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Jeb the Wheeler and Dealer: Roger Stone’s Astounding Allegations Against Jeb Bush
Post Date: 2015-10-16 17:49:39 by Ada
The former Florida governor may have some explaining to do if these accusations are proved true. That Jeb Bush was a habitual smoker of marijuana is not extraordinary in terms of the realities of drug use on exclusive prep school and college campuses in the 70s and 80s.Jeb was more than just a smoker -- he was a dealer. Former Congressman John LeBoutillier has written that two classmates at his 30th Harvard reunion, both who were at Andover with Jeb Bush, said that Jeb not only ran a marijuana and alcohol ring in which he sold product to his schoolmates but also that he was a habitual marijuana smoker.“I never knew why Jeb walked around Andover with his jaw hanging open until ...

Trump Attacks 'Maniac Communist' Bernie Sanders'
Post Date: 2015-10-15 22:36:44 by Artisan
RELATED: Bernie Sanders Gets VERY Fidgety & Angry When Asked If Citizens Can Initiate Force Against Others 10/12/15 Noted Libertarian Author Tom Woods offers Free E-Book "Bernie Sanders is Wrong" 10/11/15 MORE INFO ON TRUMP: MUST SEE VIDEO: "My name is Donald Trump and I'm a BIG FAN of Israel" (Trump Endorses Netanyahu 1/15/13)Donald Trump Endorsement for Prime Minister NetanyahuPublished on Jan 15, 2013 - In an unprecedented move, the U.S. billionaire and world-renowned entrepreneur, Mr. Donald Trump, took part in a video showing his support for the Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu and The Likud Party in general elections in Israel next ...

Bernie Sanders' Santa Claus Plan Exposed!
Post Date: 2015-10-15 11:16:34 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Bernie (Claus) Sanders wants to give you all kinds of free crap! But can he pay for it? Let's discuss.

Hispanics Wouldn’t Vote GOP If You Held A Gun To Their Heads
Post Date: 2015-10-15 10:52:41 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
At the Democratic debate on Tuesday night, Sen. Bernie Sanders bragged about getting a “D-minus” from the National Rifle Association (which was also Lincoln Chafee’s GPA in high school). Nonetheless, Hillary Clinton attacked Sanders for having voted against an insane bill that would have held gun manufacturers and sellers legally liable for the behavior of anyone who uses one of their guns in a crime. I would be open to such a law—but only after we pass a law holding psychiatrists liable for crimes committed by their patients; lawyers for crimes committed by their clients; and sanctuary cities for crimes committed by the illegal immigrants they released in violation of ...

Trick or Treat! Awww, Ain't ISIS Cute in Their Costume?
Post Date: 2015-10-15 06:47:44 by Ada
Wow, who knew that Halloween was such a patriotic, Amurican holiday?! I sure didn’t. I thought Halloween was some pagan Celtic holdover that got incorporated into being a festival of honoring dead ancestors. Of course, it took a lot of work and mutation to become what it is today, as well as some recent marketing department magic, so to speak. But Halloween as an Amurican holiday? Yeah, uh- huh, sure. I’ll see your Amurican Halloween and raise you Dias de los Muertos. Have a look at the article. Ok, so yeah, some whiners wanted to ban Halloween. This is nothing new, because if it really was “the Muslims” wanting to ban Halloween, they were preceded by American ...

Post Date: 2015-10-14 21:39:28 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
It Looks Like Jeb Bush is About To Drop OutWhat took place at the No Labels Problem Solver Convention in New Hampshire yesterday spells the end for one of the worst presidential campaigns in history. Inside GOP sources in the state of Florida confirm that Jeb Bush is thinking about pulling the plug on his failing campaign. A female audience member named Lauren Batchelder played the role of a female antagonist, as she asked smarmy, democrat talking point questions. These questions were directed  toward Donald Trump. The problem for Bush is that Batchelder works for his campaign. Trump got two questions that Sandra Fluke would have probably asked. Equal pay, and vaginal ...

Bernie Sanders is a Communist and an Ignoramus He's not actually democratic or socialist, either.
Post Date: 2015-10-14 15:11:47 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders has been getting away for years with describing himself as a socialist, when in reality he is an outright America-hating communist. This belief in communism is reflected in the Sanders platform. Even a brief glance reveals his plan to be hopelessly utopian and insane. It will extinguish freedom and shutter businesses and cause widespread suffering especially among the poor people he claims to want to help. It is a program for exporting the best and the brightest to places that appreciate them. But identifying Sanders as a communist can be a risky proposition in modern-day America. The Left so dominates American culture that the word communist itself ...

What Does Jesse Jackson Think Of The All-White Democratic Debate?
Post Date: 2015-10-14 13:40:42 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
But that racial imbalance doesn’t bother the 74-year-old Jackson, who ran for president on the Democratic ticket in 1984 and 1988. Asked by The Daily Caller if his party’s all-white field was of concern, Jackson said that it is not. “The Republicans, all of them are minority candidates. Even the white ones — their positions are minority,” Jackson said. Asked if he would like to have liked to see some minority candidates in the 2016 Democratic cohort, Jackson appeared to place some blame on the African-American community — and not the Democratic party — for failing to put forth a viable candidate. “That’s not the party’s fault, ...

Trump on Dem Debate: 'I'm Saying to Myself, Ka-ching, Ka-ching, Ka-ching...'
Post Date: 2015-10-14 13:28:19 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The first Democrat debate was "not very exciting," but Hillary Clinton "did what she had to do," and the other candidates on the stage, especially Bernie Sanders, should have challenged her more, Republican Donald Trump said on Wednesday.His big complaint? The Democrats' big spending plans."They just couldn't give more away," Trump told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" on Wednesday."In other words, every time somebody gave something away, whatever it may have been -- free health care, free education -- the other one would stand up and, 'We'll give you at home, this -- and we'll give you' --"I'm saying to myself, ...

Edward Snowden gets little love from Democrats
Post Date: 2015-10-14 09:43:59 by Ada
On Edward Snowden, candidates were asked whether he was a traitor or a hero and whether he should be brought home. Hillary Clinton's answer: "He broke the laws of the United States," she said, and he could have raised the issues without breaking the law. "In addition, he stole very important information that has unfortunately fallen into the wrong hands. I don't think he should be brought home without facing the music." "Whistleblowers do not run to Russia," Martin O'Malley said. Bernie Sanders said that while Snowden broke the law, he also played an important role in educating the American people about the extent of surveillance. "He did ...

JEB USING ACORN TACTICS ON TRUMP - Young woman who aggressively questioned Trump yesterday was a Bush plant
Post Date: 2015-10-13 14:25:44 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
The television networks gleefully featured footage from yesterday’s “No Labels” meeting in New Hampshire of a young woman aggressively challenging Donald Trump on abortion and equal pay for women (video below).  But thanks to work by Subdance of Conservative Treehouse, we know that she was a plant, a paid staffer of Senator Kelly Ayotte, and a Bush campaign volunteer. During an appearance at a Jon Huntsman “No Labels” event, a female audience member named Lauren Batchelder played the role of a female antagonist toward candidate Donald Trump. However, Ms. Batchelder is not just an average audience member.  She’s a paid political operative of the GOP ...

Flashback: Obama's 1st Visit To Calif 2009 Interviews w/ Obama Fans. & Outraged Black Man: Obama Broke My Heart! We Need Trump! Trump's gonna take care of the babies!"
Post Date: 2015-10-13 02:05:46 by Artisan
A very excited black man shouted outside a Trump rally for several minutes and got a lot of attention from passerbys. Among his comments were that he had a young child who he can hardly afford to take care of. He also said that "OBAMA BROKE MY HEART! I'd never voted before, I voted for Obama! I got bamboozled! Twice!" As for trump, the man, who was holding a pre-printed Trump campaign sign, said "He's gonna take care of the military! He's gonna take care of the people! He's gonna take care of the babies! White little babies, black little babies, don't have food to eat in America!" Watch the video here: Flashback: Obama's First Visit To ...

Just discovered: Least Jewish news item of the decade!
Post Date: 2015-10-13 01:50:18 by NeoconsNailed
"Randy Richardson, 42, vying unopposed for the Riceville, Iowa, school board (having agreed to run just because he has two kids in school) failed to get any votes at all -- as even he was too busy on election day (Sept. 8) to make it to the polls (nor were there any write-ins). To resolve the 0-0 result, the other board members simply appointed Richardson to the office. Riceville, near the Minnesota border, is a big-time farming community, and registered voters queried by The Des Moines Register said they just had too much fieldwork to do that day. [Associated Press via U.S. News & World Report, 9-20-2015]" Click for Full Text!

Post Date: 2015-10-13 01:09:33 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

WON'T BE A PENNY LEFT? - Rep. Brat: U.S. Faces ‘Guaranteed Financial Crisis’ in 11 Years
Post Date: 2015-10-12 23:49:06 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Because of the national debt, interest payments on that debt, and entitlement spending as required by law, the United States will face a major financial crisis in 11 years, Rep. Dave Brat (R-Va.) said on NBC’s Meet the Press on Sunday.“We have a guaranteed financial crisis coming up in law in 11 years,” Brat said in response to criticism of his and other conservative representatives’ apparent reluctance to compromise on some issues.“And we’re missing the American people,” Brat said. “Go poll the American people. You want to know my response? I follow the American people.”Early in the show, host Chuck Todd said to Brat, “Congressman Brat, let ...

Post Date: 2015-10-12 09:58:57 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Several Republicans who aren’t as closely associated with outgoing House Speaker Rep. John Boehner (R-OH)37%Liberty Score™Voting RecordF37%Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) as House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI)58%Liberty Score™Voting RecordF58%Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) are considering running for Speaker as Ryan’s nascent campaign is crumbling before it even begins. The two who have, at this time, the most likely ability to unite the GOP conference and achieve well more than the necessary 218 votes on the House floor are House Energy and Commerce Committee vice chairwomanRep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)72%Liberty Score™Voting RecordC72%Rep. Marsha ...

Trump won't be next president: Obama
Post Date: 2015-10-12 09:10:13 by Tatarewicz
Washington (AFP) - President Barack Obama is fairly certain of one thing when it comes to next year's election: Donald Trump won't succeed him in the White House. The billionaire businessman, the frontrunner in the race to become the Republican party's White House nominee, has raised hackles with his controversial comments on immigration, gun control and women, among other issues. "He knows how to get attention. He is, you know, the classic reality TV character, and at this early stage, it's not surprising that he's gotten a lot of attention," Obama said of Trump in an interview on CBS television's "60 Minutes" news program. "I don't ...

Trump Supported By Black Pastors From Around The Country
Post Date: 2015-10-12 01:21:24 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

Trump: I sometimes carry a gun
Post Date: 2015-10-11 15:49:50 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump says he sometimes carries a gun to protect himself, after a spate of shootings at colleges ramped up debate about firearms in the United States.The revelation is likely to spark a backlash from advocates calling for tighter control of guns, after three separate shootings at US universities or colleges this month left 11 people dead.Asked why years ago he obtained a concealed weapons permit, Trump told the CBS program "Face the Nation": "Because I like to have myself protected."Host John Dickerson then asked Trump: "Do you carry?""Sometimes," replied Trump, whose popularity has surged on the back of a ...

Trump, Eminent Domain, And Conservatism Inc.: What, Actually, Is Forcing Americans From Their Homes?
Post Date: 2015-10-11 13:07:49 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Conservatism Inc. thinks it finally has found Donald Trump’s Achilles heel: his failure to adhere to libertarian legal wonk orthodoxy—Trump supports the use of eminent domain for economic development. But this is simply yet more evidence that Conservatism Inc. is out of touch with the GOP base—and with reality. As The Atlantic put it: “The trouble for Trump is that ever since the Supreme Court ruled in 2005 that the city of New London could turn over private property to another private company in support of economic development, the Republican right has considered eminent domain heretical.” [Seizing Private Property Is No Problem for Donald Trump, by Russell Berman, ...

Donald Trump supports Putin ‘bombing the hell out of ISIS’
Post Date: 2015-10-09 20:21:10 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Published on Oct 9, 2015Moscow is “bombing the hell out of ISIS” because President Putin wants to prevent terrorism spilling into Russia, said US presidential candidate Donald Trump, criticizing failed US Middle Eastern policies that have already turned Iraq and Libya into a total mess.Credit NBC News https://www.youtube.com/user/NBCNews“It is not even a contest!” Donald Trump said in response to an NBC News presenter’s question about whether it had been better when Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi were in power.“Iraq is a disaster… Libya is not even a country,” he explained. “You can make the case, if you look at Libya, look at what we did ...

CLIP: Trump and a supporter from Colombia
Post Date: 2015-10-09 17:41:42 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
At a campaign rally in Las Vegas Donald Trump discusses being on magazine covers and brings a supporter from Colombia on stage. Watch the complete video here: http://cs.pn/1JULtZv

The Ben Carson Money Machine: Making Millions From White Guilt
Post Date: 2015-10-09 12:23:48 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Peter Brimelow writes: The curse of campaign consultants has long been one of our interests at VDARE.com. So, for that matter, has the peculiar cultural and political allure of the “Numinous Negro”, to use my old National Review colleague Rick Brookhiser’s term, which would now probably get him Derbyshired. Dr. Ben Carson (who to his credit has been excellent on Muslims) exemplifies both. We are pleased to cross-post here a powerful exposé from American Renaissance of the role donation-focused consultants are playing in Carson’s campaign. My guess: a similar gang of grabbers are behind Carly Fiorina, and are no doubt equally surprised by her relative success. ...

Why I Support Donald Trump’s Campaign – And It’s Probably Not What You Think…
Post Date: 2015-10-08 13:17:25 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Begin with the end in mind – I’m not trying to convince anyone that Donald Trump is  running a campaign to actually win the GOP nomination. Factually, I’m as uncertain and perhaps more skeptical as the next person. However, given that Trump has actually done things he normally wouldn’t do if this was a mere publicity stunt (ie. stock divestitures, removal of conflicts etc.), for the sake of intellectual argument, I’m going to assume, cautiously yet optimistically, he’s in it to win it. So why support him? Argument #1 – After all, he’s been a democrat, an independent, a Republican, and well, I have consistently despised ...

One Presidential Candidate Wants to End the Drug War and Pardon Snowden
Post Date: 2015-10-08 10:02:42 by Bill D Berger
John McAfee likely rings a bell for most, simply by virtue of his cyber-security noteworthy surname — which makes his September announcement of his bid for president as a member of the Cyber Party quite logical. As Americans’ faith in, well, just about everything surrounding traditional elections wanes to perilously close to an all-time nadir, McAfee’s platform shows surprising glints of common sense worth more than a simple passing glance.McAfee’s reasons for running, as well as his stance on a number of pertinent issues currently asked of major party candidates, were clarified in an interview with S.M. Gibson on a recent edition of Anti-Media Radio.“Quite ...

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