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Senate Issues Failing Dairy Industry $1 Billion Handout (Gov Cheeze Welfare)
Post Date: 2018-02-17 16:34:59 by hondo68
Cotton and Dairy Ride on Senate Budget Package The budget agreement written by Senate leaders includes more than $1 billion for dairy supports as well as larger subsidies for cotton growers, who have pursued aid that could cost as much as the dairy enhancements. Besides providing immediate assistance to producers, the provisions would mean, under arcane score-keeping rules, that farm-state lawmakers can spend more money on cotton and dairy in the 2018 farm bill than is available now. Michigan Senator Debbie Stabenow, the senior Democrat on the Senate Agriculture Committee, announced that the budget package “contains significant improvements for both commodities — including more ...

Your guide to top anti-Russia think tanks in US & who funds them
Post Date: 2018-02-07 07:13:22 by Tatarewicz
RT... Countering Russia has become a lucrative industry in Washington. In recent years, the think tank business has exploded. But who funds these organizations, who works for them and what are the real agendas at play? From the start, let’s be clear, the term ‘think tank’ essentially amounts to a more polite way of saying ‘lobby group.’ Bar a few exceptions, they exist to serve – and promote – the agendas of their funders. However, particularly in the United States, the field has become increasingly shady and disingenuous, with lobbyists being given faux academic titles like ‘Senior Non-Resident Fellow’ and ‘Junior Adjunct Fellow’ ...

John Hagee Ministries Donates More Than $2.1 Million to Israeli Charities
Post Date: 2017-11-06 14:43:02 by X-15
John Hagee Ministries (JHM) announced a donation of more than $2.1 million to Israeli charities during the recently held 36th annual Night to Honor Israel at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio. Started in 1981, Pastor John Hagee’s Night to Honor Israel is one of the country’s longest-running Christian Zionist events, and has amassed donations of more than $100 million to Israeli and Jewish charities. At this year’s event, Hagee focused a significant portion of his comments on the Iran nuclear deal. “Every American....should be applauding the efforts of President Trump to change the Iran nuclear agreement or cancel the agreement,” said Hagee, who ...

Bush 41 and Bush 43 Worry Trump Is Blowing Up the G.O.P.
Post Date: 2017-11-04 14:19:22 by X-15
WASHINGTON — President Trump is not a favorite in the extended Bush household. Former President George Bush considers him a “blowhard,” only interested in feeding his own ego. Former President George W. Bush, his son, thinks Mr. Trump fans public anger and came to office without any understanding of the job. And both worry that Mr. Trump has blown up a Republican Party that they spent two lifetimes building, a party that was once committed to removing boundaries to trade and immigration, promoting democracy and civil society and asserting a robust American leadership role in the world, according to an author who has interviewed them. A new book on the two Bushes who served ...

George W. Bush Institute Summit, NYC: President Bush Remarks On The Crisis With North Korea (globalist neocon discontent, Nativism, White Supremacy) 10/19/17)
Post Date: 2017-10-20 01:09:43 by hondo68
Published on Oct 19, 2017 Former President George W. Bush delivers remarks "The Spirit of Liberty: At Home, In The World" at the Bush Institute Summit in New York City. Poster Comment:What a cracka! In the midst of a tsunami of divisive race baiting crapola, dubya has to gall to blame Russia for a divided America?

President Trump gets twice-daily 'propaganda document' of biased news
Post Date: 2017-08-10 22:26:48 by bush_is_a_moonie
Each bit of news is absolutely tremendous, hugely positive, bigly great information — the best you can find. Since his administration took over the White House, President Trump has received a twice-daily folder — first around 9:30 a.m. and then again at about 4:30 p.m. — packed with positively slanted news about himself, VICE News reported Tuesday. The publication's White House sources said that both former Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and former press secretary Sean Spicer lobbied for the honor of delivering Trump's self-gratifying "20-to-25-page packet." "While I won't comment on materials we share with the president, this is not accurate on ...

Yes, Virginia (Dare) There Is a Cultural Marxism–And It’s Taking Over Conservatism Inc.
Post Date: 2017-07-05 13:35:59 by X-15
The most recent of incident of Cultural Marxist commissars refusing to admit that dissidents are to be treated as fellow citizens is the crazed female professor who accosted the NPI’s Richard Spencer while he was exercising at a Alexandria gym. She, recognizing him from coverage of the election campaign, started haranguing him and calling him a “Nazi.” Instead of having her ejected for this behavior, the gym’s management terminated Spencer’s membership. [Georgetown professor confronts white nationalist Richard Spencer at the gym — which terminates his membership , By Faiz Siddiqui May 21, 2017] Back in 2011 VDARE posted a commentary of mine on the legitimacy ...

16.4 Million Americans Think Chocolate Milk Comes From Brown Cows, Survey Reveals
Post Date: 2017-06-21 19:56:02 by hondo68
A survey commissioned by the Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy returns shocking results. Seven percent of Americans believe brown cows produce the chocolate milk they drink. (U. Leone | Pixabay ) The Innovation Center for U.S. Dairy commissioned an online poll to determine whether Americans are knowledgeable when it comes to their dairy drink, but the results from adult respondents are shocking. The online poll, which returned results from across North America, shows that at least 7 percent of Americans believe brown cows produce their much-loved chocolate milk drink. While it is true that the number seems low when compared to the other 93 percent who could be aware of where chocolate milk ...

Breaking! Zbigniew Brzenskizkiziisizizkizski croaked
Post Date: 2017-05-26 23:20:16 by X-15
The neocon/policy wonk is gone. Now, when will Kissinger give up the ghost?

Same As Bush and Liberty Post
Post Date: 2017-05-16 18:18:35 by bush_is_a_moonie
What I see here on Freedom4um with respect to Trump is the same thing I saw on Liberty Post about Bush. No matter what Bush did, the LP Bots just wouldn't accept that they had be tricked and brainwashed. The following explains why those who are obsessed with being "conservative" have been so easily fooled by those like Trump and the neocons. New research that found that when so-called conservatives were exposed to evidence demonstrating the falsity of a partisan belief – such as a report demonstrating that Iraq didn’t have WMD, or that lowering taxes doesn’t increase government revenue – they became more convinced than ever that those beliefs were ...

Ted Cruz may be the only man who can save the GOP health bill
Post Date: 2017-05-12 23:56:16 by hondo68
Senator Ted Cruz isn't well-liked, but he may hold the key to fixing and passing the AHCA.Cruz is pushing a simpler, and probably more workable Obamacare replacement plan.Only Cruz has the ability to bring wary GOP Senators together.Getty ImagesSen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill, May 10, 2017 in Washington, DC. Senator Ted Cruz has spent much of his tenure in Washington angering Democrats, Republicans, and the Trump team to boot. It often seems like he may be the most hated man in American politics. But now, he just might be the most needed. This is all because the GOP Obamacare replacement bill is on life support on arrival in the U.S. Senate. As it stands now, ...

State Department Finally Realizes Nikki Haley Needs Adult Supervision
Post Date: 2017-04-30 22:17:29 by Tatarewicz
RI... Haley has been urged to clear her public utterances with Washington before opening her mouth. Better late than never? We all knew this day would come. It only took a few months for ascendant Waffle House waitress Nikki Haley to drive US diplomacy off a cliff. That's quite an accomplishment, considering now batshit crazy US foreign policy is. But apparently Nikki's daily antics — ranging from inventing her own position on Syria to making up stuff that the Russians never said — are too much even for the State Department. In terms of US diplomacy, the bar was set pretty low to begin with. But Haley has managed to lower standards to below sea level. As the New ...

Donald Herbert Walker Trump
Post Date: 2017-04-07 14:21:04 by X-15
Way back in the olden thymes, conservatives during the Reagan years had a real fear that the Rockefeller Republicans would not only undermine the conservative agenda, but find a way to corrupt the Reagan administration. It was an unwarranted fear. Those Progressive Republicans were a dying force in politics. Reagan was a man of his age so his conservatism does not always make sense to the modern ear, but he stuck to his guns for the most part. He was a politician, so he compromised when he had to. Then George H. W. Bush was ready to take the reigns of the movement and the party, despite being a Rockefeller Republican. Bush was a Progressive by any measure, but he supposedly got religion in ...

mCain's face !?
Post Date: 2017-04-06 15:08:18 by Rotara
His cancer came back. Inflamed, shiny and red.

Syria Gas Attack: Assad's Doing...Or False Flag?
Post Date: 2017-04-06 14:41:26 by bush_is_a_moonie
The Trump supporters just like the Bush and Obama supporters have fallen into another neocon trap. You think they would have learned by now. Just days after the US Administration changed course on Syrian President Assad, saying he could stay, an alleged chemical weapon attack that killed dozens of civilians has been blamed on the Syrian government. Did Assad sign his own death warrant with such an attack...or does some other entity benefit? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LULzvg1gA5U

Dina Powell to be named Trump's deputy national security adviser (bushbot promotion's +Rick Perry)
Post Date: 2017-04-05 18:07:11 by hondo68
Dina Powell is expected to work closely with national security adviser H.R. McMaster and focus on long-term issues. | Rodney Lamkey Jr. for POLITICO President Donald Trump's senior counselor for economic initiatives Dina Powell will be named deputy national security adviser for strategy, according to National Security Council and administration sources. In her new role, Powell is expected to work closely with national security adviser H.R. McMaster and focus on long-term issues. She is also expected to help lead an interagency policy process working with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Defense Secretary James Mattis.Story Continued Below McMaster has ...

Neocons rebuked! McCain Furious At Rex Tillerson For Saying Assad Can Stay
Post Date: 2017-03-31 12:32:06 by X-15
The six year Syrian proxy war to dethrone president Bashar al Assad quietly ended with a whimper yesterday when at a news conference in the Turkish capital, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson suggested the end of Bashar Assad’s presidency is no longer a prerequisite for a way out of the Syrian crisis, in a dramatic U-turn from Washington’s long-held policy. “I think the longer term status of President Assad will be decided by the Syrian people,” said Tillerson at a joint conference with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevut Cavusoglu on Thursday, AFP reported. Later, UN Ambassador Nikki Haley echoed Tillerson, saying "Our priority is no longer to sit and focus on getting ...

In Trump’s America, Is This The End Of George Will?
Post Date: 2017-03-01 14:33:07 by X-15
Matthew Richer February 28, 2017 George Will, now 75, lost his job as a political commentator on Fox News, in favor of the pro-Trump Nigel Farage, soon after Donald Trump was elected [Fox Declines To Renew George Will’s Contract by Katherine Rodriguez, Breitbart, January 21, 2017]. To paraphrase Edmund G. Robinson’s famous line: Is this the end of George Will? Sam Francis once said no conservative pundit had “made it” quite like George Will [The Case of George Will, Radix, June 25, 2016]. His column was syndicated to some 450 newspapers; he has long been a regular presence on television, earned a small fortune on the lecture circuit, and has a closetful of honorary ...

Weekly Address The White House - Jan 28, 2017
Post Date: 2017-01-28 15:11:06 by hondo68
Published on Jan 28, 2017 The White House Poster Comment:Everything else is fake news.

Donald Trump is committed to globalisation, Davos told
Post Date: 2017-01-19 14:32:16 by hondo68
© Bloomberg Elite in Europe and US have misunderstood trade stance says Anthony Scaramucci A senior member of Donald Trump’s team insisted that the president-elect was committed to globalisation, open trade and Nato, despite recent comments that unsettled America’s allies. Anthony Scaramucci, Mr Trump’s newly appointed public liaison official, told the World Economic Forum in Davos on Tuesday that the European and American elite had misunderstood Mr Trump and would change their views when he took office. In particular, he argued that it was wrong to assume that Mr Trump was opposed to free trade. He was simply seeking to ensure that trade deals were ...

#NeverTrump Bill Kristol OUT as Editor-in-Chief of the FAILING “Weekly Standard” Magazine [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2016-12-13 21:22:12 by X-15
The Weekly Standard is first and foremost a birdcage liner. After that, It’s an establishment publication that caters to Republican Dinosaurs and its readership is in the toilet. Flush. At the helm of the failing magazine is Bill Kristol, leader of the (also failed) #NeverTrump movement and the embarrassingly silly “Renegade” political party that spawned (loser) candidate Evan McCullin. Kristol’s “step down,” or OUSTING couldn’t happen to a more deserving jerk. From he Hill: Bill Kristol is stepping down as editor-in-chief of The Weekly Standard, more than two decades after he co-founded the conservative publication. “It’s good,” ...

Tillerson, Stavridis join secretary of state field (ExxonMobil CEO, Clinton VP Admiral)
Post Date: 2016-12-05 16:41:26 by hondo68
Retired Navy Admiral James G. Stavridis had been vetted as a potential vice presidential prospect for Hillary Clinton. | Getty President-elect Donald Trump is expected to meet this week with several new contenders for the secretary of state position, including ExxonMobil CEO Rex Tillerson and retired Navy Adm. James G. Stavridis, according to a source close to the transition.Stavridis, dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, was vetted as a potential vice presidential prospect for Hillary Clinton during the general election.Trump is not expected to settle on a secretary of state selection until late next week at the earliest, according to several sources. ...

Trump picks Elaine Chao for transportation secretary (MItch McConnel's wife, 2X Bush insider)
Post Date: 2016-11-29 19:54:20 by hondo68
Phil Mattingly and David Wright, CNN Elaine Chao named transportation secretary 00:45 (CNN)President-elect Donald Trump has chosen Elaine Chao, the former labor secretary and wife of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, to be his choice for transportation secretary, an official briefed on the matter told CNN on Tuesday. The announcement is expected to come this afternoon. Chao served as secretary of labor under President George W. Bush from 2001 through 2009 -- the longest tenure in the position since World War II -- and has been married to McConnell since 1993. She was the first Asian-American woman to serve in a Cabinet position. Chao also served as the deputy secretary of ...

Trump administration taking shape; Romney, Giuliani, Palin possible picks for key roles
Post Date: 2016-11-18 20:46:24 by hondo68
Dozens of names have been mentioned to fill cabinet and key administration posts. U.S. President Barack Obama meets with President-elect Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House on Nov. 10. Trump is working to fill out his presidential cabinet and appoint other high-level posts before his Jan. 20 inauguration. Photo by Pat Benic/UPI WASHINGTON, Nov. 18 (UPI) -- President-elect Donald Trump continues to fill out his administration before his Jan. 20 inauguration. The following is a list of cabinet and administrative appointments he has made so far and potential candidates for other vacancies: U.S. Vice President-elect Mike Pence speaks at Trump Tower in New York City on ...

Romney and Trump to discuss secretary of state position (flip-flopper summit)
Post Date: 2016-11-17 19:12:49 by hondo68
Romney Meets Trump This Weekend, Will Discuss SecState Role In New Administration Update: According to NBC, Romney is reportedly being considered for Secretary of State. Mitt Romney will meet with President-elect Donald Trump this weekend to discuss the position of Secretary of State, a source tells NBC News. It's unclear if Romney, who was one of Trump's more vocal critics within the GOP, will meet with Trump at Trump Tower or at another location on Sunday. Trump has stayed mostly within the confines of his 5th Avenue skyscraper since his visit to Washington last Thursday to meet with President Obama and congressional leaders; however, he's still meeting with potential ...

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