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Ron Paul Full “In Depth” Interview C-SPAN
Post Date: 2014-08-04 16:07:57 by Lorie Meacham

Bill Clinton Advised McCain During Height Of 2008 Financial Crisis, New Book Says [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2014-07-22 23:43:24 by X-15
WASHINGTON -- In retrospect, it is widely perceived to have been a mistake. As the financial crisis shook the country in the backstretch of the 2008 presidential election, Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) chose abruptly to suspend his campaign and head back to Washington to forge a solution. The idea was to look dignified and presidential. But it shocked Republicans, and Democrats largely pounced on the Arizona Republican for making a panicked, ceremonial and ultimately feckless move. What wasn’t widely known at the time was that one top Democrat was giving McCain political and economic advice, according to a newly released book. That book, Clinton, Inc., says former President Bill Clinton ...

The Ruling Class Went Down to Mississippi
Post Date: 2014-07-01 00:13:42 by Gentile Defense League
The Republican establishment, as it works with Democrats to overcome challenges from GOP and independent voters dissatisfied with the course of events in America, confirms that it is part of the ruling class responsible for those events, and that it intends to push America further along that course. By its campaign for Senator Thad Cochran in Mississippi’s senatorial primary, the GOP establishment removed all doubt about this. That ruling class consists of most elected office holders from both parties, of the great mass of government workers, of the public-sector labor unions, of the educational establishment and the media, of the major financial institutions, and of the army of ...

NC lawmaker: Pedophilia is like homosexuality
Post Date: 2014-06-30 01:33:00 by Lorie Meacham
RALEIGH, NC (AP) - As North Carolina lawmakers debated a proposal to prevent charter schools from discriminating against applicants based on sexual orientation, one representative suggested Tuesday that adult sexual attraction to children is a sexual orientation like homosexuality. The amendment was tabled by Republicans, preventing a vote on it. But during the debate, Republican Rep. Paul Stam, R-Wake, said pedophilia, masochism and other illegal sexual practices are sexual orientations like homosexuality and he questioned the role adults who are sexually attracted to children might have in schools. Several lawmakers called those comments offensive. After the House session, Twitter lit ...

Wik Snapshot: United States presidential election, 2016
Post Date: 2014-06-27 20:55:25 by Deasy
United States presidential election, 20162012 ←November 8, 2016→ 2020 Incumbent President Barack ObamaDemocratic 2016 U.S. presidential electionTimelineGeneral election debatesNational pollingStatewide pollingPartiesDemocratic PartyCandidatesDebatesPrimariesNational pollingStatewideStrawEndorsementsConventionRepublican PartyCandidatesDebatesPrimariesNational pollingStatewideStrawEndorsementsConventionMinor partiesLibertarian PartyConventionGreen PartyConventionConstitution PartyConventionAll candidatesOther racesHouseSenateGubernatorialvte The United States presidential election of 2016 will be the 58th quadrennial U.S. presidential election and is scheduled for Tuesday, ...

Is Hillary Inevitable?
Post Date: 2014-06-27 10:16:05 by christine
Looking back over the last century there were two great coalition builders in presidential politics: FDR and Richard Nixon. Franklin Roosevelt broke the Lincoln lock on the presidency that had given Republicans the White House in 56 of the previous 72 years. From 1932 to 1964, FDR’s party would win seven of nine elections. Nixon broke through in ’68 and built the New Majority that gave the GOP the White House for 20 of the next 24 years. The Nixon-Reagan coalition, however, has aged and atrophied. In five of the last six presidential elections, the Democratic nominee won the popular vote. And no fewer than 18 states, including four of the most populous — California, ...

When Transparency and Technology Activists Come Together, Contacting Congress Gets Easier and Easier
Post Date: 2014-06-19 16:33:11 by Lorie Meacham
Exactly one year ago, Amy Ngai of the Sunlight Foundation visited EFF's offices in San Francisco to introduce our staff to the rather large and versatile collection of transparency tools they've developed. Midway through her presentation, there was a moment when you could clearly perceive several pieces click into place in our activism team's collective mind. Sunlight is developing new technologies for engaging with Congress and the legislative process, while EFF has been at the forefront of mobilizing the online community to defend Internet freedom. With a shared hacker and tinkerer mentality and a love of exposing government secrets, a natural partnership was formed. In ...

The Curious Case of David Brat
Post Date: 2014-06-18 18:41:33 by BTP Holdings
The Curious Case of David Brat By Michael Busler and Wendy Bidwell In a shocking result, newcomer David Brat defeated six term congressman Eric Cantor by a whopping 11% margin. While most analysts blame Cantor's loss on a number of factors from low voter turnout to Cantor's views on immigration, the real reason for his defeat may be simpler to see. And it is very curious. David Brat spent about $230,000 on his campaign compared to the almost $5.7 million spent by Cantor. With that amount of spending by Cantor and with his savvy election team, he should have easily won. Yet he lost. Maybe the loss was simply because the voters had different views than Cantor. According to The ...

Astorino proposes term limits, ending per-diems for lawmakers
Post Date: 2014-06-16 16:52:18 by Lorie Meacham
June 16, 2014 Republican candidate for New York state governor, Rob Astorino, traveled to Albany Monday afternoon to outline his first policy initiative. The Westchester County Executive took to the west steps of the Capitol at 2 p.m. to discuss a 10-point ethics plan. IMG_8580 shadow Astorino outlines an ethics reform proposal in Albany on Monday. Photo by Cady Kuzmich. The plan would limit statewide elected officials such as the governor or state comptroller to two two-year terms and legislators to four two-year terms, end the legislative session in April, and replace the current per-diem system for legislators. "The less time they are here, the less damage they can do," ...

Open Letter to the Congress of the United States. From Senior Chief Ross USN (Ret)
Post Date: 2014-06-15 13:33:17 by Lorie Meacham
Dear Members of Congress, It is time for you all to go. Clean out your cubicles. Pick up your lap tops and I- pads with your palm tree and lily pad screen savers and step aside. We the American people are no longer going to fight your illegal wars or sit idly by while you let Obama, the long legged Mack daddy, walk all over you. . We will no longer invade foreign nations under the smurf hat of the United Nations or liberate anymore Muslim countries from their own miss-giving’s and encumbrances. We are done. Effective immediately before any member of the US armed forces parachutes into another sovereign country, the nation we are invading must have (1) Threatened the United States ...

GOP Senator Calls Veteran’s Care ‘Entitlement’ We ‘Can’t Afford’
Post Date: 2014-06-15 01:54:36 by Lorie Meacham
The next time any Republican accuses President Obama or the Democrats of not supporting our veterans, please point them in the direction of Republican senator Jeff Sessions from Alabama who, along with only two other Senators – both Republican – voted against the bi-partisan veterans bill which aimed to ease the healthcare delays for veterans by giving them more access to private care and allowing the Department of Veterans Affairs the funds to open more clinics and hire more medical staff. It passed the House of Representatives unanimously. But Sessions wasn’t feeling that bi-partisan “support the troops” facade that the GOP loves to paint:“I feel strongly ...

Brat Wrote That Hitler's Rise Could Happen Again
Post Date: 2014-06-12 09:33:37 by Itistoolate
Brat Wrote That Hitler's Rise Could Happen Again David Brat (R), who upset House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) in a primary Tuesday, wrote in 2011 that Hitler's rise "could all happen again, quite easily," the Wall Street Journal reports. He wrote: "Capitalism is here to stay, and we need a church model that corresponds to that reality. Read Nietzsche. Nietzsche's diagnosis of the weak modern Christian democratic man was spot on. Jesus was a great man. Jesus said he was the Son of God. Jesus made things happen. Jesus had faith. Jesus actually made people better. Then came the Christians. What happened? What went wrong? We appear to be a bit passive. Hitler ...

GOP Jockeying in the House After Cantor's Defeat
Post Date: 2014-06-11 17:17:39 by BTP Holdings
GOP Jockeying in the House After Cantor's Defeat Wednesday, 11 Jun 2014 04:27 PM U.S. House Majority Leader Eric Cantor plans to step aside from his leadership post on July 31, following his primary election loss and with several leading Republicans jockeying to run for his No. 2 position. “Word is out that Eric’s going to step down next month,” said House Energy and Commerce Chairman Fred Upton, exiting a meeting with several Republicans in another leader’s office. “No one expected this to happen,” Upton said of the Virginia lawmaker’s election defeat, “and we’ve got to put the train back on the track as fast as we can.” Among those ...

Brat Defeats Cantor—Patriotic Immigration Reform’s Greatest Victory To Date
Post Date: 2014-06-11 09:25:38 by Gentile Defense League
The New York Times described economics professor David Brat’s primary victory over Republican Majority Leader Eric Cantor as “one of the most stunning primary election upsets in congressional history.” Eric Cantor Defeated by David Brat, Tea Party Challenger, in Primary Upset, By Jonathan Martin June 10, 2014 It’s also the greatest electoral victory to date for the patriotic immigration reform movement. Having worked in Republican immigration politics for many years, I’ve seen a very sad and familiar pattern in challenges to pro- Amnesty politicians. It goes like this: 1) Establishment candidate supports amnesty 2) Challenger runs anti-amnesty campaign 3) ...

Dave Brat on the Issues
Post Date: 2014-06-10 23:37:37 by Deasy
Issues Obamacare Obamacare has proven to be an economically disastrous law and an unconstitutional power grab by our Federal Government. The government cannot and should not be permitted to run and regulate nearly 20% of our nation’s economy. We must restore the relationship between doctor and patient. We must restore the relationship between price and service in medicine or we will continue on the Road to Serfdom. I support a plan to defund the law and replace it with free-market solutions that lower costs, improve quality, and increase access to care. Fiscal Responsibility Our national debt has skyrocketed, reaching over $17 trillion dollars.  What our leaders in Washington ...

Hillary: Benghazi Is the Reason I Should Run
Post Date: 2014-06-10 18:39:14 by Lorie Meacham
Hillary spins it like a top. Her role in the Benghazi controversy is no reason she shouldn’t run for president, Hillary Clinton told ABC News’ Diane Sawyer in an interview aired Monday. On the contrary, she said, it’s the very reason she should run. The former secretary of state under President Barack Obama told Sawyer she views the continuing controversy as a diversion from the work Congress should be doing. “Actually, it’s more of a reason to run, because I do not believe our great country should be playing minor-league ball. We ought to be in the majors,” Clinton said in a portion of the interview, aired on ABC’s “World News Tonight.” ...

Hillary Clinton: We Were Dead Broke
Post Date: 2014-06-09 09:41:44 by Jethro Tull
Hillary Clinton: We Were Dead Broke Clinton: 'We Gave Speeches to Pay Off Debt, Numerous Homes' Share Tweet Email BY: Washington Free Beacon StaffJune 9, 2014 8:40 am Hillary Clinton, who recently raked in $5 million dollars in speaking fees in 15 months, recounted to Diane Sawyer the sad tale of her former destitution, telling her, “We came out of the White House not only dead broke but in debt.” According to Clinton, she and her husband, who has made over $100 million since leaving the White House, “struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages for houses, for Chelsea’s education, you know, it was not ...

Syrians Vote
Post Date: 2014-06-04 08:23:35 by Stephen Lendman
Syrians Vote by Stephen Lendman June 3 was historic. It was Syria's first ever free, fair, open democratic presidential election. Hassan al-Nouri and Maher Hajjar competed with Assad. He's overwhelmingly popular. He'll win easily. Only his victory margin remains to be determined. Syrians want no one else leading them. Especially while conflict continues. He's fighting for Syrian freedom. He's defeating Obama's dirty game. On Tuesday, 9,601 polling stations opened at 7:00AM. Heavy turnout kept them open until midnight. To accommodate everyone wanting to vote. Syrians in hot zones voted in safe areas. The Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA) reported ...

Newtown Tax Assessors Database: ‘The whole town of Sandy Hook was bought off on Christmas Day 2009′, says investigator
Post Date: 2014-05-27 21:29:25 by Itistoolate
Newtown Tax Assessors Database: ‘The whole town of Sandy Hook was bought off on Christmas Day 2009′, says investigator Tax records prove that families involved in the Sandy Hook school shooting were given free houses for Christmas 2009By Shepard Ambellas NEWTOWN, Conn. (INTELLIHUB) — That’s right, on Christmas Day of 2009, when just about every business in the country was closed, numerous real estate transactions for the amount of $0.00 (free) took place in and around the town, most of which included families or public figures, such as Gene Rossen, who were in some way connected to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting. “Everybody gets a house for free”, ...

French far right in 'earthquake' win as Europe votes
Post Date: 2014-05-26 06:36:51 by Ada
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - Marine Le Pen's far right National Front scored a stunning first victory in European Parliament elections in France on Sunday as critics of the European Union registered a continent-wide protest vote against austerity and mass unemployment. Without waiting for the final result, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls went on television to call the breakthrough by the anti-immigration, anti-euro party in one of the EU's founding nations "an earthquake" for France and Europe. Anti-establishment far right and hard left parties, their scores magnified by another low turnout, gained ground in many countries although in Germany, the EU's biggest member ...

Sham Ukrainian Presidential Election
Post Date: 2014-05-26 04:15:50 by Stephen Lendman
Sham Ukrainian Presidential Election by Stephen Lendman Presidential aspirants were all putschist-approved. They're fascists. Ballot choices excluded democrats. Several legitimate candidates dropped out. They were threatened. They feared for their lives. Ukrainians chose a president, Kiev mayor, Kiev Council deputies and six regional center mayors - in Mykolaiv, Odessa, Sumy, Kherson, Cherkasy and Chernivtsi. If no presidential aspirant wins a majority, second round voting is scheduled for June 15. About 35 million Ukrainians were eligible to vote. So were diaspora ones. They number around 470,000. Scores of polling stations opened in 75 countries. On election eve, coup-appointed ...

Media Scoundrels on Sham Ukrainian Elections
Post Date: 2014-05-26 04:14:54 by Stephen Lendman
Media Scoundrels on Sham Ukrainian Elections by Stephen Lendman Their comments didn't surprise. They supported sham Ukrainian elections. Throughout the run-up, voting and aftermath. They endorse sham US ones. They pretend fantasy democracy is real. They do it every time. Unapologetically. With a straight face. The New York Times headlined "Election of President Seen as Beginning to Repairing Ukraine," saying: Some Ukrainians called Sunday's election "the triumphant culmination of six months of protests and at times violent upheaval." The Times claimed many people believe Ukraine is different than earlier. With "systemic government reforms." With ...

Prez Run: Rubio, Jindal & Cruz All Constitutionally Ineligible
Post Date: 2014-05-21 21:15:51 by Lorie Meacham
Here we go again. Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal all want to be the next U.S. president. The only problem is, just like the impostor in the White House, Barack Obama (known aliases used: Barry Soetoro, Barry Obama, Barack Dunham and aka Barry Dunham), all three are constitutionally ineligible, contrary to declarations from their campaign managers, ignorant journalists and partisan mouth pieces. Jonathan Tilove, The Times-Picayune: "They (Jindal's parents) arrived Feb 1, 1971, and a bit over four months later, on June 10, 1971, Piyush Jindal was born at Woman's Hospital in Baton Rouge, a natural-born U.S. citizen, who like every other child born in America, could, ...

McConnell Coasts to Victory Over Tea Party Rival
Post Date: 2014-05-21 16:41:44 by BTP Holdings
McConnell Coasts to Victory Over Tea Party Rival Wednesday, 21 May 2014 12:14 AM Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell easily dispatched a tea party challenger in Kentucky on Tuesday to win nomination to a sixth term, setting up one of November's most expensive and hard-fought Senate races against Democrat Alison Lundergan Grimes. McConnell's decisive victory over conservative businessman Matt Bevin was one of the highlights of the busiest election night of the year so far, as voters in six states picked candidates for November elections that will decide control of Congress. Several states featured Republican primary clashes between establishment-backed conservatives and tea ...

GOP Optimistic Primaries Will Deliver Victories for Senate Takeover
Post Date: 2014-05-20 17:26:24 by BTP Holdings
GOP Optimistic Primaries Will Deliver Victories for Senate Takeover Tuesday, 20 May 2014 12:56 PM By Melanie Batley Establishment Republicans are optimistic that the results of Tuesday's Senate primaries in three closely-watched states will deliver the right candidates to defeat Democrats in November, bringing the party one step closer to taking control of the Senate. Hard fought primaries in Kentucky, Georgia, and Oregon have been the focus of national politics as pundits pitted races against the backdrop of the tea party vs. establishment that set the tone during the government shutdown. "It's a victory for the pragmatic common-sense conservatives who are the majority ...

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