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Fox is pushing for Iran war, senator says
Post Date: 2007-08-23 17:13:37 by Eoghan
Senator Sanders of Vermont is backing a campaign to warn Americans that Fox News is using jingoistic programming to push the nation into a military attack on Iran. Mr. Sanders, a self-described socialist who caucuses with the Democrats, joined with a liberal filmmaker yesterday to denounce the popular cable channel for leading a drumbeat in favor of a military strike against Tehran. "The leader of that effort is Fox News, which, in many ways, is a propaganda machine," Mr. Sanders said during a conference call with reporters and bloggers. He said the network was echoing "increased rumblings" from President Bush and Vice President Cheney about the prospect of an attack on ...

Why Dennis Miller Is a Total Idiot
Post Date: 2007-08-22 20:51:16 by Mekons4
Wow, he was just on O'Really claiming some crap about softball questions to dems and he said, more softballs than Eddie Gaedel. Who was the midget who batted once for the Browns, I think. He meant Eddie Feigner, and even if he was right and did say Feigner, which I don't think he did, I saw Eddie Feigner pitch. He threw 100 MPH from 40 feet away. He threw about 2,000 no-hitters. Softball maybe, but what a stupid simile, even if he had the right name. Is there anyone on Fox who knows a single fucking thing?

U.S. senator calls for change in Iraqi leadership
Post Date: 2007-08-21 16:54:59 by Eoghan
The chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, after completing a two-day tour of Iraq, said that the government of Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki should be voted from office because it had proved incapable of reaching the political compromises required to end violence there. The Democratic chairman, Senator Carl Levin of Michigan, and the committee's ranking Republican, Senator John Warner of Virginia, who traveled to Iraq together, issued a joint statement Monday that was only slightly more temperate than Levin's remarks. They warned that in the view of politicians in Washington, and of the American people, "time has run out" on attempts to forge a political ...

Pentagon to Suspend Anti-Terror Database
Post Date: 2007-08-21 12:45:56 by Eoghan
The Pentagon said Tuesday that it will shut down an anti-terror database that has been criticized for improperly storing information on peace activists and others whose actions posed no threat. It will be closed on Sept. 17 and information collected subsequently on potential terror or security threats to Defense Department facilities or personnel will be sent by Pentagon officials to an FBI database known as Guardian, according to Army Col. Gary Keck, a Pentagon spokesman. Keck said the Pentagon database is being shut down because ``the analytical value had declined,'' but not because of public criticism of how it was used. Eventually the Pentagon hopes to create a new system -- ...

TV Ads: Bush-Petraeus 10-Year Plan Means a Draft
Post Date: 2007-08-20 13:11:14 by Eoghan
Americans have seen some news reports over the last few days suggesting that the White House "might-maybe-could-possibly" bring some troops home from Iraq next year. If this happens, that's great. But don't break out the confetti just yet. * Email * Print * Comment Every other indicator is that these are fairy tales cooked up by the White House PR machine to try to cauterize their bleeding support. Almost like clock-work the White House breaks the glass of their magical PR machine every time they're about to lose it. The story hasn't changed. This is still an endless war. And, now a military draft is on the table. As part of Iraq Summer, a project of Americans ...

Anti-AIDS Program To Fund Circumcision
Post Date: 2007-08-20 10:30:20 by Eoghan
President Bush's $15 billion anti-AIDS program will begin investing significant money in making circumcision available to African men seeking to protect themselves from HIV, top U.S. health officials said Sunday. Recent research showing that circumcision dramatically cuts the rate of HIV infection is highly convincing, a delegation of U.S. officials, led by Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt, told reporters in Johannesburg. Countries taking part in the President's Emergency Program For AIDS Relief have been invited to seek money to expand access to the procedure. Circumcision funding would be small at first, with budgets in the hundreds of thousands of dollars for ...

LibertyPost.Org is for NeoCon Religous Kooks
Post Date: 2007-08-20 02:45:01 by Destro
Some examples of the religous kookery at http://LibertyPost.org 3. To: OKCSubmariner (#1) Ten ministers of ten members of the EU around the Mediterranean have recently called for Bush special envoy for the roadmap, Tony Blair, to push for the deployment of an international military force in Israel and particularly in Jerusalem to "guarantee' a peace treaty and make Jerusalem "an international city" that will protect both Muslim holy sites and permit restoration of Jewish worship (animal blood sacrifices) on the Temple Mount. I saw this in my dream in June of 2002. The false peace process with the diplomats standing behind a podium. It was the two witnesses, Elijah and ...

Americans mistrustful of Iraq report
Post Date: 2007-08-18 08:14:27 by Eoghan
A majority of Americans do not trust the upcoming report by top US commander in Iraq on the progress of the war, a new poll says. US President George W. Bush has frequently asked Congress and the American people to withhold judgment on his so-called "troop surge" in Iraq until David Petraeus, the top commander in Iraq, and Ryan Crocker, US ambassador to Iraq, issue their progress report in September. But according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released on Friday, 53 percent of people polled said they suspect that the military assessment of the situation will try to make it sound better than it actually is. The poll also indicates that most of America's mind is made ...

NY police commissioner: Internet is "the new Afghanistan"
Post Date: 2007-08-15 19:34:07 by Zipporah
New York City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly announces the bust of counterfeiters of retail goods in New York, November 27, 2002. The Internet is the new battleground against Islamist extremism because it provides ideology that could radicalize Westerners who might then initiate home-grown attacks, Kelly said on Wednesday. (Chip East/Reuters) Internet is "the new Afghanistan": NY police commissioner By Michelle Nichols and Edith HonanWed Aug 15, 3:51 PM ET The Internet is the new battleground against Islamist extremism because it provides ideology that could radicalize Westerners who might then initiate home-grown attacks, New York police commissioner Raymond Kelly ...

Fox News Busted for Editing Wikipedia Entries for their Own Benefit
Post Date: 2007-08-14 17:35:30 by aristeides
Fox News Busted for Editing Wikipedia Entries for their Own Benefit by the choice is yours [Subscribe] Tue Aug 14, 2007 at 02:18:20 PM PDT Cross posted at The Seminal. Diebold and the CIA aren't the only one's who got in on this action. Due to a new tool developed by Cal Tech grad student Virgil Griffith, you can now find out exactly who is making edits on Wikipedia. While this news is not very exciting on its own, the fact that Fox News has made dozens of edits for their own benefit, deserves further attention. From Geeks are Sexy: So we went ahead and took a look at other changes to Wikipedia allegedly made by the people from the Fox News offices - the changes originating ...

Bush Warns Puppets Not to Praise Iran
Post Date: 2007-08-14 16:28:27 by Eoghan
Hamid Karzai, hand-picked by Washington to pose as president of the broken country of Afghanistan, says his government has "very, very good, very, very close relations [and] will continue to have good relations with Iran." He declares on CNN, "So far, Iran has been a helper" in fighting terrorism. Nuri al-Maliki, favored by Washington as the most viable prime minister to pretend to lead the bleeding country of Iraq, says Iran is doing "positive and constructive" work in "providing security and fighting terrorism" in his country. Both of these puppet regimes in nations bordering Iran seek to maintain close relations with the Islamic Republic. But ...

Romney stock includes oil company in Sudan
Post Date: 2007-08-14 11:53:33 by Eoghan
The GOP candidate, who is worth up to $250 million, has divested from firms doing business in Iran but not from one in Sudan. Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney divested from companies doing business in Iran but still holds stock in an oil company that does business in Sudan, where the government is accused of sponsoring genocide, his financial-disclosure report filed Monday shows. Romney, the wealthiest presidential contender, is worth $190 million to $250 million, with investments spread among stocks, treasuries and high-end funds. R. Bradford Malt, Romney's attorney, acts as sole trustee of what until Monday was a blind trust, and makes investment decisions. Romney, the ...

Linda Chavez and Family: It Sure Pays To Be Rightwing Hacks!
Post Date: 2007-08-14 11:10:22 by Brian S
This page one article from the Washington Post is worth a read. It turns out that one Linda Chavez -- the rightwinger whose bread-and-butter is using her Hispanic last name to bash liberal Latino organization, liberals, and labor unions -- has been raising tons of political money for her own (and her family's) personal use. I knew Chavez in the 1980's. Her husband Chris Gersten was the AIPAC political director and a key player in moving the organization to the right. Gersten's game was using his labor union background to gain him cred for union bashing while Linda's was to use her union background and her surname for similar purposes. Both were pretty standard Jewish ...

The Mercenary Revolution
Post Date: 2007-08-13 11:20:24 by Eoghan
Flush with Profits from the Iraq War, Military Contractors See a World of Business Opportunities If you think the U.S. has only 160,000 troops in Iraq, think again. With almost no congressional oversight and even less public awareness, the Bush administration has more than doubled the size of the U.S. occupation through the use of private war companies. There are now almost 200,000 private "contractors" deployed in Iraq by Washington. This means that U.S. military forces in Iraq are now outsized by a coalition of billing corporations whose actions go largely unmonitored and whose crimes are virtually unpunished. In essence, the Bush administration has created a shadow army ...

Bush war adviser says draft worth a look
Post Date: 2007-08-10 20:41:41 by Eoghan
Frequent tours for U.S. forces in Iraq and Afghanistan have stressed the all-volunteer force and made it worth considering a return to a military draft, President Bush's new war adviser said Friday. "I think it makes sense to certainly consider it," Army Lt. Gen. Douglas Lute said in an interview with National Public Radio's "All Things Considered." "And I can tell you, this has always been an option on the table. But ultimately, this is a policy matter between meeting the demands for the nation's security by one means or another," Lute added in his first interview since he was confirmed by the Senate in June. President Nixon abolished the draft ...

Laura Bush, Jenna Writing Children's Book About A Mischievous Schoolboy Who Doesn't Like Reading; Character Sounds Familiar...
Post Date: 2007-08-09 23:46:19 by Brian S
US First Lady Laura Bush and her daughter Jenna are writing a children's book about a mischievous schoolboy who doesn't like reading. The picture book, which is so far without a title, is set in a school and tells the story of a young boy who doesn't like to read but ends up delving into books with the help and encouragement of his teacher. "We know that their experiences as teachers will contribute in so many ways to this project,'' said Susan Katz, president and publisher of HarperCollins Children's Books. The book, which will be written in English and Spanish, is set for release early next year. The authors' proceeds from the book will go to two ...

Man Living in Car Since '00 Upsets Town; "I listen to Rush (Limbaugh) every day..."
Post Date: 2007-08-09 23:02:35 by Brian S
(08-09) 17:53 PDT Pittsburg, Kan. (AP) -- Steve Graham might not be in the doghouse over a dispute with his wife, but as far as his neighbors are concerned, he's not far from it. For the past seven years, Graham, 55, has been living in his car parked in the backyard of a house he and his wife, La Donna Graham, own. Graham said the two have "been having troubles" since 1999 and that he's been out of the house since about 2000. His wife still lives in the home. "She's not going to support me not having a job and bumming around," Graham said. "I'm trying my best to get a job and get up out of this rut." But his neighbors, who say Graham ...

The Coming War with Islam
Post Date: 2007-08-07 19:48:24 by YertleTurtle
Five years ago, I had a conversation with a young Palestinian student who in short precise terms explained how Islam will defeat the West. The conversation opened my eyes to a much larger picture in which Israel plays only a minor role in the Islamic game of conquest. Since then I tried to speak to some Arabs who come to pray at the Mosque, but they were not as outspoken as the student. Last week, I had another conversation with an Israeli Arab construction boss by the unlikely name of Francis who was in charge of building a villa near our house in Herzelia. He told me that his family was Christian, and his name was given to him in honor of the Franciscan monks. Our conversation was as ...

AEI: Caught Between Its Likudist Heart and Its Corporate Head
Post Date: 2007-08-06 21:03:00 by Brian S
Today’s quotation in the Financial Times attributed to Danielle Pletka, the Vice President for Foreign and Defense Policy Studies of the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), was a stunner. “If we …begin to sanction foreign companies through more stringent sanctions in the Iran Sanctions Act, I think there will be serious repercussions for our multilateral effort.”  Whatever would possess AEI and Pletka, who personally has been one of the most prominent and enthusiastic cheerleaders of the rapidly spreading state divestment movement against companies doing business in Iran, to offer a cautionary note about adopting unilateral sanctions, let alone stress the ...

'Plot Would Have Killed Thousands' - Chertoff
Post Date: 2007-08-06 19:57:25 by Eoghan
Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff Offers Chilling Details About 2006 Airplane Plot and Current Terror Threats Terrorists who had planned to detonate gel-based explosives on U.S.-bound flights from London last August would have achieved mass devastation, according to new information from Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff in an exclusive interview with ABC News. "I think that the plot, in terms of its intent, was looking at devastation on a scale that would have rivaled 9/11," Chertoff told ABC's Pierre Thomas. "If they had succeeded in bringing liquid explosives on seven or eight aircraft, there could have been thousands of lives lost and an ...

US al-Qaida Member Threatens Embassies
Post Date: 2007-08-05 16:58:56 by Eoghan
An American member of al-Qaida threatened foreign diplomats and embassies across the Islamic world in a new video Sunday, saying they would targeted as "spy dens." The 1 hour, 17 minute video also featured a computer-animated recreation of a March 2006 suicide attack that killed U.S. diplomat David Foy in Karachi, Pakistan, and testimony from a man who claimed to be the bomber. "We shall continue to target you, at home and abroad, just as you target us, at home and abroad, and these spy dens and military command and control centers from which you plotted your aggression against Afghanistan and Iraq," said Adam Gadahn, a Californian also known as Azzan al-Amriki. ...

‘Kidnapped’ Filipinos build US embassy
Post Date: 2007-08-04 21:46:13 by Eoghan
An American civilian contractor has described scenes of panic and hysteria last year as Filipino construction workers were told that they were on a plane bound for Baghdad rather than Dubai. Passengers jumped out of their seats screaming in protest until a gun-toting air steward ordered them to sit down, claimed Rory Mayberry, an emergency medical technician travelling on the same flight. Mayberry said the men were “kidnapped” to build America’s luxurious new embassy in Baghdad’s green zone. He gave his account to a congressional committee investigating allegations of fraud at what will be America’s largest diplomatic mission. The £300m fortified embassy - ...

The "Protocol of the Elders of American Neoconservatism" and the Blood of American Soldiers
Post Date: 2007-08-03 12:56:34 by Brian S
As virtually every literate citizen on our planet knows, since the nineteenth century anti-Semites have been extolling the crackpot and wicked Protocols of the Elders of Zion in order to prove a conspiracy by Jews to rule the world. Even today, alas, the Protocols remain popular and believable throughout the world, especially the Middle East. Yet, since the end of the Cold War there has been little in the political behavior of the Jews among America's neoconservatives to refute such beliefs. After all, it was people with the names Paul Wolfowitz, Irv Lewis Libby and Eric Edelman, who "in 1992…co-authored a security doctrine for the United States that aimed at perpetual ...

The three stooges (Alberto Gonzales safe because the scheming roles of Cheney and Rove must be protected)
Post Date: 2007-08-02 17:21:13 by Ferret Mike
The president won't fire Alberto Gonzales. He needs him to protect White House secrets, including the scheming roles of Cheney and Rove. Omertà (or a code of silence) has become the final bond holding the Bush administration together. Honesty is dishonorable; silence is manly; penitence is weakness. Loyalty trumps law. Protecting higher-ups is patriotism. Stonewalling is idealism. Telling the truth is informing. Cooperation with investigators is cowardice; breaking the code is betrayal. Once the code is shattered, however, no one can be trusted and the entire edifice crumbles. If Attorney General Alberto Gonzales were miraculously to tell the truth, or if he were to resign or ...

Neocon Use of Big Lie Reminiscent of Nazi Germany
Post Date: 2007-08-02 12:32:54 by Brian S
In the rush to neocon global hegemony and a new world order the Cheney-Bush team is featuring use of a technique presented with great frequency by the Third Reich of Adolf Hitler, that of the big lie. The master of the big lie was the head of the Third Reich's Propaganda Ministry, Josef Goebbels, who used repetition in the manner of an unrelenting drum beat to con the nation's masses into believing whatever deemed necessary by the regime to serve current objectives. The big lie technique featured two important elements: 1)Goebbels stated his belief that, whereas a small lie would be questioned, if a gigantic untruth were unleashed its staggering magnitude would impact against the ...

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