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Round I in Iowa: Scott Walker Emerges
Post Date: 2015-01-26 16:48:52 by BTP Holdings
Round I in Iowa: Scott Walker Emerges Image: Round I in Iowa: Scott Walker Emerges (Scott Olson/Getty Images) Monday, 26 Jan 2015 01:40 PM By Greg Richter Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's rousing speech at the Iowa Freedom Summit on Saturday has early speculation favoring his "go big and go bold" call to Republicans. Walker received multiple standing ovations during his speech, with news outlets reporting that the crowd was more receptive to him than to other potential GOP 2016 hopefuls including Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee. "If you’re not afraid to go big and go bold, you can actually get ...

Greek Elections: Mixed Messages, Hold the Cheers
Post Date: 2015-01-26 06:20:22 by Stephen Lendman
Greek Election: Mixed Messages, Hold the Cheers by Stephen Lendman Greece perhaps represents the epicenter of global pillage. Troika (EU, ECB, IMF) diktats wrecked its economy. Paying bankers first matters most. They make serial killers look good by comparison. Creating economic crises. Chaos. Taking full advantage to facilitate grand theft, financial terrorism and debt entrapment. Mass impoverishment, high unemployment, neo-serfdom and human misery follow. Troika policies made Greece zombie-like. A hollow shell of a nation. Strip-minded for profit. More beholden to foreign interests than its own. Its enterprises and crown jewels sold to Western interests at fire sale prices. ...

Not Bush? Not Romney? Who does Donald Trump like for president in 2016?
Post Date: 2015-01-26 02:29:07 by Tatarewicz
At a Republican event Saturday in Iowa, the business mogul and reality TV star Donald Trump revealed who he thinks best belongs in the White House. Christian Science Monitor At a high-profile Republican event held Saturday in Des Moines, Iowa, the business mogul announced that he might once more make a bid for chief of state, this time in 2016. "I am seriously thinking of running for president," Mr. Trump said as he took the stage at the Iowa Freedom Summit. "We have a presidential election coming up. We have some good people – nobody like Trump, of course." Recommended: 18 Republicans who might run in 2016 To an audience of about 1,200, Trump dismissed Mitt ...

David Petraeus’s Double Standard
Post Date: 2015-01-22 07:23:49 by Ada
While real whistleblowers go to jail, the teflon general gets made a martyr to Obama's war on leaks. When CIA officer John Kiriakou was convicted of revealing the name of an agent allegedly involved in the torture of a prisoner, then-CIA director David Petraeus heralded the court’s decision as “an important victory for our Agency, for our Intelligence Community, and for our country.” “Oaths do matter, and there are indeed consequences for those who believe they are above the laws that protect our fellow officers and enable American intelligence agencies to operate with the requisite degree of secrecy,” he said in a statement on Oct. 23, 2012. Less than a ...

Perry spends $1 million in campaign cash fighting indictment
Post Date: 2015-01-16 09:28:29 by IRTorqued
Perry spends $1 million in campaign cash fighting indictment AUSTIN — Gov. Rick Perry has dipped into his campaign coffers to spend more than $1 million on an all-star roster of lawyers hired to defend him against a felony indictment alleging he abused his power last year, according to state data made public Thursday. The records detail for the first time just how much that legal dream team is costing Perry, who delivered a farewell speech Thursday and will officially leave office next week after 14 years as governor. He had originally used state taxpayer money to defend himself in the case, racking up at least $80,000 in legal expenses for one lawyer. But Perry eventually bowed ...

You Won’t Believe What the RNC is Doing to Stop Tea Party Influence in 2016
Post Date: 2015-01-13 17:57:20 by BTP Holdings
You Won’t Believe What the RNC is Doing to Stop Tea Party Influence in 2016 The 2012 Republican Convention made it clear to real conservatives (i.e. Tea Partiers) that the Republican National Committee doesn’t want our influence, they just want our votes. The way that they shut out Ron Paul and grassroots campaign efforts left a bad taste in our mouth then, and still does. You won’t believe the lengths they are going through to stop our influence in 2016. With the changes in party rules that were implemented at the 2012 convention, the Republican National Committee now has the ability to change rules between conventions and seemingly on the fly so that they can ensure ...

THE NUCLEAR OPTION — Boehner Opponents Talk Big But Keep Losing
Post Date: 2015-01-13 17:54:03 by BTP Holdings
THE NUCLEAR OPTION — Boehner Opponents Talk Big But Keep Losing by Charles Hurt 12 Jan 2015281 Here in the winter of our conservative doldrums as the party of jackasses has once again been trounced by the screaming weenies of squishy establishment Republicans, a spark of hope. Amid the ruins lies the Gadsden flag, smoldering, tread upon. In swaggers the great orator and visionary statesman Daniel Webster. Wearing his long frock coat, he walks amid the ashes as if it is nothing. He casts about his severely conservative, unblinking gaze. He eyes the barricades before him. Undaunted. Soon-to-be-ousted House Speaker John Boehner trembles at the frock coat and dark stare. Daniel ...

Party’s over? Record voters say they’re Independents, reject 'D' and 'R'
Post Date: 2015-01-12 07:38:03 by Tatarewicz
Record numbers of American voters are rejecting both major political parties – Democrat and Republican. Instead, according to new poll findings, they’re registering to vote as Independents in increasing numbers. Christian Science Monitor Call it a political plague on both your houses, to mangle Shakespeare. But record numbers of American voters are rejecting both major political parties – Democrat and Republican. Instead, according to new poll findings, they’re registering to vote as Independents in increasing numbers. Specifically, according to new Gallup findings, the number of self-declared Independents has climbed to a record 43 percent, the highest number since ...

fate of elpee vote in progress
Post Date: 2015-01-10 14:20:11 by IRTorqued
fate of elpee vote in progress

Rand Paul & Wife Kelley Ready to Revisit Monica Lewinsky if Hillary runs
Post Date: 2015-01-08 07:29:53 by Artisan
Rand Paul & Wife Kelley Ready to Revisit Monica Lewinsky if Hillary runs- (But MUM on Vince Foster, MENA, OKC, & Hillary's Drug-Smuggler Pal Jorge Cabrera) As the 2016 presidential primary heats up, Rand Paul and his wife Kelley Ashby have both broached the 1990's scandal of Bill & Hillary Clinton and Monica Lewinski. Kelley, described in Vogue Magazine as Paul's 'charming, secret-weapon wife' who worked for a political consulting firm, zeroed in on Monica Lewinski. She told Vogue that "Bill Clinton's relationship with Monica Lewinsky should complicate his return to the White House, even as First Spouse." Rand followed up by telling NBC News ...

2016: The Year of the Big Erection
Post Date: 2015-01-07 09:05:22 by christine
“The voters outside looked from Bush to Clinton, and from Clinton to Bush, and from Bush to Clinton again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.” So ends Orwell’s “Animal Farm” with creatures; man and pig changed to voters, Bush, and Clinton or was it Clinton and Bush – does it matter? Yessir, 2016 will be a year of the “big erection” as the Chinese might put it. DEE-MOCK-RUSS-SEE – that time-honored institution that has produced such statesmen as Diem, Maliki, Yanukovich, Thieu, and Karzai. This is where the creatures (voters) choose WHICH egomaniac will rack up new deficits, plunge them into new wars, and protect us from new ...

Bigger in Texas: How Many Pounds of Brisket Have Been Ordered For Governor Greg Abbott's Inauguration Party? (8,000 lbs/4 tons!!)
Post Date: 2015-01-06 01:44:25 by X-15
If you're going to celebrate defeating Wendy Davis in a landslide and becoming the next Governor of the Lone Star State, you might as well live up to the motto, "Everything is bigger in Texas." To celebrate Greg Abbott's victory, four tons of brisket have been ordered for his inauguration party. Four tons is equivalent to 8,000 pounds. Notice how Abbott didn't mention where the brisket was ordered from, after all, that could start a Texas civil war. Regardless, I think it's fair to say there's little doubt Abbott's party will be one of the best around the country as newly elected officials take their oaths of office this month. UPDATE: It's going to ...

U.S. Representative Thomas Massie Announces He Will Not Vote to Re-elect Speaker Boehner
Post Date: 2015-01-03 18:32:46 by hondo68
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Massie issued these reasons to support a new candidate for Speaker of the House: For years I watched Washington from afar and suspected that something was broken. Why is it that so many people approve of their congressman, yet they consistently disapprove of Congress? During my first two years as a congressman I discovered a significant source of the dysfunction. I watched the House Leadership: • Schedule a fiscal crisis in a lame duck session on the last legislative day before Christmas to get maximum leverage over rank and file members, • Mislead members into thinking that a vote on an unpopular bill was postponed, only to then conduct a rushed ...

With eye on 2016, Jeb Bush resigns from all boards
Post Date: 2015-01-01 16:38:56 by X-15
Former Florida governor Jeb Bush, moving closer to a possible presidential run, has resigned all of his corporate and nonprofit board memberships, including with his own education foundation, his office said late Wednesday night. He also resigned as a paid adviser to a for-profit education company that sells online courses to public university students in exchange for a share of their tuition payments. Bush’s New Year’s Eve disclosure, coming in an e-mail from an aide to The Washingotn Post, culminated a string of moves he has made in recent days to shed business interests that have enriched him since leaving office in 2007. The aide said the resignations had been made ...

Hillary Clinton "We Came, We Saw, He Died" (Gaddafi)
Post Date: 2014-12-31 20:26:37 by X-15
Poster Comment:Cackling witch.

Why Hillary Clinton doesn’t need to win the white working class
Post Date: 2014-12-30 21:57:26 by X-15
Few questions in American political debate recur with the regularity of this one: Can Democrats win the white working class? As soon as it’s time to start contemplating the next election, commentators begin to ask this question, demanding of Democrats that they explain why this time will be different and they’ll be able to win over those white voters. I’m going to argue that Democrats don’t have to win the white working class, so they shouldn’t worry themselves too much about it. But first, here’s the latest example of the genre, in today’s Wall Street Journal, which gets a little more specific, asking whether Hillary Clinton can appeal to white voters, ...

Something to share with your friends who still believe there is some big difference between R puppets and D puppets
Post Date: 2014-12-29 00:39:27 by James Deffenbach

Can’t Wait For That Next Election
Post Date: 2014-12-23 22:05:06 by X-15
The Republicans are closing ranks. If establishment Republicans have their way, Jeb Bush is going to be the 2016 nominee. The establishment’s official publication, The Wall Street Journal, all but announced it today with a front page article “Bush’s Ties to Donors Put Rivals in a Bind.” The prodigious Bush fundraising machine, established by George H.W. and expanded and honed by George W., is cranking up for Jeb, to the dismay of potential contenders, especially Marco Rubio, who had hoped to work the Florida territory that former governor Bush already owns. Like his father and brother, Jeb is “safe.” He will mumble something about reducing the size, scope, and ...

Jeb Bush: Republicans Don't Need Conservatives to Win White House, Should Not Defund Exec Amnesty
Post Date: 2014-12-03 01:49:59 by farmfriend
Jeb Bush: Republicans Don't Need Conservatives to Win White House, Should Not Defund Exec Amnesty by Tony Lee Even though moderate Republican candidates lose presidential elections without the conservative base (see: George H.W. Bush '92, Bob Dole '96, John McCain '08, Mitt Romney '12), former Florida Governor and potential presidential candidate Jeb Bush thinks conservatives are not needed to win the White House. Bush believes that a presidential candidate who is "willing to lose the primary to win the general" has the best shot at the White House. "I don’t know if I’d be a good candidate or a bad one," Bush said at a Wall Street ...

Clinton to address forum sponsored by Israeli billionaire
Post Date: 2014-12-02 07:05:40 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... Former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton will address a forum about US-Israeli relationships sponsored by Israeli billionaire Haim Saban. The Saban Forum in Washington is an annual event organized by the Brookings Institution, The Hill reported on Monday. The Israeli mega-donor is a major political donor, who pledged last year to support Clinton should she run for the next presidential election. “I hope she will run. She would be a wonderful president,” Saban said. US Secretary of State John Kerry and Vice President Joe Biden will also be among the participants of the forum. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will appear via sattalite. The event will ...

Rick Perry Revs Up Campaign for 2016
Post Date: 2014-11-29 11:56:44 by BTP Holdings
Rick Perry Revs Up Campaign for 2016 Friday, 28 Nov 2014 09:33 PM By Sandy Fitzgerald Texas Gov. Rick Perry will spend his last month in office meeting with more than 500 major GOP bundlers and donors in December as he takes the first steps toward building a foundation for a 2016 presidential campaign, kicking off the first of the small-group sessions next week in Austin, organizers have confirmed. Lunches and dinners are planned to start at the governor's mansion on Tuesday and Wednesday, reports Politico. But while Perry has been able to attract support for his state races from Texas' wealthy donors, he may face trouble this time around not only from other potential ...

If a Republican Justice Department Did This, It Would Be Attacked as Borderline Racist
Post Date: 2014-11-29 01:32:01 by farmfriend
If a Republican Justice Department Did This, It Would Be Attacked as Borderline Racist Hans von Spakovsky / @HvonSpakovsky / October 25, 2014 Attorney General Eric Holder has waged a litigation war against voter-ID laws as well as state efforts to reduce early-voting periods and eliminate same-day voter registration. These practical reforms, he huffs, are intended to suppress the votes of minorities. But the lawsuit filed by the Department of Justice and a number of civil-rights groups against North Carolina over such measures is unintentionally revealing. The filing makes it clear that these self-appointed champions of minorities have a thoroughly patronizing attitude toward black and ...

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel Is Resigning
Post Date: 2014-11-24 10:47:07 by Ada
A senior administration official subsequently confirmed to Business Insider that Hagel would resign. They said Hagel would announce his decision alongside the president at 11:10 a.m. "A successor will be named in short order, but Secretary Hagel will remain as Defense Secretary until his replacement is confirmed by the United States Senate," the official said. Hagel was sworn in as secretary of defense in February 2013. The official characterized his decision to step down as normal administration turnover in the wake of the midterm elections earlier this month. "In October, Secretary Hagel began speaking with the President about departing the Administration given the ...

Famous People Who Died on November 22
Post Date: 2014-11-22 19:20:51 by Neo TryingtoWarnYou
John F. Kennedy - Assassination (TV-14; 02:31) On November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas. Results for “” C.S. LewisC… Author (1898–1963) John F. Kennedy… Civil Rights Activist, U.S. Representative, U.S. President (1917–1963) Antipope John XXIII… Pope (c. 1370–1419) Mary Kay Ash… (1918–2001) Lorenz Hart… Songwriter (1895–1943) Henry Wilson… U.S. Vice President, U.S. Representative, Editor (1812–1875) Mae West… Film Actress, Theater Actress, Pin-up (1893–1980) Walter ...

Rand Paul Just Had A Sitdown With Al Sharpton
Post Date: 2014-11-20 18:48:05 by christine

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