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Donald Trump: Vaccinations Cause Autism
Post Date: 2016-02-12 10:52:31 by christine
Donald Trump has publicly spoken out about the dangers of vaccinations, and has said he believes that vaccines cause autism. Acknowledging that the subject matter is controversial, Trump said “I couldn’t care less. I’ve seen people where they have a perfectly healthy child, and they go for the vaccinations and a month later the child is no longer healthy.” Intergalacticvault.com reports: “I’ve gotten to be pretty familiar with the subject,” Trump went on to say. “You know, I have a theory — and it’s a theory that some people believe in — and that’s the vaccinations. We never had anything like this. This is now an epidemic.

Republicans Tried Delaying Release of Iranian Held US Spies Until After Presidential Election
Post Date: 2016-02-12 05:28:52 by Stephen Lendman
Republicans Tried Delaying Release of Iranian Held US Spies Until After Presidential Election by Stephen Lendman Shades of the 1979-1980 Iran hostage crisis. Clear evidence was later revealed when it was too late to matter. It showed Reagan/GHW Bush officials arranged a secret deal with Tehran, the so-called October Surprise, delaying the release of 52 Americans held for 444 days until after the 1980 presidential election - to give Reagan a boost over Carter. Iran got weapons for cooperating. US media propaganda at the time was deplorable. Washington’s Tehran embassy was a notorious den of spies. Carter disgracefully called its personnel “victims of terrorism and ...

Donald Trump Ted Cruz Goldman Sachs and the Zionist Oligarchs
Post Date: 2016-02-11 17:44:12 by christine
Poster Comment:This one took a lot of research and work. It is a fascinating question. All I know is the tribalist Zio Establishment hates Donald Trump and that he says things that no one has dared to say since I was in the House of Representatives in LA... It is about time the rest of the country is catching up with what I was saying 25 years ago!~DD

“Sexism has nothing to do with it”: Camille Paglia on Hillary Clinton, Gloria Steinem — and why New Hampshire women broke for Bernie Sanders
Post Date: 2016-02-11 13:17:50 by Ada
Sanders' thrilling win dealt Gloria Steinem and old-guard feminist establishment a loss. But it wasn't about sexism Camille Paglia's incisive and iconoclastic writing on politics and pop culture has been part of Salon's fabric from the beginning. Her always-provocative column appeared here regularly between 1995 and 2001, then once more from 2007 through 2009. We're thrilled to announce that she will join us here again, on a biweekly basis, to discuss the presidential race, the culture world, and everything in between. (If you missed her last story for Salon on Hillary Clinton and feminism, you can catch up here.) Once again, Camille welcomes debate and discussion with ...

ANALYSIS: Which 2016 presidential candidates will take a stand against the evil GMO biotech industry?
Post Date: 2016-02-10 20:15:49 by BTP Holdings
ANALYSIS: Which 2016 presidential candidates will take a stand against the evil GMO biotech industry? Wednesday, February 10, 2016 by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger (NaturalNews) Which 2016 presidential candidates are aligned with the biotech criminals and GMOs? Which candidates oppose GMOs or support GMO labeling? That's the subject of my latest podcast, which takes a hard look at the GMO position of all the top candidates: Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders, Marco Rubio and Ben Carson. You may not realize this, but on the democratic side, there's one candidate who is wildly in full support of Monsanto and GMOs, while another candidate is entirely against ...

Carly Fiorina: I suspend my candidacy today
Post Date: 2016-02-10 16:44:37 by hondo68
This campaign was always about citizenship—taking back our country from a political class that only serves the big, the powerful, the wealthy, and the well connected. Election after election, the same empty promises are made and the same poll-tested stump speeches are given, but nothing changes. I've said throughout this campaign that I will not sit down and be quiet. I'm not going to start now. While I suspend my candidacy today, I will continue to travel this country and fight for those Americans who refuse to settle for the way things are and a status quo that no longer works for them. Our Republican Party must fight alongside these Americans as well. We must end crony ...

After Crushing Defeat, DNC Quirk Still Gives Hillary More New Hampshire Delegates Than Sanders
Post Date: 2016-02-10 12:56:24 by christine
Though Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire primary in a landslide over Hillary Clinton, he will likely receive fewer delegates than she will. Sanders won 60 percent of the vote, but thanks to the Democratic Party’s nominating system, he leaves the Granite State with at least 13 delegates while she leaves with at least 15 delegates. New Hampshire has 24 “pledged” delegates, which are allotted based on the popular vote. Sanders has 13, and Clinton has 9, with 2 currently allotted to neither. But under Democratic National Committee rules, New Hampshire also has 8 “superdelegates,” party officials who are free to commit to whomever they like, regardless of how their ...

Landslide New Hampshire Primary Results
Post Date: 2016-02-10 07:39:14 by Stephen Lendman
Landslide New Hampshire Primary Results by Stephen Lendman Iowa caucuses portend little, rarely if ever determining what’s to follow. New Hampshire was the first primary. It represents state or perhaps New England sentiment, not indicative of upcoming primary results. Yet it’s significant enough to show Trump and Sanders’ candidacies are real, not flashes in the pan - duopoly power brokers no doubt plotting ways to turn things around for their favorites. A long, seemingly endless, primary season remains, including so-called super-Tuesday on March 1, concluding in mid-June ahead of summer party conventions. Republicans hold theirs from July 18 - 21, Democrats from July ...

Trump to Promote Improved US/Russian Relations if Elected President?
Post Date: 2016-02-10 07:27:15 by Stephen Lendman
Trump to Promote Improved US/Russian Relations if Elected President? by Stephen Lendman Hold the cheers. Trump didn’t get super-rich by being a good guy. Billionaires make money the old- fashioned way, devious methods unavailable to ordinary people, including small businesses, operating by the rules, honestly and fairly. His views on most issues are extremist, way over-the-top - like wanting a wall built on the US/Mexican border and having its government pay for it, along with TRUMPeting against Muslim immigrants. He’s bad for America, real bad, maybe not all bad. Unlike most, perhaps all other presidential aspirants, favoring virtually unlimited military spending at a time ...

New Hampshire Results
Post Date: 2016-02-10 07:16:57 by Ada
Trump and Sanders both won as expected, and they won by large enough margins that the networks called it for both of them very early in the evening. Sanders is on track to win by a larger margin than expected. With 53% of the vote counted, Sanders leads by 20 points. The final result may be a little closer than that, but there’s no question that Clinton was badly defeated and embarrassed by a candidate that no one considered a serious threat to her when he started. Sanders may or may not be able to translate that into a competitive showing in later states, but his success shows the depth of distrust and reluctance to acquiesce in Clinton’s coronation among rank-and-file ...

While Democrats Whine about Iowa Caucus Results, Tea Partiers Who Supported Ron Paul Are Laughing Hysterically
Post Date: 2016-02-10 02:38:27 by BTP Holdings
While Democrats Whine about Iowa Caucus Results, Tea Partiers Who Supported Ron Paul Are Laughing Hysterically So it’s becoming more and more apparent that fraud was committed during the Iowa caucus to help Hillary edge out Bernie Sanders. The Des Moines Register reports: "Iowa Democratic Party officials are reviewing results from the Iowa caucuses and making updates where discrepancies have been found. "Party Chairwoman Andy McGuire the day after Monday’s caucuses said no review would be conducted, and that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s narrow victory over Bernie Sanders is final. "But as errors are being discovered, the final tally ...

John Gizzi: Trump NH Victory Wipes Away 'Black Eye' of Iowa
Post Date: 2016-02-10 02:30:58 by BTP Holdings
John Gizzi: Trump NH Victory Wipes Away 'Black Eye' of Iowa By Todd Beamon | Tuesday, 09 Feb 2016 09:15 PM Donald Trump's projected victory in New Hampshire will "wipe away the embarrassment he suffered, the black eye so to speak, when he lost in Iowa," Newsmax chief political correspondent John Gizzi told Newsmax TV Tuesday. "The mood in Manchester is that Donald Trump won a convincing victory," Gizzi told host J.D. Hayworth on the "Newsmax TV 2016 New Hampshire Primary Special" in an interview. "One thing is certain: There will be fewer candidates in the race tomorrow than there are right now." Two of those will not be Carly Fiorina ...

Early NH returns
Post Date: 2016-02-09 20:02:08 by Ada

Realities Behind the Rhetoric
Post Date: 2016-02-08 21:51:36 by BTP Holdings
Realities Behind the Rhetoric Martin D. Weiss, Ph.D. | Monday, February 8, 2016 at 7:30 am What I find remarkable about the 2016 presidential election campaign isn’t just the surge of Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders. It’s the realities behind their rhetoric. Don’t get me wrong. Weiss Research is 100% nonpartisan. We won’t take sides and won’t endorse candidates. Our goal is strictly to help you make more prudent investment decisions. And our method rests purely on an objective analysis of the facts … Fact #1. Trump and Sanders have radically transformed the political landscape. No matter who takes the nominations and no matter who wins the White House, ...

The Men Behind Ted Cruz: Neocons and a CIA Propagandist
Post Date: 2016-02-08 13:43:53 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Remarkably, more than a few Republicans believe this guy is a libertarian Kurt Nimmo Prison Planet.com February 4, 2016 Ted Cruz, the junior Senator from Texas and presumptive Republican presidential nominee, is routinely billed by the mainstream media as a Tea Party outsider who is reviled by fellow Republicans as a “wacko bird” along with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and GOP Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan. It is not simply his wife’s connection to Goldman Sachs and investment banking or his unreported loan from the multinational investment banking firm, however, that betrays this image.A closer look at Cruz reveals he is a neocon insider, not a renegade outsider.His ...

Will The GOP Establishment Steal The 2016 Nomination From Trump?
Post Date: 2016-02-08 11:34:05 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Will The GOP Establishment Steal The 2016 Nomination From Trump? By Roger Stone Will the GOP establishment steal the 2016 nomination from Donald Trump even if the magnate arrives in Cleveland with the most pledged delegates but short of the 50 percent he'd need to be nominated? Is a back-room deal in the works to have a "brokered convention" to deny Trump the GOP nod? I think there is such a plan and it must be exposed. Donald Trump is our last hope to make Washington work for us – not the lobbyists, special interests and billionaire donors who control the corroded two-party system. As Trump says: "America is going to hell!" I am a veteran of nine national ...

Pop Goes the Marco Bubble
Post Date: 2016-02-08 05:38:37 by Ada
A few moments on a New Hampshire debate stage last Saturday will likely go down as an historic moment in American politics. For the previous week there had been a palpable sense that the GOP establishment, desperate to coalesce behind someone to stop Donald Trump, was going to break very quickly towards Marco Rubio. Immediately after Iowa, Rubio began began scooping up endorsements from senators. There were many press reports that key players in Jeb Bush’s financial team were ready to jump—and pull their funds, and their friends, from Jeb’s flailing candidacy to Rubio. No doubt Cruz and of course Trump would continue. But there was a sense that the “party had ...

Poll Shows Sanders and Clinton Nearly Tied Nationwide
Post Date: 2016-02-07 06:48:01 by Stephen Lendman
Poll Shows Sanders and Clinton Nearly Tied Nationwide by Stephen Lendman Clinton is a Wall Street favorite. War profiteers love her. Dirty deep-pocketed corporate money funds her campaign. Binding strings are attached, donors expecting and getting multifold benefits for every dollar contributed, investments earning surefire huge returns. Corporate America shuns Sanders. His support is largely grassroots, from organized labor and individual donors. It’s a long time from now to November. Momentum can swing back and forth numerous times. Early frontrunners can become also-rans. Upstarts rarely surprise. Will Sanders prove the exception to the rule? Quinnipiac’s Polling ...

Cruz Plays Dirty Tricks; Trump Train Prepares To Roll
Post Date: 2016-02-06 10:51:35 by BTP Holdings
Cruz Plays Dirty Tricks; Trump Train Prepares To Roll Category: Republicans|GOP I’m willing to stick my neck out and predict that Donald Trump still wins the GOP nomination. The Iowa caucuses are very strange in that once you arrive you are subjected to debate, peer pressure, and dirty tricks from paid operatives before you get to vote – in full public view. Cruz had a reported 5,000 people on the ground working in Iowa while Trump ran a campaign largely based in the media. It has now come to light that those trained Cruz operatives were at the caucus sites earning their money, while the campaign itself was found guilty of potentially illegal chicanery. (CNN) – Donald ...

Did Hillary Clinton Really Win Iowa? New Errors Detected in Caucus Results
Post Date: 2016-02-06 06:59:34 by BTP Holdings
Did Hillary Clinton Really Win Iowa? New Errors Detected in Caucus Results 02/05/2016 09:17 pm ET | Updated 8 hours ago by Brian Hanley Political reporter covering the Bernie Sanders campaign Today, Iowa Democratic Party officials reported errors in the state's caucus results. The news comes just days after Hillary Clinton was named the official winner in Iowa. Defeating Bernie Sanders by two tenths of one percent, she took home 23 of the state's 44 delegates. Bernie Sanders was awarded the remaining 21 delegates. However, those numbers are now subject to change, in light of newly confirmed discrepancies in the caucus results. According to one precinct secretary, the results ...

Struggling Republican Bush brings out the big gun: his mom
Post Date: 2016-02-06 06:44:37 by BTP Holdings
Struggling Republican Bush brings out the big gun: his mom Reuters By Emily Stephenson and Doina Chiacu 13 hours ago MANCHESTER, N.H./WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Jeb Bush brought out his famous family four days before the crucial U.S. presidential primary in New Hampshire, tapping his mother on Friday to scold Republican front-runner Donald Trump over his use of profanity and treatment of women. In a last ditch attempt to make a mark on a Republican primary campaign he was supposed to own, Bush lashed out at both Trump and U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, the one-time protege who has eclipsed Bush as the party's establishment candidate in the 2016 White House race. New opinion polls ...

Rubio the Remainderman
Post Date: 2016-02-05 06:20:15 by Ada
Donald Trump won more votes in the Iowa caucuses than any Republican candidate in history. Impressive, except Ted Cruz set the new all-time record. And Marco Rubio exceeded all expectations by taking 23 percent. Cruz won Tea Party types, Evangelicals, and the hard right. Trump won the populists and nationalists who want the borders secure, no amnesty, and no more trade deals that enable rival powers like China to disembowel American industries. And Rubio? He is what columnist Mark Shields called Jimmy Carter, 35 years ago, “the remainderman of national politics. He gets what’s left over after his opponents have taken theirs by being the least unacceptable alternative to the ...

Read Glenn Beck’s Slam of Rubio’s Pandering
Post Date: 2016-02-05 06:09:12 by BTP Holdings
Read Glenn Beck’s Slam of Rubio’s Pandering Glenn Beck appeared on Megyn Kelly’s Fox News show the other day highlighting the great pains Marco Rubio is going to, to pander to whatever crowd he is in front of. We expect politicians to pander a little to each crowd, telling them what they want to hear, but Mr. Beck has a real challenge with the lengths to which Mr. Rubio is going to seek the nomination. According to The Blaze: Glenn Beck challenged Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio Friday, telling Fox News host Megyn Kelly that the Florida senator is “turning his record upside down and inside out” as he battles his competitors for the GOP nomination. ...

Post Date: 2016-02-03 07:48:31 by Ada
This particular primary election looks incredibly shady I don’t think anybody has any illusions about Hillary Clinton. And with the exception of her core supporters, I don’t think the people who voted for her have any illusions either. In their minds, she is simply the lesser of two evils, but evil nonetheless. It’s impossible to deny the fact that Hillary is a liar, a chronic flip-flopper, and most likely a criminal whose maliciousness knows no bounds. And now that the Iowa primary has come and gone, we may be able to add “cheater” to that list as well. Or at the very least, some powerful people in high places may have given her a hand in Iowa. I’m no ...

The Establishment’s Last Stand
Post Date: 2016-02-03 06:43:07 by Ada
The War Party holds on, but for how much longer? The good news for anti-interventionists out of Iowa is that Bernie Sanders has defied the conventional wisdom and effectively delayed the coronation of Hillary Rodham Clinton. In spite of a ramped up effort to isolate the Vermont socialist from the Democratic mainstream, Hillary is in for a bruising fight that will only get bloodier when Sanders smashes her in New Hampshire, as seems likely. On the Republican side of the aisle, the news from Iowa is decidedly mixed. There are glad tidings in the fact that the two candidates not wholly-owned subsidiaries of the neocons came in first (Cruz) and second (Trump). Yet the unexpectedly strong ...

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