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Glenn Beck’s Lame Attempt to “Debunk” FEMA Camps
Post Date: 2009-04-08 12:09:28 by MING THE MERCILESS
I really hate this Beck creature. What a tool http://www.infowars.com/alex-jon...-of-fema-camps-in-the-us/

Gingrich: GOP-ers may form third party
Post Date: 2009-04-07 18:48:29 by Artisan
Gingrich: GOP-ers may form third party By ANDY BARR | 4/3/09 11:01 AM EDT Newt Gingrich thrashed the GOP for allowing Bush's increased spending and not blocking Obama’s early initiatives. Photo: AP Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich is warning fellow Republicans that conservatives may leave the GOP for a third party in 2012. “If the Republicans can’t break out of being the right wing party of big government, then I think you would see a third party movement in 2012,” Gingrich said Wednesday during a speech at the College of the Ozarks in Missouri, the local television station KY3 reported. Gingrich thrashed Republicans for allowing increased spending during ...

Sean Hannity and Dick Morris: Conspiracy Theorists were right!
Post Date: 2009-04-03 01:43:02 by mirage
Poster Comment:"They were crazy but now, they're right!" The world may now end.

Police identify 200 children as potential terrorists
Post Date: 2009-03-30 11:47:46 by noone222
Police identify 200 children as potential terrorists Drastic new tactics to prevent school pupils as young as 13 falling into extremism Two hundred schoolchildren in Britain, some as young as 13, have been identified as potential terrorists by a police scheme that aims to spot youngsters who are "vulnerable" to Islamic radicalisation. The number was revealed to The Independent by Sir Norman Bettison, the chief constable of West Yorkshire Police and Britain's most senior officer in charge of terror prevention. He said the "Channel project" had intervened in the cases of at least 200 children who were thought to be at risk of extremism, since it began 18 months ...

Council on Foreign Relations on Planetary Geoengineering: “Add more small reflecting particles in the upper part of the atmosphere”
Post Date: 2009-03-27 14:43:26 by Rotara
Council on Foreign Relations on Planetary Geoengineering: “Add more small reflecting particles in the upper part of the atmosphere” cryptogon.com Friday, March 27, 2009 I don’t think anyone has the complete story on exactly what chemtrails are. I don’t doubt that weather modification is a part of it, but take your pick on the rest. There’s almost certainly a biological component to some of the spraying. There could also be some kind of scalar weapon application involving HAARP. My guess is that the CFR came out with the relatively innocuous sounding weather modification stuff in order to take some of the focus away from the other questions. Even so, I find it ...

Lynda “Wonder Woman” Carter Says Obama Opposition “Spreading Hate”
Post Date: 2009-03-27 14:18:31 by Rotara
Lynda “Wonder Woman” Carter Says Obama Opposition “Spreading Hate” Nicholas Ballasy CNSNews March 26, 2009 A d v e r t i s e m e n tActress Lynda Carter, best known for her role as Wonder Woman on television, said that while there always is a loyal opposition to the party in power, the political “right wing” in America is “spreading hate.” Carter, who spoke with CNSNews.com at an event to raise awareness about mental illness, also said “it’s pathetic that we don’t do more” for the homeless in America. “You know, the last eight years I was the loyal opposition and now there’s another loyal opposition,” Carter ...

U.N. ‘Climate Change’ Plan Would Likely Shift Trillions to Form New World Economy
Post Date: 2009-03-27 14:12:56 by Rotara
U.N. ‘Climate Change’ Plan Would Likely Shift Trillions to Form New World Economy George Russell Fox News March 27, 2009 A United Nations document on “climate change” that will be distributed to a major environmental conclave next week envisions a huge reordering of the world economy, likely involving trillions of dollars in wealth transfer, millions of job losses and gains, new taxes, industrial relocations, new tariffs and subsidies, and complicated payments for greenhouse gas abatement schemes and carbon taxes — all under the supervision of the world body. A d v e r t i s e m e n tThose and other results are blandly discussed in a discretely worded United ...

Freedom Tower Name Changed to “One World Trade Center”
Post Date: 2009-03-27 13:51:39 by Rotara
Freedom Tower Name Changed to “One World Trade Center” Associated Press March 27, 2009 NEW YORK - The Freedom Tower is out. One World Trade Center is in. A d v e r t i s e m e n tThe agency that owns the site says that the signature 1,776-foot skyscraper replacing the towers destroyed on Sept. 11, 2001, will be known as One World Trade Center. The building under construction at the site was named the Freedom Tower in the first master plan. Officials at the time said the tallest, most symbolic of five planned towers at the site would demonstrate the country’s triumph over terrorism. Port Authority of New York and New Jersey Chairman Anthony Coscia says the agency refers ...

Satanic Fabian Warmongers
Post Date: 2009-03-25 02:13:33 by Rotara
Satanic Fabian Warmongers Mike Robinson UK Column Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Tony Blair’s conversion to Catholicism is laughable. He and his witch of a wife profess to be Christians, supposedly qualified to comment on the religions future, and yet, have been known to enjoy howling at the moon from time to time.As is well recognised, Blair is a genocidal war monger. So while much of his work may sit under the general public’s radar these days, it will come as no surprise that he is up to no good in the Middle East.Having incited Israel’s recent insane attack on Gaza, he is now point man in the continuing drive to get Israel to attack Iran. Yes, that’s right, now that ...

Common Purpose: “Re-Engineering” UK For A New World Order
Post Date: 2009-03-25 02:09:38 by Rotara
Common Purpose: “Re-Engineering” UK For A New World Order You Tube Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Brian Gerrish, is a former naval officer and anti-submarine warfare expert, who, together with colleagues throughout the country, has conducted detailed research into ‘Common Purpose’, a mysterious collective which seeks to by-pass the British democratic system by setting up unelected quangoes with extreme European federalist agendas. According to Gerrish, there is now almost no strata of the BBC, NHS, local government, police forces, regional structures, armed forces, government departments, communications media and industry, which has not in some way been infiltrated or ...

Reports: Bilderberg To Meet in Athens
Post Date: 2009-03-25 02:01:47 by Rotara
Reports: Bilderberg To Meet in Athens Greek media outlets state that elite luminaries will convene on luxury resort in mid May Steve WatsonInfowars.net Tuesday, March 24, 2009 Reports circling in the Greek media have suggested that the location of this year’s secretive Bilderberg meeting will be Athens, Greece.GR Reporter, a Greek based website that gathers information from different print and electronic media in Greece, reports that the Elefterios Tipos newspaper recently announced the location and date of the meeting as Athens between 14th and 16th of May.A second report in another Greek newspaper, Tovima, has also suggested that the confab will be held in Athens in the same ...

Canadian David Frum a force for moderation in US Republican Party
Post Date: 2009-03-24 14:32:34 by Brian S
A Canadian, knowledgeable about how conservatives in Canada rebranded themselves, seeks a renaissance of the GOP. To succeed, he'll likely have to defeat party titan Rush Limbaugh in the arena of media opinion March 23, 2009 WASHINGTON — The future of the Republican Party, if it has one, is Canadian. David Frum is emerging as the reasoned alternative to the blinkered prejudices that inform much of the debate within the GOP. His close knowledge of the struggle to reinvent and reunite Canadian conservatism, and his own personal evolution, have led him to call for a renaissance of the Republican Party within the United States, one that combines fiscal probity with social ...

Which Glenn Beck Can We Believe In? [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-03-21 16:30:43 by nooz

Palin Hits Obama on 'Special Olympics' Joke
Post Date: 2009-03-20 16:47:06 by Brian S
Gov. Sarah Palin responded to remarks made last night by President Obama related to the Special Olympics on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno": “I was shocked to learn of the comment made by President Obama about Special Olympics,” Governor Palin said.  “This was a degrading remark about our world’s most precious and unique people, coming from the most powerful position in the world. “These athletes overcome more challenges, discrimination and adversity than most of us ever will.  By the way, these athletes can outperform many of us and we should be proud of them.  I hope President Obama’s comments do not reflect how he truly feels about ...

New "disease" sweeps the South
Post Date: 2009-03-20 11:15:34 by Refinersfire
I had no idea what Category to place this in.. it's that out of here.. so I put it in Neocon Nuttery, as if I don't laugh, I'll cry at the stupidity of it all.. CDC identifies new disease sweeping the South Dear Friend, You may sometimes think that I go too far in my criticism of government health organizations like the FDA and the CDC. And you know what? Not once have I ever had one single pang of guilt for anything I've said. Time and again, these agencies disappoint in their stated mission for the people of the United States. Case in point, a new study by, the CDC has concluded that residents of the Southern U.S. are more likely to die in traffic accidents than ...

Republican Blasts New Medical Marijuana Policy
Post Date: 2009-03-19 11:43:21 by Brian S
WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley says the Obama administration's change in policy toward medical marijuana is a bad idea. The Iowa lawmaker is criticizing the Justice Department's new policy of targeting California's medical marijuana distributors only if they violate both federal and state law. That's a break from the administration of former President George W. Bush, which targeted dispensaries under federal law even if they complied with the state's law allowing sales of medical marijuana. Grassley says the new policy outlined by Attorney General Eric Holder Wednesday is counterproductive because marijuana leads to use of harder drugs. The ...

Bin Laden calls for holy war
Post Date: 2009-03-16 15:17:52 by Rotara
Bin Laden calls for holy war Published: Saturday 14 March 2009 16:04 UTC Last updated: Saturday 14 March 2009 16:07 UTC In an audio message broadcast by Al-Jazeera television on Saturday, al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden accused moderate Arab leaders of 'conspiring with the West'. He did not name names but said, "some Arab leaders were complicit with the Crusader Zionist alliance against our people".The al-Qaeda leader described Israel's January military offensive in the Gaza Strip as a 'Holocaust' and called for a holy war to free Iraq from US forces and for jihadists to launch attacks against Israel from Jordan. The tape has not yet been ...

The Conservative Civil War
Post Date: 2009-03-16 12:32:34 by Brian S
Beltway conservatives are turning against Rush Limbaugh. The most recent assassin is David Frum. The former Bush speechwriter and fellow at the American Enterprise Institute wrote an article, "Why Rush is wrong," in the March 16 edition of Newsweek, attacking the popular talk radio host. Mr. Frum argues that Mr. Limbaugh should not be the "public face" of the conservative movement. Mr. Frum says Mr. Limbaugh is caught in a time warp, championing small government and tax cuts when economic realities have changed. Mr. Frum criticizes Mr. Limbaugh's Feb. 28 speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference. Mr. Frum also excoriates Mr. Limbaugh for saying he ...

Cheney: Obama detainee policies make US less safe
Post Date: 2009-03-15 12:24:52 by christine
WASHINGTON (AP) - Former Vice President Dick Cheney said Sunday that President Barack Obama's overturning of Bush administration terrorism-fighting initiatives are making Americans less safe. In noting the sixth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, Cheney said nearly all the Republican administration's goals there had been met. Obama has suspended military trials for suspected terrorists and announced he will close the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as well as overseas sites where the CIA has held some detainees. The president also ordered CIA interrogators to abide by the U.S. Army Field Manual's regulations for treatment of detainees and denounced ...

Raising Bristol: Freepers Deal With The Bastard Palin
Post Date: 2009-03-13 17:27:01 by Brian S
For sheer gloating pleasure, you can’t beat the lunkheads on Free Republic trying to deal with the news that Palin’s daughter not only isn’t going to marry Levi, but is breaking up with him. It’s what they call the whole spectrum of human emotion, or primate anyway. They’re so stunned they wander for a while through digressions like whether the sperm donor in question was named after a pair of pants or not. One loyalist with the wonderful moniker “Solid Wood” insists it can’t be true, must be a liberal media lie, until someone sends the two-word death sentence: “Fox confirms.” Then he settles for calling everyone who mentions the story a ...

US Zionist Islamophobe Losers Find New False Prophet in Feert Wilders
Post Date: 2009-03-13 11:45:56 by Brian S
CAIR, March 12, 2009   The fiercely anti-Islam Dutch MP Geert Wilders has been traveling through the U.S. this week on a highly-publicised trip to meet with politicians, promote his controversial film ‘Fitna’, and raise money for his legal defence back home. Although Wilders’s stated goal has been to campaign for free speech, his trip has been sponsored and promoted by an unlikely coalition of groups united primarily by their hostility towards Islam. His backers include neoconservative and right-wing Jewish groups on the one hand and figures with ties to the European far right on the other. Since he was charged with incitement to hate and discrimination in the ...

Freepers latest protest
Post Date: 2009-03-08 03:44:52 by Elliott Jackalope
Pictures from the latest protest involving Freeptards...

Who will replace Michael Steele as RNC chairman?
Post Date: 2009-03-06 01:16:27 by X-15
Probably nobody. Because the GOP hasn’t got the guts to dump him. He should’ve been sacked on the spot when he went on national TV and agreed with DL Hughley that the GOP convention “literally looked like Nazi Germany.” But he’s black, so he can’t be fired. Now, after his spineless groveling to Rush Limbaugh, he’s become nothing but a punchline. The late night TV shows are ridiculing him mercilessly. He’s turning the GOP into a laughingstock. But, still they refuse to fire him. They know he’s destroying them, but he’s black, so he gets to keep the job. That’s what affirmative action is all about - giving incompetent people jobs that ...

March 4, 2009: Doom Bunker - Jack Jacobs and Stephen Moore/March 4, 2009: Glenn Beck's War Room
Post Date: 2009-03-05 21:03:38 by Kamala
.cc_box a:hover .cc_home{background:url('http://www.comedycentral.com/comedycentral/video/assets/syndicated-logo-over.png') !important;}.cc_links a{color:#b9b9b9;text-decoration:none;}.cc_show a{color:#707070;text-decoration:none;}.cc_title a{color:#868686;text-decoration:none;}.cc_links a:hover{color:#67bee2;text-decoration:underline;}The Colbert ReportMon - Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30cDoom Bunker - Jack Jacobs and Stephen MooreColbert Report Full EpisodesPolitical HumorRap BattleJoke of the Day .cc_box a:hover .cc_home{background:url('http://www.comedycentral.com/comedycentral/video/assets/syndicated-logo-over.png') !important;}.cc_links ...

Fed Says Loan Plan to Start March 25, May Add Rentals (Update1)
Post Date: 2009-03-04 03:29:29 by Rotara
March 3 (Bloomberg) -- The Federal Reserve said its $1 trillion program to prop up the market for auto and business loans will start disbursing funds March 25 and will probably accept securities backed by vehicle-fleet and equipment leases. The Fed also lowered interest rates and so-called collateral haircuts for loans tied to asset-backed securities with guarantees by the Small Business Administration or to government- guaranteed student loans, the central bank and U.S. Treasury said in a statement in Washington. Chairman Ben S. Bernanke and his colleagues, after cutting the benchmark interest rate almost to zero, are counting on the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility, or ...

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