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Jeremy Corbyn Anti-American?
Post Date: 2015-09-16 13:52:34 by Stephen Lendman
Jeremy Corbyn Anti-American? by Stephen Lendman So say Washington Post editors. His Labour party leadership “could accentuate Britain’s drift away from the trans-Atlantic partnership,” they claim. More on their Corbyn bashing below. Aftershocks continue following his astonishing meteoric rise from longtime backbencher to shadow government leadership - his agenda polar opposite Thatcher/Blairite policies as well as bipartisan US politics. London’s Guardian called his triumph “the most astonishing leadership victory in any major British political party in modern time.” He was a “rank outsider,” said the Financial Times. In June when he announced, ...

Corbyn v. Sanders
Post Date: 2015-09-16 08:23:28 by Stephen Lendman
Corbyn v. Sanders by Stephen Lendman Differences between them are stark. Sanders is more opportunist than populist, nearly always supporting Democrat pro-war, pro-Israel, pro-business, anti-human/civil rights policies - voting with party members 98% of the time, more than most Democrats, polar opposite his high-minded rhetoric, hiding his real agenda. In over three decades as a Labour party member, Corbyn opposed its policies over 500 times - according to the Financial Times and London Telegraph. Sanders pledged support for Hillary if she’s nominated. He refuses to attack her pro-war, pro- business, anti-populist agenda - or denounce Obama’s endless wars on humanity. Silence = ...

Vote for Trump will gift White House to Democrats, Louisiana governor warns
Post Date: 2015-09-16 02:12:09 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Struggling Republican presidential candidate Bobby Jindal has warned that a vote for “mad” billionaire Donald Trump will gift the White House to the Democratic Party. In an article published by CNN on Tuesday the Louisiana governor wrote that conservatives could only prevail in the 2016 presidential election by abandoning Trump. “Sane conservatives need to stop enabling him.” “They need to stop praising him, stop being afraid of him and stop treating him rationally,” Jindal advised. "Conservatives need to say what we are thinking: Donald Trump is a madman who must be stopped,” he asserted. Jindal argued that “Trump [is] a great ...

Marco Rubio BURNS Biden With Joe’s OWN WORDS
Post Date: 2015-09-14 16:53:02 by BTP Holdings
Marco Rubio BURNS Biden With Joe’s OWN WORDS Marco Rubio brought up a very interesting but rarely mentioned admission from Joe Biden that should be used against him if he decides to run for President, as so many are demanding as a challenge to Hillary. Watch below: Not a lot of people remember, but back when the media was worshipping Obama for ordering the Osama Bin Laden raid, most people understood that it was the military who deserved the praise, not the Golfer-In-Chief. That’s why they sent Joe Biden out to try to bolster Obama’s credit by saying that it was a very difficult decision and that it was SO courageous, that Biden himself wouldn’t ...

Support for Hillary Clinton Plunging
Post Date: 2015-09-14 15:02:56 by Stephen Lendman
Support for Hillary Clinton Plunging by Stephen Lendman New ABC New/Washington Post poll numbers released Monday show Clinton’s support fast eroding. Whether she’ll end up damaged goods too discredited to win remains to be seen. Maybe her disturbing past caught up with her. It’s hard imagining a worse presidential choice. Previous articles discussed her loathsome record as US senator and secretary of state - a war goddess beholden solely to monied interests at the expense of most others, especially America’s most disadvantaged. A Clinton presidency assures continuing Bush/Obama wars as well as endless new ones - maybe challenging Iran, Russia and/or China ...

Trump says high pay for CEOs is a joke and 'disgraceful
Post Date: 2015-09-14 06:09:02 by Tatarewicz
Yahoo... WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Republican party presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said on Sunday high salaries paid to chief executives were a "joke" and a "disgrace" and said these were often approved by company boards stacked with the CEO's friends. Trump, a real estate mogul who has said he plans to use his net worth of $8.7 billion to fund his White House campaign, said in an interview with CBS's "Face the Nation" that it was hard to tackle the question of corporate pay because too many corporate boards lacked independence. "It's disgraceful. Sometimes the boards rule but I would probably say it's less than 10 percent; and ...

Rick Perry Quitting 2016 Republican Presidential Race
Post Date: 2015-09-12 11:31:40 by BTP Holdings
Rick Perry Quitting 2016 Republican Presidential Race Image: Rick Perry Quitting 2016 Republican Presidential Race By Todd Beamon | Friday, 11 Sep 2015 08:07 PM Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Friday that he was dropping out of the 2016 race for the Republican presidential nomination. "I am suspending my campaign for the presidency of the United States," Perry told conservatives in a speech at the 44th Eagle Council in St. Louis, Missouri. The two-day event is organized by longtime conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly. Five other candidates are scheduled to speak at the event. "We have a tremendous field, probably the greatest group of men and women in a ...

Britain's Jeremy Corbyn Elected Britain's Labour Party Leader
Post Date: 2015-09-12 09:15:36 by Stephen Lendman
Jeremy Corbyn Elected Britain’s New Labour Party Leader by Stephen Lendman Longtime British Labour party MP since 1983, Corbyn was considered a 100 - 1 shot for its leadership after declaring his candidacy in June, on an anti-war, anti-austerity platform, saying: “This decision to stand is in response to an overwhelming call by Labour party members who want to see a broader range of candidates and a thorough debate about the future of the party. I am standing to give Labour party members a voice in this debate.” He promised a “different economic strategy, particularly opposing austerity” - calling other Labour leadership candidates cardboard cutouts of each ...

Anti-virus creator John McAfee to run for president
Post Date: 2015-09-10 01:13:59 by Tatarewicz
WASHINGTON, Sept. 9 (UPI) -- Antivirus software pioneer John McAfee has filed the paperwork needed to run for president, though his party affiliation has yet to be revealed. Kyle Sandler, one of McAfee's campaign directors, confirmed to The Hill that McAfee filed the paperwork with the Federal Election Commission. Though his party name and platform have yet to be announced, McAfee, 69, has expressed his belief that the federal government is "illiterate" about the technology dominating peoples' everyday lives, from smartphones to military hardware. He describes himself on Twitter as "an eccentric millionaire" who is "still alive." An official ...

Rasmussen: Trump Making Big Gains With GOP Voters
Post Date: 2015-09-04 17:33:08 by BTP Holdings
Rasmussen: Trump Making Big Gains With GOP Voters Image: Rasmussen: Trump Making Big Gains With GOP Voters (Spencer Platt/Getty Images) By Cathy Burke | Friday, 04 Sep 2015 12:42 PM GOP presidential contender Donald Trump's edge with Republican voters is steadily ticking up, and now measures a formidable 66 percent, according to a new survey released Friday. The Rasmussen Reports survey released Friday, shows the new number of Republicans who think it's likely Trump will be the party's nominee is up 7 points, from 59 percent a week ago, and up 10 points, from 56 percent, from two weeks ago. The only chink in the armor, the pollster notes, is that only 26 percent consider ...

WANTS TO 'PRESERVE HIS LEGACY' - Trump makes 'pledge,' Dunn makes prediction
Post Date: 2015-09-04 13:42:27 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
A political scientist suggests that Donald Trump was considering his legacy when he signed a "loyalty oath" this week to the Republican Party. Dr. Charles W. Dunn, emeritus professor of government at Clemson University, says Trump wants to be remembered as something more than a spoiler. "It's just practical business sense that caused him really to come to his senses," Dunn says of Trump, "and to say to himself, Hey, if I want history to remember me constructively, I must do this. Otherwise history will remember me as a spoiler."Trump, a billioniare real estate magnate, is leading a field of GOP candidates. That lead is partly due to out-spoken ...

WHUT'S UP WIT DAT DONALD? - National Review Exposes Donald Trump’s Close Ties With Al Sharpton
Post Date: 2015-09-04 01:16:30 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
H2 Note: This is from 'Young Conservatives,' which is a RINO think tank gunning for Donald Trump and promoting RINO Jeb Bush. Donald Trump has taken the political world by storm and become the clear front runner in the 2016 GOP presidential race but he has had a difficult time distancing himself from his very liberal past. You name the liberal position and Trump supported it. Partial birth abortion.  Universal healthcare.  High taxes on the rich. He has managed to get by with the excuse that he “used to be” a liberal and that even Ronald Reagan started out as a Democrat. googletag.cmd.push(function() { googletag.display('div-gpt-ad-1426883459323-6'); }); ...

Another Trump Effect: Jeb Bush Declares For A Bilingual America. Limbaugh Disgusted
Post Date: 2015-09-04 01:12:52 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Reeling from Donald Trump’s attack on his campaigning in Spanish, Jeb Bush has blundered into a stunning admission: he wants America to be bilingual. During an interview with “Good Morning America,” Bush defended his use of Spanish in an appearance at a bilingual school in Miami “…one of them asked me a question in Spanish and I answered it. That’s the reality of America, that’s the goodness of America. That’s the kind of America we want,” (VDARE.com emphasis) Jeb Bush Fires Back At Donald Trump: Speaking Spanish ‘Reality of America’ by Charlie Spiering Breitbart.com Sep 3 2015 As I noted in 2013 in Nauseating House Leadership ...

WE WANT A BILINGUAL AMERICA - George Stephanopoulos to Jeb Bush: Why Is Trump 'Out to Get You?'
Post Date: 2015-09-04 01:11:03 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
I was in a classroom two days ago, La Progesiva High School, where these young, beautiful kids all speak English, but they also speak Spanish and one asked a question in Spanish. I answered it. That's the reality of America, the goodness of America, that's the kind of America we want. Stephanopoulos alternated between highlighting Donald Trump's attacks on Bush and sympathizing with the former Florida governor. At one point, the journalist reminded that Trump "also called you low energy, a stiff. Says you're a joke on immigration. The last thing we need is another Bush. Why do you think he's out to get you?"  Stephanopoulos also noted ...

NO 3rd PARTY SPLIT - Trump vows no third-party bid, will back GOP primary winner
Post Date: 2015-09-04 01:04:55 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
NEW YORK (AP) — Caving to intense Republican lobbying, presidential candidate Donald Trump ruled out the prospect of a third-party White House bid on Thursday and vowed to support whoever wins the party's nomination — a U-turn made easier by his position at the front of the field. The decision follows weeks of behind-the-scenes efforts by GOP leaders, who've been trying to avert the possibility of an independent campaign by Trump ever since last month's opening debate, when he refused to promise to back the party's eventual nominee. A third-party bid by Trump, or any prominent conservative, could doom Republican efforts in 2016. "I will be totally pledging ...

REPOST: Mitch McConnell On Tea Party Challengers: 'We Are Going To Crush Them Everywhere'
Post Date: 2015-09-03 13:03:09 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Mitch McConnell On Tea Party Challengers: 'We Are Going To Crush Them Everywhere' The Huffington Post | by Mollie Reilly Posted: 03/09/2014 "I think we are going to crush them (Tea Party) everywhere," McConnell told the New York Times in an interview published Saturday. "I don't think they (Tea Party) are going to have a single nominee anywhere in the country." Mitch McConnell On Tea Party Challengers: 'We Are Going To Crush Them Everywhere'Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) says he isn't worried about tea party-backed candidates challenging GOP incumbents in this year's midterm elections. "I think we are going ...

PRESS ONE FOR REPUBLICAN AMNESTY - Trump tells Jeb Bush to speak English in America
Post Date: 2015-09-03 12:56:35 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Real estate magnate and Republican frontrunner in the 2016 U.S. presidential elections, Donald Trump, said Wednesday that Jeb Bush, his rival in the primaries, should speak in English and not Spanish in the United States. "I like Jeb. He's a nice man. But he should really set the example by speaking English while in the United States," said Trump in an interview with Breibart News, referring to Bush's fluency in the language which he often uses in his public speeches. Bush strongly criticized Trump in Spanish during an interaction Tuesday with students of the Presbyterian school La Progresiva, in the heart of Little Havana in Miami, in Florida. "He attacks me every ...

FEC Must Investigate Democratic National Committee for Employing Illegal Alien to Craft 2016 Political Message
Post Date: 2015-09-02 22:44:38 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission requesting that it investigate the Democratic National Committee (DNC) for having “knowingly hired” an illegal alien, Cindy Nava, to help craft the committee’s 2016 political message and communications.  Judicial Watch filed its complaint on August 25, 2015. A June 8, 2015, story in The Washington Post reported that the DNC hired Nava with full knowledge of what DNC chair Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) termed Nava’s “undocumented status.”  The news report details that “Despite not yet attaining legal status, Nava is working ...

White House 'looking forward' to Kanye West's presidential bid in '20
Post Date: 2015-09-02 06:05:05 by Tatarewicz
WASHINGTON, Sept. 1 (UPI) -- The White House typically doesn't comment on others' presidential campaigns -- but in the case of controversial rapper Kanye West, it made an exception. At the MTV Video Music Awards Sunday, West surprised many by announcing he'll run for president in 2020. Regardless of whether his intention is real or not, the remarks have sparked a bit of conversation about the idea of the controversial rapper sitting in the Oval Office. A day after West made the statement, White House spokesman Josh Earnest touched on it briefly. "Let me just say I look forward to seeing what slogan he chooses to embroider on his campaign hat," the press secretary ...

'Voting Machines Are Being Manipulated'
Post Date: 2015-09-02 02:03:49 by Tatarewicz
The BradCast/Sputnik... Whether statistician Beth Clarkson, PhD, head of Wichita University's National Institute for Aviation Research, is ultimately proven correct, today's must-listen, in-depth interview with her on The BradCast should remind us all, once again, why neither election officials nor voting systems are simply to be trusted. Without the ability to carry out public oversight, democracy vanishes. That's what's happening right now in the state of Kansas, where Sec. of State Kris Kobach is attempting to block Clarkson's legal attempt to audit touch-screen voting system "paper trails" in Sedgwick County (Wichita), the state's most populous ...

Surging Ben Carson pulls even with Donald Trump in Iowa poll
Post Date: 2015-09-01 20:09:06 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
WASHINGTON — A new poll in early battleground Iowa has former brain surgeon Ben Carson surging into a tie with Donald Trump for the first time in the GOP presidential contest — a stunning jump for a political novice who is the latest outsider to shake up the race. Trump and Carson, who came to prominence when he laced into President Obama at a televised prayer breakfast in 2013 as the president looked on, each got 23 percent in the Monmouth University poll released Monday. Former Hewlett-Packard executive Carly Fiorina — another outsider who has never held elective office — is third at 10 percent. It’s the first time in a month that Trump hasn’t had the lead ...

Trump: The shot heard round the country
Post Date: 2015-09-01 11:04:07 by christine
If Donald Trump did not exist, he would have to be invented. Illegal immigration, China, the economy, radical Islam? Yes, they are all important issues, as are others, but they are mere talking points compared to what frightens the establishment the most; voter sentiments of which our "esteemed" politicians and journalists may not even be aware. Trump has tapped into, but, as yet, not fully exploited the two most critical issues, not just of the 2016 election, but the ones that will determine whether or not the United States will survive as a republic. They are also the two issues that, if not addressed, will make it impossible to solve any of the other problems the country ...

Post Date: 2015-08-31 17:19:15 by HAPPY2BME-4UM

TRUMP UNSTUMPED: Last Chance For Conservatism–Or First Sign Of White Identity Politics? Maybe Both
Post Date: 2015-08-31 17:14:35 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Trump unstumped: The Donald now has the largest lead of any Republican this election cycle, according to a recent poll showing the real estate developer is beating his nearest competitor (Ben Carson) by sixteen points [Trump lead grows; Clinton slips: poll, AFP, August 27, 2015]. He has displaced Scott Walker to take the lead in Iowa and, perhaps even more telling, has reversed his unfavorability ratings there in an unprecedented way. [This Iowa poll shows just how amazing Donald Trump’s rise has been, by Chris Cillizza, Washington Post, August 30, 2015]. The Beltway Right is unleashing a desperate attack against him, warning that he “is antithetical to the modern conservative ...

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