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WATCH LIVE: Donald Trump Rally in Fort Dodge, IA (11-12-15)
Post Date: 2015-11-12 19:13:22 by Itistoolate
WATCH LIVE: Donald Trump Rally in Fort Dodge, IA (11-12-15)

Have You Asked Your Doctor About Voting?
Post Date: 2015-11-12 10:57:45 by Bill D Berger
Because insanity is doing the same thing every four years, and expecting different results. Ask your doctor today…

The Fourth Republican Debate
Post Date: 2015-11-12 07:10:07 by Ada
Last night’s main debate included more attention to foreign policy than I expected. While they spent less than twenty minutes of their two hours on these issues, there were a number of important and revealing exchanges. Rubio showed off his reflexive interventionist side much more last night than he has in previous debates, and resorted to using the dishonest, misleading label of “isolationist” when he asserted that Paul was a “committed isolationist.” Besides being untrue, it confirmed how shallow his arguments against realist and non- interventionist Republicans have always been. As he usually does, he framed other states’ actions in terms of U.S. ...

Jeb Bush: 'It's Not Embracing American Values' to Deport Illegal Aliens
Post Date: 2015-11-11 09:00:55 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
"The way you win the presidency is to have practical plans," and that does not include deporting millions of illegal aliens, Republican Jeb Bush said at Tuesday night's debate hosted by Fox Business Network. "Twelve million illegal immigrants, to send them back, 500,000 a month, is just not -- not possible. And it's not embracing American values. And it would tear communities apart. And it would send a signal that we're not the kind of country that I know America is," he said. Bush indicated that Republicans shouldn't even be having such a discussion: "And even having this conversation sends a powerful signal -- they're doing high-fives in the ...

Liberal ‘Mainstream Media’ for Illegal Immigration Coverage
Post Date: 2015-11-11 08:58:30 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

Bush says he'd kill 'baby Hitler' if he could travel in time
Post Date: 2015-11-10 09:42:24 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Presidential candidate Jeb Bush says he once got an email asking if he would go back in time, if it were possible, and kill the baby Adolf Hitler. "It said, 'If you could go back in time and kill baby Hitler, would you? I need to know,'" Bush told a Huffington Post reporter on the Bush campaign bus in New Hampshire last week. Bush's answer, according to the video clip: "Hell, yeah, I would. Look, you gotta step up man." Bush wryly tweeted Monday: "Gotta do it," referring to the Huffington Post item. The typically dry-humored Bush, labeled by rival Donald Trump as "low energy," has shown a more carefree side lately. Bush has recently ...

The GOP’s “Dramatic Change” That Isn’t
Post Date: 2015-11-10 06:16:27 by Ada
Gerald Seib made a curious claim in his preview of the next set of Republican debates: Mr. Trump is so unorthodox that maintaining his hold would defy both political history in general and Republican history in particular. It isn’t just his outsider status; he is skeptical of free trade and immigration, opposed to intervening in Syria and against making serious changes in entitlement programs. If that now is a winning policy mix, the Republican Party has indeed undergone a dramatic change [bold mine-DL]. I call this claim curious because the positions Trump has taken during the campaign are all either broadly popular or have a substantial following in the GOP, and all of this should ...

Jeff Rense & Roger Stone - The Clintons' War On Women
Post Date: 2015-11-09 14:48:41 by christine
Poster Comment:Stone is on Alex Jones as I type. He's discussing the Clintons, Bushes, and likes Trump--thinks he's the real deal--unscripted--uncontrolled. Stone also said that Trump gets it on the bankers and the necessity to have a sound money system.

Said In Spanish: Trump Bashing; Day Of The Dead; Tijuana Time Bomb; An Hispanic Candidate Double-Talks; An Anti-Trump Mexican Manifesto
Post Date: 2015-11-09 02:06:16 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
See also: Said In Spanish: Mexicans Still Triggered By Trump—And Claiming “Jurisdiction” Over Mexican-Americans MORE TRUMP BASHING The Spanish-speaking media, U.S. and Mexican, is obsessed with bashing Trump. And behind the tired smears and clichés, you can sense the real fear: he might actually do something. To start with an example of Godwin’s Law, Yuriria Sierra of Mexico’s Excelsior calls Trump ese hitlercillo del siglo XXI (“that Little Hitler of the 21st century”) [Hillary, Trump y el voto latino, by Yuriria Sierra, October 15, 2015]. How original. And this hatred is mixed with Latino race-based triumphalism. For example, Puerto Rican singer ...

RUBIO GETS NEW BILLIONAIRE BACKER: Paul Singer a Major Supporter of Open Borders and Amnesty
Post Date: 2015-11-08 23:54:30 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Hedge-fund billionaire Paul Singer’s decision to throw his financial weight behind the donor-class 2016 favorite, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), has sparked fresh questions about Rubio’s coziness with the financial interests funding his career.Singer was a major financial force behind the Rubio-Obama amnesty and immigration expansion push in 2013.As Politico reported at the time, Singer “quietly go[t] involved in the fight for immigration reform, making a six-figure donation… to the National Immigration Forum”— a George Soros-backed organization that lobbied for Rubio’s legislation to issue 33 million green cards to foreign nationals in the span of a single ...

Myanmar Elections
Post Date: 2015-11-08 10:44:23 by Stephen Lendman
Myanmar Elections by Stephen Lendman Myanmar is no democracy. Junta power rules, civilians representing it since 2011. Expect no change post-election, most Myanmarians unaware about the absence of democratic ballot choices. On Sunday, they voted in general elections, touted as the first free ones in 25 years. Ignore the hype and lionization of Aung San Suu Kyi, a Western darling, alone enough to raise red flags. The so-called pro-democracy icon is a fraud, a US/Soros-funded Western creation, a useful stooge, representing business as usual monied interests - an unworthy, disreputable Nobel Peace Prize winner like Obama and legions of other notorious honorees. She heads the so-called ...

Jewish candidates: who won and who lost in Canada's Election?
Post Date: 2015-11-06 21:57:25 by Tatarewicz
CanadianJewishNews... There were three Jewish MPs before the Oct. 19 federal election, but by the end of the next day, there were six, all of them Liberal and all of them new to the House of Commons. Canada’s first-ever Jewish finance minister, Joe Oliver, was defeated in his Toronto riding, as was Tory MP Mark Adler, while Irwin Cotler didn’t seek re-election in Mount Royal. Beating Adler in York Centre was Liberal Michael Levitt, while Cote St. Luc Mayor Anthony Housefather bested Tory Robert Libman in Mount Royal, Liberal Jim Carr prevailed over Conservative MP Joyce Bateman in Winnipeg South Centre, Karina Gould in Burlington, Julie Dabrusin in Toronto-Danforth and in ...

Post Date: 2015-11-05 10:26:40 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Look out Trump! Latino kids born in the USA have got something to say as they hilariously let loose on Trump pounding his anti-Latino racism point-by-point like a piñata. Some will find what they say shocking (F-bombs ahead) but there's no denying the math that you can't win the White House without the brown vote. The first video from DeportRacism.com, an online movement to fight anti-Latino racism in the 2016 election. Get involved and get a "Deport Racism 2016" T-shirt to support the #DeportRacism2016 movement at DeportRacism2016.com Poster Comment:========================================================== If you still think this is still the united states, ...

Turkey’s President Gets His Majority – at a Terrible Price
Post Date: 2015-11-05 06:12:08 by Ada
To reverse his fortune at the polls, Erdogan reignited Turkey’s war with the Kurds, stood silent while mobs attacked his opponents, and unilaterally altered the constitutional role of his office If there’s a lesson to be drawn from the November 1 Turkish elections, it’s that fear works, and there are few people better at engendering it than Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Only five months after his Justice and Development Party (AKP) lost its majority in the Turkish parliament, a snap election put it back in the driver’s seat. The cost of the victory, however, may be dear. To achieve it, Erdogan reignited Turkey’s long and bloody war with the Kurds, ...

America, Is That You?
Post Date: 2015-11-04 19:58:37 by Ada
Cleveland, Ohio To Cleveland, Ohio, where mid-America’s middle class begins its great Midwest sprawl. I always wanted to visit Cleveland because the so-called sophisticates have poked fun at it. And the place does not disappoint. Beautiful municipal buildings of Fascist Roman style line the shores of Lake Erie, public libraries, city halls, opera houses, large public spaces, you get my drift. The people are friendly, unlike the aggressive slobs who pass for Noo Yawkers nowadays. The purpose of the visit is to moderate a debate and visit with Chronicles magazine staff and rub elbows with Chronicles readers, who have shown up in force. Among the numerous speakers is the great Pat ...

4% Jeb Bush plummets in latest national poll Trump and Carson continue to lead the GOP field.
Post Date: 2015-11-04 08:30:48 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
In the latest poll, conducted after last week's third GOP debate in which Bush delivered a mediocre performance, just 4 percent of Republican and independent Republican-leaning voters said they would support Bush in their state's primary. In the September survey, Bush earned 10 percent, trailing Trump, Carson and Carly Fiorina. And in terms of favorability, no one polled lower than Bush, at a net-negative of 33 points. Just 25 percent of all registered voters surveyed said they had a positive opinion of him, while 58 percent said they had a negative one. For its part, the Bush campaign has tried to manage expectations among the media. "FYI political press corps. Jeb's ...

Donald Trump Can Win GOP Nomination, Here Is Why
Post Date: 2015-11-03 17:12:51 by BTP Holdings
Donald Trump Can Win GOP Nomination, Here Is Why Posted by: : Paul Ebeling Posted on: October 27, 2015 Donald Trump, the GOP’s front running presidential candidate is forcing the party’s establishment to confront the divide between the Republican leaders and the voters who, according to almost every poll since June, have wanted him to carry their flame to the White House. Many people believe that Donald Trump is leading in the polls by appealing to the far right. No so, Donald Trump offers Republicans something no other candidate can, does or will. That being an insider’s understanding of the elite along with the determination to upend it, and offering a unorthodox set ...

Hillary Clinton Says Christianity Must Change To Accommodate Abortion-On-Demand
Post Date: 2015-11-02 12:12:35 by Itistoolate
Hillary says that "deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed" to provide abortion services for all women who want them.... “Deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed to provide reproductive health care for all women” “Thou shalt not kill.” Exodus 20:13 (KJV) That Hillary Clinton is a lying, duplicitous, cold-as-ice political game player has long been established beyond discussion. She will say anything, do anything, and be anything she thinks you want her to be in order to win votes and fill the coffers of the Clinton Foundation.

New Book Rips Hillary Clinton
Post Date: 2015-11-02 06:53:24 by Stephen Lendman
New Book Rips Hillary Clinton by Stephen Lendman Make no mistake. A Clinton presidency would be disastrous - the worst of all possible deplorable choices, none worthy or any public office, all aspirants beholden to wealth, power and privilege exclusively. Don’t let their duplicitous rhetoric fool you. They’re all cut out of the same cloth. Otherwise, they wouldn’t get public attention. Populist Green Party aspirant Jill Stein gets none. A Clinton presidency would be nightmarish for the vast majority of Americans and world peace. It’ll combine the worst of George Bush and Obama, an agenda of endless wars of aggression, maybe targeting Russia, China, and/or Iran, ...

Did He Really Just Do That? Jeb Bush Can’t Be Happy With the Truth Hammer Rubio Used Against Him
Post Date: 2015-11-01 21:35:32 by BTP Holdings
Did He Really Just Do That? Jeb Bush Can’t Be Happy With the Truth Hammer Rubio Used Against Him The third Republican debate happened just a few nights ago at the University of Colorado Boulder. There were definitely a few notable moments including when Ted Cruz attacked the moderators for their obviously biased questions and reporting. However, one of the more entertaining moments was when Marco Rubio went on an offensive agains the establishment Republicans. Much of his attack was aimed right at his rival statesman Jeb Bush, and Bush nearly cracked under the pressure. Take a look. Marco Rubio truly hit the nail on the head. Electing someone like Bush wouldn’t do the ...

Pastor Smacks Down Bernie Sander’s Defense of Socialism With This Quote
Post Date: 2015-10-30 21:48:20 by BTP Holdings
Pastor Smacks Down Bernie Sander’s Defense of Socialism With This QuoteOctober 21st, 2015 John Piper, author and former pastor of Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis, had some striking criticisms of Bernie Sander’s socialist political platform. On a recent desiringGod.org podcast, Piper answered a question from a listener who asked, “How should Christians view socialism?” Piper responded, stating first that he was no expert. However, in the church, they teach that “no one should go hungry… be without a place to stay. No one should fail to get the health care they need. No one should go without a job if it is possible for believers to help them find ...

My Interview On Ann Coulter And The Jews
Post Date: 2015-10-30 15:41:26 by Itistoolate

Donald Trump Just Received The Best News Possible!
Post Date: 2015-10-30 14:04:31 by Itistoolate
Leading up to the CNBC debate, there were countless media reports breathlessly reporting that conservative businessman Donald Trump was no longer the frontrunner. The liberal media loved it, as they were gleefully reporting Trump was losing steam to his competitor, Dr. Ben Carson. But Trump just received incredible news that is sure to put a smile on his face, and on the faces of his supporters. Donald Trump didn’t even expect this news! According to the newly released Economist/YouGov national poll, Trump is leading the entire GOP field by 14%! The survey, which included 2,000 adults between Friday and Tuesday, with a small margin of error. This breaking news verified what we ...

The Revolt Against ‘Democracy’
Post Date: 2015-10-30 08:53:20 by Ada
From the US to Ukraine It’s election time in the US, and people are talking about subjects generally ignored in the woof and warp of everyday life. The role of government, trade policy, immigration, foreign policy – but none of these subjects dominated the stage in the latest installment of the seemingly endless GOP debates. Instead, the assembled candidates were pilloried by the moderators with a series of condescending and openly hostile “questions.” As Ted Cruz put it: “Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain? Ben Carson, can you do math? Marco Rubio, why don’t you resign? Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen?” Cruz received a roar of approval ...

Why so much Jewish fear and loathing of Donald Trump?
Post Date: 2015-10-30 01:49:56 by X-15
There is some anxiety among Jews about Donald Trump’s candidacy. In fathoming why this might be, one could perhaps start by asking how Trump departs from the ideal presidential candidate. For Jews, the ideal candidate is (1) predictably and fanatically pro-Israel; (2) predictably liberal/left on social issues, particularly anything related to immigration and multiculturalism; and (3) in need of big campaign money contingent on satisfying (1) and (2). There can be little doubt that Jeb Bush, who was the early favorite of Sheldon Adelson and the Republican Jewish Coalition, filled the bill quite well. But Bush now seems to be fading, with Adelson leaning toward Marco Rubio — he of ...

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