: Wisecup doesn't regret tirade on camera by bfealk [Subscribe] Wed Oct 17, 2007 at 01:44:08 PM PDT Wow. Trent is sure pissed. He's so upset that he told the Detroit Free Press that he doesn't even regret his tirade on Saturday that I captured on video. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2073/1603346781_af32fec35d.jpg

Michael Ledeen: Iran was behind 9/11 !!!
Post Date: 2007-10-17 16:47:24 by aristeides
Michael Ledeen: Iran was behind 9/11 !!! by Florida Democrat [Subscribe] Wed Oct 17, 2007 at 12:44:04 PM PDT To be perfectly fair, the exact words used in this AEI press release are these: Indeed, as Ledeen demonstrates in The Iranian Time Bomb, the relationship between Iran and al Qaeda over the years has been so close that it is difficult today not to conclude that Iran was involved in the 9/11 attacks. Just in case there was ANY doubt, what the neocons are pushing for in no uncertain terms: There will never be adequate security in Iraq so long as Iran is in the grips of the theocratic fascist regime now in power. While it is understandable that policymakers do not want to face ...

Rudy Roughs Up Arabs
Post Date: 2007-10-17 11:23:05 by Brian S
Published: October 17, 2007 Now comes “Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week.” David Horowitz’s conservative Freedom Center has designated next week the time to “break through the barrier of politically correct doublespeak that prevails on American campuses, if you want to help our brave troops, who are fighting the Islamo-Fascists abroad.” The Freedom Center’s terrorism awareness program is urging college students to stage sit-ins outside the offices of women’s studies departments to protest “the silence of feminists over the oppression of women in Islam” and to distribute pamphlets on Islamo-Fascism. Their titles include “The Islamic Mein ...

Cheney's Law: Powerful Frontline Expose
Post Date: 2007-10-17 00:14:20 by Mekons4
The money shot: Cheney told the cabinet, after 911, that we are a nation of men, not laws, for now. If you missed it, you really do have to see it. Watch here: http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/cheney/view/ Lynne Cheney said today that it was slanted, biased, one-sided propaganda. Asked what was slanted, she had no answer. Not only did she and her husband refuse to participate, she hadn't even seen it.

Here's what Republicans really think of you (film at 11)
Post Date: 2007-10-15 15:18:51 by Mekons4
Knollenberg Staffer to Protester: "You're not a citizen," and "I speak for Joe." by Kagro X Mon Oct 15, 2007 at 08:03:34 AM PDT Apparently the Republicans still haven't figured out that those little black boxes with the lenses on the front actually record what they say. Here's Rep. Joe Knollenberg (R-MI) and a staffer -- Trent Wisecup -- who "speaks for" him, telling a protester he's anti-American, and not a citizen. Protester: I'm a citizen. Wisecup: No you're not. You're a political activist. You're a political activist with a political agenda. Wisecup: Go away. We don't want you here. Protester: Well, that ...

Limgaugh Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize
Post Date: 2007-10-14 12:51:03 by Rupert_Pupkin
Rush Limbaugh For The Nobel Peace Prize by John Berlau (more by this author) Posted 05/30/2007 ET Early this year, two members of the parliament of Norway nominated former U.S. vice president Al Gore for the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize. One of the legislators in Norway -- where the Nobel Committee is based -- argued that Gore deserves the prize to be awarded this fall because Gore “has put climate change on the agenda” and “and uses his position to get politicians to understand.” In response, the conservative Landmark Legal Foundation nominated another American political figure for the prize: syndicated radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh. In the letter nominating ...

A New Mission For The Wingnuts (JOHN COLE)
Post Date: 2007-10-12 15:19:39 by aristeides
A New Mission For The Wingnuts By: John Cole October 12, 2007 at 12:36 pm Via the Great Orange Satan, this: Ad Campaign Criticizes Pro-Life Members of Congress for Voting against Children’s Health Insurance Washington, DC- Catholics United will launch a radio advertising campaign targeting ten members of Congress whose opposition to the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP) have compromised their pro-life voting records. The ads, which feature a mother urging her Congressional Representative to support SCHIP, will primarily air on Christian and talk radio stations from Monday Oct. 15 to Wednesday, Oct. 17 as Congress approaches a critical Oct. 18 vote to override ...

Giuliani Names 3 More Jews As Advisers
Post Date: 2007-10-12 14:08:11 by Brian S
Rudy Giuliani named three more Jews to his foreign policy adviser team. Ruth Wedgwood, Michael Rubin and David Frum were among seven additional advisers named Thursday by the former New York mayor's campaign for the Republican presidential candidacy. Wedgwood, like Giuliani a former federal prosecutor, is a terrorism expert at Johns Hopkins University. Rubin, now an Iran-Iraq specialist the American Enterprise Institute, was employed at the Pentagon at the outset of the Iraq war. Frum is a former speechwriter for President Bush who helped coin the phrase "Axis of Evil." They join a staunchly neo-conservative team that includes Martin Kramer, an Israeli-American Shi'ism ...

Meanies And Hypocrites (E.J. DIONNE ON GRAEME FROST)
Post Date: 2007-10-12 10:59:18 by aristeides
Meanies And Hypocrites By E. J. Dionne Jr. Friday, October 12, 2007; Page A17 Conservatives claim to be in favor of stable families, small businesses, hard work, private schools, investment and homeownership. So why in the world are so many on the right attacking the family of Graeme Frost? Frost is the 12-year-old from Baltimore who delivered the Democrats' reply to a radio address by President Bush in September. The seventh-grader pleaded -- in vain, it turned out -- that the president not veto Congress's $35 billion expansion of the children's health care program known as SCHIP. A car crash in December 2004 left two of Halsey and Bonnie Frost's children comatose, ...

Sliming Graeme Frost (PAUL KRUGMAN)
Post Date: 2007-10-12 09:21:56 by aristeides
Sliming Graeme Frost By PAUL KRUGMAN Published: October 12, 2007 Two weeks ago, the Democratic response to President Bush’s weekly radio address was delivered by a 12-year-old, Graeme Frost. Graeme, who along with his sister received severe brain injuries in a 2004 car crash and continues to need physical therapy, is a beneficiary of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program. Mr. Bush has vetoed a bipartisan bill that would have expanded that program to cover millions of children who would otherwise have been uninsured. What followed should serve as a teaching moment. First, some background. The Frosts and their four children are exactly the kind of people S-chip was ...

Rudy's Radicals; The dingbat wing of the neoconservative movement is at the core of Team Giuliani...
Post Date: 2007-10-11 19:00:47 by Brian S
If ever there was an archetypal anti-libertarian, a politician whose views exemplify all the very worst aspects of the authoritarian personality, then that man is Rudy Giuliani, who infamously intoned: "We look upon authority too often and focus over and over again, for 30 or 40 or 50 years, as if there is something wrong with authority. We see only the oppressive side of authority. Maybe it comes out of our history and our background. What we don't see is that freedom is not a concept in which people can do anything they want, be anything they can be. Freedom is about authority. Freedom is about the willingness of every single human being to cede to lawful authority a great deal ...

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