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Trump: We have to talk to them (Bill Gates and a lot of different people) about, maybe in certain areas, closing that internet up in some ways.
Post Date: 2015-12-09 11:40:25 by christine
Poster Comment: The appropriate thing to do is not step up the war, as Trump states, but to stop this war that [we] started. I believe that Trump's statement about closing down the internet was taken somewhat out of context, but he needs to clarify it. Otherwise, this is a huge problem.

Western Media Cheer Venezuelan Electoral Results
Post Date: 2015-12-09 06:45:34 by Stephen Lendman
Western Media Cheer Venezuelan Electoral Results by Stephen Lendman Bolivarian social justice suffered a major body blow in Sunday’s legislative elections. How it affects Chavismo going forward remains to be seen. Distinguished Latin American expert James Petras gave disappointed Chavistas hope, saying “(P)aralysis, and even retreat and electoral defeats of the center-left regimes, do not mean the return to the neo-liberal 1990’s, a period of privatizations, pillage and plunder, which had plunged millions into poverty, unemployment and marginality.” “(C)ollective memory” is hard-wired. “Any attempt by the newly elected officials to ‘unmake and ...

Final Venezuelan Electoral Results
Post Date: 2015-12-09 06:34:45 by Stephen Lendman
Final Venezuelan Electoral Results by Stephen Lendman Final results for Venezuela’s 167-seat National Assembly weren’t known until two days after the polls closed. On Tuesday, Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE) reported opposition Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) candidates won 107 seats to the ruling socialist coalition Great Patriotic Pole’s (GPP) 55 - a 64.07% to 32.93% majority. Indigenous seats comprise another 1.80% of the 167 legislative body. Two seats remained undecided. CNE announced MUD candidates won them, giving them 109 seats, three short of a crucial super-majority. When new deputies are sworn in on January 5, three independent indigenous ...

Bloomberg’s Gun Control Dreams Suffer Staggering Setback
Post Date: 2015-12-08 18:07:23 by BTP Holdings
Bloomberg’s Gun Control Dreams Suffer Staggering Setback Michael Bloomberg has invested upwards of $50 million dollars over the past few years in attempts to oust the pro-gun GOP. His latest defeat came on November 3rd, when a $2 million dollar donation into the Virginia Senate race failed to secure the Democrats the desired seats. Ironically, it was nearly two years ago to the day that Bloomberg’s gun control dreams for Virginia suffered a staggering setback. Through Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), Bloomberg & Co. endorsed candidates, only to lose in “97 percent of Virginia delegate races.” And, as BPR reported, the worst part of election results for ...

Does It Even Matter Who Wins the Presidency in 2016?
Post Date: 2015-12-08 06:00:33 by Ada
As the crazy protracted carnival of the presidential election rolls forward with ever more outrageous rhetoric, spin, downright lies, and "gotcha" moments, it bears remembering what’s on television usually has little to do with reality. For example, despite the blanket television coverage of the killing 129 Parisians by Islamist terrorists, the average American’s chances of ever getting killed by an international terrorist is lower than getting struck by lightning. In fact, Americans statistically have a greater chance of getting killed by disgruntled domestic reactionaries (for example, the shooter at Planned Parenthood) than they do by radical Islamists. The U.S. ...

Venezuelan Opposition Fails to Win Super-Majority
Post Date: 2015-12-08 05:54:48 by Stephen Lendman
Venezuelan Opposition Fails to Win Super-Majority by Stephen Lendman In Sunday National Assembly elections, Chavismo suffered a humbling defeat - short of disaster. Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) fascists fell short of their goal. On its web site, Venezuela’s National Electoral Council (CNE) said MUD won 107 seats to the ruling socialist coalition Great Patriotic Pole’s (GPP) 55 - a 64.07% to 32.93 majority. Indigenous seats comprise another 1.80% of the 167 legislative body, its representatives elected solely by members of their communities. Results for two remaining seats remain unreported as this is written - likely too close to call so perhaps recounts are being ...

France's Far-Right National Front Win Big In Regional Elections
Post Date: 2015-12-07 10:08:33 by Ada
Marine Le Pen's anti-immigration National Front is hoping to consolidate recent political gains. 17 hours ago PARIS, Dec 6 (Reuters) - France's far-right National Front pulled off an historic win on Sunday, topping the vote nationally in the first round of regional elections, exit polls showed, and potentially redrawing the political map before national elections in 2017. Boosted by fears over the Islamic State attacks that killed 130 people in Paris on Nov. 13, as well as by record unemployment and immigration, Marine Le Pen's party secured 30.2 percent of the vote nationally, the interior inistry said, with two thirds of the votes counted. The FN came first in six regions ...

Fascists Win Control of Venezuela's National Assembly
Post Date: 2015-12-07 09:29:55 by Stephen Lendman
Fascists Win Control of Venezuela’s National Assembly by Stephen Lendman For the first time since Chavez’s 1998 electoral victory, US-supported neoliberal fascists won majority control of Venezuela’s National Assembly. With 96% of the vote counted as this is written, Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) candidates won 99 seats, the ruling socialist coalition Great Patriotic Pole (GPP) only 46. Results for 19 regular and three indigenous seats have yet to be announced. Their results are key. Majority legislative rule alone won’t threaten Bolivarian social justice. Venezuela Analysis explained if MUD wins 100 seats (almost certain as this is written), it’s ...

Clinton: I will take US relationship with Israel 'to the next level'
Post Date: 2015-12-07 02:13:45 by Tatarewicz
PressTV Leading Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton says if she is elected president next year, she will take the relationship between the United States and Israel "to the next level." “I would extend an invitation to the Israeli prime minister to come to the United States,” Clinton said on Sunday at the Saban Forum in Washington hosted by the Brookings Institution when asked about her first day in the White House, "to work towards very much strengthening and intensifying our relationship on military matters." Ties between the Obama administration and the Zionist regime have been strained because of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin ...

US Media Support Fascism Over Democracy in Sunday's Venezuelan Elections
Post Date: 2015-12-05 06:38:10 by Stephen Lendman
US Media Support Fascism Over Democracy in Sunday’s Venezuelan Elections by Stephen Lendman On Sunday, Venezuelans will elect 165 National Assembly deputies, members of its unicameral legislature. Ruling Bolivarian United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) candidates face US- supported Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) fascists. During hard times of economic weakness, high inflation, and other major problems, Bolivarian social justice faces its stiffest challenge. Preserving it is crucial for the welfare of millions of poor and low-income Venezuelans, benefitting hugely from its vital services, ones most Americans can’t imagine - including free universal healthcare and ...

Mr. Trump Goes to Tel Aviv: The Donald Plans to Meet With Bibi ‘Very Soon’
Post Date: 2015-12-05 00:59:39 by christine
The US Republican presidential frontrunner has announced his intentions to travel to Israel and meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Trump made the statement on the eve of his meeting with the Republican Jewish Coalition, along with 13 other American presidential hopefuls, on Thursday. The Coalition is backed financially by billionaire casino magnate Sheldon Adelson, a key Netanyahu supporter. Trump unveiled his Israel travel plans at a presidential campaign rally in Manassas, Virginia, Newsweek reported, after being asked his opinion on the Jewish State. Trump called himself “very, very pro-Israel.” “I love Israel, and Israel is our real strong supporter. ...

Venezuelans Vote on Sunday
Post Date: 2015-12-04 12:27:31 by Stephen Lendman
Venezuelans Vote on Sunday by Stephen Lendman On December 6, Venezuelans will elect National Assembly deputies. Polls indicate Nicholas Maduro’s ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) faces its toughest challenge since Chavistas first gained power in 1999. Hard times from low oil prices and US destabilization efforts give opposition Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) fascists their best chance to win a parliamentary majority in almost 16 years. They’ll have to win all swing districts to achieve it, no easy task. Whether possible remains to be seen. Unlike his US-supported fascist opponents, Maduro scrupulously respects the democratic process. He’ll accept ...

Trump Reveals 1 Thing He Noticed in Room Full of Black Men… Liberals Will Be Outraged
Post Date: 2015-12-03 20:37:44 by christine
Donald Trump has once again stirred the pot, and this time liberals are going to go insane. The GOP presidential candidate had a meeting with more than 100 black pastors on Monday, and Trump decided to hold a news conference about it. In fact, the news conference was scheduled to happen after the meeting in Trump Tower. However, the comments before the meeting — which was originally billed as an endorsement from the group of pastors — caused Trump to cancel the session with the media. Many said that the pastors were only going to have a conversation with Trump, not endorse him, and therefore the campaign canceled the news conference. However, the meeting reportedly went very ...

Trump says Mideast peace rests with Israel
Post Date: 2015-12-03 19:40:57 by X-15
STERLING, Va. (AP) — Donald Trump says that if he's elected president, he'll know within six months whether he can achieve an elusive peace accord between Israelis and Palestinians, one of the world's most vexing challenges. But the Republican presidential candidate says he has doubts about each side's commitment to the peace process. "I have a real question as to whether or not both sides want to make it," Trump said in an interview with The Associated Press on Wednesday. The Republican front-runner said his concerns are greater regarding "one side in particular." While Trump wouldn't say whether he was referring to the Israelis or the ...

GOP establishment to back Hillary if Trump nominee
Post Date: 2015-11-29 23:49:42 by christine
Although Donald Trump has signed a pledge to support the Republican Party’s nominee, that doesn’t mean the party’s establishment will support him, should he win the GOP presidential nod. A report by the Hill suggests the big money Republican donors are actually looking to support Hillary Clinton for commander in chief if Trump is at the top of the GOP ticket. Yes, the Democrat Hillary Clinton could be getting millions of dollars from Republicans. The website says: “In conversations over the past month, GOP establishment donors have confided to the Hill that for the first time in recent memory, they find themselves contemplating not supporting a Republican nominee for ...

'Trump, a deluded clown who believes the lie of his success'
Post Date: 2015-11-22 22:25:00 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... "This guy is nothing more than a deluded clown who believes the lie of his own success, and so do his supporters." "This guy is nothing more than a deluded clown who believes the lie of his own success, and so do his supporters." US Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump is nothing but a “deluded clown” who believes the lie of his own success, an American writer and political analyst says. Daniel Patrick Welch made the remarks in a phone interview with Press TV on Sunday, after Trump said he would monitor mosques in the US, bring back waterboarding torture technique and keep refugees on a watch list. "Well, Donald Trump is the gift ...

Bill Bennett: They will kill Trump before they let him be a president.
Post Date: 2015-11-22 19:50:22 by X-15
They will kill him before they let him be president. It could be a Republican or a Democrat that instigates the shutting up of Trump. Don't be surprised if Trump has an accident. Some people are getting very nervous: Barack Obama, Valerie Jarrett, Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and Jon Corzine, to name just a few. It's about the unholy dynamics between big government, big business, and big media.They all benefit by the billions of dollars from this partnership, and it's in all of their interests to protect one another. It's one for all and all for one. It's a heck of a filthy relationship that makes everyone filthy rich, everyone except the American people. We get ripped ...

Trump Tosses BLM Heckler From Alabama Rally: 'Get Him the Hell Out of Here!'
Post Date: 2015-11-21 21:53:35 by X-15
Poster Comment:

Majority of Americans Feel Like ‘Stranger in Own Country’
Post Date: 2015-11-21 08:25:15 by Ada
A Super PAC tied to Ohio Governor John Kasich is annnouncing a new multi-million dollar effort to torpedo Donald Trump’s campaign for the Republican nomination. Trump’s continued dominance of national and state-level polling has vexed the GOP establishment and pushed it to near-panic as voting nears. A recent survey of public attitudes by Reuters/Ispos, though, suggests caution for the GOP establishment. Whatever failings there may be in his specific policies, Donald Trump’s campaign has tapped into a strong, visceral feeling of millions of Americans. Seeking to destroy Trump, the candidate, may further alienate the Republican party from a rapidly growing block of voters. ...

This Is Weird…What Jeb Said He Would Do to Baby Hitler If Given the Chance
Post Date: 2015-11-17 20:37:40 by BTP Holdings
This Is Weird…What Jeb Said He Would Do to Baby Hitler If Given the Chance OK, so Jeb Bush knows how to put his foot in his He’s made a few less than desirable comments in public…and he’s done a pretty poor job of running his campaign, picking his logo and selecting a slogan. So is it any surprise Jeb would trip over himself again? Here’s the scoop. The Huffington Post was interviewing Bush and asking him what one of the weirdest emails he ever received was. He replied it was an email where someone asked him if he’d kill baby Hitler. Bush’s response “Hell Yeah!” While we admit it’s not the worst thing he could have said you’d ...

Donald Trump: ‘O’Malley is a clown’; ‘Hillary is owned by Wall Street’(Jews)
Post Date: 2015-11-16 05:38:58 by Tatarewicz
Yahoo... During Saturday’s Democratic debate, former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley called Donald Trump an “immigrant-bashing carnival barker.” “Let’s say it in our debate because you’ll never hear this from that immigrant-bashing carnival barker Donald Trump,” O’Malley said during a discussion on border security and immigration reform. “The truth of the matter is net immigration from Mexico last year was zero.” The real estate mogul and outspoken Republican hopeful responded via his preferred medium: Twitter. Hillary and Sanders are not doing well, but what is the failed former Mayor of Baltimore doing on that stage? O'Malley is ...

Hillary Takes on Gun Lobby with New Anti-Gun Ad – Too Bad It’s the Same Old Poppycock
Post Date: 2015-11-15 13:31:48 by BTP Holdings
Hillary Takes on Gun Lobby with New Anti-Gun Ad – Too Bad It’s the Same Old Poppycock November 4th, 2015 Elections Well, that didn’t take long for Hillary to show her true liberal colors. Mrs. Clinton released her first ad targeting gun control on Tuesday, a month after pledging to take on what she called the “powerful U.S. gun lobby.” The 30-second spot uses footage from an Oct. 5 town hall in Manchester, New Hampshire, where Clinton said she would pursue expanded background checks and take steps to hold gun manufacturers accountable for crimes committed with their weapons. Here’s the report from Newsmax: “‘This epidemic of gun violence knows ...

Carson acknowledges no Chinese troops in Syria
Post Date: 2015-11-14 12:54:52 by BTP Holdings
Carson acknowledges no Chinese troops in Syria Associated Press By BILL BARROW 19 hours ago Republican Presidential candidate, Dr. Ben Carson speaks to the media before a town hall event at Bob Jones University, Friday, Nov. 13, 2015, in Greenville, S.C. (AP Photo/Rainier Ehrhardt) GREENVILLE, S.C. (AP) — Days after asserting that China is involved in the fight in Syria — and after freshly offering to prove it with his own intelligence — Republican presidential contender Ben Carson acknowledged Friday that there are no Chinese troops in that conflict. His campaign issued a statement addressing China's "longstanding and well-documented security ties to ...

Amazing News for Donald Trump Just Announced – This Is HUGE!
Post Date: 2015-11-13 22:08:54 by christine
Conservative billionaire Donald Trump has been sounding the alarm on the amnesty crisis President Obama has created. He is why the issue of illegal aliens have been front-and-center of every debate. Now, a new poll from YouGov verifies that GOP primary voters are paying attention, and they overwhelmingly agree: They trust Donald Trump on immigration more than any other candidate running for president. Considering how pro-amnesty the political establishment is, this is a political earthquake! American voters are clearly fed up with an unprotected Southern border, and almost half (49%) believe Trump has the right ideas to solve this ongoing problem! That’s an even bigger deal when you ...

WATCH LIVE: Donald Trump Rally in Fort Dodge, IA (11-12-15)
Post Date: 2015-11-12 19:13:22 by Itistoolate
WATCH LIVE: Donald Trump Rally in Fort Dodge, IA (11-12-15)

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