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(Bill) Clinton’s HIV Secret REVEALED – This Could END Of Hillary’s Campaign!
Post Date: 2016-02-27 15:01:21 by X-15
Authors Darwin Porter and Danforth Prince have released a bombshell report about former President Bill Clinton that could end Hillary’s campaign! In their new book, Bill & Hillary: So This is That Thing Called Love, the authors interview Clinton insiders who claim that Bill slept with so many women that Hillary Clinton has repeatedly forced him to get an HIV test from the doctor. This is because the former President “favored unprotected sex.” And while the first tests came back negative, HIV and AIDS might explain an ongoing mystery. Over the years, both Clintons have kept their medical records a secret. Clinton has explained his rapidly changing appearance to his ...

Bashing Trump Makes Him Stronger
Post Date: 2016-02-27 12:48:31 by Stephen Lendman
Bashing Trump Makes Him Stronger by Stephen Lendman He’s a duopoly power anomaly, a billionaire, demagogic business as usual aspirant, coming across to supporters as populist. Yet nothing in his campaign suggests it, other than his anti-establishment rhetoric. A previous article said he appeals to voters against bipartisan politics they deplore, business as usual campaigning and governance, promising change, delivering betrayal, ignoring popular needs in office. He seems impregnable despite expressing outlandish views, including wanting a wall built on America’s southern border, calling Mexicans “rapists,” wanting Muslims banned from entering the country, saying ...

Trump: As president, I can't take Israel's side
Post Date: 2016-02-26 18:53:46 by christine
During a wildly animated GOP debate Thursday evening, GOP front-runner Donald Trump asserted that, as president, he cannot side with Israel in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict because doing so would “demean” Palestinians. Trump’s comments brought an onslaught of criticism from Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, both of whom vowed to stand by Israel. CNN’s Wolf Blitzer moderated the debate, and Telemundo’s Maria Celeste Arraras, Salem talk-radio host Hugh Hewitt and CNN chief political correspondent Dana Bash asked questions of the candidates. ‘Terrorists’ and U.S. support for Israel During the debate, Blitzer began a round of ...

Donors ask GOP consulting firm to research independent presidential bid
Post Date: 2016-02-26 18:20:22 by christine
Conservative donors have engaged a major GOP consulting firm in Florida to research the feasibility of mounting a late, independent run for president amid growing fears that Donald Trump could win the Republican nomination. A memo prepared for the group zeroes in on ballot access as a looming obstacle for any independent candidate, along with actually identifying a viable, widely known contender and coalescing financial support for that person. The two states with the earliest deadlines for independent candidates, Texas and North Carolina, also have some of the highest hurdles for independents to get on the ballot, according to the research. “All this research has to happen before ...

Donald Trump Is Winning Because White America Is Dying
Post Date: 2016-02-26 09:27:00 by Ada
Noam Chomsky says Trump's rise is partly due to deeply rooted -- and potentially fatal -- feelings of fear and anger. Noam Chomsky, the renowned scholar and MIT professor emeritus, says that the rise of Donald Trump in American politics is, in part, fueled by deeply rooted fear and hopelessness that may be caused by an alarming spike in mortality rates for a generation of poorly educated whites. “He’s evidently appealing to deep feelings of anger, fear, frustration, hopelessness, probably among sectors like those that are seeing an increase in mortality, something unheard of apart from war and catastrophe," Chomsky told The Huffington Post in an interview on Thursday. ...

Those Trump KKK Supporters were #BlackLivesMatter Activists
Post Date: 2016-02-26 00:26:09 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Media outlets quickly picked up a story about two Klansmen in full robes and caps standing outside a Nevada caucus site to "support" Donald Trump. While Trump certainly has a very active Neo-Nazi Alt-Right base, it mostly spends its time on Twitter calling conservatives "cuckservatives" and retweeting anime and Taylor Swift memes to make themselves seem younger than they are. (That doesn't mean he's responsible for them.) There was one obvious problem with these two KKK Trump supporters. They were black.Krystal Heath‏@TheFriddle#Trump supporters dressed as KKK outside #NVCaucus location. Gina Lazara‏@GinaLazaraPeople showed up dressed as KKK to a #Caucus ...

What if both establishments give their voters the finger?
Post Date: 2016-02-25 23:39:43 by Southern Style
What if both establishments give their voters the finger?Leave a reply Most will agree that this has been an election season unlike any other. The standard rules have been tossed aside. Reaching for a wrecking ball has replaced reaching across the aisle. Political incorrectness has replaced genuflection before the party elders. What else explains Donald Trump galloping toward the Republican nomination while the Republican chosen son and brother, Jeb Bush, quit the race before even leaving the starting gate?On the other side of the proverbial aisle that only the establishment brags about reaching across is a self-described socialist, Bernie Sanders, who honeymooned in the Soviet Union and ...

Drudge Poll for Tonight's GOP Debate
Post Date: 2016-02-25 23:11:39 by christine
**DRUDGE POLL** WHO WON THE 10TH REPUBLICAN DEBATE '16? TRUMP 63.89% (77,010 votes) CRUZ 17.82% (21,478 votes) RUBIO 12.7% (15,312 votes) KASICH 3.6% (4,341 votes) CARSON 1.98% (2,389 votes)

Why Hillary Clinton Cannot Beat Donald Trump
Post Date: 2016-02-25 20:39:20 by christine
This morning, I read a fantastic article by Nathan J. Robinson in Current Affairs titled: Unless the Democrats Run Sanders, a Trump Nomination Means a Trump Presidency. Several months ago, I would have disagreed with this statement, but today I think it’s entirely accurate. One thing Clinton supporters remain in complete denial about (other than the fact most Americans who don’t identify as Democrats find her to be somewhere in between untrustworthy and criminal), is that a significant number of Sanders supporters will never vote for Hillary. Forget the fact that I know a few personally, I’ve noticed several interviews with voters who proclaim Sanders to be their first ...

The Great Pennsylvania Government Porn Caper
Post Date: 2016-02-25 19:42:47 by BTP Holdings
The Great Pennsylvania Government Porn Caper ​ By David Gambacorta Feb 24, 2016 720 Kathleen Kane was stuck in her not-so-happy place. She preferred to avoid Pennsylvania's capital, the nerve center of its incestuous, dysfunctional political system. It seemed to change people, she thought, throwing their moral compass askew. But here she sat in her Harrisburg office in early 2014, a year into her tenure as the state's attention-grabbing attorney general, feeling the flawlessly arranged bookcases and canary-blue walls closing in. A staffer marched into the office and beelined to Kane's desk, pressed into the corner of the room. Kane's steely blue eyes fell to a disc ...

White Supremacists Mobilize For Donald Trump
Post Date: 2016-02-25 16:09:29 by Ada
They're using robocalls and volunteers to drum up support. As the Republican presidential primary moves into the American south, white supremacist groups are working to mobilize racists to get out the vote for Donald Trump. On Wednesday, David Duke, the white nationalist and former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard, encouraged his radio show listeners to volunteer for Trump's campaign. "Call Donald Trump’s headquarters [and] volunteer," he said on the "David Duke Radio Program." At Trump campaign offices, he said, "you’re gonna meet people who are going to have the same kind of mindset that you have.” In Minnesota and Vermont, a white supremacist ...

Fully Delusional Cruz and Rubio Campaigns Ignore Trump As He Soars To Victory
Post Date: 2016-02-25 15:55:40 by christine
With Donald Trump’s victory in the Nevada caucuses, and even as betting markets make him the overwhelming favorite to win the nomination outright, the campaigns of Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) enter deeper into Delusionland. The Cruz campaign seems to be working under the delusion that if they beat Rubio in the SEC primaries, Rubio will drop out. That’s insane. Rubio isn’t going anywhere. He’s picking up establishment endorsements at a rapid clip, Jeb! Bush’s entire fundraising infrastructure has shifted over to him, and he believes that if he can carry through to the late primaries, he’ll outlast everyone else and then beat Trump ...

More Than Half a Million Could Miss EU Vote After Electoral Roll Revamp
Post Date: 2016-02-25 09:31:26 by Ada
Hundreds of thousands of Brits could risk missing the upcoming EU referendum after voters’ details were wiped off the register amid an electoral roll reshuffle which is aimed at clamping down on fraud. Statistics from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) show that up to 600,000 people could have been missed off the register after comparing numbers to the same period last year. The statistics, the first since individual voter registration (IVR) was introduced, show a dramatic reduction in the number of young people and people from deprived areas. The new system has been implemented to try and crack down on voting fraud by making each voter register themselves, rather than the ...

Spy agencies say Clinton emails closely matched top secret documents: sources
Post Date: 2016-02-25 08:36:46 by Ada
U.S. spy agencies have told Congress that Hillary Clinton's home computer server contained some emails that should have been treated as "top secret" because their wording matched sections of some of the government's most highly classified documents, four sources familiar with the agency reports said. The two reports are the first formal declarations by U.S. spy agencies detailing how they believe Clinton violated government rules when highly classified information in at least 22 email messages passed through her unsecured home server. The State Department has already acknowledged that the emails contained top secret intelligence, though it says they were not marked that ...

WOW Bernie Sanders Campaign CAUGHT Red Handed LYING To Pander For The Black Vote!!
Post Date: 2016-02-25 05:21:20 by BTP Holdings
WOW Bernie Sanders Campaign CAUGHT Red Handed LYING To Pander For The Black Vote!! The primary race is heating up on both sides, Republican and Democrat, but it’s getting nasty on the liberal side where Bernie Sanders’ campaign is being accusing of LYING in order to try to pander to the black vote. Watch below: Basically what they did is pretend a photo from the Sixties at a Civil Rights sit-in showed Bernie Sanders – but it was actually someone else!! Well that does not sit well with black activists who are already trying to downplay Bernie’s history in the Civil Rights movement. And it’s going to get more vicious because the black vote is crucial for ...

Reporter Asks Hillary If She’s Always Told the Truth, Her Response Will Make You Gag
Post Date: 2016-02-25 05:00:39 by BTP Holdings
Reporter Asks Hillary If She’s Always Told the Truth, Her Response Will Make You Gag Hillary Clinton is known to be a slippery worm. The former attorney knows the power of words, how to arrange them to her best advantage, and how the American people don’t always catch her careful constructions of argument and responses to the media. However, in this interview with CBS, Hillary is asked point blank whether or not she has ever lied to the American people, her response will stun you. What do you make of the answer…”I try not to.” It’s like asking someone have you ever murdered someone and they say I only kind of did. Mrs. Clinton needs to realize is a ...

Wow. Read this. The REAL Reason Donald Trump is Dominating(and it has the Globalists Terrified)
Post Date: 2016-02-24 20:43:12 by christine
The Trump Train Rolls On! Brothers, for months I’ve been silent on the ongoing electoral process in the US election for President, but by no means does that mean I’ve not been carefully watching it or have strong feelings about it. On the contrary, I’ve been very energized by watching what’s been developing, and all the huge implications it has going forward. Today I’m silent no longer, and am going to weigh in on the extraordinary political movement we’re now witnessing. Ladies and gentlemen, the Trump campaign is set to steamroll the entire GOP nomination process, and become the Republican nominee going away. This is giving the incomparably corrupt GOP ...

Donald Trump, Jr. Speaks in Elko, NV (2-22-16)
Post Date: 2016-02-24 18:22:53 by X-15
Poster Comment:First 3:30 he slams FedGov and the rest of the planet!

Post Date: 2016-02-24 09:00:45 by Ada
Writes Johhny Kramer: Regardless of what one thinks of Trump, it’s hard to see how this isn’t already over: he nearly won a five-person race in Nevada with a majority, rather than a plurality, and crushed second-place Cruz by 20 points. And for next Tuesday, he leads Kasich in Ohio by five points, Rubio in Florida by TWENTY-FIVE points, and is only nine points behind Cruz in Texas. In other words, at least, two of the three competitors he has left (forget Carson) can’t even beat him in their home states. I disagree with a number of his views, but it is fun to watch the establishment lose control of their process to an outsider. I still say they’re going to try to ...

Bernie Sanders Showcases Strange Appeal of Socialism
Post Date: 2016-02-24 07:36:27 by BTP Holdings
Bernie Sanders Showcases Strange Appeal of Socialism Image: Bernie Sanders Showcases Strange Appeal of Socialism By Stephen Moore | Tuesday, 23 Feb 2016 09:38 AM When I was a smart-aleck college student, I had a sign on my dorm-room door that read: "Reality is for those who can't handle drugs." Maybe the 2016 version should go like this: "Bernie Sanders and socialism are for those who can't handle reality." Socialism's comeback is mystifying to most clear-thinking people. Do people who support Sanders and socialism walk around with shutters over their eyes so they don't have to observe the reality of what is happening in the world around them? The ...

Political science professor forecasts Trump as general election winner
Post Date: 2016-02-23 23:52:35 by X-15
A professor of political science at Stony Brook University has forecasted that Donald Trump has a minimum 97 percent chance of winning the general election as the Republican nominee. Professor Helmut Norpoth’s forecast presentation took place Monday evening in the SUNY Global Center in Manhattan, which was organized by the Stony Brook Alumni Association. Norpoth created a statistical model of presidential elections that uses a candidate’s performance in their party’s primary and patterns in the electoral cycle as predictors of the presidential vote in the general election. Donald Trump has a 97 percent chance of defeating Hillary Clinton and a 99 percent chance of ...

Hillary Clinton Is Backed By Major Republican Donors
Post Date: 2016-02-23 21:43:01 by NeoconsNailed
(I don't exactly follow this, but "Time said it, I believe it, and that settles it". NN, facetiously paraphrasing funnymentalists :-) An analysis of Federal Election Commission records, by TIME, which was published on 23 October 2015, showed that the 2012 donors to Romney’s campaign were already donating more to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 campaign than they had been donating to any one of the 2016 campaigns of (listed here in declining order below Clinton) Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Carly Fiorina, Chris Christie, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump, Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, George Pataki, or Jim Gilmore. Those major Romney donors also gave a little to two ...

Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Marco Rubio
Post Date: 2016-02-23 11:38:18 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Floridians for Immigration Enforcement

Joe Biden in 1992: Bush better not pick a Supreme Court nominee before the election
Post Date: 2016-02-23 05:34:51 by BTP Holdings
Joe Biden in 1992: Bush better not pick a Supreme Court nominee before the election Updated by Dylan Matthews on February 22, 2016, 3:40 p.m. ET @dylanmatt dylan@vox.com Well, this is awkward. C-SPAN has resurfaced video of a floor speech delivered by then-Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Joe Biden on June 25, 1992. In it, Biden explicitly calls on then-President George H.W. Bush to not nominate anyone to fill whatever Supreme Court vacancies should arise between then and the presidential election in November, and suggests that if Bush did put forth a nominee, the Judiciary Committee might not hold hearings. That is, of course, exactly the argument that Senate Majority Leader Mitch ...

Post Date: 2016-02-22 15:35:16 by christine

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