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The Merciful End of the Corrupt GOP? (Good read!)
Post Date: 2016-03-16 11:38:19 by christine
The Republican Party appears to be thrashing about like a wild beast in the final stages of its death throes. For those of us who are repulsed by politicians, political parties, and the odious political process, it’s quite entertaining to watch. (Before proceeding, it’s important to point out that what people think of as the Republican Party is really just a wing of what I have been referring to since 1979 as the Demopublican Party — an oligarchy with two wings, the Democratic wing that sets the agenda and the Republican wing whose main function is to help implement that agenda.) Of course, such a fraud would not be possible were it not for the fact that our rulers put a ...

Heads Up! Soros Is Plotting Big Anti-Trump Rallies at GOP Convention In Cleveland
Post Date: 2016-03-16 11:17:17 by christine

Post Date: 2016-03-16 10:41:10 by christine
Donald Trump, the current GOP front-runner in election 2016, will select Susana Martinez, the governor of New Mexico, as his vice presidential running mate, assuming Trump wins the Republican nomination. Given that Hillary Clinton is his likely (but not 100 percent certain) opponent, and that The Donald has been accused of misogyny, it seems essential to put a woman on the Trump ticket. Susana Martinez is the first woman ever to be elected governor of her state and the first Hispanic female governor in the U.S. She is the 2016 chair of the Republican Governors Association. A former long-time prosecutor with a tough law-and-order philosophy and like Trump a former Democrat, Gov. Martinez ...

Watch Ted Cruz NAIL Donald Trump On His Potential Connections with Organized Crime!
Post Date: 2016-03-16 06:40:02 by BTP Holdings
Watch Ted Cruz NAIL Donald Trump On His Potential Connections with Organized Crime! Ted Cruz didn’t hold back when asked about what could be hiding in Trump’s taxes. Mitt Romney has already pointed out that The Donald is probably lying about how rich he is and Trump is so crazy sensitive about his wealth that he once sued someone for saying he was a millionaire when he is actually a billionaire. Ted Cruz takes the tax issue much further by insinuating that Trump might be concealing relationships with organizations such as Planned Parenthood or even organized crime. Wait until you see Cruz back up his claims with a strong rebuttal when challenged by Chuck Todd! This is the video ...

Trump Knocks Rubio out of Republican Race, Kasich Wins Ohio
Post Date: 2016-03-15 22:17:51 by BTP Holdings
Trump Knocks Rubio out of Republican Race, Kasich Wins Ohio Tuesday, 15 Mar 2016 09:48 PM Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump won a crucial nominating contest in Florida on Tuesday, knocking rival Marco Rubio out of the race, but lost Ohio to John Kasich in a mixed result that set the stage for a long, bitter fight. Trump, a businessman who hoped a sweep of five states would put him on the path to the nomination, now faces a three-way struggle with Kasich, the Ohio governor, and Ted Cruz, a conservative U.S. senator from Texas, that could lead to a showdown at the party's nominating convention in July. Kasich won all 66 of Ohio's delegates, giving new hope to ...

Donald Trump Is Worse Than George Wallace, According to a Guy Who'd Know
Post Date: 2016-03-15 20:33:59 by BTP Holdings
Donald Trump Is Worse Than George Wallace, According to a Guy Who'd Know After all, he's seen them both. Getty PhotoQuest By Charles P. Pierce Mar 14, 2016 There was a lot of talk over the weekend about the similarities between the campaign of He, Trump, and the campaign events once held during the several presidential campaigns of the late George Corley Wallace. (It's important to remember that Wallace ran for president four times; even after he was shot, the last time he ran was from a wheelchair in 1976.) Many of the themes seem identical, as does the general atmosphere in the halls. But we needed an expert opinion, so I got in touch with the great Curtis Wilkie, one of ...

RNC Says Delegates Not Bound to Primary Votes Establishment desperation highlights a rigged political system
Post Date: 2016-03-15 18:59:52 by christine
On Friday the Republican National Committee Standing Rules Committee told its membership convention delegates are not bound to the will of Americans who voted in the primary. Curly Haugland of the Republican National Committeeman for North Dakota said in a letter sent out on March 11 delegates may “vote according to their personal choice in all matters to come before the Republican National Convention, including the vote to nominate the Republican Candidate for President” and disregard voters. Haugland dismisses primaries as “nearly worthless ‘beauty contests’” and believes delegates “have been bound only once in the history of the Republican ...

Donald Trump on Late Night With David Letterman 1987
Post Date: 2016-03-15 15:27:36 by christine

Marco Rubio. The neocons last stand?
Post Date: 2016-03-15 11:16:40 by christine
The senator has surrounded himself with advisors intent on sending America into more conflict. Judging from pundits and partisans on both sides of the Trump vs. #NeverTrump divide, the race for the GOP nomination may be decided once and for all over the course of the next seven days. At least some Republican Party leaders have already thrown in the towel. “It’s too little, too late,” one unnamed GOP official said [4] to Politico concerning the latest flurry of activity aimed at denying Donald Trump the nomination. Trump’s looming victory, or merely the prospect of it, means that the window is fast closing on the neoconservative establishment’s efforts to secure ...

Donald Trump's Attacker is a paid Professional Actor -- Mike Rivero
Post Date: 2016-03-15 10:35:08 by christine

Protesting Hillary Now A Federal Crime
Post Date: 2016-03-14 22:07:10 by BTP Holdings
Protesting Hillary Now A Federal Crime This is rather interesting. According to Reason Magazine a few years ago congress passed a law that says if you protest a person who has secret service detail it means you’re in violation of the law and can be arrested and sentenced to 10 years in jail. This is outrageous and you can thank Obama it exists. You better believe this is one of the reasons Hillary has skated through this election cycle so effortlessly. It all makes sense now. At almost every single event she goes to all things are hunky dory . That’s because people aren’t even allowed near her to protest! The Orwellian-named “free speech zones” Flickr/Michael ...

What THAT Trump Security Moment Does To A Campaign, And How the ‘Hitlerizing’ Media Have Painted A Target Over Trump
Post Date: 2016-03-14 13:45:10 by Ada
I’ve been saying it for a while now, the mainstream media, alongside the politicians running against Donald Trump on both sides, are creating the conditions in which it would be totally “understandable” if there were an attempt on Trump’s life. Seriously. Think about it. First, they made Donald Trump the enemy of this race, albeit the butt of the jokes. Then the joke got unfunny. Mr. Trump started attracting serious support. And the primary victories came. And the other candidates dropped out. And now we’re down to just four. Three in reality. Subtract Rubio or Kasich at your discretion. Maybe you deduct both. We’re down to two. Now Donald Trump is Adolf ...

Born Near The USA
Post Date: 2016-03-13 20:04:16 by christine
Poster Comment:Clever ;)

Watch The Trailer for Dinesh D’Souza’s Upcoming Movie ‘Hillary’s America’
Post Date: 2016-03-13 16:46:34 by BTP Holdings
Watch The Trailer for Dinesh D’Souza’s Upcoming Movie ‘Hillary’s America’ Dinesh D’Souza has been called many things, but coward is not one of them. The conservative activist, and former political prisoner, is getting ready to release his latest movie attacking Hillary Clinton, and chances are he could see more political retribution. According to The Blaze: Dinesh D’Souza premiered the trailer for his new project, “Hillary’s America,” during his presentation at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. on Saturday. The film, which is scheduled to be released in select theaters the week of July 25, poses the ...

Is Trump A Setup Stage For WWIII?
Post Date: 2016-03-13 15:48:55 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
HT to Itistoolate Published on Mar 12, 2016 Operation Terminate Trump Underway, as they begin the process that will start a Race War, Martial Law, and World World. The illuminati's plans are in full motion as they prepare us for the ushering in of the antichrist. Poster Comment:=========================================== Well, is he?

He Was For Him Before He Was Against Him: Romney Embodies Everything the Voters are Rejecting
Post Date: 2016-03-13 15:44:06 by BTP Holdings
He Was For Him Before He Was Against Him: Romney Embodies Everything the Voters are Rejecting Romney The former governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney recently emerged from moths balls with guns blazing in order to blast away at the Republican frontrunner Donald Trump on national television, but it was not all that long ago that Romney lavished praise on Trump. Romney accepted Trump’s endorsement in 2012 by saying, “There are some things you just can’t imagine in your life. This is one of them.” He even praised Trump as being a more successful businessman than himself. “I spent my life in the private sector — not quite as successful as him, but successful ...

Conservative LEGEND Thomas Sowell Makes An Endorsement That Could CHANGE EVERYTHING!!
Post Date: 2016-03-13 14:58:17 by BTP Holdings
Conservative LEGEND Thomas Sowell Makes An Endorsement That Could CHANGE EVERYTHING!! Conservative economist and American legend Thomas Sowell says that one thing made him finally endorse a candidate for the 2016 election. And it just might change everything. From Real Clear Politics: Amid the petty bickering, loud rhetoric and sordid attack ads in this year’s primary election campaigns, the death of a giant — Justice Antonin Scalia — suddenly overshadows all of that. The vacancy created on the Supreme Court makes painfully clear the huge stakes involved when we choose a President of the United States, just one of whose many powers is the power to nominate justices of ...

Why Immunity Granted To This “Shadowy” Figure Is Terrible News For Hillary Clinton
Post Date: 2016-03-13 09:25:08 by BTP Holdings
Why Immunity Granted To This “Shadowy” Figure Is Terrible News For Hillary Clinton Screen Shot 2015-06-03 at 4.51.49 PM Hillary Clinton’s email scandal keeps getting crazier with news that Bryan Pagliano, the guy in charge of Hillary’s “home brew” server has been granted immunity by the Justice Department. This means that he can share intimate details about the server he set up without the threat of prosecution. Mr. Pagliano plead the fifth and was totally uncooperative during congressional panel in September making it look like he possibly has something to hide. Business Insider explains the significance of the news: “Pagliano presumably knows a lot, ...

Trump's new normal: campaign rallies where chaos is expected
Post Date: 2016-03-13 07:11:50 by BTP Holdings
Trump's new normal: campaign rallies where chaos is expected Associated Press By THOMAS BEAUMONT and JILL COLVIN 4 hours ago Associated Press Videos Secret Service Agents Surround Trump at Rally CLEVELAND (AP) — Hundreds of police officers, Secret Service agents and private security guards in cars, on foot and on horseback blanketed the area around Donald Trump's campaign rally Saturday afternoon. Dozens of protesters would soon be ejected from the event. And that was the calmest rally in the past several days thrown by the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination. Welcome to Trump's new normal. After months spent goading protesters and appearing to ...

Watch Hillary Clinton FLIP OUT At Black Voter Asking About Race!
Post Date: 2016-03-12 21:33:16 by BTP Holdings
Watch Hillary Clinton FLIP OUT At Black Voter Asking About Race! Thanks to Bernie Sanders challenging Hillary Clinton in the Democrat primary, she’s having to really push as if she’s the best politician ever on racial issues. But she’s not – and when this black voter presses her on it, there is a really awkward moment as Hillary loses her temper! Watch below (the audio isn’t great at the beginning of the video): What the young lady is referring to is when Hillary said that there were “super-predators” who were remorseless criminals and they needed to pass harsh laws to punish them. Well those are called “at-risk youth” now, and it’s ...

Election Year Surprise: You Won’t Believe Who Just Got Busted!
Post Date: 2016-03-12 20:59:29 by BTP Holdings
Election Year Surprise: You Won’t Believe Who Just Got Busted! John Thomas | March 4, 2016 I admit it. I thought this was more likely to happen to Hillary than Bernie, but sometimes truth really is stranger than fiction (who else would have thought an open socialist would have gotten traction in a Presidential election?). What am I talking about? Bernie (unlike Hillary) has been running a campaign partially on the idea that he is honest and above-board on everything (another “most transparent administration” campaign?), yet he has been accused of violating campaign finance laws. Free Beacon writes, “Thousands of contributions to Democratic presidential candidate ...

Man Defaces Bernie Yard Sign with Hilarious Note – He Took a Picture and It Instantly Went Viral
Post Date: 2016-03-12 20:09:17 by BTP Holdings
Man Defaces Bernie Yard Sign with Hilarious Note – He Took a Picture and It Instantly Went Viral bernie-sign Somebody defaced a Bernie Sanders yard sign by cutting it in half and leaving another sign in its place. The brilliant note said: I took half of your sign because you had one and I didn’t. I’m sure you understand. Of course, this is hilarious to anybody who has even a basic understanding of socialism. What do you think… should we start doing this anytime we see a Bernie yard sign? Poster Comment:When we had the handgun ban referendum in Arlington Heights, Illinois and we would see an anti-gun sign on public property, we would tear it down. I went to a house ...

Trump’s Best Friend From School Just Wrote Something You MUST Read Before Voting For Trump!
Post Date: 2016-03-11 20:19:09 by christine
Peter David Ticktin is a very successful lawyer. He owns his own law firm, Ticktin Law, and he goes all the way back to military school with Donald Trump. As Mr. Ticktin, Esq., points out in the beginning of his letter, he’s made it a practice of staying out of politics for business purposes, as most successful business people do, but he felt he had to speak out after seeing ‘Little Marco’ and “Lying Ted” try to crucify Trump at the last Republican Presidential debate. Follow us for more on our Conservative Constitutionalists Facebook page by clicking on this blue sentence. As a law firm, we at The Ticktin Law Group do not like to get involved in politics. As ...

Meanwhile, In Front Of A Trump Rally In St. Louis (videos)
Post Date: 2016-03-11 20:12:46 by christine
"literally the longest line I've ever seen..." www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-03-11/meanwhile-front-trump-rally-st-louis

Crazy Idea
Post Date: 2016-03-11 13:03:03 by Esso
OK, I'm already sick of this election $#!+ and there's nearly a year of it to go yet. I don't care if it's federal, state, county or local, this idea covers them all. First off, no one should WANT to be in politics, I say treat it as a duty (like a draft) that rewards no one involved, except to serve their time and get the hell home. Existing Constitutional rules would apply such as citizenship, age, etc. Some more rules: 1. 18+ years only. 2. Minimum high school education. 3. Must speak English. 4. No past involvement in politics. 5. Probably more that I'm too lazy to type. So now all you do is draw random SS#s to pick the selectees (of course regionally ...

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