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Romney Stands Up For Israel
Post Date: 2009-10-19 19:39:06 by Brian S
Seeking to buff up his foreign policy credentials and reaching out to Israel's supporters, Mitt Romney is telling a major pro-Israel group today that he is "very concerned" by the Obama administration's Mideast policy. "In pursuit of a peace process, the United States today has exerted substantial pressure on Israel while putting almost no pressure on the Palestinians and the Arab world," the former Massachusetts governor, 2008 Republican presidential hopeful, and possible 2012 contender said to the AIPAC national summit in San Diego. Obama has been pushing for a renewal of negotiations toward a comprehensive peace deal between Israel and the Palestinian ...

Time Out of the Spotlight Hasn't Helped Sarah Palin
Post Date: 2009-10-19 19:21:25 by Brian S
When Sarah Palin resigned as governor of Alaska last summer, it seemed she was finally taking the advice of many political professionals and retreating from the spotlight to rebuild her brand and find her message. With the exception of a closed-to-the-press speech last month in Hong Kong, she has not been seen in public. Palin has turned down interviews and declined to appear at GOP party events. Aside from the occasional op-ed, like this one published last week by National Review, and messages posted on her Facebook page, Palin has been laying low, no doubt preparing for what will unquestionably be a major publicity push when her autobiography, Going Rogue, is released next month. But has ...

GOPers: DeMint Like A Jew "Watching Our Nation's Pennies"
Post Date: 2009-10-19 17:19:06 by Brian S
Two South Carolina County Republican Party chairmen stepped up to rebut criticism of Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) in a newspaper editorial Sunday. But their defense of the senator might be overshadowed by their use of an anti-Semitic stereotype to praise him. After a Democratic state senator wrote in The State that DeMint didn't bring enough money back home, Bamberg County GOP Chairman Edwin Merwin and Orangeburg County GOP Chairman James Ulmer responded that he was just looking after the nation's pennies -- like a Jew would. "There is a saying that the Jews who are wealthy got that way not by watching dollars, but instead by taking care of the pennies and the dollars taking care ...

Palin’s Popularity Sinks To A New Low
Post Date: 2009-10-16 10:58:05 by Brian S
A fun nugget buried in some new Gallup numbers suggests the slow and clumsy rollout of the new Sarah Palin isn’t going all that well: Palin became a bit of a sensation after John McCain tapped her as his running mate last August. But over the course of the campaign, her image suffered, going from a 53% favorable rating immediately after the 2008 Republican National Convention to 42% by the end of the campaign. Palin’s ratings have not recovered, and her current 40% favorable rating is the lowest for her since she became widely known after last year’s Republican convention. Not only is Palin at her lowest favorability yet, her unfavorability ratings have hit a high of 50%. ...

Engaging the Right
Post Date: 2009-10-15 13:47:09 by X-15
The Republican party recently came out with a new website. The whole thing, like everything else in this country, pays homage to the God of diversity. And being an official conservative site, it of course takes the whole thing to a sickening level. Take a look at the first page of the “Heroes” section. There’s Ronald Reagan, Susan B. Anthony, a white judge who opposed segregation, a Hispanic and eight Blacks. The forums were slow and reflected the fact that the site was new. Interestingly, they’re not moderated. I took the opportunity to post a link to Jared Taylor’s book excerpt from TakiMag on NAM academic failure. Needless to say it was deleted, but it at least ...

John Bolton Suggests Nuclear Attack on Iran
Post Date: 2009-10-15 12:12:38 by Brian S
This Friday, the American Enterprise Institute will host an event addressing the question “Should Israel attack Iran?” The event includes, among others, Iran uberhawk Michael Rubin and infamous “torture lawyer” John Yoo, but the real star is likely to be John Bolton, the former U.N. ambassador whose right-of-Attila views left him an outcast even within the second Bush administration. (Bolton was eventually forced out when it became clear that he would be unable to win Senate confirmation for the U.N. post.) If Bolton’s recent rhetoric is any indication, his AEI appearance may accomplish the formidable feat of making Michael Rubin sound like a dove. Discussing Iran ...

Liz Cheney, William Kristol Launches Group to "Keep America Safe"
Post Date: 2009-10-14 19:36:35 by Brian S
Like her father, former Vice President Dick Cheney, Elizabeth Cheney doesn't think highly of President Obama's policies. And now she has a new organization, Keep America Safe, dedicated to pressing her argument. "Like a lot of Americans, we have watched with concern and dismay as the Obama administration has cut defense spending, wavered on the war in Afghanistan, and launched investigations into Americans serving on the front lines of the war on terror, while at the same time expanding legal protections for the terrorists that plot to attack this country," Cheney writes in an opening statement, which is also signed by fellow board members Debra Burlingame and William ...

Like Father, Like Daughter: Liz Cheney and the Neocons
Post Date: 2009-10-14 15:46:34 by Brian S
As I left the set of "Hardball" on Tuesday night, I thought of a famous Winston Churchill speech. In 1941, with England at war, the English PM was visiting a school, and he offered a rousing exhortation:Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, never -- in nothing, great or small, large or petty -- never give in, except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.That seems to be the credo of the neoconservatives, for as we had discussed on "Hardball," this band of die-hard hawks has launched yet another outfit to advance their cause -- and make the case for war and military ...

(Lady Lindsey) Graham: GOP 'not going to be the party of angry white guys'
Post Date: 2009-10-13 17:57:07 by Liberator
(CNN) – South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham has always enjoyed a little back-and-forth with belligerent audiences. He was at it again on Monday night as he faced down an angry town hall crowd in Greenville packed with libertarians and Tea Party activists who accused at the Republican senator of ditching conservative principles by working with Democrats on issues like climate change and voting to send Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court. But Graham stressed a mantra he's repeated many times since his friend John McCain lost the presidential election last November — that the GOP must reach out to different constituencies, or face extinction. "I'm not going to leave ...

New Republican Party Site Crashes Hours After Launch
Post Date: 2009-10-13 17:53:24 by Brian S
There’s a metaphor lurking in here somewhere. The same day GOP Chairman Michael Steele unveiled a new online home for the Republican Party, the website apparently crashed, leaving users unable to log on to GOP.com. The site was meant to rival the digital operation run by the Democrats and President Barack Obama, who used social networking to great effect in the 2008 elections. GOP.com has a YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Flickr presence, and an array of blogs, including the “What Up” blog, which will be penned by Steele himself. “[The new site] takes advantage of various online tools to connect Republicans and concerned Americans across the country to each other and ...

Orly Taitz Responds To Judge's $20k Fine: Shove It!
Post Date: 2009-10-13 12:32:23 by Brian S
Reached on her cell phone by TPMmuckraker and informed of the $20,000 fine imposed on her by a federal judge this morning, Birther attorney Orly Taitz responded, first, with laughter. "So he didn't recuse himself?" Taitz asked, after letting out an extended, nervous-sounding chuckle. Still defiant after months of legal wrangling and, by our count, three written denunciations by federal district court Judge Clay Land, Taitz said she had absolutely no plans to pay the $20,000 fine. "Are you kidding? Of course not," she said, asked whether she planned to send a check. "This is a form of intimidation." Instead, she plans to file yet another written response ...

Georgia Judge Fines 'Birther' Lawyer Orly Taitz $20,000
Post Date: 2009-10-13 12:22:29 by Brian S
Orly Taitz, the California lawyer known for her vocal and litigious leadership in the "birther" movement, has been slapped with a $20,000 fine by a District Court in Georgia for "wasting the Defendants' time" in a case one of her clients brought against the U.S. Army. The court ruled that Taitz violated Rule 11 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, which stipulates that attorneys will not sign onto cases that are clearly brought with dishonest or frivolous motives. The case, in which Army Capt. Connie Rhodes sought a restraining order for her pending deployment to Iraq on grounds that President Obama is not a valid commander in chief, was part of Taitz's ...

Lou Dobbs's Next Home: Fox Business?
Post Date: 2009-10-12 15:28:59 by Brian S
The anchor Lou Dobbs appears to be exploring an exit from CNN, his longtime employer. Certainly, Fox continues to aggressively bolster its on-air talent, most recently with the hiring of John Stossel, the libertarian investigative journalist from ABC News, for its spin-off channel, Fox Business. Mr. Dobbs, an administration critic who calls himself an independent, met for dinner with Roger E. Ailes, the chairman of Fox News, last month, according to two people with direct knowledge of the meeting. One of the people said Mr. Dobbs is a potential hire for the Fox Business Network, the ratings starved, two-year-old spin-off of Fox News. Mr. Ailes has shown willingness to raid other networks ...

Obama Song Video Prompts Protests At NJ School
Post Date: 2009-10-12 15:02:41 by Brian S
(10-12) 11:05 PDT BURLINGTON TOWNSHIP, N.J. (AP) -- Protesters brought some different songs Monday to an elementary school where students sang in praise of President Barack Obama, bringing criticism from conservative commentators who said children were being indoctrinated. About 70 protesters stood on a sidewalk across the street from the B. Bernice Young School waving flags and homemade placards, singing "God Bless America" and "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," and chanting slogans such as "No indoctrination" and "Free children, free minds." A smaller group of counter-protesters watched and occasionally heckled them. The school is in a diverse ...

GOP Candidate Opened Fire On Effigy Of Dem Congresswoman
Post Date: 2009-10-10 13:33:55 by Brian S
A Florida Republican candidate for Congress became the target of outrage Friday after it was revealed that at a local shooting range he opened fire on a target bearing the initials of his Democratic opponent, Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz. During a recent Broward County GOP meeting, Robert Lowry, a real estate CEO who is running against Wasserman Schultz, joined in the armed festivities. Though he initially said firing slugs at a silhouette with "DWS" inscribed to the side of its head was merely a "joke," Lowry "minutes later called it a mistake," noted CBS4 in Hallandale Beach, Florida. "On what planet, exactly, is it considered a joke to shoot ...

Georgia Restaurant Uses N-Word On Anti-Health Care Reform Sign
Post Date: 2009-10-10 13:18:13 by Brian S
An Atlanta, Georgia area restaurant owner with a history of racially provocative behavior is attracting renewed attention with a sign outside his restaurant saying "Obamas plan for healthcare: Nigger rig it." "When you walk into the Georgia Peach Oyster Bar in Paulding County, you feel like you've walked into a different era," CBS Atlanta reports. "Behind the pool table's a mannequin in a Ku Klux Klan costume." When the CBS reporter asked owner Patrick Lanzo why he'd put the sign up, he insisted, "I put all kinds of political signs up. ... I've used the N-word most of my life. And there is different ways to put your opinion up, but ...

Olbermann Viciously Attacks Sarah Palin, Newsmax over Bestseller Status! [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-10-10 11:11:29 by sizzlerguy
Left-wing TV entertainer Keith Olbermann said on MSNBC this week that the only reason Sarah Palin's book wa hitting the top of the on line best-seller lists is because "right-wing" blogs -- he then showed a picture of Newsmax's Web site -- are buying the book in "bulk" to pump up sales. This is an outragious lie -- but not suprising from Olbermann. It's true Sarah Palin's book is hitting the top of the online charts. But the truth is that Newsmax has not purchased on book from Amazon. And the book is selling like hot cakes! Poster Comment: You decide for yourself

Rumor Debunked: Bill Ayers Punks Conservative Blogger
Post Date: 2009-10-08 19:47:39 by Brian S
The far-right fever swamps have been fantasizing for weeks that Bill Ayers wrote President Obama's memoirs. According to Ayers, they're living the “twilight zone.” Let's put this one to bed right now. Far-right sites have been spreading a post around today by blogger Anne Leary, who wrote that she ran into Obama acquaintance and 2008 election albatross Bill Ayers at an airport. Leary writes how Ayers, unprompted, unleashed a long-winded confession confirming one of the more absurd conspiracy theories floating around the fringes: that Ayers secretly authored Obama's bestselling memoir, Dreams From My Father.” I emailed Ayers to see if he could shed any light ...

Former White House Speechwriter Suggests Military Coup Could Oust Obama
Post Date: 2009-10-08 19:28:45 by Rotara
Former White House speechwriter John L. Perry has courted controversy by suggesting that the U.S. Military, upholding their oath to defend the Constitution against domestic enemies, could stage a bloodless coup to oust President Obama. In an article originally posted on the Newsmax website, Perry wrote, “There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America’s military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the “Obama problem.” Don’t dismiss it as unrealistic.”Despite the fact that Perry was not explicitly advocating such a coup, Newsmax later removed the article to ensure it “was not misinterpreted”.The article outlines how military officers, ...

GOP Lawmakers Warn Of Buy American's Unintended Consequences
Post Date: 2009-10-08 15:31:48 by Brian S
WASHINGTON -(Dow Jones)- A group of House Republicans turned up their criticism of the Buy American provisions in the $787 billion economic stimulus package, warning that critical infrastructure projects are being delayed and the U.S. is increasingly at risk of retaliation by its trading partners. The lawmakers, holding a roundtable with like-minded industry groups Thursday, called on the Obama administration to take action to ensure the provisions, designed to spark job creation at home-grown companies, don't have unintended consequences. "There's a reasonable solution here, which is for the Office of Management and Budget to issue final guidance that exempts states and ...

Tea Party to Rally Against “Bias” Media: An Absurd Neocon Operation
Post Date: 2009-10-05 21:24:48 by Tax Pro Tester 2
Operation Can You Hear Us Now? - Tea Party to Rally Against “Bias” Media: An Absurd Neocon Operation Most Americans have already caught the drift that there is bias in media. There is “bias” in all media. Everyone and anyone in media knows and has some kind of an agenda. It doesn’t matter where you get your news; always remember there’s an agenda. The question is, what’s the stated agenda versus the *real* agenda? When presented any news this is where the reader, listener, or viewer must be able to discern the *real* media agenda, and not be blindsided by the news agency’s stated agenda. Case in point is the latest “Tea Party to Rally Against ...

GOP Senators: US, Not Israel, Should Attack Iran ‘If Necessary’
Post Date: 2009-10-05 18:07:59 by Brian S
Two senior Republican senators say the United States, and not Israel, should attack Iran if military action becomes "necessary." They also say a simple strike at the country's nuclear capability wouldn't be enough -- the US would have to launch an "all-or-nothing" war against Iran with the aim of crippling the country's military capabilities. "I think an Israeli attack on Iran is a nightmare for the world, because it will rally the Arab world around Iran and they're not aligned now. It's too much pressure to put on Israel," Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told Fox News' Chris Wallace. He continued: "If the sanctions fail, and ...

Adopt a Black Dog and Break the Trend
Post Date: 2009-10-05 18:05:09 by Prefrontal Vortex
Adopt a Black Dog and Break the Trend By Julia Szabo Jackie, a sleek German Shepherd mix, is a dream dog who walks calmly on a leash, eagerly obeys training commands, and is gentle with children and other dogs. She’s in perfect health, with no behavioral "issues." And yet, she waited patiently at the Humane Society of New York for more than a year before being adopted. The average length of stay for an animal at the Humane Society is six months. So, how come Jackie’s number took so long to come up? Because she’s black. Sadly, black animals are routinely passed over at animal shelters across the country. "People constantly overlook the wonderful qualities of ...

Conservapædia Has A New Project, "The Conservative Bible Project"
Post Date: 2009-10-05 14:38:43 by Brian S
The far right wing has long rested their authority on Biblical truth — how can you possibly question them if they speak for God, after all? There is one little problem, however. The Bible is suffused with liberal bias. A lot of the Old Testament isn't bad, but the New Testament, when Jesus makes the scene, suddenly takes a turn into commie-land, with it's talk of helping the poor and camels and needles and so forth. Jesus was obviously misquoted all over the place. So what to do? When your claim of godly authority rests on your interpretation of God's holy word, but God's holy words contradict your desired ends, you're in a bit of a pickle. There is a ...

GOP Leaders Try to Muzzle Michael Steele, Keep Him ‘On a Short Leash’
Post Date: 2009-10-05 13:55:31 by Brian S
(ChattahBox)—A new Politico piece reveals the details of a meeting held last month between RNC Chairman Michael Steele and top GOP leaders that escalated into a heated exchange, when Congressional Republicans told Steele to stop encroaching on the lawmakers’ turf by veering into a policy making role. Steele was supposedly read the riot act by Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, and was told to stick to standard RNC functions, such as fundraising to support Republicans in the upcoming governors’ races in New Jersey and Virginia. Michael Steele never turns down a request for an interview or media appearance and he is known for spouting off, well mostly nonsense. During the ...

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