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C2C Sched
Post Date: 2014-05-18 06:21:09 by Tatarewicz
Plight of 3rd Party Candidates Date: 05-22-14 (Thursday) Host: George Noory Guests: Jim Gray James P. Gray has been a trial judge in Orange County, California since 1983 and was the 2012 Libertarian candidate for Vice President. He'll discuss the plight of 3rd party candidates running for office in the US, as well as many of the issues proposed by 3rd parties including the merits of drug legalization, education reform, a flat tax system, unnecessary wars, and losses of freedoms and privacy. Website(s): judgejimgray.com Book(s): Wearing the Robe Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed

Eastern Ukrainian Referendum Post-Mortems
Post Date: 2014-05-14 04:14:10 by Stephen Lendman
Eastern Ukrainian Referendum Post-Mortems by Stephen Lendman On Sunday, Donetsk and Lugansk residents voted. Democracy triumphed overwhelmingly. Both regions declared independence. Self-determination is inviolable. It's a universal right. Not according to Washington. Reaction was as expected. It didn't surprise. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki lied calling both referendums "illegal." They reflect real democracy in action. "We do not recognize the illegal referendum that took place in portions of Donetsk and Luhansk over the weekend," she said. "It was illegal under Ukrainian law and an attempt to create further division and disorder in the ...

Upcoming Syrian Presidential Election
Post Date: 2014-05-14 04:12:48 by Stephen Lendman
Upcoming Syrian Presidential Election by Stephen Lendman It's scheduled for June 3. Aspirants had until May 1 to register. Twenty-four hopefuls did so. By April 28, seven candidates were approved. They included Bashar al-Assad, Maher Abdul-Hafiz Hajjar, Hassan al-Nouri , Mohammad Firas Yassin Rajjouh, Abdul-Salam Youssef Salameh, Sawsan Omar al-Haddad, and Sameer Ahmad Mo'alla. Before May 1, 17 more were approved. Late registrants include Ziad Adnan Hakawati, Ahmad Ali Qsei’eh, Mohammad Mohammad Nassr Mahmoud, Ali Hassan al-Hassan, Ahmad Omar Dabba, Mahmoud Naji Moussa and Hossein Mohammad Tijan. Twenty-four in all will compete. They'll challenge Bashar al-Assad. ...

Democracy Landslide in Eastern Ukraine
Post Date: 2014-05-13 03:34:15 by Stephen Lendman
Democracy Landslide in Eastern Ukraine by Stephen Lendman On Sunday, Donetsk and Lugansk regional referendums were held. Democracy triumphed overwhelmingly. Almost 90% of Donetsk residents voted for self-determination. For local autonomy. For self-rule. Accounting to Central Election Commission head Roman Lyagin: "Counting the ballots proved to be surprisingly easy. The number of people who said 'no' was relatively small, and there appeared to be only a tiny proportion of spoiled ballots, so we managed to carry out counting quite fast." "The figures are as follows: 89.07 percent voted 'for' (self rule),10.19 percent voted 'against' and 0.74 ...

Bashing Real Democracy
Post Date: 2014-05-13 03:33:21 by Stephen Lendman
Bashing Real Democracy by Stephen Lendman Media scoundrels reacted as expected. They didn't surprise. They march in lockstep with official Washington policy. They bashed Sunday's legitimate Donetsk and Lugansk referendums. They reflect real democracy. They exposed America's sham process. Perhaps they'll inspire people everywhere to follow their courageous example. Not according to The New York Times. It twists important truths daily. It does so irresponsibly. On May 11, it headlined "Ukraine Vote on Separation Held in Chaos," saying: "Separatists in two provinces of eastern Ukraine conducted chaotic and sometimes violent plebiscites on Sunday that ...

Lugansk and Donetsk Declare Regional Independence
Post Date: 2014-05-12 15:48:50 by Stephen Lendman
Lugansk and Donetsk Declare Independence by Stephen Lendman On Sunday, Lugansk and Donetsk voted. Regional referendums were held. Doing so reflected real democracy. Ordinary people spoke. They did so overwhelmingly. They did near unanimously. They rejected Kiev fascists decisively. They were unequivocal. They left no doubt where they stand. On Monday, Lugansk People's Governor Valery Bolotov went the extra mile. He declared what free people everywhere support. He proclaimed regional self-determination. He spoke for virtually all residents, announcing: "We have chosen our own path of independence from tyranny and bloody dictatorship by Kiev junta, from fascism and ...

'Click It or Ticket' campaign warns Texans to buckle up or pay up
Post Date: 2014-05-10 13:02:45 by X-15
AUSTIN - Motorists who don't buckle up in compliance with state seat belt laws face fines and court costs up to $200 as stepped up enforcement gets underway this month during the Texas Department of Transportation's 13th annual "Click It or Ticket" campaign, May 19 to June 1. "Seat belts save lives," said John Barton, TxDOT deputy executive director. "That's a fact. Buckling up will keep you from getting a ticket, and more importantly, it could save your life. Whether you're the driver or a passenger, everyone in the vehicle is required by law to wear a seat belt for every trip. The cost of not using one just isn't worth it." The ...

Convicted Felon with ‘Mood Disorder’ Receives $8,700/Month Disability & My Daughter with Brain Tumor Denied
Post Date: 2014-05-08 19:09:25 by Horse
When I read about former US Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr., a convicted felon, receiving $8,700 a MONTH in disability for his mood disorder, I was and still am livid. Jackson Jr. and his wife Sandra pled guilty to the criminal charges of illegally using campaign funds for personal gain. Sandra stole a mere $168,000 from the campaign fund, while her hubby pilfered a whopping $750,000. Among the 3,100 personal lavishes that were financed with campaign funds between 2005 to April 2012, were fur capes and parkas purchased by Sandra for $5,150. Jesse Jr used $9,587.64 of campaign funds to buy children’s furniture and another $43,350 for a gold-plated Rolex watch. The couple used Campaign credit ...

Operation Get Jeb Elected: GOP moves to lock down presidential primary debates
Post Date: 2014-05-07 21:52:06 by X-15
Don’t want something like this happening again. What with the youthful excitement, expanding the party, and actually standing for small government and all. The party doesn’t want the “circus” it had in 2012 with the debates. Too much Ron Paul, too little inevitable coronation of the establishment candidate. You see it’s because the people had too many choices that the GOP lost in 2012. The message wasn’t controlled enough. It wasn’t at all that the election was in many ways a referendum on Obamacare and that Obamacare was built on Romneycare, and so people just threw up their hands and didn’t come to the polls because they saw Romney as a big ...

Issa, Republicans: Obama's Benghazi Attack Spin 'Disturbing, Criminal, Nixonian
Post Date: 2014-05-01 17:07:10 by BTP Holdings
Issa, Republicans: Obama's Benghazi Attack Spin 'Disturbing, Criminal, Nixonian' Thursday, 01 May 2014 12:03 PM By Newsmax Wires Republican lawmakers on Thursday compared President Barack Obama's White House to the secretive Nixon administration, denouncing its response to the 2012 attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya. On Wednesday a conservative group published a White House email it had obtained after a legal challenge and which critics say shows an attempt to put a political spin on the deadly assault. In the email, Obama's deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes tells Susan Rice — then the U.S. envoy to the United Nations — to blame the ...

Guantanamo Bay: Foreign Correspondent goes inside the notorious US war-on-terror prison
Post Date: 2014-04-30 07:37:50 by Ada
"Should we close Gitmo? Absolutely. It's a blight on our history and I say this as a man who helped create it," says retired US Marines Major General Michael Lehnert. Twelve years ago he was ordered to supervise the construction of emergency cells at the United States naval base on Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for the first batch of prisoners captured during the war in Afghanistan. Close Guantanamo? You would find no contrary argument about that inside the high walls and barbed wire of Camp 5 - at least among the prisoners. Just listen to the anguish in the voice of one of the 12-year men, Shaker Aamer, as he calls out from behind the brown door of his high-security cell: ...

AG Holder May Quit After November Midterms
Post Date: 2014-04-26 13:17:35 by BTP Holdings
AG Holder May Quit After November Midterms Image: AG Holder May Quit After November Midterms Friday, 25 Apr 2014 10:27 AM By Drew MacKenzie U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder plans to stay on through November's mid-term elections and has no timeline for an exit after that, a Justice Department official told Reuters on Friday. "The Attorney General does not plan to leave before the mid-terms. That does not mean that he is definitely leaving after the mid-terms, just that he is at least staying through that time," the official said. Urgent: Is Obama Hurting the Economy? (Shocking Poll Results) There has been speculation over when Holder, 63, might step down from the post ...

Texas Republican (MY congresscritter!!) Spent Over $30,000 In Campaign Cash On Chocolates And Ham
Post Date: 2014-04-25 18:03:25 by X-15
WASHINGTON — Texas Rep. Ralph Hall, the oldest serving member of Congress, spent more than $33,000 in campaign funds on orders from Honey Baked Foods and Godiva Chocolatier, campaign filings show. Federal Election Commission records show Hall’s campaign spent a total of more than $14,000 at the Honey Baked Foods company around the holidays in 2012 and 2013. The campaign spent an additional $19,000 at Godiva in December 2013. “These are gifts that the congressman has been giving out for years to constituents,” said Ed Valentine, one of Hall’s campaign advisers. “They’re Christmas gifts. They’re birthday gifts. That’s how Ralph works. He likes ...

What South Park can teach us about current politics
Post Date: 2014-04-25 17:37:40 by Lorie Meacham
South Park ran an episode in 2004 that revolved around an election of a new school mascot, the choices for which were a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich. Stan Marsh, one of the four main protagonists of the show, refused to vote and was subsequently booted from the fictional Colorado town. Eventually, Stan came back to the town to cast his vote in the election, saying, “I learned that I’d better get used to having to pick between a douche and a turd sandwich because it’s usually the choice I’ll have.” The episode wasn’t just brilliant indictment of the 2004 presidential election between then-President George W. Bush and Sen. John Kerry (D-MA), but also an ...

Top 10 Reasons Libertarians Aren’t Nice To You
Post Date: 2014-04-12 08:24:01 by Ada
People often complain about libertarians being rude and obnoxious. It’s not nearly as widespread a problem as some would make it out to be, and contrary to popular belief, this did not begin with me. To the extent that it does exist, I have become to many this sort of picture of the asshole libertarian who doesn’t give a shit about your feelings or opinions. So I figured I’d put this list together of why libertarians aren’t nice to you. Even libertarians who are nice to you, I think will get a kick out of it, because despite their outward appearances, they are every bit as frustrated with your statism as we are. Feel free to bookmark it and produce it every time you ...

Kenner blogger Walt Bennetti bails on Republican Party, registers Libertarian
Post Date: 2014-04-11 10:58:36 by SilverFox
Five days after losing the election for Kenner mayor, Walt Bennetti has declared that he is switching party affiliations. Registered as a Republican since age 18, Bennetti wrote that he moved to Libertarian after the election, in part due to GOP Mayor Mike Yenni. On his ClickJefferson blog, Bennetti wrote that he initially was drawn to the Republican platform of reducing government waste and cutting public spending. "I wanted government out of my life," Bennetti wrote. But when the Jefferson Parish Republican Party endorsed his opponent, Bennetti said he realized the party had shifted. "I knew that the Republican Party that I signed up for in 1979 was not the Republican ...

Post Date: 2014-04-08 08:57:10 by Itistoolate
What is success? An Israeli doctor says: "In Israel, medicine is so advanced that we cut off a man's testicle, put it on another man and in 6 weeks, he is looking for work." The German doctor says: "That's nothing, in Germany we take part of a brain, put it in another man, and in 4 weeks he is looking for work." The Russian doctor says: "Gentlemen, we take half a heart from a man, put it in another's chest and in 2 weeks he is looking for work." The United States doctor laughs: "You all are behind us. Five years ago, we took a man with no brains, no heart and no balls and made him President. Now, the whole country is looking for ...

The War on Antiwar Republicans
Post Date: 2014-04-07 07:32:44 by Ada
Walter Jones is the first target. The ten-term North Carolina Republican has emerged as a leading antiwar voice in Congress. As a result, he faces a primary challenge from former George W. Bush aide Taylor Griffin—and a barrage of hostile spending from outside groups. The Emergency Committee for Israel has launched a six-figure ad campaign describing Jones as a convert to liberalism. “Once upon a time, Walter Jones was right for North Carolina but he’s changed,” says the narrator in the 30-second spot. “Isn’t it time your vote changed as well?” A super PAC formed by TD Ameritrade founder Joe Ricketts is also spending $156,000 on ads attacking Jones as ...

Afghans Vote
Post Date: 2014-04-06 04:04:09 by Stephen Lendman
Afghans Vote by Stephen Lendman Afghan elections are more farcical than fair. Fraud substitutes for a free and open process. Voters have no say. In December 2001, Washington installed Hamid Karzai as president. He's a convenient stooge. He's a CIA asset. Formerly he was Chevron Oil subsidiary Unocal's chief consultant. He's stepping down this year. Supposedly because of constitutional ineligibility for another term. Changing it could keep him president longer. Earlier he vowed no third term. On April 5, Afghans voted to replace him. Choices excluded hope and change. Or democracy. Militarized occupation assures illegitimacy. So do Washington rules. If no aspirant wins ...

“Sheldon City”—Supreme Court’s McCUTCHEON Allows Adelson To Buy Amnesty/ Immigration Surge Even Faster
Post Date: 2014-04-03 14:43:40 by Gentile Defense League
The Supreme Court’s McCutcheon vs. FEC decision today (April 2) will have one stark consequence, summarized by Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig: Already we have a system in which Congress is dependent upon the tiniest fraction of the 1% to fund its campaigns. I’ve estimated the number of relevant funders is no more than 150,000 (about the number of Americans named “Lester.”) If aggregate contribution limits are struck, that number will fall dramatically. More will be raised from a smaller number of contributors—maybe as few as 40,000 (about the number of Americans named “Sheldon”). So abolishing aggregate limits will move us from Lesterland to ...

Sheldon Adelson, War Party Oligarch
Post Date: 2014-04-01 12:30:02 by Gentile Defense League
Is the Republican Party's Middle East policy up for bid? For four days ending Sunday, a quartet of presidential hopefuls trooped to Las Vegas to attend the annual gathering of the Republican Jewish Coalition. Impresario: Sheldon Adelson, the Vegas-Macau casino mogul whose fortune is estimated at $39 billion—8th richest man on the planet—and who dumped $92 million into the election of 2012. Adelson kept Newt Gingrich alive with a $15 million infusion of ad money, gutting Romney, and then sank $30 million into Mitt's campaign. This time Sheldon wants to buy himself a winner.Sheldon Adelson, War Party Oligarch Ari Fleischer, press secretary to Bush 43, and a member of ...

A GOP Plan to Save the Jews: Buy White House
Post Date: 2014-03-31 19:01:03 by X-15
Amid mounting alarm that anti-Semitism is on the rise in key spots around the globe — and fears that Israel could be a prime target — a prominent Republican group has come up with a unique approach to fighting back: gather a bunch of Jewish zillionaires at a casino in Las Vegas, announce plans to buy the White House in 2016 and invite leading politicians to come, hat in hand, and beg for permission to be the candidate. Click for Full Text!

Crimeans Vote on Joining Russia
Post Date: 2014-03-16 04:12:22 by Stephen Lendman
Crimeans Vote on Joining Russia by Stephen Lendman Ahead of the vote, John Kerry and Sergei Lavrov met in London. US pressure to get Russia to accept US demands failed. Both nations are geopolitical opposites. Washington demands its way or else. Moscow respects the right of sovereign people to choose their own future freely. Kerry called Russia's endorsing the right of Crimeans to secede "a backdoor annexation of Crimea." He demands it remain part of Ukraine. He ignores the right of sovereign people to choose their future freely. He wants Washington rules enforced. Lavrov said Russia respects "the declaration of the will of the Crimean people in the coming ...

Wendy Davis' Primary Disaster. (Texas governor's race)
Post Date: 2014-03-05 18:28:31 by X-15
Of non-Texas Democrats in places like New York City and San Francisco, Wendy Davis is perhaps among the dozen or so most popular figures in political life today. Her fundraising from liberals in liberal bastions bears that out. Ronan Farrow and the rest of the MSNBC crowd love her. In Texas, though, not so much. The Texas Democrats' primary performance Tuesday was an unmitigated disaster, and the performance of Wendy Davis was particularly abysmal. The Austin American-Statesman set up a few benchmarks the day before the primary: "So is all the hoopla around Wendy Davis and Battleground Texas just so much hype, or are Democratic prospects truly better than four years ago? ...

Eric Holder, GOP Saboteur
Post Date: 2014-02-03 18:49:07 by BTP Holdings
Eric Holder, GOP Saboteur By Absolute Rights Contributor on February 3, 2014 Eric Holder attacks 2016 GOP presidential candidates By Jim Daniels Eric Holder’s corrupt Justice Department continues to deteriorate. Backed by a prosecutorial political agenda, Holder and his cronies are going after two prominent Republicans who could potentially run for the GOP presidential nomination in 2016. The race-baiting Attorney General has pinpointed former Virginia Gov. Robert McDonnell and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie in his latest career-sabotaging campaign. Sure, McDonnell may have engaged in some questionable political practices that are the essentially standard at all levels of politics ...

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