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Trump Considering Ted Cruz For Attorney General
Post Date: 2016-11-16 15:02:50 by hondo68
When we most recently showed the latest short list of candidates for top Trump cabinet positions, we presented the following names in the running for Attorney General: Rudy GiulianiJeff Sessions, senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee who takes a hard line on immigrationChris Christie, Republican New Jersey governorPam Bondi, Republican Florida Attorney GeneralTrey Gowdy, Republican congressman from South Carolina who headed the House committee that investigated the 2012 attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya We can now add one more: according to Bloomberg, Donald Trump is considering nominating Texas Senator Ted Cruz to serve as U.S. attorney general. The news is somewhat ...

Kasich Writes In John McCain For President
Post Date: 2016-11-01 19:12:29 by hondo68
Ohio Gov. John Kasich (Andrew Burton/Getty Images) John Kasich stood by his word that he wouldn't vote for Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. The Ohio governor instead wrote in Sen. John McCain on his absentee ballot Monday, news first reported by Cleveland.com. Kasich has been at odds with Trump since the summer. He didn't attend the GOP convention and said three weeks ago that he would not vote for Trump following the release of lewd comments he made in 2005. Kasich called Trump's comments disgusting and damaging to the Republican party. "This is not just a matter of what has happened within the last 24 hours. This is a matter of what's happened over the ...

LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Albuquerque, NM 10/30/16 [LIVE]
Post Date: 2016-10-30 21:20:12 by hondo68
Sunday, October 30 at 7:00 PM MT: Donald J. Trump will hold a rally at Atlantic Aviation located near the Albuquerque International Airport. LIVE Stream: Donald Trump Rally in Albuquerque, NM 10/30/16 Poster Comment:A second Trump plane just pulled up, should start soon.

Trump in 2013: We must 'leave borders behind' because future of US 'depends on a cohesive global economy'
Post Date: 2016-10-19 17:26:19 by hondo68
Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Sarah Rice/Getty Images Donald Trump, who has championed anti-free-trade and hardline immigration rhetoric on the 2016 presidential campaign trail, had a starkly different tone about globalization in a 2013 op-ed published on CNN's website. The Republican presidential nominee, writing about how Europe was a "terrific place" for investment, argued at the time that the 2008 recession had made it clear "the global economy has become truly that — global." Trump wrote that "cultures and economics are intertwined" in today's society, and that it was necessary to "work with each other for the ...

The Phony Legacy of William F. Buckley, Jr.
Post Date: 2016-10-15 11:01:05 by X-15
CIA counterfeit conservative William F. Buckley Jr., after completing his snitch work as FBI shill/informant at Yale, was recruited by the Agency and did his CIA stint with E. Howard Hunt (future Watergate conspirator) in Mexico. Buckley, with intelligence community colleagues James Burnham, Willmoore Kendall, Priscilla Buckley, and William J. Casey, went on to found National Review magazine as the premier publication of the CIA’s synthetic “Conservative movement” replacing the non-interventionist Old Right coalition of Americans opposed to the corporate welfare-warfare state of Roosevelt and Truman. What most Americans mistakenly regard today as the “Conservative ...

Hillary Clinton is Evil Remix
Post Date: 2016-10-08 17:25:55 by FormerLurker

Sh*t Ryan Won
Post Date: 2016-08-09 22:33:19 by Rotara
Watching Victory BS live now. Poster Comment:He sucks.

Wow ! I underestimated what a POS loser Ted Cruz the Cuban Canadian could be.
Post Date: 2016-07-21 11:06:25 by Rotara
What a family of utter disgraced pathetic trash. Poster Comment:That is all. Feh

The Real Reason Neocons Are So Upset About Donald Trump
Post Date: 2016-06-19 16:04:02 by X-15
The past year has been a difficult one for the leaders of the neocon right. First, their campaign to torpedo President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran came to naught. Then their preferred candidate for the Republican nomination, freshman Florida Senator Marco Rubio, ran a lazy and uninspiring campaign and was easily routed by Donald Trump. And now, with Trump about to be crowned king of the Republican castle in Cleveland, the neocons are experiencing something of an existential meltdown over the prospect of a future Trump administration. Last week, a Politico piece surveyed the broken hearts among the neocon elite, in which they were described as being marooned on “The Lonely ...

David French announces he will not make independent bid (Bill Kristol sucks air, again)
Post Date: 2016-06-06 12:16:38 by X-15
Washington (CNN) — National Review columnist David French announced Sunday evening that he would not make an independent bid for president. Speculation about the possibility of French running began when the editor of the Weekly Standard magazine, Bill Kristol, tapped the conservative writer as someone who could take on Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee and Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic standard-bearer. French was seen as a surprising pick due to his lack of public recognition. French, who is also an Iraq war veteran, shared his decision not to run in an op-ed published on the National Review. Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:Another LOSE for the damnable ...

Anyone else have a visit from a troll?
Post Date: 2016-06-05 08:31:43 by Tatarewicz
Syrian Perspective... Berl Jay Hubbell June 4th, 2016 "Oz" It just means they use the standard troll lexicon. The question they never answer is "What purpose do you serve by being here?" "Oz" I once had one of these asses actually track me down and walk right into my house. When I said "Who the hell are you?" he made up some cock 'n bull story that he was looking for the fugitive he heard I was harboring. When I asked for ID he showed me a name tag that said he worked for the VA in Oakland. I said "This is Saturday, and you are a long ways from Oakland." And when I asked him why he was looking for this supposed fugitive he said he ...

Liberal Jews Plan a Summer of Opposing Donald Trump
Post Date: 2016-06-01 15:15:16 by X-15
JTA — Boycott Trump? Mock Trump? Trump, the musical? Jewish liberals are ready to sow a summer of Donald Trump discontent in ways that aim both to bludgeon and entertain. Bend the Arc, an advocacy group, is convening its first national conference next week aimed in part at finding a strategy to keep the billionaire real estate magnate, who has secured the Republican nomination, from becoming president. “We have been actively working and campaigning to make sure that Trump is defeated since early fall,” said Stosh Cotler, the CEO of the group, which was formed from the 2011 merger of the New York-based Jewish Funds for Justice and the West Coast-based Progressive Jewish ...

2 toxic Republican headlines in one day
Post Date: 2016-05-29 07:19:03 by NeoconsNailed
House Republicans Again Target Net Neutrality With Budget Attack http://motherboard.vice.com/read/republicans-target-net-neutrality-2017- budget CUCKS STRIKE AGAIN: REPUBLICAN CONGRESS SNEAKS THROUGH TRANNY BATHROOM LAW IN DEAD OF NIGHT http://www.infostormer.com/cucks-strike-again-republican-congress-sneaks- through-tranny-bathroom-law-in-dead-of-night/ (Some blind who get their sight for the first time wish they hadn't.) Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:"Net neutrality" is a lubricious term but it seems clear the GOP is as usual on the wrong side of everything. Clyde Wilson said the GOP will have to be destroyed if we're ever to have any peace, and THAT'S ...

Where do Jewish conservatives stand on Trump?
Post Date: 2016-05-11 00:44:17 by X-15
Faced with Donald Trump as his party’s presumptive nominee in this year’s presidential election, Jamie Weinstein, senior editor for the conservative Daily Caller website, said he may have to “take a Tums” and vote for Hillary Clinton — assuming Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee and there’s no third-party conservative alternative. “Given that you have to vote, and my options are only Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, that’s what I’m left to choose from,” Weinstein said in a recent interview. “And I think Donald Trump is a threat to the American system, whereas Clinton is a threat to our economic wellbeing for four years.” ...

The gala Donald Trump sellout extravaganza betrayal bonanza
Post Date: 2016-05-09 21:43:30 by NeoconsNailed
The first Trump sellout was when he ran around supporting Clintons et al for 30 years and modeling the all-American plutocrat worldling to amerika that gladly went for it, prizing money and its makers above all. ' The second one was how when he started hepping the public up (a la W) by talking like a genuine conservative presidential candidate and the media/cuckmonster establishment have blistered him nonstop -- yeah, they betrayed him. Now for the 3rd -- every clue he's sending about the govt he's going to lead is poison. The other day we tallied the hateful, despicable appointees he's lining up, and now it's the Cookie Monster from Green Hell, Chist Chistie. The ...

George Will Is A Haughty Dipshit
Post Date: 2016-05-05 21:43:40 by X-15
George Will should have been left unemployed and starving ages ago. Newspapers are dying off and people despise the media more than they have ever despised the media—which is saying a lot—and yet here fucking George Will remains, along with the Noonans and Friedmans and Brookses of the world, gainfully employed despite being a worthless, fart-sniffing boob. Try as the world might, we can’t seem to rid ourselves of idiot columnists who make $300,000 just to sit down and invent political trends from looking out the fucking parlor window. The tea leaves tell me that this election will be decided by what I call The Beta Dads. I don’t get how these people have retained any ...

Sen. Ted Cruz lauds Elie Wiesel as a moral giant in AIPAC speech
Post Date: 2016-03-24 10:25:09 by X-15
Currently running for the Republican nomination for President of the United States, Cruz spoke on Monday, March 21 to the annual American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, Washington’s largest lobbying group and an unregistered agent of the Israeli government in the U.S. His words were described as being those he has spoken many times before, but naturally what stood out to me was what he said about Elie Wiesel. At 13:40 into his speech he said: A year ago, I was honored to join the great Elie Wiesel on a panel discussion in the Senate about this disastrous Iranian deal. Not a single democrat was willing to join Elie Wiesel … to sit alongside someone who witnessed first hand the ...

Ted Cruz, A Bush By Another Name
Post Date: 2016-03-11 15:11:43 by X-15
Neil Bush, the son of President George H. W. Bush, who defrauded U.S. taxpayers out of $1.5 billion dollars in the savings and loan scam, and later peddled influence for the Chinese government, (who plied him with Chinese prostitutes) has formally endorsed Senator Ted Cruz for president. You can’t make this stuff up. This endorsement says much. Since the other, more politically involved Bush men have a distinct dislike for Mr. Cruz, I suppose Neil Bush is better than no Bush. Let’s look at the wonderful memories that Neil Bush has left us with. First there is is that little banking charade he steered us into back in 1985. Back in 1981, Neil Bush was director of Silverado ...

The Neocons vs. Donald Trump
Post Date: 2016-03-11 02:39:55 by X-15
THERE they go again. The neocons who led the George W. Bush administration into Iraq are now touting a fresh crusade to save American democracy — and the Republican Party — from an authoritarian foe: Donald J. Trump. Their campaign began with an impassioned essay in The American Interest last month by Eliot A. Cohen, a former Bush State Department official, who depicted Mr. Trump as symptomatic of the broader “moral rot” of America. Then, in an open letter, more than 100 Republican foreign policy mavens, including neocons such as Mr. Cohen and Robert Kagan, as well as more traditional Republican foreign policy figures like the former World Bank president Robert B. ...

Mittens: GOP Establishment Chooses Mount Romney as Hill to Die on
Post Date: 2016-03-03 15:58:37 by Rotara
After President Jeb, President Walker, President Christie, President Kasich, President Ryan, and President Rubio, the Republican establishment is now turning once again to the Adlai Stevenson of the GOP – Willard Mitt Romney. Perhaps nothing is more symptomatic of the GOP establishment’s death drive than their continued embrace of the presidential aspirations of a man who shrank the party in 2012. But then, these are the same Republican elites who are determined to grant amnesty to 40 million future Democrats. So, obviously party expansion and broad national victories are not their priorities. How else do you explain their bizarre desire to board the S.S. Mittanic one more time? ...

McConnell claims GOP lawmakers will sacrifice White House, drop Trump ‘like a hot rock’ if he’s nominee
Post Date: 2016-02-27 18:05:54 by X-15
Republican voters need only look to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to understand that GOP lawmakers will willingly sacrifice the White House in order to save their own hides. As the Republican Party begins to accept the very real possibility that front-runner Donald Trump will be their presidential nominee, McConnell “laid out a plan that would have lawmakers break with Mr. Trump explicitly in a general election,” The New York Times reported. Despite his overwhelming victories thus far, leaders of the party think Trump will lose in the general election and will hurt Republicans down-ticket. According to The Times, resistance to Trump “runs deep,” and a ...

Conservative freak show: Coulter et al on Hardball
Post Date: 2016-02-22 22:24:32 by NeoconsNailed
It's perfectly fine -- except Bush's blatant WMD fraud is a hot potato for these people? CHRIS MATTHEWS is the only sane one on the subject???? Who scripted this scene? ANN COULTER AND MARK SANFORD don't want to agree with Trump about the obvious hubris of W and the PNAC kikes in forcing 9/11, WOT, TSA, DHS, FATCA ad nauseam on us????? How long, O Lord......... BEAM ME UP, SCOTTY!!! Click for Full Text!

Israeli Right rallies around Rubio
Post Date: 2016-02-07 22:10:07 by X-15
“This is a candidate who says Judea and Samaria instead of ‘West Bank’ and recognizes that the capital of Israel is Jerusalem where the US Embassy should stand,” Bayit Yehudi official says. Several figures on the Israeli Right have recently backed US Senator Marco Rubio (FL), who is running for the Republican nomination for president. While there is no polling data on the matter, support for Rubio seems to be a trend in the Israeli Right and among its supporters. J. Philip Rosen, the chairman of the board of American Friends of Likud and a member of the Republican Jewish Coalition’s board, announced his endorsement for Rubio last May, and ahead of last ...

Internecine Politics – Fox News Debate Executive’s Daughter Is Marco Rubio Press Secretary…
Post Date: 2016-01-28 18:50:27 by X-15
Last week radio talk show host Mark Levin had to reluctantly admit he has a ‘soon-to-be’ step-son working for Senator Ted Cruz. – HERE – Now, this week comes an even more startling revelation: Bill Sammon is a Fox News Vice President and in charge of the Fox News debates and questioning. His daughter, Brooke Sammon, is Marco Rubio’s Press Secretary. So how influential is Bill Sammon in the debate formatting? From a Media Buzz interview with Chris Stirewalt about the debate construction: HOWARD KURTZ: You’ve been to this rodeo before. How do you and Megyn Kelly and Bret Baier and Chris Wallace go about formulating your questions knowing the candidates are ...

(Texas) Governor Abbott Meets With Israeli Prime Minister
Post Date: 2016-01-24 15:10:25 by X-15
AUSTIN, TX— Texas Governor Greg Abbott on Friday wrapped up a trip to Israel and Switzerland this week in an effort to promote Texas business. Abbott and First Lady Cecilia Abbott met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday in Jerusalem to discuss the Texas-Israel relationship in regards to Iran. Abbott told Netanyahu that he plans to propose new laws during the 2017 legislative session that would prohibit state agencies and local municipalities from investing in Iran. “It all revolves around the issue of the challenges Israel is having with Iran,” Abbott said in a phone interview on Friday morning. “I have ordered state agencies to continue to either ...

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