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Trotskyism to Anachronism: The Neoconservative Revolution
Post Date: 2014-11-08 01:22:24 by X-15
For 14 years, from the 1973 Jackson-Vanik amendment until the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty, a group of intellectuals known as neoconservatives shaped, and sometimes dominated, American foreign policy. They wrote for Commentary, The Wall Street For 14 years, from the 1973 Jackson-Vanik amendment until the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces Treaty, a group of intellectuals known as neoconservatives shaped, and sometimes dominated, American foreign policy. They wrote for Commentary, The Wall Street Journal, and later The National Interest. They acted through organizations like the Committee on the Present Danger and the Committee for the Free World. They held important ...

Don’t watch RT!
Post Date: 2014-11-02 06:11:38 by Tatarewicz
RT As RT UK launches, attacks on the channel in the British media have stepped up… The latest is a piece by Mr. Cyril Waugh-Monger, a very important newspaper columnist for the NeoCon Daily, a patron of the Senator Joe McCarthy Appreciation Society and author of 'Why the Iraq War was a Brilliant Idea' and 'The Humanitarian Case for Bombing Syria.' Dear socially inferior person reading this article. My name is Cyril Waugh-Monger (I'm called 'Mr Terribly Pompous Neo-Con' by my friends) and I’m here to tell you why on no account should you watch RT and why you should be making complaints to Ofcom about this dreadful channel so that in the interests of ...

Junk e-mail...
Post Date: 2014-10-20 14:02:47 by X-15
Dear Mike, Good news. It's looking increasingly likely that Republicans will re-take the Senate this November. If the American people do send a Republican Majority to the U.S. Senate, we need your help to make DC listen! In an op-ed in USA Today this morning, Sen. Ted Cruz lays out a positive agenda for the 114th Congress to "jumpstart the economy, safeguard constitutional liberties, and strengthen our national security." The question is, will Washington listen? Republicans — poised to take control of Congress — should set our sights on three big goals to make Americans feel confident in their futures once again: jumpstart the economy, safeguard constitutional ...

America's Martyrs
Post Date: 2014-09-19 12:59:21 by X-15
Er, no offense to people being beheaded in the Middle East but, uh, what are you doing there? James Foley had been abducted before. In 2011 he was detained while reporting on the Libyan civil war. Why did he go back? Was it because we need “reporting”? This is 2014. The jihadists upload videos themselves. In a bizarre twist of irony, that’s how we know who James Foley is. We have Twitter and Facebook and Instagram and everyone has a cell phone. I’m not sure we need you anymore. Same goes for the Scotsman David Haines, who was beheaded while working as a humanitarian in Syria. Dude, you have two kids at home. What were you thinking? It’s profoundly unfashionable to ...

Lindsey Graham: We need troops to fight Islamic State ‘before we all get killed here at home’
Post Date: 2014-09-15 11:32:47 by X-15
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) was characteristically energetic in offering his opinion of the Obama administration's plan to undermine the Islamic State on Fox News' "Fox News Sunday." "At the end of the day, ISIL has to be encouraged by what was just said" in Fox host John Roberts's interview with White House chief of staff Denis McDonough, Graham said, using an alternative acronym for the Islamic State. "When the White House tells the world, 'We say what we mean and we do what we say'" — referencing McDonough's defense of the administration plan — "no one believes that anymore." Calling the fight against the Islamic ...

Ted Cruz Booed Off Stage At Middle East Christian Conference
Post Date: 2014-09-11 01:01:59 by X-15
Sen. Ted Cruz was booed offstage at a conference for Middle Eastern Christians Wednesday night after saying that “Christians have no greater ally than Israel.” Cruz, the keynote speaker at the sold-out D.C. dinner gala for the recently-founded non-profit In Defense of Christians, began by saying that “tonight, we are all united in defense of Christians. Tonight, we are all united in defense of Jews. Tonight, we are all united in defense of people of good faith, who are standing together against those who would persecute and murder those who dare disagree with their religious teachings.” Cruz was not reading from a teleprompter, nor did he appear to be reading from ...

Scotland will be more at risk of a terrorist attack if it votes for independence, Cameron warns
Post Date: 2014-09-06 12:11:43 by X-15
David Cameron today warned that Scotland would be more at risk from terrorism if it votes for independence. The Prime Minister said the United Kingdom had the best security and intelligence services in the world to keep people safe. He said the safety of staying together in a ‘very dangerous and insecure world’ was one of the ‘strongest arguments’ against separation. Mr Cameron, speaking at the end of the two-day Nato conference in Wales, said: ‘I don’t think anyone can be in any doubt we live in a very dangerous and insecure world. ‘I would have thought one of the strongest arguments that those of us who want to see the United Kingdom stay together ...

Elizabeth Warren finally speaks on Israel/Gaza, sounds like Netanyahu
Post Date: 2014-08-30 12:07:29 by X-15
The last time Elizabeth Warren was asked about her views on the Israeli attack on Gaza – on July 17 – she, as Rania Khalek put it, “literally ran away” without answering. But last week, the liberal Senator appeared for one of her regularly scheduled “office hours” with her Massachusetts constituents, this one in Hyannis, and, as a local paper reported, she had nowhere to run. One voter who identified himself as a Warren supporter, John Bangert, stood up and objected to her recent vote, in the middle of the horrific attack on Gaza, to send yet another $225 million of American taxpayer money to Israel for its “Iron Dome” system. Banger told his ...

Elizabeth Warren Defends Israeli Shelling of Gaza Schools, Hospitals
Post Date: 2014-08-29 22:07:46 by X-15
The Israeli military has the right to attack Palestinian hospitals and schools in self defense if Hamas has put rocket launchers next to them, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) said last week at a local town hall, according to the Cape Cod Times. Warren, in defending her vote to send funds to Israel in the middle of its war with Hamas, said she thinks civilian casualties are the "last thing Israel wants." "But when Hamas puts its rocket launchers next to hospitals, next to schools, they're using their civilian population to protect their military assets. And I believe Israel has a right, at that point, to defend itself," she said. Warren argued that Israel's use ...

Sen. Elizabeth Warren, 1, ducks question on Gaza, 2, plans trip to Israel, and 3–
Post Date: 2014-08-14 14:10:50 by X-15
Things are going to get a lot worse before they get any better. Liberal Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren, a presidential-maybe, is going to Israel. Matt Viser at the Boston Globe says she needs to pad her skimpy foreign policy brief: A Warren aide said the freshman senator is planning to join a congressional trip to Israel, but given her aggressive schedule campaigning on behalf of Senate Democrats it likely will come after the midterm elections in November. That trip could raise speculation that Warren is trying to add to her foreign policy portfolio ahead of a potential presidential run, but it also could be seen as her playing catch up to other freshman senators who have already ...

Graham: Islamic State will attack on US soil, Obama must stop terror group’s rise
Post Date: 2014-08-11 11:11:04 by X-15
South Carolina GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham sounded the alarm Sunday about the growing threat of Islamic State launching an attack on American soil unless President Obama takes more decisive action to stop the terror group’s surge across Iraq and Syria. Graham, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told “Fox News Sunday” that the well-funded, swiftly-strengthening organization, which has taken control of large parts of both Middle East countries, is a “direct threat to our homeland.” “Mr. President, be honest with the threat we face,” Graham said. “They are coming.” Graham was critical of the president's decision late last week to ...

Remember When Andrew Joseph Stack Flew a Plane Into a Texas IRS Building?
Post Date: 2014-07-28 16:09:25 by Rotara
"What kicked off the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of Tea Party groups?" Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:i remember it well.

Sean Hannity shouts at Palestinian guest
Post Date: 2014-07-25 20:38:06 by X-15
bcove.me/8eug88om Tensions mounted on Fox News’ “Hannity” on Thursday night as host Sean Hannity clashed with a Palestinian-American guest on his show. “Is Hamas a terrorist organization?” Hannity asked Yousef Munayyer, the executive director of The Jerusalem Fund for Education and Community Development and its educational program, the Palestine Center. “Do I get to actually speak now?” Munayyer answered. “You have to answer the question, it’s a simple yes or no question,” Hannity said. “Sir, you invited me on here as a guest,” Munayyer said. Hannity began to yell over Munayyer, saying “I’m asking a question. Is ...

Inside the Most Insanely Pro-Israel Meeting You Could Ever Attend
Post Date: 2014-07-25 01:01:00 by X-15
The Christians United for Israel want nothing less than total victory. July 20 was the 13th day of Israel’s Operation Protective Edge, and the deadliest. On the morning of July 21, as they trickled into the annual Christians United for Israel conference, the mostly American supporters of the Jewish state walked past muted TVs blaring the latest damage reports from this-or-that foreign correspondent. More than 100 Palestinians died in one day; more than 445 Palestinians since the operation started. The supporters of CUFI moved up the convention center escalators and took their seats for a plenary session. Onstage were the first guests, all recognizable from Fox News — Weekly ...

CONFIRMED: Senate Republican Leaders Paid for Attacks Against Conservatives
Post Date: 2014-07-20 00:39:35 by X-15
I can confirm that the attack ads in Mississippi run by “All Citizens for Mississippi” were funded by Senate Republicans, including Senators Mitch McConnell, John Cornyn, Rob Portman, Bob Corker, and Roy Blunt. It appears our Senate Republican leaders are willing to risk losing a Senate majority so long as they can get their own re-elected. Yes folks, it is true. I can confirm what we all suspected. The advertisements attacked Mississippi State Senator Chris McDaniel and painted conservative Republicans and tea party activists as racists. According to documents filed with the Federal Elections Commission, All Citizens for Mississippi received funding from a Haley Barbour backed ...

NBC Reportedly Pulls Reporter Who Witnessed Child Deaths From Gaza
Post Date: 2014-07-17 22:06:37 by X-15
NBC News has pulled Ayman Mohyeldin from Gaza after the veteran journalist personally witnessed the death of four Palestinian boys, according to a Thursday report by The Intercept. According to the report, by Glenn Greenwald, NBC executives said the decision was due to "security concerns" as Israel prepares its ground invasion. The attack that left the children dead occurred near the hotel where Mohyeldin and other journalists were staying. However, Greenwald insinuated the move could have been because the reporter's "powerful" coverage of the conflict had angered the pro-Israeli political establishment. "Over the last two weeks, Mohyeldin’s reporting has ...

Joining Graham, Schumer calls for end of Palestinian unification for sake of Israel’s ‘survival’
Post Date: 2014-07-13 21:38:02 by X-15
Inevitable but dismal and tragic: Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer and Robert Menendez join Republicans Kelly Ayotte and Lindsey Graham in sponsoring a resolution calling for an end to the unification government of Palestine. And anything Israel wants to do to defend itself, fine. The four on Thursday introduced a resolution expressing support for the State of Israel as it defends itself against unprovoked attacks from the Hamas terrorist organization. The rockets are an existential threat, evidently. The resolution: Reaffirms the United States’ support for Israel’s right to defend its citizens and ensure the survival of the State of Israel; Does the survival of that state ...

The Marionettes Remain Uncut (GOP bastards)
Post Date: 2014-07-02 11:55:11 by X-15
Having been an elected Republican and someone who routinely takes the position of supporting conservatives in primaries and Republicans in general elections, the Mississippi race does crystalize for me the desires of many to start a third party. In essence, tea party activists are the RINOs. A Republican Party campaigning on making the Senate “conservative,” used liberal Democrats to preserve an incumbent Republican and defeat a conservative. The actual conservatives are the outsiders with the GOP establishment doing all it could to preserve its power at the expense of its principles. The problem for those who call themselves Republicans is that it is harder and harder to say ...

David Frum Owes Conservatives an Apology
Post Date: 2014-06-24 15:49:30 by X-15
Wow! Former neocon hawk David Frum urges against further US involvement in Iraq in this Atlantic op-ed. I was shocked when I saw the title: “Iraq Isn’t Ours to Save: A Hawk’s Case for Caution.” While the article is not a complete repudiation of his past neo-conservatism, it’s not nothing either. First what it is not. Frum is careful to clarify that he still supports an active interventionist foreign policy. He begins by stating: I was a strong supporter of the Iraq war. Now I urge caution about military action against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) insurgency in the country. U.S. intervention to defend its interests and support its friends remains ...

Iraq: Iran Offers To Work With Arch Foe US
Post Date: 2014-06-14 10:42:06 by X-15
Iran's president has said he would consider working with the US to combat Islamist militants in Iraq, as he offered help fight the insurgents. President Hassan Rouhani suggested he would be willing to co-operate with Iran's traditional enemy to keep the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) from taking control of its Middle East neighbour. In a televised address on Saturday morning Mr Rouhani said Iran would be willing to go to Iraq’s assistance and added: "We all should practically and verbally confront terrorist groups." Asked if Tehran would work with the Americans, he said: "We can think about it if we see America start confronting the terrorist groups in ...

The little hebe from Virginia is OUT!! [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2014-06-10 20:35:15 by X-15
Lil' Eric Cantor is history!! Imagine that!!!

Super-PAC supporting $hillary Clinton launches outreach for one religious group (Jews)
Post Date: 2014-06-06 00:35:51 by X-15
There’s a super-PAC called Ready for Hillary that is preparing the ground for a possible run by Hillary Clinton for president: “Ready for Hillary is the vehicle through which Americans of all walks of life are expressing their support for a potential Hillary run.” The group’s website targets many U.S. groups as potential Hillary backers, including Latinos, black Americans, LGBT. There’s also “Faith Groups for Hillary” for possible religious supporters: Hillary’s faith has remained a guiding light throughout her career — informing her public service and shaping her vision of a society where all people grow and prosper. And now there’s a ...

Ted Cruz sucks up to jews, says he is no Rand Paul (alt. title)
Post Date: 2014-06-01 16:17:19 by X-15
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) is making it clear that he and Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) have very different policies on Israel. The Texas senator, best known for his efforts to derail ObamaCare, is now pivoting to foreign policy. He is traveling to Israel and Ukraine this week and has scheduled meetings with senior Israeli government officials, including Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein. He has scheduled meetings with Jewish and Catholic leaders in Ukraine. The Armed Services Committee member has emerged as one of Congress’s most outspoken advocates for Israel, a core difference with Paul, who in 2011 described foreign aid to Israel as “welfare.” ...

5 Strange Facts About the Pentagon's Anti-Zombie Plan
Post Date: 2014-05-21 19:55:50 by Lorie Meacham
Citizens of the United States, breathe easy: The Pentagon has a plan in case of a zombie attack. Don't pack your bug-out bag and put up your zombie defenses, yet, however. CONPLAN 888, first uncovered this week by Foreign Policy magazine, is not an indication that the Department of Defense has gone off the deep end. The plan, written in 2011, was part of a training exercise. And a detailed one, at that. The plan summarizes responses to threats ranging from pathogenic zombies (zombies created via infection) to space zombies (what they sound like) to chicken zombies (they really exist!). Here's what you need to know. 1. It's not (exactly) a joke The U.S. military is not ...

Freedom Forum CEO Tied to For-Profit Prisons
Post Date: 2014-05-17 14:14:28 by Lorie Meacham
Charles Overby has a foot planted firmly in two very different worlds. In one, he is a champion of the free press. In the other, he is part of a group at the helm of a corporation that has worked hard to limit freedom of information and the ability of the press to inform the public. In one world, Overby is chief executive officer of the Freedom Forum, a foundation created by former USA Today publisher Al Neuharth, and its Newseum—located on Pennsylvania Avenue, blocks from the Smithsonian and the Capitol, and which literally has the First Amendment etched onto its 75-foot marble edifice. He is a Pulitzer Prize-winning editor and reporter, former vice president of news and ...

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