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VIDEO: Liberals Hope You Don’t See What Hillary Did to This Black Girl on the Campaign Trail
Post Date: 2016-04-14 19:58:48 by BTP Holdings
VIDEO: Liberals Hope You Don’t See What Hillary Did to This Black Girl on the Campaign Trail A huge part of the liberal narrative involves the notion that their candidates somehow sympathize more with racial minorities than conservatives do. After all, it’s the reason why racial minority voters tend to vote democrat instead of republican right? Sadly, the empty lip service that democrats pay to racial minorities fools a good many voters into believing that liberals are more sensitive to racial issues than conservatives. This video shows the truth. twitter.com/DefendWallSt/status/719221938317619200 This shouldn’t leave any doubt in the minds of voters as to where black ...

Syrian General Elections Update
Post Date: 2016-04-14 07:57:50 by Stephen Lendman
Syrian General Elections Update by Stephen Lendman On Thursday, 7,000 polling stations in 13 of Syria’s 15 provinces opened at 7AM, ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra controlled Raqqa and Idlib excluded for obvious reasons. Scheduled to remain open until 7PM, the deadline was extended to midnight to accommodate heavy turnout, results to follow when tabulations are completed. US elections are farcical by comparison, meaningless money controlled exercises serving wealth, power and privilege exclusively. Syrians have the real thing. Washington mocked their democratic process, saying it doesn’t reflect “the will of the people,” polar opposite reality. Internally displaced ...

Is This Who RNC Is Going To Impose As Nominee?
Post Date: 2016-04-14 06:30:01 by BTP Holdings
Is This Who RNC Is Going To Impose As Nominee? in Elections There has been a lot of open talk about establishment Republicans about choosing a ‘fresh face’ or basically someone other then Trump as the Republican nominee. Speculation has increasingly focused on Paul Ryan after Mitt Romney’s disastrous reappearance on the scene. And now comes a new video that is raising questions even more according to Breitbart: A new video released by House Speaker Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) 56% has reporters chattering about whether or not it serves as a subtle campaign ad, as his supporters continue to whisper his name as a potential Republican presidential nominee in a brokered convention. ...

Ted Cruz Exposed With Pants Down
Post Date: 2016-04-14 01:45:45 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
As another Lame Cherry exclusive in matter anti matter.As you probably missed this, in what the Lame Cherry was publishing about concerning the DC Madam in her murder by the suboperational groups, is that Anonymous finally did an ejack, and released the documents which the Madam's attorney said would expose a pervert in the 2016 Presidential elections.The documents are now online, and there was a host of calls coming from Texas, which is being identified from Ted Cruz to the DC Madam. They are highlighted by Anonymous in yellow and something bizarre was taking place in these calls, as they were quick calls and over a matter of hours. If you need to have this explained, the DC Madam ...

BOMBSHELL: John Kasich Has A Sex Scandal About To EXPLODE!?!
Post Date: 2016-04-14 01:44:09 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
It is unclear why Ohio Governor John Kasich remains in this race. A self-described moderate who supports Obamacare and Common Core, Kasich has tried to be the liberal media’s favorite candidate for President. He’s stumbled along the way, and right now he’s under intense pressure by the Republican establishment to drop out. His victory in Ohio against conservative businessman Donald Trump changed the delegate math, and he’s also taken just enough delegates away from Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) to be a problem for him, too. And while Kasich has been married twice and has children, old rumors are being explored about his past. It appears almost all of Kasich’s inner circle ...

2016: The Year the Americans Found out Our Elections Are Rigged
Post Date: 2016-04-14 01:14:40 by Tatarewicz
PravdaMainForum... Denver, CO — The 2016 election has been a wild ride, with two insurgent grassroots campaigns literally giving the political establishment a run for its money. But as the events of this presidential primary season play out, it’s becoming clear the U.S. election — and even more so, the presidential race — is a big scam being perpetrated on the American people. Events from the last week have exposed the system as an illusion of choice and a farce. They have reinforced at least one study showing the U.S. is an oligarchy rather than a democratic republic. The Wyoming democratic caucus took place on Saturday, purportedly to allow voters to have their ...

America and Other Rogue Regimes Denounce Syrian Democratic Elections
Post Date: 2016-04-13 12:26:55 by Stephen Lendman
America and Other Rogue Regimes Denounce Syrian Democratic Elections by Stephen Lendman A separate article said they shame America’s sham process. Syrians decide who’ll govern. US voters have no say whatever. State Department deputy spokesman Mark Toner criticized Syria’s constitutionally required April 13 general elections irresponsibly - turning truth on its head, calling them “not legitimate in the sense that they don’t represent…the will of the Syrian people” - an utter perversion of truth. French President Francois Hollande called Thursday’s elections “provocative (and) totally unrealistic.” A UK regime statement called legitimate ...

Syrian Democracy Mocks America's Sham Process
Post Date: 2016-04-13 07:58:59 by Stephen Lendman
Syrian Democracy Mocks America’s Sham Process by Stephen Lendman Assad is a reformer, not a dictator  - what Western officials and media scoundrels disgracefully call him. Bernie Sanders is no populist, democrat or peacemaker. He supports “overthrow(ing) (the) brutal dictatorship of Bashar Assad” - a flagrant violation of international law, an appalling perversion of truth. He endorses arming terrorists called “moderate rebels.” A Sanders administration will continue dirty business as usual, including US policy to replace all sovereign independent governments with puppet ones Washington controls. In 2012, Syrians overwhelmingly approved new constitutional ...

The weirdest possible outcomes for the strangest election in U.S. history
Post Date: 2016-04-12 22:54:18 by Tatarewicz
Patriot Rising If you are a longtime activist in the Liberty Movement then you are well aware that elections do not matter in terms of the future direction our nation takes. Presidents are puppets of international financiers, and so are most legislators. Whenever a president does attempt to go against the system, he either ends up shot by a “lone gunman,” or his office is disgraced by a conveniently-leaked scandal. Today, elections represent the illusion of choice; that is all. The leadership of both major parties seem different in terms of their rhetoric, but this is all cosmetic. Underneath the talk, Democrat and Republican leaders are nearly identical in their support for ...

Hillary Mocks ‘Republican Fantasy’ of Seeing Her in Handcuffs
Post Date: 2016-04-12 20:59:50 by BTP Holdings
Hillary Mocks ‘Republican Fantasy’ of Seeing Her in Handcuffs Hillary Clinton finds the possibility that she might end up in handcuffs because of her poor judgement in deciding to conduct State Department business from a private server out of her home. Matt Lauer told Hillary during an interview on the Today show that Republicans were “clinging to the hope” that they would “get to see Hillary Clinton in handcuffs.” With her trademark cackle, she said, “Oh my goodness. Matt, I know that the live in that world of fantasy and hope because they’ve got a mess on their hands on the Republican side.” She shrugged of the idea of the likelihood of her ...

Open Letter to Donald Trump on 9/11
Post Date: 2016-04-12 15:05:21 by christine
Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. 725 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10022 www.donaldjtrump.com April 12, 2016 Dear Mr. Trump, My name is Christopher Bollyn. I am the author of Solving 9/11: The Deception that Changed the World. During my recent speaking tour across the United States, I was asked at every event about your position on 9/11 truth. The American people know that the government and media have covered-up the truth about 9/11. Many Americans sincerely hope a Trump presidency will help find the truth by carrying out a fully-fledged criminal investigation to determine who is really responsible for the terror atrocity. Currently, none of the presidential candidates has taken a ...

Hillary's New Ad Claims She's 'Tough Enough' to Stop Trump
Post Date: 2016-04-11 21:47:44 by BTP Holdings
Hillary's New Ad Claims She's 'Tough Enough' to Stop Trump Image: Hillary's New Ad Claims She's 'Tough Enough' to Stop Trump (AP) Monday, 11 Apr 2016 10:39 AM Hillary Clinton has released a new TV ad ripping into Donald Trump and claiming she's the Democrat who's "tough enough" to beat the billionaire businessman in the race for the White House. The spot slams Trump, the Republican presidential front-runner, for saying women should be "punished" for having abortions — a comment he later took back after it sparked outrage, The Washington Post reports. It also blasts Trump for labeling some Mexican immigrants as ...

AP-GfK Poll: Clinton has edge over Trump on range of issues
Post Date: 2016-04-11 05:01:47 by Tatarewicz
Yahoo.. A new Associated Press-GfK poll finds that Americans trust Democratic presidential front-runner Clinton more than Republican leader Donald Trump to handle a wide range of issues, from immigration to health care to nominating Supreme Court justices. WASHINGTON (AP) — In a stark warning for Donald Trump as he eyes a possible general election showdown with Hillary Clinton, Americans trust the Democratic front-runner more than the Republican businessman to handle a wide range of issues — from immigration to health care to nominating Supreme Court justices. Even when asked which of the two candidates would be best at "making American great" — the central ...

ISRAEL, is guarranteed to win the US Presidential election
Post Date: 2016-04-11 01:51:33 by Tatarewicz
PravdaMainForum... The results of US elections are eccentric. While re-electing Barack Obama to the White House, voters also chose members of the opposing party as their representatives in Congress. Pundits refer to this as division of powers at its best… For anyone who has lived through a US election the immediate relief is not the outcome, but the end of an incessant bombardment of primetime commercials advising people whom not to vote for, rather than whom to vote for. Legal electoral corruption In this election cycle, presidential candidates and Super Political Action Committees (Super PACs) broke a new record – raising and spending more than 2 billion US dollars. US ...

With This One On-the-Spot Act, Trump Shows Exactly How He’s Different (and certainly NOT racist)
Post Date: 2016-04-09 16:12:52 by BTP Holdings
With This One On-the-Spot Act, Trump Shows Exactly How He’s Different (and certainly NOT racist) 20296714126_2fb0797054_o Trump has a gift. He loves the stage and the public platform. He knows how to use it to his full advantage. Unlike programmed career politicians, Trump does it from natural instinct. He doesn’t need handlers and a telepromter. And that’s why he’s winning such a strong following. He’s the unconventional natural politician. Check out what Trump recently did during a press conference in Washington, D.C.: Just when you think the 2016 presidential race can’t get more surreal, Donald Trump reprised his role from the hit realty TV show ...

Pro-Kasich Super PAC Ad: Trump, Cruz Both 'Crazy'
Post Date: 2016-04-09 09:06:09 by BTP Holdings
Pro-Kasich Super PAC Ad: Trump, Cruz Both 'Crazy' By Cathy Burke | Friday, 08 Apr 2016 08:01 PM An ad pushing the underdog GOP presidential bid of Gov. John Kasich suggests rivals Donald Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz are crazy – with the pitch set to run in delegate-rich New York and Pennsylvania ahead of their primary contests. As country singer Patsy Cline's classic hit "Crazy" plays in the background, a narrator attacks Cruz for comments his father made about his son being "anointed" to assume a "powerful position," and then hits Trump for controversial remarks on Muslims, abortion and nuclear weapons. "That the best we can do? No ...

John Kasich Will Be the Republican Nominee for President
Post Date: 2016-04-09 07:03:36 by BTP Holdings
John Kasich Will Be the Republican Nominee for President 04/07/2016 08:21 pm ET | Updated 1 day ago by Seth Abramson Assistant Professor of English at University of New Hampshire; Series Co-Editor, Best American Experimental Writing 2016-04-07-1460072811-3213761-timepoljohnkasich1.jpg The writing’s on the wall in the Republican Party: John Kasich will be the Party’s nominee in 2016, with Marco Rubio as his running mate. Only the media’s delight at continued Trumpian drama is keeping politicos and pundits from coast to coast from stating the obvious. So as not to belabor the point, here are eight single-sentence reasons Kasich/Rubio is now almost certain to be the ...

Fire Bill Clinton
Post Date: 2016-04-08 13:45:26 by Ada
No one is doing more damage to Hillary’s campaign than her husband. I wonder if there’s a part of Bill Clinton that doesn't really want Hillary Clinton to become president, particularly if she has to distance herself from his legacy to do so. How else to explain why one of the world’s most talented and agile politicians is so consistently flat-footed and destructive when advocating on his wife’s behalf? How else to explain his terrible and destined- to-be-viral confrontation Thursday with Black Lives Matter protesters in Philadelphia? It started when the demonstrators interrupted Bill Clinton’s speech to protest his draconian 1994 crime bill, which, among ...

Post Date: 2016-04-06 21:51:16 by Tatarewicz
PravdaMainForum... Bernie Sanders was born in a Jewish family in Brooklyn New York His father, Elias Sanders, was born Eliasz Gutman on September 19, 1904, in SBopnice, Poland to a Jewish family, and emigrated to the United States in 1921 at the age of 17.His mother, Dorothy Sanders (née Glassberg), was born in New York City on October 2, 1912, to Jewish immigrant parents from Poland and Russia. Sanders volunteered on an Israeli kibbutz in the 1960s, but he has always been vague about the specific location. Yossi Melman, a longtime Haaretz writer, remembers an interview he did with Mr. Sanders in 1990, the year he was elected to represent Vermont in the House. Haaretz dug up that ...

Next From the Bush Crime Family
Post Date: 2016-04-06 09:08:54 by Ada
The story of the Bush crime family doesn’t end with good ‘ol Jeb Bush. In fact, there seems to be an inheritance of elitism and criminality in the “SON OF JEB.” That could be the title of a horror movie, and it would be better if it were. Alas, the truth is always darker, especially when digging around the Bush family. I mean, of course, George P. Bush. The “P” stands for Prescott. Yes, George P. is named after his grandfather Senator Prescott Bush who made the family fortune financing the Nazi war machine and who’s Union Bank was seized by the Roosevelt Administration for treasonous activity in 1942. I laid this in my new book Jeb and the Bush Crime ...

Donald Trump April 3 2016 Pirro Tells GOP Off
Post Date: 2016-04-05 11:45:57 by Ada
www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z...URMY&ebc=ANyPxKrS64xhq3K- JR3wPe3kJQI7gBT2lH3DnkQqHm61iduqFXyuloLIxQ- eYG2TFIou7HE_4KD5tawyv9X74TPkpdAIDh34hA">Judge Jeanine Pirro tells off the GOP establishment. Best 6 minutes of your day Judge Jeanine gives insight as to why Americans should support Donald Trump for President.

Roger Stone Calls for ‘Days of Rage’ with ‘Stop The Steal’ Convention Effort
Post Date: 2016-04-05 09:37:15 by Ada
Calling it a “reverse Saul Alinsky” and “our days of rage” during an interview with Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle, Donald Trump ally Roger Stone discussed the “Stop the Steal” effort building to prevent the GOP establishment from stealing the Republican nomination from frontrunner Donald Trump at their Cleveland Convention. Stone said: It’s vitally important that the grassroots of this country show their outrage at the idea that the vote of the people, the votes of Republican voters and those brave Democrats and Independents who crossed over to vote in the Republican primary are being disallowed. The party bosses, the king makers, most of ...

Mark Dice: Hillary supporters endorse Karl Marx as her pick for VP
Post Date: 2016-04-05 09:35:11 by christine

Trump to skip Adelson’s Republican Jewish confab this weekend
Post Date: 2016-04-05 08:41:53 by Ada
GOP front-runner was invited to event, hosted by billionaire GOP donor, but neither he nor Kasich are on the schedule; Cruz will speak Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to guests during a campaign stop at the La Crosse Center on April 4, 2016 in La Crosse, Wisconsin. (Scott Olson/Getty Images/AFP)Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks to guests during a campaign stop at the La Crosse Center on April 4, 2016 in La Crosse, Wisconsin. (Scott Olson/Getty Images/AFP)NEWSROOM Email the NewsroomFacebookTwitterRELATED TOPICS US EMBASSY IN ISRAELDONALD TRUMPTED CRUZ WASHINGTON — After a rocky week on the campaign trail, Republican presidential candidate ...

How to Hack an Election
Post Date: 2016-04-04 06:02:06 by Ada
Andrés Sepúlveda rigged elections throughout Latin America for almost a decade. He tells his story for the first time. It was just before midnight when Enrique Peña Nieto declared victory as the newly elected president of Mexico. Peña Nieto was a lawyer and a millionaire, from a family of mayors and governors. His wife was a telenovela star. He beamed as he was showered with red, green, and white confetti at the Mexico City headquarters of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, which had ruled for more than 70 years before being forced out in 2000. Returning the party to power on that night in July 2012, Peña Nieto vowed to tame drug violence, ...

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