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Itzhak Perlman - Klezmer
Post Date: 2007-06-10 20:17:17 by Peetie Wheatstraw
Poster Comment:This goes with a shout out to "Aaron" in his Mossad cubicle: Shalom! :P

G8 False Flag Terror Attack Averted?
Post Date: 2007-06-10 18:36:32 by Eoghan
US "security men" attempted to smuggle C4 plastic explosive past checkpoint t looks highly likely that a false flag terror attack to be blamed on protesters of the G8 summit in Germany was averted after German surveillance stopped a team of "US security men" attempting to smuggle C4 plastic explosives past a checkpoint at Heiligendamm. The alarming revelation was buried at the end of a Deutsche Press-Agentur news article about the ongoing battles between police and protesters at the global forum. Sources told Deutsche Presse-Agentur dpa that US security men tested German security by trying to smuggle C4 plastic explosive past a checkpoint at Heiligendamm. German ...

Students in Venezuela Expose Coup Attempts
Post Date: 2007-06-10 09:19:34 by Eoghan
Venezuela witnessed Thursday an unprecedented episode in its history when the National Assembly opened its doors to give the floor to university students who favour and oppose the decision of not renewing the license of private TV broadcaster Radio Caracas Television (RCTV), property of the oligarchic group 1 Broadcasting Caracas (1BC). Opposition groups have used the Venezuelan government’s decision to not renew RCTV’s license as an excuse to mount a new coup against the administration of Hugo Chavez, this time using CIA methods that were applied in former socialist countries in Eastern Europe. With practically all the nation’s radio and TV stations broadcasting live from ...

Libby judge smackdown for letter-writing neocons
Post Date: 2007-06-09 10:00:59 by Mekons4
Judge smacks ‘luminaries’ defending Libby. A dozen mostly libertarian and conservative legal scholars, including rejected Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork, submitted an amicus brief to Scooter Libby trial Judge Reggie Walton “arguing that that there are serious constitutional questions about the legal authority” of Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald. Emptywheel highlights this bitingly sarcastic response from Judge Walton: It is an impressive show of public service when twelve prominent and distinguished current and former law professors of well-respected schools are able to amass their collective wisdom in the course of only several days to provide their legal ...

Fallen Soldier
Post Date: 2007-06-09 08:08:45 by a vast rightwing conspirator
COMMENTARY Fallen Soldier By FOUAD AJAMI Mr. President, some weeks ago, I wrote a letter of appeal, a character reference, to Judge Reggie B. Walton, urging leniency for I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby. Scooter, I said, has seen the undoing of his world, but he comes before a "just court in a just and decent country." I was joined by men and women of greater acclaim in our public life, but the petitions were in vain. Now the legal process has played out, Judge Walton has issued a harsh prison term of 30 months, and what will rescue this honorable man is the power of pardon that is exclusively yours.This case has been, from the start, ...

Condi Rice: History Will Rate Bush Well
Post Date: 2007-06-08 23:59:25 by Brian S
(06-08) 17:42 PDT NEW YORK, (AP) -- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says history will remember President Bush's foreign policy favorably despite current troubles in Iraq, Iran, North Korea and the Middle East "History's judgment is rarely the same as today's headlines," she said Friday in an interview with The Associated Press. Rice said she believed the world was more dangerous before Bush took office in January 2001 than it is now. "Six years ago ... it wasn't a very nice world. Al-Qaida was preparing to attack the twin towers, Pakistan was allied with the Taliban, Afghanistan was the base from where al-Qaida was going to operate, the Israelis ...

GOP/Media Rewrite Iraq War History
Post Date: 2007-06-08 11:03:03 by Eoghan
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and radio personality Jay Diamond are right to wonder why Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney got away with rewriting a key chapter of the Iraq War history without political reporters raising a peep. At the June 5 Republican debate, co-sponsored by CNN, Romney defended George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq in March 2003 on the grounds that Saddam Hussein refused to let United Nations weapons inspectors in to search for WMD. If Saddam “had opened up his country to I.A.E.A. inspectors, and they’d come in and they’d found that there were no weapons of mass destruction,” the war might have been averted, the former ...

JFK airport plot 'a US setup'
Post Date: 2007-06-07 14:46:00 by Eoghan
Port Of Spain - The four suspects in an alleged terror plot to bomb a New York airport were set up in an elaborate plan by the US Republican party to retain hold of the White House, the daughter of an arrested suspect claimed on Tuesday. Huda Ibrahiim, daughter of Amir Kareem Ibrahiim, one of four men accused of plotting acts of terrorism against the United States, said US justice officials had engaged in entrapment in breaking up the alleged plot. Huda, 20, speaking on behalf of the Trinidad and Tobago and the Guyanese Shi'ite Muslim community, read from a prepared statement in a press conference at a hotel in Port Of Spain. She said the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) ...

When The Shill Enables The Kill
Post Date: 2007-06-06 23:57:51 by robin
Jonah Goldberg is the living, breathing embodiment of virtually all that is pernicious in the malignant socioeconomic and political structures collectively known as the American Empire. Yet tragically, this scheming sycophant to the cynical, privileged criminals of the US plutocracy reaches countless millions through myriad corporate media conduits as he weaves his sophistic arguments supporting nearly every morally repulsive aspect of United States foreign policy. Rising to his position amongst the US mainstream punditry elite through vigorous and shameless self-promotion based on his mother's involvement in the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal, young Jonah quickly learned our culture's ...

Cheney's One World ID card
Post Date: 2007-06-06 23:19:08 by robin
Art by Daivd Dees - deesillustration.com

GOP Lawmakers Demand Probe of ABC News Story
Post Date: 2007-06-06 22:38:10 by Eoghan
A group of House Republicans are calling for an investigation into "the release of sensitive information" in a recent ABC News report on CIA covert activities against Iran. In a carefully worded request, seven House GOP lawmakers led by Rep. Patrick McHenry, R-N.C., asked the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee to "look into the releasing of sensitive information and its impact on the security of our nation, the performance of our government agencies, and the viability of our diplomatic relationships overseas." Citing an ABC News story last month about a White House-authorized "non-lethal" operation against the Islamic Republic of Iran, the septet ...

New Charges Filed in Abramoff Probe
Post Date: 2007-06-06 19:12:38 by Eoghan
The head of a Republican environmental advocacy group was charged Wednesday with tax evasion and obstructing a Senate inquiry as part of the Jack Abramoff corruption probe. Italia Federici was named in a two-count criminal information, a document that normally indicates a guilty plea has been negotiated. A hearing was set for Friday, the Justice Department said. Federici served as a go-between for Abramoff, the once-powerful lobbyist, and J. Steven Griles, who was deputy interior secretary during President Bush's first term, prosecutors said. Federici introduced the two men, which Griles said gave Abramoff more credibility and allowed him greater access to the department. After ...

Mysterious GOP voter group has disappeared
Post Date: 2007-06-06 10:26:39 by Mekons4
Morning Edition, June 6, 2007 · The issue of voter fraud is at the center of the scandal involving fired U.S. attorneys. The American Center for Voting Rights had testified before Congress about the threat posed by fraudulent voters. But as the story of the eight fired U.S. attorneys who refused to prosecute cases alleging illegal voting by Democrats continues to emerge, the group has mysteriously vanished. No transcript yet, but you can listen to the story, about two minutes, at the link. I found this Slate story from a few weeks ago, though. The incredible, disappearing American Center for Voting Rights. By Richard L. Hasen Posted Friday, May 18, 2007, at 1:41 PM ET Examining ...

Forum Moderating At Its Finest. Goldi-lox: Eat s**t and die... and howl at the moon....damn moonbat [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-06-05 23:21:13 by Brian S
Indeed, she is nearing her final days of freedom of being allowed to roam amongst the normal.

Is Fred Thompson on HBO, in violation of any campaign laws? (HBO miniseries airing now)
Post Date: 2007-06-04 22:26:43 by Artisan
Fred Thompson is starring in the current HBO program "Bury my heart at wounded knee". Any possible repercussions? From TIME: http://time-blog.com/tuned_in/2007/05/weekend_tv_bury_my_heart_at_wo_1.html >>The wide-ranging film chronicles the efforts to solve the "Indian problem" (part of the "problem" being that the Sioux have gold on their land) by the government, starting with the administration of Ulysses S. Grant. (Played by--who else?--perennial fictional prez and real-life possible candidate Fred Thompson, whose Law & Order boss, Dick Wolf, produced the film. If Thompson runs, HBO may have to cast Rudy Giuliani as Fiorello LaGuardia in the ...

How Much Time Will Libby Get?
Post Date: 2007-06-04 14:48:45 by Eoghan
When United States District Judge Reggie Walton sentences I. Lewis 33;Scooter33; Libby Tuesday for perjury and obstruction of justice, watch how he handles one of the most troubling aspects of federal sentencing law: allowing a harsher sentence for a crime that was never proven. In case you forgot, a jury convicted Libby, Vice President Dick Cheney33;s former chief of staff, in March of lying to federal investigators about leaking the identity of CIA operative Valerie Plame. The leak was the thing for most Americans, the crux of an apparent White House campaign to discredit Plame33;s husband, Joseph Wilson, who wrote a 2003 op-ed piece debunking WMD justifications ...

Arkansas GOP head: We need more 'attacks on American soil' so people appreciate Bush
Post Date: 2007-06-03 21:19:50 by Brian S
In his first interview as the chairman of the Arkansas Republican Party, Dennis Milligan told a reporter that America needs to be attacked by terrorists so that people will appreciate the work that President Bush has done to protect the country. "At the end of the day, I believe fully the president is doing the right thing, and I think all we need is some attacks on American soil like we had on [Sept. 11, 2001]," Milligan said to the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, "and the naysayers will come around very quickly to appreciate not only the commitment for President Bush, but the sacrifice that has been made by men and women to protect this country." Milligan, who was elected ...

"Reminder: ONLY NEWS Articles are to be posted here" -- Goldi's attack of Ron Paul [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2007-06-03 17:49:14 by Ferret Mike
I'm getting sick and tired of deleting junk posted just because it has Ron Paul in it. If it isn't news, it doesn't belong here. ==== I like Ron Paul...but I'm getting SO SICK of the junk being posted, I might go over the edge and dump it all if this s**t doesn't STOP!! So, a word to the wise: If you keep posting s**t with Ron Paul in it that isn't news, I'll just junk everything about him. There is a limit to my patience...and I'm getting there. Poster Comment:She is caught having to pander at some level for Ron Paul to keep Palo Verde happy, but she hates his growing popularity and is ready to jump in the neocon assault against Ron Paul when it ...

Calling John Ashcroft
Post Date: 2007-06-02 18:02:56 by Eoghan
The House and Senate Intelligence Committees have asked the former attorney general to testify about his role in a dramatic showdown over a controversial eavesdropping program. Will he play ball? The Senate and House Intelligence Committees are asking former attorney general John Ashcroft to testify about a March 2004 hospital-room confrontation during which he refused to sign off on a continuation of President Bush’s warrantless eavesdropping program, according to congressional and administration sources. The sources, who asked not to identified talking about sensitive matters, said the Senate Intelligence Committee has tentatively scheduled a closed-door hearing for later this ...

RNC fires all phone solicitors as cash 'evaporates' over Bush
Post Date: 2007-06-02 17:39:17 by Eoghan
Just two days after President Bush slammed critics of his immigration policy, the Republican National Committee has reportedly fired all 65 of its telephone solicitors, as donors are said to be furious over the president's stance to give legal status to millions of illegal aliens. "Every donor in 50 states we reached has been angry, especially in the last month and a half, and for 99 percent of them immigration is the No. 1 issue," a fired phone-bank employee told the Washington Times. Republican outrage over President Bush's immigration policy has led to some to create satirical currency such as this Ousted staff members told the paper Anne Hathaway, the ...

Philip Roth Slanders America, Christianity and Charles Lindbergh
Post Date: 2007-06-02 10:57:26 by YertleTurtle
I don't know how the churlish and ignoble Philip Roth remains upright, the way his moral compass is spinning so madly. The author, who made his name with the more-than-a-little-semi-pornographic Portnoy's Complaint, which titillated a 12-year-old me and my classmates so much the teacher confiscated the book, has now with his current novel, The Plot Against America, used this farrago of vitriol to spin himself right into a place where good is evil, and evil, good. I'll wager that George Orwell would have seen Roth's book as an example of Lies are Truth, Ignorance is Strength and War is Peace (and in Roth's case, Cowardice is Bravery). The novel is odious, libelous and ...

IAEA chief warns of "crazies" seeking Iran war
Post Date: 2007-06-02 06:47:03 by Eoghan
The United Nations nuclear watchdog chief warned on Friday against the "new crazies" advocating military action to halt Iran's nuclear program and said he did not want to see another war like that in Iraq. "I wake every morning and see 100 Iraqis, innocent civilians, are dying," International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) director Mohamed ElBaradei said in an interview for BBC Radio. "I have no brief other than to make sure we don't go into another war or that we go crazy into killing each other. You do not want to give additional argument to new crazies who say 'let's go and bomb Iran'," he said in a documentary, excerpts from which were ...

This Man Leads Nuclear ‘9/11' Plan
Post Date: 2007-06-01 19:28:55 by Horse
He is the most wanted man in America yet most Americans have never heard his name. He has been described as the "Fixer" of the Sept. 11 attacks. Several captured al-Qaeda operatives have revealed this is the same man who bin Laden has tapped to lead the terror group's diabolical scheme to detonate nuclear devices simultaneously in several U.S. cities. Meet Adnan el-Shukrijumah, now believed to be operating within the U.S. – a man the FBI warns is likely armed and dangerous. "But no one on planet earth is more of a threat to the lives and well-being of every man, woman, and child within the United States than ferret-faced Adnan." That's the dire warning ...

It's falling apart. Rove aide Griffin resigns when documents supoenaed
Post Date: 2007-06-01 14:29:52 by Mekons4
Tim Griffin, formerly right hand man to Karl Rove, resigned Thursday as US Attorney for Arkansas hours after BBC Television ‘Newsnight’ reported that Congressman John Conyers requested the network’s evidence on Griffin’s involvement in ‘caging voters.’ Greg Palast, reporting for BBC Newsnight, obtained a series of confidential emails from the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign. In these emails, Griffin, then the GOP Deputy Communications Director, transmitted so-called ‘caging lists’ of voters to state party leaders. Experts have concluded the caging lists were designed for a mass challenge of voters’ right to cast ballots. The caging lists were heavily ...

Antisemites Disrupt Distribution of Kosher Food in Lviv
Post Date: 2007-05-31 22:02:05 by Dakmar
Members of a far-right party disrupted a public event by a company marketing kosher ice cream in Lviv, Ukraine, according to a May 17, 2007 report by UCSJ's Lviv monitor. The head of the regional branch of the "Freedom" Party--headed by Oleg Tyagnybok, a former member of President Yushchenko's "Our Ukraine" party and the former head of the National Socialist Party of Ukraine, a predecessor of the "Freedom" Party--led a group of party youth activists in the storming of the building. Screaming "Ukraine won't be sold to kikes!" and "Down with the kike-communist government of Yanukovych-Kuchma!" the youths smashed display stands of ...

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