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Did Trump Just Call Out Obama On A Failed Campaign Promise?
Post Date: 2016-02-03 06:27:26 by BTP Holdings
Did Trump Just Call Out Obama On A Failed Campaign Promise? John Thomas | January 23, 2016 Obama ran for office with a key promise, at least implicitly implied, that certain people would be better off under his presidency. That being the case, you would think that he would have taken special care to help those who had the biggest impact on helping him get into office. So, of all the people, you would think that he wouldn’t have given the shaft to this group: African Americans. And Donald Trump, never one to shy away from saying what he thinks, has made no bones about the disservice that the Obama presidency has done for African Americans. Trump said, “We have an ...

Post Date: 2016-02-01 12:40:43 by Ada
Sanders supporters concerned over impartiality Microsoft’s Bing technology has called Iowa for Hillary Clinton, a result that has not gone unnoticed amongst Bernie Sanders supporters given that an app created by Microsoft will help tally the vote during tonight’s caucus. Using, “data from polls, prediction markets, and anonymized and aggregated search-engine queries to predict its results,” Microsoft forecasts that Hillary will win three out of the first four Democratic primaries, taking Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada, with Sanders taking New Hampshire. Although the technology isn’t perfect, Microsoft correctly predicted the outcome of the 2015 Academy Awards, ...

An Unlikely Billionaire Just Announced Plans That Could Shake Up The Elections
Post Date: 2016-02-01 07:32:48 by BTP Holdings
An Unlikely Billionaire Just Announced Plans That Could Shake Up The Elections November 2016 isn’t all that far away. In a little less than 11 months our nation will choose a new President, a new leader to move us forward for the next four years. Right now things are pretty volatile, it’s relatively uncertain who is going to receive their respective party’s nomination. However, a recent announcement by another American billionaire could seriously disrupt what happens in Novemeber. And Hillary’s not going to like it. CNN writes: Former mayor of NYC Michael Bloomberg just announced he might run for President on a third party ticket. Mayor Michael Bloomberg is ...

NYT Endorses War Goddess/Wall Street Favorite Hillary Clinton for President
Post Date: 2016-02-01 06:08:29 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Endorses War Goddess/Wall Street Favorite Hillary Clinton for President by Stephen Lendman The Times’ choice is unsurprising, a longstanding mouthpiece for wealth and power, supporting all US imperial wars, disdainful of peace, equity and justice. Clinton arguably is the worst choice among a deplorable array of presidential aspirants - not a legitimate one in the bunch, none representing vital populist interests, all cut out of the same dirty cloth. Don’t let their deceptive rhetoric fool you. Campaign promises are meaningless, made to be broken, Clinton perhaps the most duplicitous and dangerous - a neocon masquerading as democratic. She represents Wall Street, other ...

NYT Pushes John Kasich to Bash Trump
Post Date: 2016-02-01 05:57:21 by Stephen Lendman
NYT Pushes John Kasich to Bash Trump by Stephen Lendman Any Republican but Trump seems to be NYT editorial policy. It’s pushing Ohio Governor John Kasich, papering over his deplorable neocon/neoliberal record. He’s like all the other presidential aspirants - pro-business, pro-war, anti-populist, anti-labor, anti- peace, equity and justice, supporting dirty business as usual. According to Times editors, he’s “the only plausible choice for Republicans tired of the extremism and inexperience on display in this race.” Admitting he’s “no moderate,” they claim he supports government improving the lives of ordinary people, as well as “protect(ing) ...

Post Date: 2016-01-31 20:17:30 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
By Cheryl Chumley January 31, 2016 NewsWithViews.com Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) is poised to travel the nation in partnership with Hispanic rights groups, find a million legal migrants, immigrants and green card holders, and get them naturalized by May so they can vote against Donald Trump.It's been dubbed the "Stand Up to Hate: Naturalize, Register, Vote" tour What a dismal waste of the taxpayer's dime and an entirely improper role for a seated congressman who's supposed to represent real constituents, not would-be or wanna-be ones."Our goal is to have one million to become new U.S. citizens this year and we've got to get it done by the end of May," he ...

Trump Wins Iowa In Landslide (Alex Jones Prediction)
Post Date: 2016-01-31 17:08:58 by christine

‘This was all planned’: Former IG says Hillary, State Dept. are lying
Post Date: 2016-01-31 07:06:12 by Ada
Hillary Clinton emails contained America's top secrets FBI seeking indictment of Hillary in email scandal, Tom DeLay claims Hillary not worried email flap will hurt candidacy chances Hillary's team copied intel off top-secret server to email The State Department is lying when it says it didn’t know until it was too late that Hillary Clinton was improperly using personal e-mails and a private server to conduct official business — because it never set up an agency e-mail address for her in the first place, the department’s former top watchdog says. “This was all planned in advance” to skirt rules governing federal records management, said Howard J. ...

Fox Shitting Bricks Over Lost Revenue as O’Reilly Implores Trump to Reconsider Debate Boycott
Post Date: 2016-01-29 10:11:24 by christine
Republican front-runner Donald Trump appears to have hit Fox News where it really hurts – advertising revenue – with his decision to boycott the network’s presidential debate. During an appearance on the O’Reilly Factor, the Donald refused to cave in and reconsider despite some rather uncharacteristic and unbecoming groveling by the network’s superstar host. While the GOP establishment and the desperate scalp hunters looking to ambush Trump right before Iowans start to vote looked to be the initial losers as he side-stepped their trap it is the network itself that stands to take the big financial hit. Politico reports that “Fox’s O’Reilly pleads with ...

The Civil War on the Right
Post Date: 2016-01-29 07:09:55 by Ada
The conservative movement is starting to look a lot like Syria. Baited, taunted, mocked by Fox News, Donald Trump told Roger Ailes what he could do with his Iowa debate, and marched off to host a Thursday night rally for veterans at the same time in Des Moines. Message: I speak for the silent majority, Roger, not you, not Megyn Kelly, not Fox News. Diss me, and I will do fine without Fox. And so the civil-sectarian war on the right widens and deepens. And two questions arise: Will the conservative movement and Republican Party unite behind Trump if he is the nominee? And will the movement and party come together if Trump is not the nominee? A breakdown of the balance of forces in this ...

Trump Wins Fox News Debate Without Showing Up
Post Date: 2016-01-29 06:42:38 by Stephen Lendman
Trump Wins Fox News Debate Without Showing Up by Stephen Lendman Trump looks unstoppable, the likely Republican presidential nominee, way outdistancing other aspirants in polls consistently. He withdrew from Thursday’s Fox News debate in Des Moines, Iowa, ahead of Monday’s state caucuses, over animus toward moderator Megyn Kelly, demanding she be replaced - accusing her and Fox of “toy(ing) with me like they toy with everybody else.” Trump didn’t miss a beat boycotting Thursday’s debate. He won without showing up, maintaining daily publicity by holding his own solo act in Drake University’s Sheslow Auditorium. Around 700 supporters showed up. Millions ...

Major Liberal Group Finally Beginning to Doubt Hillary’s Integrity
Post Date: 2016-01-28 20:57:21 by BTP Holdings
Major Liberal Group Finally Beginning to Doubt Hillary’s Integrity John Thomas | January 21, 2016 Hillary Clinton is desperate to become President. Her quest for power may have more to do with Bill’s Presidency than Bill’s influence actually had. And we see her time and time again seeking to stay in the spotlight and gain more and more power. But, when she hears this news, it will put a bit of a damper on that ambition: Her fellow Democrats are questioning Hillary’s integrity. I know, I know, you’re wondering why it took them this long for Democrats to raise these questions, but, let’s be honest, it can be difficult to question your preconceived notions ...

Live Debate Analysis 7PM CST, Copy This Link & Share It: Infowars.com/show
Post Date: 2016-01-28 20:21:24 by christine
www.infowars.com/join-inf...-debate-analysis-7pm-cst/Poster Comment:I think this is going to be a good way to watch. AJ will have LeeAnn and Jakari with a special political guest that I heard was going to be Roger Stone with breaking news that we're going to want to hear.

Sanders camp suspicious of Microsoft’s influence in Iowa Caucus
Post Date: 2016-01-28 12:53:28 by Ada
DES MOINES, Iowa – The campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is raising questions about the involvement of Microsoft in the Iowa Caucuses, now just days away, and has built a independent system to check the official results. For the first time this year, Microsoft partnered with the Iowa Democratic and Republican Parties to provide a technology platform with which the parties will run their caucuses. The software giant created separate mobile apps for each party, which officials at hundreds of caucuses across the state will use to report out results from individual precincts to party headquarters for tabulation. RELATED: Can Bernie Sanders handle the burn? ...

Media War on Trump
Post Date: 2016-01-28 12:40:35 by Stephen Lendman
Media War on Trump by Stephen Lendman His super-wealth, demagogic style, outlandish views, support for wealth and power, and likely business as usual agenda if elected president aside, Trump so far masterfully outwitted, outmaneuvered, and outfoxed other presidential aspirants, besting professional politicians, beating them at their own dirty game. He’s no flash-in-the-pan. He proved he’s a force to reckoned with. Polls show he’s way ahead of Republican rivals, appearing unstoppable, party bosses and media scoundrels frantic to derail his campaign, their efforts futile so far. He appeals to voters against politics they deplore, business as usual campaigning and ...

Tina Fey Sarah Palin Donald Trump SNL: Saturday Night Live Brings “Right-Winging, Bitter-Clinging”
Post Date: 2016-01-28 09:36:35 by christine

The Rise and Fall of Hillary Clinton
Post Date: 2016-01-28 00:21:26 by X-15
Eight years after being denied what she thought was rightfully hers, Hillary Clinton's presidential ambitions are going up in smoke again. When is she going to realize that nobody likes her? One nice thing I can say about Hillary Clinton is that she seems to love her supporters. Unfortunately, she loves them in the same way that John Hinckley, Jr. loved Jodie Foster. Case in point: after I signed up for a Hillary rally in West Des Moines on Sunday, one of her campaign volunteers called me on my phone, both to make sure I was still coming and to beg me to caucus for her. The best part is that I got the call just as I was leaving the Marco Rubio town hall I attended on Saturday. Hillary ...

Michael Bloomberg Says He Plans to Spend $1 Billion On This Frightening New Plan
Post Date: 2016-01-27 06:33:45 by BTP Holdings
Michael Bloomberg Says He Plans to Spend $1 Billion On This Frightening New Plan You know Michael Bloomberg, you know his politics, you know his anti-gun activity too. What you might not know is he harbors presidential aspirations. Bloomberg has just announced to his inner staff he wants to launch a bid to run for the Presidency so he can stamp out the second amendment once and for all. Yahoo News writes: Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire former mayor of New York City, has told his aides to draw up plans for an independent campaign for the U.S. presidency, according to a source familiar with the situation. Bloomberg has advised friends and associates that he would be willing to spend ...

DeLay: FBI 'Ready to Indict' Hillary
Post Date: 2016-01-27 06:22:03 by BTP Holdings
DeLay: FBI 'Ready to Indict' Hillary By Bill Hoffmann | Monday, 25 Jan 2016 05:23 PM The FBI is ready to indict Hillary Clinton and if its recommendation isn't followed by the U.S. attorney general, the agency's investigators plan to blow the whistle and go public with their findings, former U.S. House Majority leader Tom DeLay tells Newsmax TV. "I have friends that are in the FBI and they tell me they're ready to indict," DeLay said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show." "They're ready to recommend an indictment and they also say that if the attorney general does not indict, they're going public." Clinton is under FBI ...

Rand: Trump Is an ‘Orange-Faced Windbag’
Post Date: 2016-01-26 18:19:53 by Artisan
By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. January 26, 2016 Email Print FacebookTwitter Share Rand, who recently scolded Cruz for calling McConnell a liar. saying that personal insults, as versus strong policy arguments, are never appropriate, told tTrevor Noah that Trump is a “delusional narcissist and an orange-faced windbag. “Have you ever had a speck of dirt fly into your eye? [It is] annoying, irritating and might even make you cry. If the dirt doesn’t go away, it will keep scratching your cornea until eventually it blinds you with all its filth. A speck of dirt is way more qualified to be president.” Paul also noted, “I’m not sure I would say Trump is Hitler – ...

Who’s Afraid of Donald Trump?
Post Date: 2016-01-26 06:20:37 by Ada
James Poulos is not frightened by the prospect of a Trump nomination or a Trump presidency: The most important thing I can say about Donald Trump is that I am not afraid of him. I’m not afraid he’ll be president. I’m not afraid he’ll be the nominee. For the sake of my own sanity and strength, I decline to be. I won’t confer on him the power to annihilate constitutional government, conservative philosophy, or the Republican brand. Trump could ruin America? Give me a break. I agree with most of this. That’s not because that I think Trump will be a good or even a competent president, but because we have endured a truly disastrous president in recent memory and ...

Bloomberg Independent Presidential Bid?
Post Date: 2016-01-25 06:29:06 by Stephen Lendman
Bloomberg Independent Presidential Bid? by Stephen Lendman Multi-billionaire/former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg reportedly has advisors preparing plans for a possible independent presidential bid. He’s unhappy about Trump’s likely Republican nomination and both Democrat contenders. Earlier, he considered a third-party run, deciding he couldn’t win. What makes him think now is different, he’ll have to explain. Forbes reported his net worth at $38.1 billion as of October 2015. He indicated willingness to spend a billion dollars or more for a presidential bid. Reportedly he’ll decide by early March, enough time to be on ballots in all 50 states. He ...

Donald Trump Masterfully Plays Media
Post Date: 2016-01-23 15:06:11 by BTP Holdings
Donald Trump Masterfully Plays Media Category: Ethnopolitics, Republicans|GOP, The Media Teflon Don has played the media like a master during his historic campaign. He instinctively understands that the general public distrusts the establishment media with a passion and have learned to support whatever it is against. Today, like a masterful conductor, The Donald retweeted an image from someone with the Twitter handle “WhiteGenocideTM.” Washington (CNN) – Donald Trump’s penchant for retweets once again raised eyebrows, after he recirculated a tweet on Friday from a user with the handle “WhiteGenocideTM.” The profile with about 2,300 followers used the name ...

Bloomberg seriously considering White House bid, source says
Post Date: 2016-01-23 12:24:52 by Ada
Will Mike Bloomberg run as a third-party candidate? Washington (CNN)Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is seriously considering a possible independent presidential run and is looking at making a decision sometime in March, a source familiar with Bloomberg's thinking told CNN on Saturday. The source said aides to the three-term mayor are looking at ballot access issues, but the source refused to speak specifically about what Bloomberg, 73, asked to be done. The source added that Bloomberg sees the Republican and Democratic presidential races as becoming increasingly polarized, and neither fits Bloomberg's views. But Bloomberg, who has flirted with Oval Office ...

As Obama pushes agenda, Texas leads legal push-back
Post Date: 2016-01-21 19:18:38 by BTP Holdings
As Obama pushes agenda, Texas leads legal push-back Reuters By Jon Herskovitz 7 hours ago AUSTIN, Texas (Reuters) - Among the few certainties in the current U.S. political environment are that immigration will be a flashpoint, abortion will remain divisive and Texas will sue the administration of President Barack Obama. Since Obama, a Democrat, took office in January 2009, the most populous Republican-controlled state has filed suit against his administration 39 times. On Tuesday, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to take on one of the more notable cases and decide the legality of Obama's unilateral 2014 action to shield from deportation more than 4 million immigrants in the country ...

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