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Pigboy Limbaugh's 'Phony Soldiers' Quote Draws Fire
Post Date: 2007-09-28 14:47:48 by Mekons4
Limbaugh's 'Phony Soldiers' Quote Draws Fire Talk Show Host Critical Of Anti-War Troops The Bush administration also distanced itself from radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh, who has called U.S. troops who oppose the war "phony soldiers." Limbaugh had argued with a caller on Wednesday about when U.S. troops ought to be brought home. The caller, who identified himself as "Mike" from Chicago and said he was an a Iraq veteran and a Republican, pushed Limbaugh on whether the occupation in Iraq would last forever. Limbaugh and his next caller, who also said he was in the military, both referred to soldiers who criticize the war and urge that troops be brought ...

Booga! Booga!
Post Date: 2007-09-27 15:02:07 by Peetie Wheatstraw
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's visit to New York has shown just how fucking batshit insane U.S. political culture currently is. The hysteria preceding his arrival was amplified to a fever pitch by the time Ahmadinejad appeared at Columbia University. Lee Bollinger, Columbia's president, foamed at the mouth when engaging Ahmadinejad, anxious to prove to all watching that he just hates -- no, really hates -- everything that Iran's president stands for: "Mr. President, you exhibit all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator. If it were up to me, I'd chain your arms to the back of my car and drag you through the worst streets of Morningside Heights, then I'd ...

O'Reilly in full meltdown
Post Date: 2007-09-27 11:00:17 by Mekons4
(Video at the link) CNN's Sanchez: O'Reilly "screamed at the top of his lungs for a very long period of time" Summary: Bill O'Reilly stated that CNN has gone "over to the dark side" for its coverage of O'Reilly's recent statement that he was surprised "there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant and any other restaurant in New York City ... even though it's run by blacks." O'Reilly said he "talked to CNN last night" before the controversy was discussed on CNN's Out in the Open and "explained the deal." He added, "They went ahead with the racist angle anyway." Out in the Open host Rick ...

Israel wants euros, not dollars
Post Date: 2007-09-27 08:03:21 by YertleTurtle
Secretary of State Rice has acknowledged a communique from Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Levni which requests that all foreign aid payments and loans from the United States be made in Euros rather than in Dollars. Foreign Minister Levni cited the rapidly declining dollar and it's disfavor as a world currency as reasons for the request. "In the spirit of Yom Kippur, the United States will not hold Israel to any agreements obligating them to accept Dollars as payment for their foreigh aid. We will translate our obligations into Euros or whatever currency that best fits Israel's needs" Secretary RIce said in the Friday, Sept 21 announcement. "We need to place our ...

Professor of Journalism, David Shuster
Post Date: 2007-09-26 22:24:17 by kiki
MoveOn for a change of pace? No, MoveOver everyone, for on Monday, MSNBC's David Shuster, batting for the pathologically immature Tucker Carlson, showed broadcast journalists how the game should be played. I wanted to feature this delightful incident yesterday morning, but the transcript was not yet available. Maybe it's only because I'm a creature of the printed word, but I often find transcripts more revealing than videos. There's something about their clean and clinical quality that seems to roast sacrificial phonies more thoroughly. And the transcript below of Republican Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn being basted by Mr. Shuster is no exception. She went into the ...

US Video Shows Hacker Hit on Power Grid
Post Date: 2007-09-26 22:07:46 by Eoghan
A government video shows the potential destruction caused by hackers seizing control of a crucial part of the U.S. electrical grid: an industrial turbine spinning wildly out of control until it becomes a smoking hulk and power shuts down. The video, produced for the Homeland Security Department and obtained by The Associated Press on Wednesday, was marked ``Official Use Only.'' It shows commands quietly triggered by simulated hackers having such a violent reaction that the enormous turbine shudders as pieces fly apart and it belches black-and-white smoke. The video was produced for top U.S. policy makers by the Idaho National Laboratory, which has studied the little-understood ...

Navy to alter swastika-shaped barracks
Post Date: 2007-09-26 18:41:19 by Eoghan
The Navy will spend as much as $600,000 to modify a 40-year-old barracks complex that resembles a swastika from the air, a gaffe that went largely unnoticed before satellite images became easily accessible on the Internet. The Navy said officials noted the buildings' shape after the groundbreaking in 1967 but decided against changing it at the time because it wasn't obvious from the ground. Aerial photos made available on Google Earth in recent years have since revealed the buildings' shape to a wide audience. The Navy approved the money to change the walkways, landscaping and rooftop solar panels of the four L-shaped barracks, used by members of the Naval Construction Force ...

Notes on an Outrage
Post Date: 2007-09-26 16:48:27 by Peetie Wheatstraw
Some have said that during Monday’s event at Columbia, President Bollinger redeemed himself with his appropriately fierce harangue against President Ahmadinejad before the latter’s address. But—apart from the fundamental obscenity of Ahmadinejad’s presence—the “debate” that followed the Iranian premier’s talk nullified any supposed redeeming value. Bollinger, after first denouncing Ahmadinejad as a heinous barbarian, found himself engaged in earnest back-and-forth with him, pondering his assertions, sometimes looking flustered and unsure of himself, straining to make a point. And if Ahmadinejad was ludicrously exposed for a moment when he spoke of a ...

Cheney to address secret group
Post Date: 2007-09-26 09:41:49 by Eoghan
The conservative Council for National Policy will meet in downtown Salt Lake Vice President Dick Cheney will speak to a super-secret, conservative policy group in Utah on Friday during his second trip to the state this year. Cheney will address the fall meeting of the Council for National Policy, a group whose self-described mission is to promote "a free-enterprise system, a strong national defense and support for traditional Western values." The organization - made up of few hundred powerful conservative activists - holds confidential meetings and members are advised not to use the name of the group in communications, according to a New York Times profile of the group. ...

Lieberman introduces amendment to attack Iran
Post Date: 2007-09-25 01:38:50 by Mekons4
CALL YOUR SENATORS RIGHT NOW AND DEMAND THEY VOTE DOWN THE LIEBERMAN-KYL AMENDMENT In case you thought it was just an aberrant moment of lunacy last week when Lieberman pressed General Petraeus for an attack on Iran, just before the weekend he introduced an amendment to the defense bill to authorize exactly that. No, we are not kidding. He has drafted language that any impartial observer would interpret as a DECLARATION OF WAR against Iran, and he is pressing for a vote as fast as possible. ACTION PAGE: http://www.usalone.com/no_iran_war_declaration.php Here is the language from the amendment: (3) that it should be the policy of the United States to combat, contain, and roll back the ...

Infantile Nation
Post Date: 2007-09-24 22:42:03 by Peetie Wheatstraw
Does this generation possess the gravitas to lead the world? Considering the hysteria that greeted the request of Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to lay a wreath at Ground Zero, the answer is no. What is it about this tiny man that induces such irrationality? Answer: He is president of a nation that is a "state sponsor of terror," that is seeking nuclear weapons, and is moving munitions to the Taliban and insurgents in Iraq. But Libya was a "state sponsor of terror," and Col. Khadafi was responsible for Pan Am 103, the Lockerbie massacre of school kids coming home for Christmas. And President Bush secretly negotiated a renewal of relations in return for Khadafi giving ...

Leola McConnell's Book Asserts Bush Is Homosexual
Post Date: 2007-09-24 21:08:42 by robin
Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:you decide

Glenn Beck: “Jesus and Hitler had a lot in common”
Post Date: 2007-09-24 20:10:25 by Zipporah
Glenn Beck: “Jesus and Hitler had a lot in common”By: Nicole Belle @ 4:15 PM - PDT It’s unbelievable that he said it, but it’s not as bad as it sounds. It’s just Beck’s authoritarian mind at work, in a really bizarre false equivalency way. In a discussion that revolves around honesty, comedian D.L. Hughley bemoans the lack of a clear front-runner in the presidential race. Beck equates that with his notion of electing based on Cult of Personality: Watch BECK: …(Y)ou`re saying that people want somebody that they just think they have all the answers. I`m saying that… HUGHLEY: No. That`s who we voted for, who we always voted for. BECK: OK. HUGHLEY: ...

Ahmadinejad at the Nat'l Press Club at 8:30 EST on C-Span2 [live thread]
Post Date: 2007-09-24 20:02:42 by a vast rightwing conspirator
To be followed by the unedited 60 Minutes interview. Click for Full Text!

Columbia to be punished for hosting the new Hitler enemy
Post Date: 2007-09-24 19:37:22 by Peetie Wheatstraw
All of the hysteria over Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speaking at Columbia University is so tiresome for so many reasons, beginning with the fact that it is all rather transparently motivated by exactly what Juan Cole says: "The real reason his visit is controversial is that the American right has decided the United States needs to go to war against Iran. Ahmadinejad is therefore being configured as an enemy head of state." In their minds, we are at war with Iran -- even though, in reality, i.e., according to our Constitution, we are not -- and all of the ensuing hysteria is rooted in the fantasy world they occupy in which Iran is our Enemy at War. By their nature, such fantasies ...

Wolfowitz and his 1992 Strategy of World Dominance: “The Defense Planning Guidance”
Post Date: 2007-09-23 22:23:48 by Zipporah
Nicole linked this article up once before, but I think it merits its own post. This document that was leaked to the NY Times back in 1992, explains in detail the Neocon wet dream of world domination. One wonders if the media would have looked at the cabinet Bush put together when he took office and then asked some real questions about Wolfie’s plan of world domination. I guess they had other things to do. These scenarios, issued separately to the military services on Feb. 4, were detailed in a New York Times article last month. They postulated regional wars against Iraq and North Korea, as well as a Russian assault on Lithuania and smaller military contingencies that United States ...

NRO’s (Jonah) Goldberg Chastizes MoveOn, Forgets His Own ‘Spineless’ Attack On Generals In 2004
Post Date: 2007-09-23 15:44:45 by Zipporah
NRO’s Goldberg Chastizes MoveOn, Forgets His Own ‘Spineless’ Attack On Generals In 2004 On Tuesday, National Review Online’s Jonah Goldberg approvingly linked to a column by the Washington Post’s Richard Cohen, in which Cohen slammed Democratic presidential candidates for not criticizing http://MoveOn.org’s Gen. David Petraeus ad in the New York Times. Goldberg said Cohen had a “pretty good” take on the Democrats’ “spinelessness regarding Petraeus.” In a September 11 2007 editorial, the National Review Online also took “the Left” to task for questioning the “honesty and patriotism” of Petraeus. As editor-at-large, ...

Karma, baby! Scaife fears open documents in divorce proceedings
Post Date: 2007-09-23 15:09:27 by robin
Anyone who has dipped a toe in the wild and woolly currents of politics in the last thirty years should be familiar with the name of Richard Mellon Scaife. As partisans go, there isn’t anyone else willing to put so much of their money where their ideologies drive them, $340 million by some estimates. Among the right-wing organizations substantially funded by Mr. Scaife are the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute, Judicial Watch, Cato Institute and a working group within his American Spectator publication called the “Arkansas Project,” whose specific aim was to locate and create dirt on the Clintons in order to smear them, in hopes of removing Clinton ...

Norman Podhoretz -- the Evil of Banality
Post Date: 2007-09-22 16:09:25 by YertleTurtle
Perhaps the most repellent character in Joseph Heller’s hilarious novel, Good as Gold, is one Maxwell Lieberman, the editor of a small, pretentious, once liberal now neoconservative monthly, a man who eats greedily with both hands, a New York Jewish intellectual whose sole literary output is a series of autobiographies celebrating his own life and thought. I have no way of knowing what Norman Podhoretz’s eating habits are. But Podhoretz is a New York Jewish intellectual, the longtime editor of the pretentious, once liberal now neoconservative monthly Commentary, and a man whose most visible literary output consists of autobiographical volumes celebrating his own career. ...

Iraq war budget jumps for 2008
Post Date: 2007-09-22 11:37:47 by Eoghan
After smothering efforts by war critics in Congress to drastically cut U.S. troop levels in Iraq, President Bush plans to ask lawmakers next week to approve another massive spending measure -- totaling nearly $200 billion -- to fund the war through next year, Pentagon officials said. If Bush's spending request is approved, 2008 will be the most expensive year of the Iraq war. U.S. war costs have continued to grow because of the additional combat forces sent to Iraq this year and because of efforts to quickly ramp up production of new technology, such as mine-resistant trucks designed to protect troops from roadside bombs. The new trucks can cost three to six times as much as an ...

The art of neoconservative innuendo
Post Date: 2007-09-22 09:01:21 by Zipporah
The art of neoconservative innuendo (updated below - Update II - Update III) Writing in National Review a couple of days ago, Michael Ledeen of the American Enterprise Institute blatantly violated the New Rule in America which prohibits questioning the credibility of a four-star General in a Time of War, when Ledeen (during a Time of War) attacked recently retired Four-Star General John Abizaid for explaining why a nuclear-armed Iran is less dangerous than a U.S. war with Iran. Said Ledeen in attacking the General:Abizaid Speaks! Oh Dear... [Michael Ledeen] General Abizaid has unburdened himself on the subject of nuclear Iran. He thinks Iran is kinda like the Soviet Union, it's ...

US Resumes Blackwater Convoys in Iraq
Post Date: 2007-09-22 01:38:44 by Eoghan
American convoys under the protection of Blackwater USA resumed on Friday, four days after the U.S. Embassy suspended all land travel by its diplomats and other civilian officials in response to the alleged killing of civilians by the security firm. A top aide to Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki had earlier conceded it may prove difficult for the Iraqi government to follow through on threats to expel Blackwater and other Western security contractors. The aide, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the investigation into Sunday's incident was ongoing, said a way out of the Blackwater crisis could be the payment of compensation to victims' families and an agreement from all ...

Corrupt Rep. Weller (R-IL) calls it quits, aide pushes reporter down stairs
Post Date: 2007-09-21 23:54:45 by Mekons4
I worked for Weller's opponent last year. He denied all the charges, which now turn out to be true of accepting gifts from a foreign power (his wife is the daughter of Guatamala's former thug president and a member of its parliament, which is a flagrant violation of U.S. law. Plus, he's a crook. Video at the link.) (CBS) JOLIET, Ill. CBS 2 Political Editor Mike Flannery has filed a complaint after he was shoved and sent down a flight of stairs while questioning a congressman Friday, knocking him into a woman who also fell. The incident happened in Joliet, where Rep. Jerry Weller (R-Ill.) was announcing his intention not to run for reelection. Weller spoke for about 15 to 20 ...

S.C. mom scoops al-Qaida with its videos
Post Date: 2007-09-21 23:26:05 by Zipporah
S.C. mom scoops al-Qaida with its videos By SAGAR MEGHANI, Associated Press WriterThu Sep 20, 8:02 PM ET Once her son is off to school, Laura Mansfield settles in at her dining room table with her laptop and begins trolling Arabic-language message boards and chat rooms popular with jihadists. Fluent in Arabic, the self-employed terror analyst often hacks into the sites, translates the material, puts it together and sends her analysis via a subscription service to intelligence agencies, law enforcement and academics. Occasionally she comes across a gem, such as when she found a recent Osama bin Laden video — before al-Qaida had announced it. "I realized, oh my gosh, ...

Coming to GROUND ZERO "82 years young" to stop Ahmadinejad!
Post Date: 2007-09-21 23:15:10 by Zipporah
Coming to GROUND ZERO "82 years young" to stop Ahmadinejad! Posted by: Kevin McCullough at 10:00 AMWith still the possibility very alive that Ahmadinejad may plan to show up at Ground Zero on Monday morning - PLEASE JOIN US anytime you can spare between 9:30am-11:00am . (His schedule puts him there at 10am.) Dear Kevin, This is Nancy from Fleischmanns. I wanted to call the show today, in fact, V-Man answered and I held for a while, but I am a nurse so I had to hang up... How come were are the only nation that has to fight with one hand tied behind our backs? Next, I and my 82 year old mother, so far, will be there Monday. I took a vacation day. I am going to tell others about ...

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