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Trump's First 100 Days As President
Post Date: 2016-04-03 08:34:05 by Stephen Lendman
Trump’s First 100 Days As President by Stephen Lendman Should a billionaire be entrusted to lead the country? Perhaps his only redeeming quality is he’d likely not start WW III. Interviewed on April 2, he said he’d govern like he campaigns if elected president, a nontraditional Trumpian approach, he explained. During the height of the Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt’s first 100 days were historic, a unique post-electoral period. More on it below. Trump barely touched on his first 100 days if elected president. Whoever succeeds Obama enters office during America’s second Great Depression, a Main Street one, affecting tens of millions of unemployed, ...

Priebus Won't Turn RNC Over to Trump If He Wins
Post Date: 2016-04-02 23:27:21 by Dakmar
If Donald Trump wins the Republican presidential nomination this summer, Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus is vowing not to give the billionaire’s campaign control over the party leading up to the November election, according to a report in The New York Times. The Times said Priebus "has also let it be known that he does not plan to let the Trump campaign take over the party apparatus if he captures the nomination. "At an off-the-record happy hour with reporters last week, Mr. Priebus said clearly that, regardless of precedent, he would not be layered over by Mr. Trump’s loyalists, according to two people present." If true, Priebus' ...

The Trump Effect
Post Date: 2016-04-02 11:04:42 by X-15
What do the detestable George Will and Rich Lowry have in common with the execrable Tim Wise and Bill Ayers? Answer: fanatical opposition to Donald Trump, to the point of regarding Trump supporters as enemies. Why not? They all share something in common at the core of their beings: they are all anti-White. Will held forth on the March 20 edition of Fox News Sunday: The problem is this, not only are his [Trump’s] negatives — 61 percent, almost doubled his positives, 32 percent, but he’s appealing entirely to white people. Now, in 1988, George Herbert Walker Bush got 59 percent of the white vote which was high and that translated in 426 electorate votes. Mitt Romney in 2012 ...

Tribute to Hillary
Post Date: 2016-04-02 05:57:03 by noone222
Poster Comment:Hillary for Prison 2016 !

"Kill Donald Trump" T-Shirts Are Being Sold Online Now!
Post Date: 2016-04-01 22:18:30 by christine

What Bill Whittle Loves About Donald Trump
Post Date: 2016-04-01 21:59:03 by christine

Donald Trump Just Dropped This Bombshell About Hillary Clinton
Post Date: 2016-04-01 20:36:47 by BTP Holdings
Donald Trump Just Dropped This Bombshell About Hillary Clinton For decades, Hillary Clinton has remained one step ahead of the law. The revelations surrounding her private email scandal and mishandling of classified information has tightened the circle around her. But with Hillary running hard to succeed Barack Obama and cement his legacy to fundamentally transform America into a socialist nightmare, many observers believe the Obama regime will refuse to indict her. However, Donald Trump made it clear that while she may be able to run, she can’t hide forever. On the campaign trail, the Republican front runner dropped the stunning announcement that, as president, he would make ...

Bill Maher Predicts Democrats Will Lose If They Can’t Say These 2 Simple Words
Post Date: 2016-04-01 18:37:41 by BTP Holdings
Bill Maher Predicts Democrats Will Lose If They Can’t Say These 2 Simple Words Bill Maher is certainly no friend to the Republicans, but on the issue of Islamic terrorism, he manages to find common ground with the GOP. His attempts to educate the left on the dangers of radical Islam have largely fallen on deaf ears, however. He particularly views it as a problem for the Democrats in this election if they continue to refuse to utter the words “Islamic terrorism.” “Just say ‘Islamic terrorism.’ Just say those words and you’ll win the election. Avoid those words and you’re going to lose the election.” Maher was visited by Senator Cory Booker of ...

Clinton aides unite on FBI legal strategy
Post Date: 2016-04-01 09:51:11 by Ada
Four former staffers have been using the same lawyer during the investigation — suggesting they're not worried about legal jeopardy. Hiring the same attorney allows Hillary Clinton’s advisers to have one gatekeeper for most of the Justice Department's inquiries. Four of Hillary Clinton’s closest aides appear to have adopted an unusual legal strategy, hiring the same ex-Justice Department attorney to represent them in the FBI’s investigation of Clinton's private email server. Beth Wilkinson, a well-connected former assistant U.S. attorney best known for prosecuting Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, is listed as representing three of Clinton’s top ...

How to Lock the Establishment Out of Cleveland
Post Date: 2016-04-01 08:12:41 by Ada
The Wisconsin primary could be an axle-breaking speed bump on Donald Trump’s road to the nomination. Ted Cruz, now the last hope to derail Trump of a desperate Beltway elite that lately loathed him, has taken the lead in the Badger State. Millions in attack ads are being dumped on the Donald’s head by super PACs of GOP candidates, past and present. Gov. Scott Walker has endorsed Cruz. Conservative talk radio is piling on Trump. And the Donald just had the worst two weeks of his campaign. There was that unseemly exchange with Cruz about their wives. Then came the pulling of the woman reporter’s arm by campaign chief Corey Lewandowski, an atrocity being likened by the ...

Post Date: 2016-04-01 03:18:58 by Tatarewicz
Andrés Sepúlveda rigged elections throughout Latin America for almost a decade. He tells his story for the first time. It was just before midnight when Enrique Peña Nieto declared victory as the newly elected president of Mexico. Peña Nieto was a lawyer and a millionaire, from a family of mayors and governors. His wife was a telenovela star. He beamed as he was showered with red, green, and white confetti at the Mexico City headquarters of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, which had ruled for more than 70 years before being forced out in 2000. Returning the party to power on that night in July 2012, Peña Nieto vowed to tame drug violence, ...

Post Date: 2016-03-31 09:10:45 by Ada
Post promises 'pre-protest instructions' and a shuttle bus to the event A pro-Bernie Sanders Craigslist ad invites people in Wisconsin to protest against Donald Trump for $15 dollars an hour. Beneath an image of a Bernie Sanders T-shirt, the ad, which was posted on Tuesday morning, reads, “Paid positions for protesters at the Trump rally.” “Shuttle buses, parking, signs, and hourly pay available. $15 an hour due to economic inequality. Meet at 3300 W. Tripp Road, Jainesville, WI 53548 for pre- protest instructions and to get your time card.” But is the ad genuine? One respondent on Facebook noted that the meet-up location was 10 miles from the site of ...

Leading Conservative Female Media Ask Trump to Fire Campaign Manager
Post Date: 2016-03-31 06:31:22 by BTP Holdings
Leading Conservative Female Media Ask Trump to Fire Campaign Manager Image: Leading Conservative Female Media Ask Trump to Fire Campaign Manager Donald Trump (Photo by Darren Hauck/Getty Images) By Bill Hoffmann | Wednesday, 30 Mar 2016 01:11 PM Donald Trump should immediately fire Corey Lewandowski following the battery charge lodged against his campaign manager for allegedly roughhousing journalist Michelle Fields, a group of 15 conservative female writers are urging. In an explosive letter delivered to the Republican presidential front-runner on Wednesday, 16 women, considered key members of the right-leaning female media elite, write: "The press is to have an adversarial, yet ...

Strength Of Gun Lobbyists Scares This Presidential Hopeful
Post Date: 2016-03-31 05:47:29 by BTP Holdings
Strength Of Gun Lobbyists Scares This Presidential Hopeful 20712139_s In a recent town-hall style meeting in Springfield, Illinois, Hillary Clinton confessed that the power of the pro-gun lobbyists is a large concern for her. Known for her anti-gun stance, Clinton has vowed to make gun control, universal background checks, and holding gun manufactures at least partially responsible for shootings priority should she be elected. “Nothing is more powerful than the gun lobby,” she told host Chris Matthews during an MSNBC town hall in Springfield, Ill. “This is an issue I am so profoundly disturbed about. We have to take on the gun lobby. The gun lobby really intimidates ...

Donald Trump: women who get illegal abortions should be 'punished' [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2016-03-30 18:11:14 by christine
Women who have illegal abortions should be punished, Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said on Wednesday. Trump was asked by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews to define his “pro-life” stance and assertions that abortion should be banned. “Do you believe in punishment for abortion – yes or no – as a principle?” asked Matthews, during the taping of a town hall event. “The answer is there has to be some form of punishment,” said Trump. “For the woman?” Matthews said. “Yeah, there has to be some form,” Trump replied. “Ten cents, 10 years, what?” Matthews asked again, pressing. “That I don’t ...

Anti-Trump NYT Blasts His Foreign Policy
Post Date: 2016-03-30 08:31:16 by Stephen Lendman
Anti-Trump NYT Blasts His Foreign Policy by Stephen Lendman He’s a serious presidential contender with unorthodox views on some issues - making him appear anti-establishment, worrying duopoly power brokers and media scoundrels supporting them. Wide-ranging interviews with NYT and Washington Post editors, as well as opinions expressed separately, showed his foreign policy views differ considerably from other candidates. “I want to get along with Russia,” he said, calling good relations “very good…I’d get along very well with Vladimir Putin.” “I want to get along with all countries, and we will,” he said, calling his approach to world ...

Economist Who Called 2008 Crash Explains Real Reason for Trump’s Popularity
Post Date: 2016-03-29 19:33:48 by BTP Holdings
conomist Who Called 2008 Crash Explains Real Reason for Trump’s Popularity March 15th, 2016 Economist Nassim Taleb is a prickly, arrogant guy who doesn’t care what intellectuals, academics, and other establishment elitists think about him. He has a PhD, but hates academics and their worship of theories and models. Taleb also enjoys poking holes in the storylines of the propaganda-spewing, liberal Lamestream Media. He was deadly accurate in predicting the financial Crash of 2008 with his book Black Swan, written in 2006. Taleb realizes that the world doesn’t work in theories and models like the pointy-headed professors would like to believe. He knows the world is propelled ...

Poll: Trump Nearly at 50 Percent Support Among Republicans Nationally
Post Date: 2016-03-29 12:24:32 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
A majority — 57 percent — of registered Republicans and Republican-leaners disagree, however, and say that Trump should win the Republican nomination for president if he wins a plurality (but not necessarily a majority) of delegates. About a quarter (27 percent) do not think he should win the nomination and 14 percent are not sure.Poll: Trump Nearly at 50 Percent Support Among Republicans Nationallyby Hannah Hartig, John Lapinski and Stephanie PsyllosMar 29 2016, 6:00 am ETWith just three candidates left in the Republican primary race, Donald Trump now holds 48 percent support of registered Republicans and Republican-leaners, according to the NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election ...

It’s Time for Hillary Clinton to Concede the Democratic Nomination to Bernie Sanders
Post Date: 2016-03-29 05:49:38 by BTP Holdings
It’s Time for Hillary Clinton to Concede the Democratic Nomination to Bernie Sanders 03/28/2016 09:26 am ET | Updated 10 hours ago by H. A. Goodman Columnist published in The Cleveland Plain Dealer, The Baltimore Sun, The Hill, Salon, The Jerusalem Post www.hagoodman.com Bloomberg via Getty Images With Bernie Sanders now slightly ahead of Clinton nationally in the latest Bloomberg poll, it’s time to reevaluate the meaning of pragmatism. Hillary Clinton might be ahead of Bernie Sanders in delegates, but Vermont’s Senator has a monopoly on political momentum. Sadly, his opponent has a monopoly on controversy, and will face FBI interviews in the near future. A Los Angeles ...

147 FBI Agents Probing If Hillary 'Committed Crime'
Post Date: 2016-03-28 20:21:53 by BTP Holdings
147 FBI Agents Probing If Hillary 'Committed Crime' Image: 147 FBI Agents Probing If Hillary 'Committed Crime' By Joe Crowe | Monday, 28 Mar 2016 09:52 AM One hundred and forty-seven FBI agents are part of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails, said a lawmaker who'd been briefed by FBI Director James B. Comey, reports The Washington Post. The FBI is hurrying to avoid announcing any action in the case too close to the presidential election, the report said. Clinton and her staff were "dedicated addicts" of the BlackBerry device during her tenure as secretary of state, but the device was vulnerable to hacking, reported the Post. Part of the ...

And the Republicans think they have problems?
Post Date: 2016-03-28 11:59:49 by Turtle
A old Jew socialist versus a drunken carpet muncher? And the Republicans think they have problems?

Lincolnites Are Crazed Warmongers
Post Date: 2016-03-28 09:48:42 by Ada
Keith Olbermann is an idiot, but you knew that. He is also a war monger. That was not evident until earlier this month, and Olbermann doubled down yesterday. Full disclosure. Olbermann once labeled me one of the worst men in America. Since then, and of course not because of me, his career has gone from bad to worse to in many ways irrelevant, unless you are a blathering idiot on The View or an editor at the Washington Post. On 8 March, Olbermann published an opinion piece in said Washington Post declaring he was moving out of one of Trump’s New York buildings. Good riddance. But why is that not funny part? Olbermann objected to Trump’s loudmouthed, bombastic public ...

American Elections Ranked Worst Among Western Democracies - Here’s Why
Post Date: 2016-03-27 22:23:30 by Tatarewicz
RI... The nation which persistently lectures the world on 'free and fair elections' ranks at the bottom among first world democratic countries for 'electoral integrity' Originally appeared at The Conversation The world is currently transfixed by the spectacle of American elections. From New York, London and Paris to Beijing, Moscow, and Sydney there is endless heated debate in the news media and across dinner tables about the factors fueling the remarkable success of Donald Trump, speculation about a brokered convention shattering the old GOP, and the most likely outcome of a polarizing Trump-Clinton battle in the fall. This contest matters. It is the election for the ...

HUH?!? New Koch Brothers’ Ad Praises Bernie Sanders!
Post Date: 2016-03-27 20:54:48 by BTP Holdings
HUH?!? New Koch Brothers’ Ad Praises Bernie Sanders! Freedom Partners, a Koch funded group ran an ad praising Bernie Sanders. That might seem strange since Bernie is basically a sworn mortal enemy of the Koch brothers. Watching Ted Cruz call Mitch McConnell a liar on the floor of the Senate might also seem strange but all these events are connected. Crony capitalism is at the heart of the issue, specifically the Export-Import Bank. The bank is a huge source of corporate welfare for some of Americas most well known K street beggars such as GE and Boeing. A contingent of very progressive and very conservative lawmakers have made multiple attempts to eliminate the bank but for some ...

Sheriff Joe and Donald Trump – What Could Possibly Go Wrong…
Post Date: 2016-03-27 15:42:57 by BTP Holdings
Sheriff Joe and Donald Trump – What Could Possibly Go Wrong… Donald Trump is having a rally in Sheriff Joe’s turf of Maricopa County and the good sheriff is looking forward to both attending AND also policing the event. According to Politico: After taking a few days off from his long streak of attention-grabbing rallies, Trump is cranking back up this weekend, and he has scheduled one of his events right in the backyard of the long-serving and controversial Arizona sheriff. “Here I’m gonna be kinda wearing two hats — in charge of the security there in the town and also participating, I would imagine, with Trump in the rally, so it makes it ...

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