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WOW National Review Has Sent Out a Letter About Cancellations in the Wake of the Trump Attack Edition
Post Date: 2016-01-23 10:48:25 by Artisan
Last night, National Review published a special edition of its magazine, devoted to attacking Donald Trump. Less than 12 hours later, NR publisher Jack Fowler sent the below letter to "friends of the magazine." This is a very unusual letter. It suggests to me that cancellations to the magazine must be pouring in because of the Trump attack edition. There is a big difference between neocons, old right anti-interventionist conservatives and grassroots followers. The old right anti-interventionist conservatives cancelled subscriptions to NR decades ago. The grassroots followers, who never understood the split, despite its significance, are likely leading the cancellation ...

Mark Levin Credibility Melts Like Glenn Beck Tears – Levin Family is Staffer for Senator Cruz…
Post Date: 2016-01-22 17:29:42 by X-15
There’s something initially angering that becomes very sad when a fraud is revealed. Tonight on his radio show Mark Levin was forced to admit the son of his fiance’ is a full time staffer for Senator Ted Cruz. After spending weeks attacking anyone who critiques candidate Ted Cruz, the motives of Mark Levin now take full sunlight. He should be ashamed, VERY ashamed. No, Mr. crony-constitutionalist, lying by omission is not the least bit funny. Nor is deception toward your audience when you do not disclose your own conflicts. Especially when we consider the hours Levin spends railing against the internecine family associations like George Will and his wife working for Scott ...

Hilarious Blacksmith Uses Science To Shut Down Insane ‘Fire Can’t Melt Steel’ 9/11 Truthers
Post Date: 2015-12-22 15:07:46 by Bill D Berger
Give this man a medal. In just two minutes, blacksmith Trenton Tye of Purgatory Ironworks uses science to hilarious effect to mock 9/11 truthers who insist the 2001 terrorist attacks were a conspiracy. And why are these nutters convinced the whole thing was an inside job? Because fire can’t melt steel (Seriously, read through that entire 9/11 conspiracy theory thread. It is amazing.) Tye, a professional metalworker based in Georgia, has had enough. He filmed the following video to prove to science-hating 9/11 conspiracy mongers once and for all that structural steel will absolutely lose its structural integrity if it gets too hot: “So I am taking time out of my busy day to try ...

Fake commentary in circulation: Bennett on Trump
Post Date: 2015-12-02 00:06:59 by NeoconsNailed
Just got it from a friend via email. Since Bill Bennett is one of the most hateful, gagging, putrefactious, lying, conniving, judas goat neocon commie BASTARDS, I knew it was too good to be true, but checked anyway. OK, 4um reminds me this was posted before, but I'll join those doubling an occasional post -- because exposing the Bennett blight is very important to me: An Interesting Take on Trump Conservative commentator William J. Bennett did not pen an essay hypothesizing that Donald Trump would be killed before he could be elected President. *** The above-quoted essay was not written by Bill Bennett. It was originally posted on the web site Reality News Media on 17 September 2015 ...

More Paris Puzzles
Post Date: 2015-11-18 00:32:08 by christine
Some people who are not inclined to believe the official story of the Paris attack are troubled by the question why Muslim suicide bombers would blow themselves up for a false flag attack. The answer to this question is very simple. But first we should dispose of the question whether suicide bombers did blow themselves up. Is this something that we know, or is it part of the story that we are told? For example, we were told that during 9/11 passengers in hijacked airliners used their cell phones to call relatives, but experts have testified that the technology of the time did not permit cell phone calls from airliners at those altitudes. To dispose of the question whether we have or do not ...

Paris Attacks False Flag: Jewish Owners sold Bataclan Theater JUST BEFORE ATTACK
Post Date: 2015-11-16 18:08:36 by christine
The Bataclan theater, targeted in Friday night’s Paris terror attacks, was Jewish-owned for decades, but was sold two months ago, its former owners said. French magazine Le Point said early Saturday that the Bataclan, where at least 80 people were massacred by Islamic State gunmen on Friday night, has for years been the target of anti-Zionist groups as the Jewish owners often put on pro-Israel events. The publication quoted a member of the extremist group Army of Islam, who told French security services in 2011 that, “We had planned an attack against the Bataclan because its owners are Jews.” The Eagles of Death Metal, the band performing at the theater when the attacks ...

Imagine a world...
Post Date: 2015-11-16 15:58:00 by christine

The Senate's New 'Give the NSA All Your Private Info' Bill Would Make George Orwell Blush
Post Date: 2015-11-02 08:22:16 by Bill D Berger
The government needs—nay, it deserves — completely unfettered access to your personal information, because cybersecurity. ​While nobody was watching, the Senate a couple of days ago passed something called the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act (CISA), which passed at least partly because if you say "Cyber warfare, boogedy-boogedy!" around nervous legislators these days, they'll pass a bill agreeing to have the NSA plant microchips in their spleens. The bill passed by one of those bipartisan majorities so beloved by Beltway pundits, 74-21. Now it goes to conference, and its final passage may be stalled because of the currently fluid state of the ...

He'd Let Them Swarm In, Now He'd kick Them Out: Trump Does Drastic 180 on Syrian Immigrants In less Than A Month, His Desperate, Starry-Eyed Supporters Don't Even Notice [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2015-10-06 14:00:35 by Artisan
"I hate the concept of it, but on a humanitarian basis, with what's happening, you have to." - Donald Trump on Syrian refugees into the United States, less than 30 days ago Look, everyone knows we need a real game-changer in this country, someone who cares about America. But let's not be so naive, gullible and desperate as to so easily fall for yet another one of these shysters. Just like his sudden, drastic "about-faces" on gun rights and illegal immigration, Donald "I'm A Big Fan Of Israel" Trump said less than 25 days ago that we must let Syrian immigrants in because it's a "humanitarian disaster" and the poor migrants were ...

Extension Cord On Stage Steals Spotlight From Jeb Bush During Campaign Rally
Post Date: 2015-09-23 00:54:29 by X-15
CONCORD, NH—Emphasizing the allure and appeal of the 30-foot length of electrical power cable that shared the stage with the former Florida governor, sources confirmed that an orange three-pronged extension cord completely stole the spotlight from Jeb Bush during a New Hampshire campaign rally Friday. “Jeb made some interesting points about the need to prioritize national security, but ultimately he was just completely overshadowed by the far more riveting extension cord running along the floor beside him,” said political pundit Chris Wallace, who acknowledged that attendees appeared more energized by the flexible orange cable taped to the stage and noted that the one-time ...

Ann Coulter lashes out at GOP debaters: ‘How many f—ing Jews do these people think’ are in the US?
Post Date: 2015-09-17 01:38:49 by X-15
Conservative author Ann Coulter reacted to Wednesday night’s Republican presidential primary debate by suggesting that the candidates were spending too much time pandering to Jews. “How many f—ing Jews do these people think there are in the United States?” Coulter asked in an angry tweet. In a follow-up message, she speculated that the candidates were trying “to suck up to the Evangelicals.” According to reports, Coulter has fallen out of favor with conservative media in recent months. New York Magazine’s Annie Lowery recounted how Coulter was recently livid after CNN decided against using her on air and left her sitting in the green room instead. ...

Bill Kristol would back third party over Trump
Post Date: 2015-09-15 20:24:06 by X-15
Bill Kristol, the conservative pundit and editor of The Weekly Standard, said Tuesday that he would vote for a third-party candidate if Donald Trump is the Republican presidential nominee. “I doubt I’d support Donald,” he said in an email, according to CNN Money. “I doubt I’d support the Democrat [nominee]. “I think I’d support getting someone good on the ballot as a third party candidate,” he added. Kristol’s admission comes as Trump leads the race for next year’s GOP presidential coronation across multiple national polls. Kristol revealed on Tuesday that he believes former Vice President Dick Cheney and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) are a ...

Another Neocon Liar Busted.
Post Date: 2015-09-13 16:49:26 by bush_is_a_moonie
Got to this liar's site and then come back and look at the truth. www.cyberdriveillinois.co...publications/dsd_a296.pdf

America Strikes Back: Tea Party to Gather with Trump, Cruz, Palin, Duck Dynasty, More on Capitol Hill Against Iran Deal
Post Date: 2015-09-09 23:51:18 by christine
Americans are standing up to President Barack Obama’s nuclear arms deal with the Islamic Republic of Iran on Wednesday, as hundreds—perhaps thousands—of them are expected to descend on Capitol Hill for a Tea Party rally against the deal. “We’re excited we’re going to be able to let Congress know the majority of Americans think this Iran deal is bad for America,” Jenny Beth Martin of Tea Party Patriots told Breitbart News on Tuesday evening, the night before the event. “We hope that Congress, especially the senators who have come out in favor of the deal, will vote to put America and America’s security above party loyalty.” Click for Full ...

Jeb Bush on Trump: 'You're damn right I'm going to fight back'
Post Date: 2015-09-04 16:34:22 by X-15
Laconia, New Hampshire (CNN)—A fiery Jeb Bush ramped up his rhetoric against presidential rival Donald Trump Thursday night in yet another show of force as the former Florida governor changes tactics to go after the Republican front-runner. Taking questions from voters at a Veterans of Foreign Wars facility here, Bush pledged not to get personal but vowed to throw counterpunches if Trump goes for the jugular: his family. "I'm going to push back when he says things that are ugly, that I think will damage our brand, damage our ability to be successful," the former Florida governor said. "I'm sure as hell -- when he attacks me personally or disparages my family -- ...

California GOP slaps San Mateo tea party organizers
Post Date: 2015-08-30 12:15:53 by X-15
California GOP Chairman Ron Nehring has issued a verbal smack on the heads of those who used an anti-Semitic graphic to promote an anti-tax tea parties in San Mateo county. As of a minute ago, the graphic (shown on the right) was still posted on the Ron Paul web site, Here's what Nehring sent out a few minutes ago: SACRAMENTO – Citing the importance of the taxpayer movement in California, California Republican Party Chairman Ron Nehring today strongly condemned the use of anti-Semitic material used to promote the recent April 15 TEA party in San Mateo County. “The taxpayer movement is incredibly important for California, and we applaud the success of the tea parties ...

Leaked Instructions – GOPe Leaders Give Senators Talking Points For August Recess…
Post Date: 2015-08-28 14:17:38 by X-15
The Mitch McConnell legislative agenda was written for him prior to taking his position as Senate Majority Leader. The author of the agenda was a group of Wall Street financiers who organize under the construct of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Tom Donohue as CoC President. Donohue then spends millions through K-Street lobbyists to insure his legislative priorities are maintained. In the run-up to the 2014 mid-terms Donohue was very specific on what his demands were of the GOPe team, Boehner and McConnell: ♦ Comprehensive Immigration Reform – to include Amnesty for illegal aliens. (link) ♦ Support for full delivery of Federal Common CORE education standards (link) ...

Lindsey Graham: Better for a Democrat to win the White House than Donald Trump
Post Date: 2015-08-10 10:18:37 by X-15
In a statement tweeted Saturday by Time political reporter Zeke Miller, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said that it would be better for a Democrat to win the White House than Donald Trump. The statement was issued in response to comments Trump made regarding Fox News host Megyn Kelly. “Due to Donald Trump’s unrelenting and offensive attack on Megyn Kelly and others, we are at a crossroads with Mr. Trump," he said. "I applaud Erick Erickson for doing the right thing when he disinvited Donald Trump from a gathering of Republican activists. As a party, we are better to risk losing without Donald Trump than trying to win with him. Enough already with Mr. Trump." Click ...

Erick Erickson nailed to the cuck cross he deserves
Post Date: 2015-08-10 00:30:59 by NeoconsNailed
ARTICLE FAGGOT CUCK BLOGGER ERICK ERICKSON CRIES ABOUT BACKLASH OF HATE AFTER DISINVITING TRUMP FROM HIS RED STATE GATHERING LOL at this faggot cuck blogger Erick Erickson. After disinviting Donald Trump from his alleged conservative gathering he has been the target of an enormous backlash. He posted the following on his site crying about how he got flooded with angry e-mails, how he got called a faggot, how he got called a nigger lover, how Megyn Kelly was called a cunt, how his website was attacked, how his social media feeds were made unusable and how he had to unplug his hotel room phone after getting calls at 3 AM. Erick – maybe you don’t get it but people hate you because ...

Coulter's latest/greatest on the invasion: naming names, piling up damning facts!
Post Date: 2015-08-03 01:30:14 by NeoconsNailed
Voters To G.O.P.: We’re Just Not That Into Immigrants For years, Republican candidates have been assured by their political consultants that amnesty is a runaway hit with the public. Then they always come in for a zinger of a surprise when the American people are finally able to express themselves on the subject. (Sometimes it seems as if political consultants are in the game only to make money.) Washington has tried to sneak through three amnesties in the last decade–in 2006, 2007 and 2013. Each time, amnesty had the full support of the media, the White House, leaders of both political parties, big campaign donors and lobbyists. And every time, as soon as the public got wind ...

Dear Conservatives: You Won’t Win the Latino Vote
Post Date: 2015-07-30 19:58:55 by X-15
Let’s forget the name calling, forget we called you a cuck. Just listen to me, alright? Latinos don’t care about you or your politics. They don’t care about this country’s founding principles or ideas. Maybe no one has told you what I’m about to tell you, but I’m going to show you in a straightforward manner why you simply won’t get them to vote for you. Please accompany me in a brief tour of the countries of the people you are so eager to court. We’ll do it from South to North. Argentina In a way Argentinians already lived in the United States. Back at the end of the nineteenth century they decided to copy the American model and constitution, and ...

FBI Chief (James Comey) on why agents should visit the Holocaust museum
Post Date: 2015-07-25 19:43:44 by X-15

BREAKING: GOP Strategists Plot to Ban Donald Trump From Debates
Post Date: 2015-07-23 14:59:43 by X-15
GOP strategists are plotting on ways to ban leading presidential candidate Donald Trump from participating in the GOP debates. The party elites are flummoxed by his rise in the polls. The New York Times reported: “ Fear remains in some of the campaigns that Mr. Trump will target their candidates in the lead up to the debate — or at the event itself. Many national Republican officials are increasingly resigned to Mr. Trump’s looming presence. At a meeting of the Republican Governors Association this week in Aspen, Colo., donors and operatives mused about how to prevent him from hijacking the debate. One idea that came up was to urge three leading candidates — Jeb ...

Republican Battle Flag
Post Date: 2015-07-21 17:15:07 by christine

First the Battle Flag, Then What Remains
Post Date: 2015-07-17 14:09:36 by X-15
The Attack of the Orcs Occasionally I will read articles on the ostensibly conservative web site, Townhall.com. Indeed, my good friend Jack Kerwick has published some fine pieces there. Recently, Paul Gottfried forwarded on to me an essay written by a Neoconservative Republican operative, Boston Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby, “The Confederate Flag is Anti-American,” and I wanted to make a few comments on it while my blood pressure is sky high. One of my bete noires continues to be the group of East Coast, mostly New York, largely (but certainly not exclusively) Jewish intellectuals who now dominate and generally control what is called “Conservatism.” This control extends ...

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