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Canadians can now mention bombs, guns at airports
Post Date: 2007-07-13 09:09:14 by Eoghan
OTTAWA (Reuters) - Air travelers in Canada who make comments about bombs and guns will from now on only be arrested if it is clear they are making a serious threat, officials said on Wednesday. The Canadian Air Transport Safety Authority, trying to clamp down on screeners who alert police every time they hear alarming words, has issued a bulletin urging staff to show more discretion. A person who announces "You better look through my suitcase carefully, because there's a bomb in there", "I am going to set fire to this airplane with this blowtorch" or "The man in seat 32F has a machine gun" will still be arrested. But someone who remarks "Your hockey ...

Bush: US can still win war in Iraq
Post Date: 2007-07-12 11:26:42 by Eoghan
President George W. Bush insisted Thursday America could still win the war in Iraq, despite a bleak picture of progress in the war-wracked nation painted by a White House report. As Bush tried to quell a Republican revolt and thwart rising Democratic demands to bring troops home, he argued there were still grounds for optimism, especially in the area of security. "I believe we can succeed in Iraq, and I know we must," Bush said at a press conference called to defend his unpopular strategy, and ruled out any troop withdrawals based on souring public opinion on the war. He said a pull-back before commanders recommended it was safe, would be "dangerous" for the Middle ...

Turkey: US Weapons in Guerrilla Hands
Post Date: 2007-07-11 10:42:50 by Eoghan
Turkey's ambassador to Washington said Wednesday that U.S. weapons have been turning up in the hands of Kurdish guerrillas staging attacks in Turkey. Nabi Sensoy said that the United States is not doing enough to influence Kurdish politicians in key positions in the Iraqi government to crack down on the Kurdistan Workers Party or PKK, which has been fighting for an independent Kurdistan within Turkey for decades. He said that Turkey has been pressing the United States to ensure that U.S. weapons supplied to Kurdish forces within the Iraqi army are not funneled to the PKK. He did not suggest that the U.S. has been supplying the PKK directly. But he accused Kurdish members of the Iraqi ...

It's Fatal Attraction All Over Again: Has Ann Coulter Got the Hots for John Edwards?
Post Date: 2007-07-11 05:12:05 by Zoroaster
July 10, 2007 It's Fatal Attraction All Over Again Has Ann Coulter Got the Hots for John Edwards? By EVA LIDDELL When FDR was running for president he had recovered from polio which left him bound to a wheelchair. While the legend has it that FDR "hid" his condition and did not want the people to know that he could not walk the opposite is true. Through the newspapers and magazines where Roosevelt wielded great influence people read about the illness he had overcome. If the candidate Roosevelt could conquer the illness that had afflicted so many Americans they too could conquer the other disaster afflicting them, the Great Depression. With Roosevelt as its heroic example ...

Ex- convicts and addicts may get DoD clearance
Post Date: 2007-07-10 09:58:31 by Eoghan
At the Pentagon’s request, Senate defense authorizers tucked deep within a defense bill a repeal of the department’s restriction on granting security clearances to ex-convicts, drug addicts and the mentally incompetent. The repeal provision now is creating discord between the Senate Armed Services and the Intelligence committees. In its markup of the 2008 defense authorization bill, the Intelligence panel voted to delete the Armed Services provision. The fate of the provision could become a flashpoint this week as the Senate takes up the bill. The Senate Armed Services panel seeks to repeal a seven-year-old law that established mandatory standards disqualifying certain people ...

Report: Wars Costing $12 Billion a Month
Post Date: 2007-07-09 14:58:12 by Eoghan
The boost in troop levels in Iraq has increased the cost of war there and in Afghanistan to $12 billion a month, and the total for Iraq alone is nearing a half-trillion dollars, congressional analysts say. All told, Congress has appropriated $610 billion in war-related money since the Sept. 11, 2001, terror assaults, roughly the same as the war in Vietnam. Iraq alone has cost $450 billion. The figures come from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service, which provides research and analysis to lawmakers. For the 2007 budget year, CRS says, the $166 billion appropriated to the Pentagon represents a 40 percent increase over 2006. The Vietnam War, after accounting for inflation, cost ...

Whose bombs?
Post Date: 2007-07-09 10:14:39 by Eoghan
How to understand the attempted but largely failed terrorist plots uncovered since last Friday (June 29)? Police officers on June 29 dismantled two 33;car bombs33; made from gas canisters, gasoline and nails, parked in central London33;s major theatre and shopping districts. A day later, two men rammed a Jeep Cherokee, filled with flammable material, into a terminal entrance at Glasgow airport. The series of attempted attacks follows hot on the heels of an attempted al-Qaeda attack in the United States earlier in June. The chronology requires further probing, and, indeed, preliminary analysis raises some unresolved questions. Their terror . . . and ours We will start ...

Wedded Bliss
Post Date: 2007-07-09 05:43:52 by YertleTurtle
Wedded Bliss Poster Comment:Part of me must be about five years old...I laughed throughout the slideshow.

American Fascists
Post Date: 2007-07-08 23:30:05 by Ferret Mike
-- Part 1 Chris Hedges's new book examines how Christian dominionists are seeking absolute power and a Christian state. According to Hedges, the movement bears a strong resemblance to the young fascist movements in Italy and Germany in the 1920s and '30s. Hedges is the former New York Times Middle East bureau chief and author of "War Is a Force That Gives Us Meaning." (more) Part 2 Part 3

Blackwater manager blamed for 2004 massacre in Fallujah
Post Date: 2007-07-08 15:11:26 by Eoghan
Military contractors write that a site manager sent four Americans on an ill-advised, fatal mission When four Blackwater USA security guards were ambushed and massacred in Fallujah in 2004, graphic images showed the world exactly what happened: four men killed, their bodies burned and dragged through the streets. A chanting mob hung two mutilated corpses from a bridge. Since then, Congress and the families of the murdered private security contractors have been demanding answers: Why did the lightly armed and undermanned team go through the heart of one of Iraq's most hostile cities? Why did the two teams sent out that day have four members, not the usual six? Some answers can be ...

Iraq outposts plan may be flawed
Post Date: 2007-07-08 14:03:21 by Eoghan
Some troops say the shift of forces to Baghdad neighborhoods is not achieving its goal: to increase street patrols and build trust. The neighborhood outposts that the U.S. military launched with great fanfare in Baghdad early this year were supposed to put more American patrols on the streets and make residents feel safer. But some soldiers stationed at the posts and Iraqis who live nearby say they are doing the opposite. The outposts, along with joint U.S.-Iraqi security stations, form a cornerstone of the current Iraq strategy. Following a classic counterinsurgency tenet, military planners are trying to take U.S. forces out of their distant, sprawling military bases and into the ...

US ran nuclear weapons exercises the week before Bush-Putin summit
Post Date: 2007-07-07 20:26:25 by Eoghan
Shortly before the so-called 'Lobster Summit' between President George W. Bush and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin in Kennebunkport, Maine, the United States appears to have carried out a significant nuclear weapons exercise, according to a report in Friday's Washington Times. "International radio operators picked up large numbers of coded Air Force communications being sent around the world on June 26 that indicated some type of military activity was about to take place," writes Bill Gertz in his weekly "Inside The Ring" column. Gertz suggests that the transmissions, which he called 'extraordinary,' were related to US nuclear forces. ...

Bush's growing madness shocks even his friends
Post Date: 2007-07-06 17:17:55 by Ferret Mike
President George W. Bush's paranoid megalomania is so rampant that close friends and supporters worry about the man's sanity and fear he has lost his tenuous grip on reality. Bush, whose arrogant stubbornness knows no bounds, is so wrapped up in his obsession with being President and "commander-in-chief" that his behavior shocks his most ardent supporters. Writes syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer: "Friends of his from Texas were shocked recently to find him nearly wild-eyed, thumping himself on the chest three times while he repeated "I am the president!" He also made it clear he was setting Iraq up so his successor could not get out of "our ...

Plot to attack US base unearthed
Post Date: 2007-07-05 23:28:57 by Eoghan
London: A plot to carry out car bomb attacks in the United States involving "45 doctors" has been uncovered by Scotland Yard. Police found details of the plan to use car bombs and rocket grenades to attack a naval base on an internet site run by a cyber-terrorist gang of three. The group - led by an IT expert using the online name Irhaby007, Arabic for Terrorist007 - set up websites from their bedrooms in London and Kent to spread extremist propaganda. The details of the terror discussions were found at the Shepherd's Bush home of the gang's 23-year-old leader Younis Tsouli. One message read: "We are 45 doctors and we are determined to undertake jihad and take the ...

Fox News: Universal health care breeds terrorists.
Post Date: 2007-07-05 19:59:24 by Zipporah
Fox News: Universal health care breeds terrorists. « Today on Fox News’s Your World With Neil Cavuto, National Review Online columnist Jerry Bowyer attacked Michael Moore’s movie SiCKO and its positive portrayal of the health care in countries such as Britain and France. He argued that national health care systems are breeding grounds for terrorists because they are “bureaucratic.” “I think the terrorists have shown over and over again…they’re very good at gaming the system with bureaucracies,” said Bowyer. Bowyer also claimed that in the United States, “if one of your doctors is spending all the time online reading Osama bin Laden ...

Scholars Recommend Dividing Iraq Into 3
Post Date: 2007-07-05 18:28:06 by Eoghan
With President Bush's war strategy clouded by limited results and mounting casualties, two scholars are proposing a partition plan that would divide Iraq into three main regions. The authors, Edward P. Joseph of Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and Michael O'Hanlon, senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, are hoping to draw the attention of Bush administration policymakers. They are circulating their suggestions within the Bush administration. Sen. Joseph Biden of Delaware, who is a Democratic presidential candidate and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, has sought for months to attract support for a partition plan he formulated with ...

White House Criticizes Clintons on Libby
Post Date: 2007-07-05 18:18:07 by Eoghan
The White House on Thursday made fun of former President Clinton and his wife, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, for criticizing President Bush's decision to erase the prison sentence of former aide I. Lewis ``Scooter'' Libby. ``I don't know what Arkansan is for chutzpah, but this is a gigantic case of it,'' presidential spokesman Tony Snow said. In his commutation decision, Bush left a $250,000 fine. Libby paid the fine on Thursday. Libby's friends and supporters have raised more than $5 million to cover legal fees and were continuing to raise money but Libby paid the fine himself, according to someone close to the fund who spoke on condition of anonymity because ...

Bush Filed a Motion Last Year to Uphold the 33-Month Sentence of Victor Rita, a 24-Year Marine Corps Vet Convicted on Same Crimes as Libby
Post Date: 2007-07-05 17:49:11 by Ferret Mike
Last month, the Supreme Court agreed with the Bush Justice Dept., ruling against Rita’s appeal for a reduced sentence based his exemplary military service. Tony Snow said that President Bush decided to commute Scooter Libby’s two and a half year-prison sentence for perjury and obstruction of justice, because it was “excessive.” Yet last year the Bush Administration filed a “friend-of-the-court brief” with the Supreme Court, in an attempt to uphold a lower court’s ruling that a 33-month prison sentence for Victor Rita, who was convicted of the same exact charges, perjury and obstruction of justice, was “reasonable.” Pres. Bush cited ...

Cheney's 4th of July message
Post Date: 2007-07-04 18:18:35 by kiki

FBI: Suicide Bombs a Big Concern
Post Date: 2007-07-04 16:38:55 by Eoghan
NEW YORK Suicide bombers have not hit the United States since the 9/11 terrorist hijacking attacks, but they remain a constant concern because of their prevalence around the globe and determination to die for their causes, according to the FBI's chief of counterterrorism. He does not believe America is overflowing with homegrown terrorists, but Joseph Billy said "a significant number" of attacks have been thwarted since airliners were crashed into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania farm field on Sept. 11, 2001. While declining to divulge the nature of the averted plots, Billy credited intelligence that led to either fortified security around potential ...

Heckuva job? Bush Administration vaunted bogus credentials for birth control czar, (*Population Affairs*)
Post Date: 2007-07-04 12:22:34 by Calamity
In a hilarious, madcap mix-up, the Bush administration accidentally appointed an unqualified quack who lied about his credentials and experience to the Department of Health and Human Services as the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Population Affairs, or the “birth control czar.” Dr. Eric J. Hackenbush Keroack has a few important words for you regarding your uterus. more » http://wonkette.com/politics/birth-control/ 5/16/2007 The Story: Medical Directorship was part time or volunteer post, group says The former head of the federal agency overseeing family planning programs misled the public about his qualifications and background, a RAW STORY investigation has ...

Most oppose pardon for Libby in CIA leak case
Post Date: 2007-07-02 21:36:06 by Ferret Mike
Most Americans don't want President Bush to pardon Vice President Cheney's convicted former chief of staff Lewis Libby, according to a new poll from CNN. "Nearly 70 percent of Americans oppose a presidential pardon for former White House aide Lewis 'Scooter' Libby after his conviction on perjury and other charges related to a CIA agent's exposure, according to a CNN poll out Monday," the news network reports. Less than 20 percent support a Libby pardon, the article states. "A narrow majority," reveals CNN, "said they believe Cheney was part of a cover-up in the case." Sixty percent of those polled also said they didn't consider Cheney ...

Joe Wilson: "Scooter is the traitor"
Post Date: 2007-07-02 19:21:01 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Just heard the guy on CNN. I think the Libby pardon is a most funny episode and it has its place in the process of total decomposition of the current American 'conservative' clique. It's absurd beyond extreme, coming from an a-hole president who used to joke about the death-row guys he refused to pardon while he was gov'nor. I hope the Wilsons succeed in turning Scooter into OJ Mark 2, getting a multi-million judgment against him. Click for Full Text!

U.S. out to buff its global image (Karen Hughes sighting)
Post Date: 2007-07-02 16:13:38 by Mekons4
U.S. out to buff its global image Grass-roots diplomatic initiative tackles ill will abroad, but skeptics say much more is needed By Bay Fang Washington Bureau Published July 2, 2007 ELISTA, Russia -- It is a blazing hot day in the desert in the tiny Russian republic of Kalmykia, and a cluster of schoolchildren in red baseball caps and T-shirts huddles in the courtyard of Secondary School No. 3, waving little American flags. Not many American flags are being waved in Russia, but this is a two-week English-language summer camp sponsored by the U.S. government, and on this particular day a special visitor is coming. Down the lane roars a huge, Shrek-green bus, and out steps Michelle Kwan, ...

Feds Gear Up For Summer Of All Fearmongering
Post Date: 2007-07-02 15:56:36 by Eoghan
"Spectacular" summer attacks expected as emergency alert drills invade TV, radio On the back of a hysterical response to attempted car bombings in the UK last week, a leaked secret U.S. law enforcement report warns of "spectacular" summer attacks while emergency alert drills spill over onto live TV and radio, as traveling Brits and Americans are served up the usual dose of fear at the height of the holiday season. Following the discovery of two car bombs in London that would have done little more than wreck a couple of Mercedes and a bizarre incident in which a Jeep was rammed into a Glasgow Airport terminal, the UK and U.S. governments have seized upon the non-events ...

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