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and so it shall come to pass...
Post Date: 2016-02-22 12:05:54 by christine
And so it shall come to pass ... that in her 240th year, America shall be blessed with a savior from out of the common masses ... neither politician nor soldier, priest nor lawyer ... but a man of means and foresight who speaks the rugged and unvarnished truth. And the masses shall swell at his side, and the heavens shall smile down upon his golden comb-over, and the west wind shall speed him on the wings of fury into the halls of power in the District of Columbia. So shall it be that the evil Muslim shall be cast out and the wicked witch of Arkansas shall be cast down into the dungeons ... and that the demons of the party of the ass shall lament and gnash their teeth and be struck asunder ...

Rubio Is the “Establishment” Favorite, and That’s His Problem
Post Date: 2016-02-22 07:53:13 by Ada
Michael Brendan Dougherty considers Rubio’s chances after South Carolina: The Florida senator will have a chance to put together the anti-Trump coalition. Many powerful people in the conservative movement and the Republican establishment desperately want him as their nominee [bold mine-DL]. That counts for a lot. But don’t get too excited for Rubio. It may still be too late. The race moves to Nevada next. It is hard to see Rubio or Cruz being so discouraged by results there that one of them drops out and endorses the other in an attempt to stop Trump. They will, as they have, focus all of their fire on each other, continuing the pattern where Trump never stays in a prolonged ...

Trump's deal with Cruz
Post Date: 2016-02-21 22:51:44 by christine
Phyllis Schlafly has been watching the GOP establishment pick our presidential candidates since before she wrote about it in her book, “A Choice not an Echo,” in 1964. She will tell you, the only president elected in her lifetime without the blessing of the establishment was Ronald Reagan. Reagan’s ability to communicate with and inspire the American people was the only force more powerful than the money and apparatus of the establishment machine. Jeb Bush was obviously the pick of the establishment. The money was there, and Bush was definitely spending it, but the GOP primary voter has not been swayed by the hundreds of millions of dollars being thrown at them. After ...

Sabato: Rubio Should Offer Kasich VP Spot Now
Post Date: 2016-02-21 15:15:54 by BTP Holdings
Sabato: Rubio Should Offer Kasich VP Spot Now Image: Sabato: Rubio Should Offer Kasich VP Spot Now By Greg Richter | Sunday, 21 Feb 2016 09:06 AM To have any hope of stopping the Donald Trump train and capturing the nomination himself, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio should publicly offer Ohio Gov. John Kasich the vice presidential slot, says Larry Sabato, head of the University of Virginia's Center for Poltics. Writing on his Sabato's Crystal Ball website after Saturday's South Carolina primary, Sabato notes that Ronald Reagan made a similar move in 1976 promising to name Pennsylvania Sen. Richard Schweiker as his running mate, "and while it didn’t work out, Reagan shook ...

Post Date: 2016-02-21 10:40:13 by christine
Glenn Beck Responds to South Carolina Primary Results: ‘Join Me’ in a ‘Fast for Ted Cruz’

Trump: I’ll be ‘neutral’ on Israel and Palestine
Post Date: 2016-02-20 22:16:16 by X-15
GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump on Wednesday refused to pick sides in the conflict between Israel and Palestine. “You know, I don’t want to get into it,” he told hosts Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski during a MSNBC town hall in Charleston, S.C. “If I win, I don’t want to be in a position where I’m saying to you [my choice] and the other side now says, ‘We don’t want Trump involved,'" the real estyate mogul said of potentially winning the presidency and then brokering a lasting peace deal. “Let me be sort of a neutral guy,” the billionaire added. "I have friends of mine that are tremendous businesspeople, ...

Bush is GONE!!!
Post Date: 2016-02-20 21:15:58 by X-15

What an irresistibly charming old coot Bernie Sanders is — kind of like Marx, Lenin, and Stalin, sweethearts all
Post Date: 2016-02-18 12:43:49 by christine
Are you feelin’ the Bern yet? Nothing this exciting has happened since Howard Dean’s psychopathic “Yaaaahhhh!” scream after he came in third in the Iowa caucuses in 2004. It was a war cry that must have made Elizabeth Warren’s Cherokee blood pressure go through the roof. As Chris Plante would say, it’s good to be a Democrat. While The Donald has establishment Republicans pulling their hair out and on the verge of tears watching their decades-long stranglehold on power becoming more threatened by the day, there’s another sociological game being played on the Dirty Dems’ side of things. Yep, it’s the Bern himself. It seems like everyone is ...

WSJ/NBC Poll: Ted Cruz Overtakes Donald Trump Among Republicans
Post Date: 2016-02-18 06:40:42 by BTP Holdings
WSJ/NBC Poll: Ted Cruz Overtakes Donald Trump Among Republicans Image: WSJ/NBC Poll: Ted Cruz Overtakes Donald Trump Among Republicans Wednesday, 17 Feb 2016 05:45 PM Texas Sen. Ted Cruz has overtaken businessman Donald Trump in the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News national poll of likely Republican voters. Here's how the six remaining candidates stack up, according to the poll: Ted Cruz: 28 percent Donald Trump: 26 percent Marco Rubio: 17 percent John Kasich: 11 percent Ben Carson: 10 percent Jeb Bush: 4 percent In head-to-head matchups, both Cruz and Rubio would beat Trump by double digits, according to the poll, while the rest of the field would lose to Trump, who has ...

Hillary Gets Stunning News About Illinois Ballots That Could Cost Her the Race
Post Date: 2016-02-18 05:49:00 by BTP Holdings
Hillary Gets Stunning News About Illinois Ballots That Could Cost Her the Race February 14th, 2016 Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton may not be eligible to appear on Illinois’ primary election ballot, at least according to a petition filed with state officials Wednesday by an anti-Hillary political action committee. The petition filed by the Stop Hillary PAC contended that thousands of the signatures submitted by Hillary Clinton’s campaign to get her name on the state’s primary ballot were ineligible, therefore dropping Hillary’s valid signature total beneath the 3,000 minimum required. According to the Washington Free Beacon, the petition was filed with the ...

Video: Hillary Suffers Another MASSIVE Coughing Fit, Prompting Speculation Over Health Drudge, commentators have long warned Hillary is literally unfit for office
Post Date: 2016-02-18 00:25:25 by christine
Read the article and watch the 3-minute video of Hillary's coughing attack! Wow! Click for Full Text!

Did Anyone Realize This Would Happen After New Hampshire Primary?
Post Date: 2016-02-17 20:49:55 by BTP Holdings
Did Anyone Realize This Would Happen After New Hampshire Primary? Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are the outright winners of the New Hampshire primaries. A year ago no one would have ever expected that. Oddly enough the winner of Iowa, Ted Cruz, finished in a much distant third. But no sooner had the winners been announced than two of the more prominent Republicans decided their races were over. Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie both announced to supporters there was no sense in them going on any more. NBC News wrote this about Fiorina withdrawing: Former Hewlett-Packard executive Carly Fiorina announced Wednesday she will suspend her campaign after disappointing showings in the two ...

Hillary and Barack: The Voters Choice
Post Date: 2016-02-16 23:13:14 by X-15
President Obama Government is the problem, has been the problem, and will always be the problem. It will be inefficient, fraud ridden, wasteful, corrupt and susceptible to abuse of power from those within Government. That said, a civilized society cannot exist without government. Our founders recognized the problems I outlined, but also that their society needed some form of government. Their solution resulted in our Constitutional Republic, with individual liberties and freedoms protected by the Constitution; with limited federal powers, along with the separation of powers between the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches. So to me, the measure of whether we are better off now ...

FULL CBS News GOP Republican debate on the day of the death of SC Judge Justice Scalia
Post Date: 2016-02-16 12:06:47 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
FULL CBS News GOP Republican debate on the day of the death of SC Judge Justice Scalia

Bolshevik Bernie
Post Date: 2016-02-15 20:14:59 by christine
Don’t be confused, Bolshevik Bernie is an outright communist, not merely a socialist. The brain dead sheeple in New Hampshire keep re-electing him. Here he is handing out free Communist Fried Chicken. The Democratic party leaders know Hillary is dying, and are now pushing Bernie very strongly. He is all they’ve got. A Jewish communist president defines End Times. He will embody the Israel First Doctrine in a way you won’t believe. We warned you that Bernie would come to the forefront as Hillary gets sicker and sicker. The brain dead young people and Millenials just love him. How can you love slavery and poverty? Because liberalism is a mental disease, that’s why.

Dems Turn on Hillary and Drown Her Out With a Chorus of Boos
Post Date: 2016-02-14 20:52:50 by BTP Holdings
Dems Turn on Hillary and Drown Her Out With a Chorus of Boos It is hard to think of a more dramatic moment during the most recent Democrat debate in New Hampshire than when the Socialist Bernie Sanders called Hillary Clinton out on being part of the establishment political class that has plagued Washington for decades and attacked her for the millions that she’s made off of Wall Street. Naturally, Clinton fell back on her usual tactics and played the outraged victim. “I really don’t think these kinds of attacks by insinuation are worthy of you,” Clinton said. “Enough is enough. If you’ve got something to say, say it directly, but you will not find that I ...

Hillary anxious about Bill’s loyalty during election: emails
Post Date: 2016-02-14 20:26:21 by BTP Holdings
Hillary anxious about Bill’s loyalty during election: emails By Aaron Short February 14, 2016 | 6:56am How do you solve a problem like Bill Clinton? An exasperated Hillary Clinton wondered how to keep her husband in check after a newspaper report questioned her husband’s loyalty to President Obama and suggested Bill could cost him re-election in 2012, a newly released State Department e-mail revealed. State Department counselor and Hillary friend Cheryl Mills sent her a Washington Post story headlined, “Bill Clinton’s ego could cost Obama in November,” on June 6, 2012. “What can be done?” Clinton replied less than two hours later. The exchange was ...

Why Donald Trump's vicious attack on George W. Bush was so brutally effective — and brilliant
Post Date: 2016-02-14 16:53:37 by Ada
There was an uninvited guest onstage Saturday night at the latest and most brutal Republican presidential debate: George W. Bush. The focus on Bush 43's legacy signals a big problem for the GOP. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who declared in a prior debate that he missed the bygone president, pronounced W the winner last night. But no matter how much Jeb Bush defended his brother, or Marco Rubio came to the former president's aid, that Bush's legacy abruptly became a question at all, at this very late date, dealt the establishment a potentially crippling blow. Yes, the establishment — there's that word again, used advisedly but of necessity. For what was supposed to be ...

Trumping himself: Has the Donald gone too far in calling Iraq war ‘a big fat mistake’?
Post Date: 2016-02-14 11:11:37 by Ada
Donald Trump seems to be playing for a general election candidacy and is completely breaking Reagan’s 11th Commandment, which says that one should never speak ill of fellow Republicans, says Ted Rall, American political author and cartoonist. The six GOP candidates for president clashed Saturday in a final debate ahead of the crucial February 20 South Carolina primary. Frontrunner Donald Trump had a series of fierce exchanges with his rivals, during which he accused George W Bush of “not keeping America safe” by failing to prevent the 9/11 attacks and called the Iraq War “a big fat mistake” that “destabilized the Middle East.” RT: From relations with ...

New Hampshire results are in
Post Date: 2016-02-14 09:03:41 by BTP Holdings
New Hampshire results are in Yahoo News Photo February 9, 2016 Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders swept to victory in Tuesday’s New Hampshire primary, adding crucial credibility to their upstart candidacies and underscoring the insistence of voters in both parties on shaking up American politics. Ohio Gov. John Kasich led the field of Republican rivals battling for second place. Sanders won a commanding victory over Hillary Clinton, giving him a critical win over the one-time frontrunner. (AP) See more politics-related slideshows on Yahoo Politics. www.yahoo.com/politics/tagged/photos

2.10.2016 Trump just said everything Rand Paul wanted to, but couldn't
Post Date: 2016-02-14 00:34:16 by christine
Poster Comment:At least there will be an alternative to the Neocon's foreign policy in the campaign.

Bernie Sanders' New Ad Will Make You Question What Sort of America You Want to Live in
Post Date: 2016-02-13 09:16:27 by BTP Holdings
Bernie Sanders' New Ad Will Make You Question What Sort of America You Want to Live in One built on division, or one built on unity. By Jack Holmes Feb 11, 2016 Aside from the usual critiques—"It's too expensive! You can't get that through Congress!"—one of the more popular lines among the Bernie Sanders naysayers is that his rhetoric is too narrow. Is the scope of his message wide enough, they ask, to take him through an entire campaign in the way that "Hope and Change" did for Obama? With two brilliant, decisive pieces of political advertising in a row, his campaign has demonstrated that it's willing to draw a bigger picture, one that ...

When a Former Wall Street Watchdog Gets into the Hedge Fund Game
Post Date: 2016-02-13 09:08:16 by BTP Holdings
When a Former Wall Street Watchdog Gets into the Hedge Fund Game Let's see what Timothy Geithner is up to these days. Getty Win McNamee By Charles P. Pierce Feb 11, 2016 What's that, Lassie? Timmy's fallen down the well and wants to start a hedge fund? Let's go get help! Geithner has now secured a credit line from J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. JPM, -3.55% to finance personal investments in funds started by his new firm Warburg Pincus, according to a media report. The report is based on a filing made to New York state. Geithner, who was criticized as being too soft on Wall Street banks during the financial crisis, left the Obama Administration to join the private ...

Trump Haters Blown Away By Logic and Truth in Priceless New Video
Post Date: 2016-02-12 19:11:07 by BTP Holdings
Trump Haters Blown Away By Logic and Truth in Priceless New Video Recently, a leftist group decided it would be hilarious to line up a bunch of innocent children and fill their mouths with vile filth in the name politics. At least one conservative has decided to push back against the outright lies and mistruths found in the video — while poking a little fun at the adult actors. Like the tendency of every female in the video to hold up an index finger while turning herself into an angry human bobble head doll. …And the need to hold up finger quotes when the words being spoken are not even actual quotes. …And how liberals love to invoke Hitler — as that proves their ...

Trump Tells the Truth About Interventionism
Post Date: 2016-02-12 15:00:57 by christine
he neocons are furious with Republican frontrunner Donald Trump. He refuses to call for military interventionism like all the other Republican candidates (with the exception of Rand Paul, who is now out of the race) and says Iraq and Libya are a mess because of American foreign policy. Click for Full Text!

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