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If you haven't seen it yet...
Post Date: 2014-11-16 17:57:47 by X-15

Post Date: 2014-11-15 08:35:00 by Ada
It’s easy to strike a pose of cynicism when contemplating Hillary Clinton’s inevitable (and terribly imminent) presidential campaign. As a drearily soulless, principle-free, power-hungry veteran of DC’s game of thrones, she’s about as banal of an American politician as it gets. One of the few unique aspects to her, perhaps the only one, is how the genuinely inspiring gender milestone of her election will (following the Obama model) be exploited to obscure her primary role as guardian of the status quo. That she’s the beneficiary of dynastic succession – who may very well be pitted against the next heir in line from the regal Bush dynasty (this one, not yet ...

Questions for the Nominee
Post Date: 2014-11-13 07:55:14 by Ada
Within hours of realizing that his party lost control of the U.S. Senate last week, President Obama nominated Loretta Lynch, the chief federal prosecutor in Brooklyn, N.Y., and an outstanding and apolitical professional, to be the next attorney general. The current attorney general, Eric Holder, resigned last month. Lynch is sure to be confirmed by either the present Democratic-controlled Senate this fall or by the newly constituted Republican-controlled Senate early next year — and she should be. But the process of confirming her should capture the interest of all Americans concerned about the loss of personal freedoms in our present-day Orwellian world in which the Obama ...

UnElecting A People—Amnesty Is The Ultimate Form Of “Voter Suppression”
Post Date: 2014-11-11 05:10:03 by Ada
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is refusing to admit that the Democrats need to change anything about their policies or their message in the wake of their historic defeat in the 2014 midterm elections. Instead, she thinks the Democrats lost because “eligible voters did not vote in the election this year.” [Pelosi delivers postmortem to her troops, by Mike Lillis, The Hill, November 6, 2014] While it’s tempting to dismiss this as Führerbunker-style raving, Pelosi is actually foreshadowing the Democrats’ next move – an all-out assault on election integrity, coupled with mass Amnesty to overwhelm the historic American nation. Underlying this blunt political ...

Post Date: 2014-11-10 07:38:39 by Ada
Did the election last week really mean that much? Did the election last week really mean that much? I took to my Twitter account on Tuesday to point out that the change in control of the Senate from Democrat to Republican actually means very little, despite efforts by politicians and the mainstream media to convince us otherwise. Yes, power shifted, I wrote. But the philosophy on Capitol Hill changed very little. The warfare/welfare state is still alive and well in Washington. Some were critical of my comment that, “Republican control of the Senate equals expanded neo-con wars in Syria and Iraq. Boots on the ground are coming!” But unfortunately my fears were confirmed even ...

Daily Caller: Al Sharpton 'May Have Chosen Next Attorney General'
Post Date: 2014-11-08 14:11:27 by BTP Holdings
Daily Caller: Al Sharpton 'May Have Chosen Next Attorney General' Friday, 07 Nov 2014 04:56 PM By John Blosser Washington circles are buzzing with speculation that civil rights activist the Rev. Al Sharpton had a hand in choosing President Barack Obama's most likely nomination to be the next U.S. attorney general, New York federal prosecutor Loretta Lynch. The Daily Caller bluntly stated, "An MSNBC host [another of Sharpton's vocations] may have just chosen the next attorney general of the United States." A pattern of recent meetings between the principals involved lends credence to the claim. Sharpton met with Obama at the White House the day after the ...

Russia respects, but does not recognize results of Novorossiya elections
Post Date: 2014-11-08 00:21:28 by Tatarewicz
Pravda.Ru... The Russian authorities do not recognize the elections in the breakaway People's Republics of Luhansk and Donetsk. Presidential aide Yury Ushakov said that the Kremlin respected, but did not recognize the November 2 elections in the people's republics. Previously, policy-makers of foreign countries have threatened to tighten sanctions against Russian politicians, officials and businessmen, as well as state-run companies, should the country recognize the elections in the People's Republics of Donetsk and Luhansk. According to foreign officials, the elections were held in those territories contrary to the Minsk agreements from September 5th. "Russia's ...

How Dope-Smoking Libertarians Elected George W. Bush
Post Date: 2014-11-07 21:39:45 by snoopdougg
Full article here: http://foodforthethinkers.com/20...ns-elected-george-w-bush/

US Electoral Postmortems
Post Date: 2014-11-06 07:10:06 by Stephen Lendman
US Electoral Postmortems by Stephen Lendman US elections mock legitimacy. Farcical by any standard. Meaningless kabuki theater. Entrenched duopoly power alone represented. Big Money controlled. Debauched beyond repair. Candidates bought like toothpaste. Interchangeable pre-selected, pre-packaged cardboard cutouts. Mindless of popular interests. Shamelessly ignored. Disappearing in plain sight. No matter which duopoly power wing controls things. Both replicating each other. On issues mattering most. Including corporate empowerment. Advancing America's imperium. Waging permanent wars. Enforcing police state harshness. Redistributing wealth to corporate crooks and super-rich elites ...

US Midterm Electoral Results
Post Date: 2014-11-05 05:15:41 by Stephen Lendman
US Midterm Electoral Results by Stephen Lendman Ignore scoundrel media who won, who lost horserace rubbish. US electoral politics is too debauched to fix. Big money corrupts it. Democracy is pure fantasy. None whatever exists. Most bums are reelected. New ones replace others. Things change but stay the same.  Special interests rule. People have no say. US-style democracy mocks the real thing. Key points bear stressing. Fact: America's electoral process is farcical. Fact: Kabuki theater. Fact: Illegitimate by any democratic standard. Fact: Things aren't what they seem. Fact: Skim milk masquerades as cream, wrote WS Gilbert. Fact: Candidates are pre-selected, ...

A NEW BUSH FOR TEXAS (bad news for America in a few years)
Post Date: 2014-11-04 22:56:27 by X-15
A NEW BUSH FOR TEXAS Another George Bush is an election winner in Texas. George P. Bush, the son of potential 2016 presidential candidate Jeb Bush and nephew of former President George W. Bush won the land commissioner’s office in a landslide. He became the first member of his famous political family to win his first election. “I could not be prouder of George. He ran a great campaign, built his own first-rate team, united abroad and winning coalition and presented a clear vision for the future of Texas,” Jeb Bush said in a statement. “He’s going to be an incredible Texas Land Commissioner! George P. refuses to say it’s the first step toward higher political ...

Vote or Die!
Post Date: 2014-11-04 17:45:25 by BTP Holdings
"What ass first let loose the doctrine that the suffrage is a high boon and voting a noble privilege?" -- H.L. Mencken Addison Wiggin Dear Reader, "Can you bring it in on Tuesday?" "Sure, why not?" I replied. The "check brake" light had come on in my Land Rover, and we were trying to agree on a service appointment time with the dealer. "Well, it's Election Day." "Oh… I don't vote." From the look on his face, you would have thought I just spit on a kid. "Hey… maybe it's the cynic in me… but I just don't believe them." So began one of my favorite debates of the year. "It's ...

The True Opiate of the Masses
Post Date: 2014-11-04 16:49:28 by christine
I've stopped voting. I believe some people need rulers. Usually, those same people love to feel that they also rule. So they vote. Those who enjoy the thought of and the pursuit of individual liberty, along with people who simply don't care, make up those who don't vote. It is that simple, and that's the conclusion I've come to. I ask people all the time when I tell them that I no longer will vote, "What would happen if they held an election, and nobody showed up?" I think it directly asks the inquisitor, and gets them to start to thinking, why do I need to be ruled? Once the question is asked, all sorts of nefarious endeavors of the state can be exposed to ...

Post Date: 2014-11-04 07:34:53 by Ada
Trustworthyness of electronic voting machines comes under scrutiny yet again The trustworthyness of electronic voting machines has once again come under scrutiny after a touch screen in North Carolina flipped a man’s vote from Democrat to Republican in a key Senate race. “Percy Bostick, 69, of Greensboro said he tried casting a vote for Democrat Kay Hagan at the Old Guilford County Courthouse, only to have the machine register Republican Thom Tillis as his choice,” reports the News-Record. Bostick was forced to vote four times before the machine accurately recorded his choice. With just over a point separating Tillis and Hagan in this crucial contest, any impropriety ...

Does the CIA want Republicans to win the midterms?
Post Date: 2014-11-04 07:08:46 by Ada
If it’s hard to imagine an intelligence committee chair less inclined to provide the spy agency with any oversight, just Google ‘Richard Burr’ CIA director John Brennan wants to keep even the non-names of CIA agents out of public discourse. Will we ever see the Senate’s 6,000 page report on CIA torture without someone leaking it? A leak always been the most likely resolution for the transparency- seeking public, but, in this case, it’s increasingly looking like the only one. In a surprise to absolutely no one, the CIA has, for the fourth time, asked a federal court for more time to make a decision about releasing the torture report. The ACLU and journalist Jason ...

Ya Gotta Vote!
Post Date: 2014-11-03 10:55:51 by christine

Southeastern Ukrainian Elections: Scoundrel Media Misreporting
Post Date: 2014-11-03 09:58:13 by Stephen Lendman
Southeastern Ukrainian Elections: Scoundrel Media Misreporting by Stephen Lendman Managed news misinformation is longstanding scoundrel media practice. Truth-telling on issues mattering most is verboten. Big Lies substitute. Western media support Kiev's coup d'etat government. Infested with neo-Nazi putschists. Illegitimate by any standard. At the same time, they oppose Southeastern Ukrainian freedom. Universally recognized self- determination. Democratic elections affirming it. On November 2, The New York Times headlined "Rebel-Backed Elections to Cement Status Quo in Ukraine,' saying: "The campaign billboards in this city suggested a tight race between ...

Foreign Policy and Electoral Politics
Post Date: 2014-11-03 07:10:31 by Ada
The case for political activism Why participate in electoral politics? This is a question I’m often asked by antiwar activists of all stripes, and especially by young people who wonder why they should bother with a process that oftentimes seems rigged from the get-go. With Election Day coming, and control of the US Senate up for grabs, it’s my chance to explain why antiwar activists – and especially libertarians – shouldn’t be just sitting on the sidelines. My answer is contingent on the circumstances, however, as questions of strategy and tactics always are. If you live in a dictatorship where elections feature a single candidate, then electoral politics ...

Democratic v. Sham Elections
Post Date: 2014-11-03 06:48:16 by Stephen Lendman
Democratic v. Sham Elections by Stephen Lendman Sunday's democratic Southeastern Ukrainian Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics' elections shamed America's sham process. Legitimately choosing leaders and MPs. Observers judging the process open, free and fair. "(W)ell organized. Calm and peaceful. (N)o provocations or violations," according to German monitor Manuel Ochsenreiter. "We were visiting polling stations. They are all very crowded." "It's a huge interest of the population at the elections. You can see it by masses of people standing inside and in front the polling stations." US attorney/Ukraine Observer magazine publisher ...

Southeastern Ukrainians Vote
Post Date: 2014-11-02 12:21:00 by Stephen Lendman
Southeastern Ukrainians Vote by Stephen Lendman Fascist illegitimacy grips Ukraine. Southeastern Donbas People's republics reflect an oasis of freedom. Residents intend keeping it this way. They haven't struggled hard for months to quit. Today they're holding real democratic elections. For leaders and MPs. Polar opposite Kiev illegitimate process. Limited self-rule permitted under Minsk protocol ceasefire terms. Claims otherwise are false. Big Lies. Proliferated to sabotage real democracy. Absent throughout Ukraine. Except for Donbas. Polling stations opened at 8:00AM Moscow time. Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics are heavily protected. Against expected sabotage ...

New Trek source: (Wisconsin Democrat governor candidate) Mary Burke ‘was tossed out’
Post Date: 2014-11-02 11:37:53 by X-15
MADISON, Wis. – Another high-ranking Trek Bicycle Corp. executive on Thursday bolstered claims that Democratic gubernatorial candidate Mary Burke was fired by the global bicycle firm launched by her father nearly 40 years ago. Until this week, Burke claimed her success at Trek was evidence she ought to unseat Republican incumbent Gov. Scott Walker in next week’s election. Wisconsin Reporter revealed Tuesday that Burke’s family terminated her in 1993, following her disastrous performance in the company’s European business unit, according to multiple former Trek executives and employees. Burke responded Wednesday to the allegations by clarifying that her position was ...

Who’s buying the midterm elections? A bunch of old white guys
Post Date: 2014-11-02 05:17:38 by Tatarewicz
PressTV... This is the year of the mega-donor: just forty-two people are responsible for nearly a third of Super PAC spending in the 2014 election cycle. Super PACs, meanwhile, are outspending the national parties. The list of would-be kingmakers includes Tom Steyer, the former hedge-fund manager who’s poured out $73 million to elect environmentally friendly Democrats; Michael Bloomberg, who’s distributed upwards of $20 million on behalf of both sides; and Paul Singer, the “vulture-fund billionaire” and powerful Republican fundraiser. Take a look at the list of top donors. They might have distinctly different political agendas, but they have one thing irrefutably in ...

Rush: Media in 'Panic' Over GOP Lead
Post Date: 2014-11-01 20:36:05 by BTP Holdings
Rush: Media in 'Panic' Over GOP Lead Saturday, 01 Nov 2014 11:54 AM By Sandy Fitzgerald The "drive-by media" and Democrats are in a panic over a new Associated Press election research team report that says Republicans have a 10 point lead in early ballots cast so far for Tuesday's election, talk show host Rush Limbaugh said Friday. "The Democrats are making absolute fools of themselves," Limbaugh said on his radio show. "The Democrat Party with Charlie Rangel, Mary Landrieu, Paul Begala, The Forehead, they are all telling us so much about where their heads are, where their minds are. They are stuck in an America 50 years ago in an attempt to avoid ...

Post Date: 2014-11-01 09:39:22 by Ada
US government is unaccountable, released from constitutional and legal constraints If you require more evidence that the United States is a dysfunctional society, observe American elections. Election season is slander season. Each party’s attack teams focus on misrepresenting, defaming, and ridiculing the opposing party’s candidates. Attack ads have replaced debates and any discussion of what the issues are, or should be, and how candidates perceive the public’s interest. Each attack team tells lies designed to enrage various voters about the other team’s candidate. Whoever is elected is indebted not to voters but to the special interests that provided the campaign ...

I Can't Stand Democrat X, So I Am Voting for Republican Y
Post Date: 2014-10-31 01:03:16 by snoopdougg
I Can't Stand Democrat X, So I Am Voting for Republican Y. Full article here: wp.me/p13mHb-1nL

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