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Latest Articles: (s)Elections

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Vatican Changing of the Guard
Post Date: 2013-02-12 02:22:16 by Stephen Lendman
Vatican Changing of the Guard by Stephen Lendman In April 2005, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected Pope Benedict XVI. At the time he said: "Dear brothers and sisters. After the great Pope John Paul II, the Cardinals have elected me, a simple and humble worker in the vineyard of the lord." He hid his dark past. More on that below. On February 11, he announced he'll step down. He's the first pope to do so since Gregory XII in 1415. Vatican spokesman, Federico Lombardi, said he "took us by surprise." He's 85. His energy and health deteriorated. It did so "to the extent that (he) had to recognize (his) incapacity to adequately fulfill the ministry ...

Israeli Election Results
Post Date: 2013-01-24 02:55:47 by Stephen Lendman
Israeli Election Results by Stephen Lendman Israel has no constitution. Basic Laws substitute. One defines the "Powers and Functions of the Knesset." It's elected by "general, national, direct, equal, secret and proportional elections in accordance with Knesset Elections Law." Israel's Central Elections Committee overseas procedures. It's composed of Knesset members. A Supreme Court justice chairs it. It authorizes parties, election financing, vote counting, publishing results, and appeals when called for. Israeli citizens aged 18 or older may vote. Those 21 or older may seek office. Exceptions include career active duty soldiers, high-ranking civil ...

Democrat: Please Don't Release That Document Showing We Actually Do Want to Confiscate Guns
Post Date: 2013-01-18 17:48:36 by Itistoolate
Late last night, New York Assemblyman Steve McLaughlin, one of the few Republicans with a strong enough spine to stand up to the new gun legislation, released the following statement on his Facebook page.Here it is. This is the video where I was asked to keep the Democrat proposals for the NY SAFE Act away from the public. This list was given to me by a colleague and it is not confidential. This bill was an attack on the 2nd amendment and the Democrats clearly wanted to dismantle the work of the Founding Fathers. None of these amendments were included in the final bill thanks to us fighting back. I will not stand silent while these unpatriotic proposals are pathetically thrown at ...

Chavismo in Venezuela
Post Date: 2013-01-12 02:45:56 by Stephen Lendman
Chavismo in Venezuela by Stephen Lendman Chavez remains hospitalized. He's recovering from complicated cancer surgery. It's his fourth in 18 months. His scheduled January 10 inauguration was postponed. Venezuelans turned out en masse. Tens of thousands gathered outside Caracas' Palacio de Miraflores. It's Chavez's official workplace. Many others rallied throughout the capital. Red-shirted supporters were everywhere. Sound trucks aired Chavez campaign music. People danced. The mood was celebratory. Air Force jets flew overhead. Vendors sold Bolivarian memorabilia. Chavez and Simon Bolivar photos were displayed. Their images adorned shirts. Signs read "I am ...

This is exactly how the media would like Americans to think all conservatives are like.
Post Date: 2013-01-09 18:20:39 by Itistoolate
This is exactly how the media would like Americans to think all conservatives are like. Alex Jones loses it This is exactly how the media would like Americans to think all conservatives are like. Your browser does not support iframes.

Bolivarianism in Venezuela
Post Date: 2013-01-06 02:28:45 by Stephen Lendman
Bolivarianism in Venezuela by Stephen Lendman With or without Chavez, it's institutionalized. It greatly improved the lives of most Venezuelans. It's become part of the national culture. It won't wane and die. It reflects Simon Bolivar's vision. He defeated the Spanish, liberated half of South America, and advocated using national wealth responsibly, fairly and equitably. He strove to overcome what he called the imperial curse "to plague Latin America with misery in the name of liberty." Chavez is his modern-day incarnation. Chavismo reflects Bolivarian principles. He instituted them. They've become hardwired and institutionalized. Venezuelans won't ...

Venezuela's Future
Post Date: 2013-01-05 02:42:01 by Stephen Lendman
Venezuela's Future by Stephen Lendman The New York Times debated it. Nine views were presented. Mark Weisbrot co-directs the Center for Economic and Policy Research. He's fair-minded and forthright. He was outnumbered eight to one. Times style debates avoid evenhanded exchanges. Debates are an ancient tradition. Genuine ones air views freely. Beliefs are challenged. Truths are sought. Critical thinking is stimulated. Opinions are formed. Conclusions are reached through free and open dialogue and discussion. Debates should involve opposing sides given full opportunity to air views and challenge others. New York Times editors changed the rules. News and views are filtered. ...

Obama campaign to pay $375,000 fine for omitting some donor’s names in 2008
Post Date: 2013-01-04 23:40:05 by Ferret
President Obama’s campaign has agreed to pay a $375,000 fine to the Federal Election Commission, among the largest penalties in the agency’s history. The fine was imposed after an audit of the campaign’s books showed that it failed to report the identities of donors who gave large checks in the weeks before the 2008 election, according to a copy of the agreement between the FEC and the president’s campaign. The document shows that the Obama campaign failed to disclose the identities of donors responsible for $2 million in contributions in the weeks ahead of the election. The campaign also misreported the dates of $85 million in other contributions. In addition, the ...

Sean Hannity Ratings Plummet, Loses Half His Views After Election
Post Date: 2013-01-02 16:59:15 by X-15
Sean Hannity’s ratings have plummeted after the 2012 election, as the conservative television host saw his audience dwindle after GOP challenger Mitt Romney failed to unseat President Obama. Hannity saw his audience fall by about 50 percent after the election ended. Though it was not entirely unexpected that Hannity’s ratings would drop after the biggest political event in the last four years, his decline was sharper than other conservative pundits, Salon noted. Bill O’Reilly saw his viewership drop by only about one-third. Among the important demographic of viewers aged 25-54, Sean Hannity’s ratings were even worse. More than half of what is known as the “money ...

The Lincoln Putsch: America's Bolshevik Revolution
Post Date: 2013-01-02 10:27:26 by PatrickHenry
Regardless of how "conservative" the Republican Party may or may not be, it is easy to forget that there was a time when the Party was far from conservative, that in the early days of the party, socialists and outright communists played an active role. In fact, it can and will be argued here that the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 was made possible by communists and socialists, most of them German immigrants in the Midwest, and indeed the prosecution of the War depended in large part on those same alien people. Consider, for example, the following. Union General Franz Sigel had been a leader in the communist Revolution of 1848, a revolution fought to destroy the individual ...

Venezuelan Leadership Up for Grabs?
Post Date: 2013-01-01 02:39:33 by Stephen Lendman
Venezuelan Leadership Up for Grabs? by Stephen Lendman New reports about Chavez's health raise concerns. He's struggling to recover from complicated cancer surgery. Previous articles explained. More on his current status below. On October 7, Venezuelans overwhelmingly reelected him. They want no one else leading them. He transformed national politics responsibly. He established participatory democracy and social justice. He significantly improved the lives of Venezuela's poor. Constitutional and statute law mandate vital social services. They include universal healthcare, education, subsidized food, housing assistance, land reform, job training, micro-credit, and more. ...

I'm out of fuck'in explitives
Post Date: 2012-12-27 00:41:31 by Hmmmmm
Brian Schatz, Hawaii’s Jewish Lt. Gov., named to U.S. Senate December 26, 2012 WASHINGTON (JTA) -- Hawaii's governor named his Jewish lieutenant governor, Brian Schatz, to replace the late Daniel Inouye in the U.S. Senate. Gov. Neil Abercrombie, a Democrat, on Wednesday named Schatz, a former chairman of the state Democratic Party, to replace Inouye, who died last week. Schatz, 40, lists his religion as Jewish on his Facebook page. He campaign for President Obama in Hawaii, Obama's home state, in 2008, and his experience is in the non-profit sector. He was for a time the CEO of Helping Hands Hawaii, a social services provider. Inouye, who was a pro-Israel leader in the ...

Did general David Petraeus grant friends access to top secret files?
Post Date: 2012-12-20 08:34:16 by Ada
Petraeus was forced out of the CIA in part because his mistress read sensitive documents. Now it is alleged he granted two friends astonishing access to top secret files as he ran the Afghan surge. In a painstaking investigation, Rajiv Chandrasekaran reveals how the volunteers won big donations from defence firms – and how they pushed the army towards a far more aggressive strategy, Frederick and Kimberly Kagan, a husband-and-wife team of hawkish military analysts, put their jobs at influential Washington think tanks on hold for almost a year to work for General David H. Petraeus when he was the top US commander in Afghanistan. Given desks, email accounts and top-level security ...

Bolivarianism Wins Big
Post Date: 2012-12-17 13:42:11 by Stephen Lendman

Venezuelans Vote Again
Post Date: 2012-12-05 03:24:09 by Stephen Lendman
Venezuelans Vote Again by Stephen Lendman In America, money power controls elections. People have no say. Each party replicates the other. Venezuela is different. Voters take full advantage. They choose real democrats over fake ones. It shows in how Venezuelans are governed. On October 7, they reelected Chavez overwhelmingly. On December 16, they'll vote again in regional elections. At stake are 23 regional governorships and 229 local legislative positions. Currently, Chavez's United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) controls 17 of 23 states. Key opposition candidates represent the Roundtable of Democratic Unity (MUD) coalition. Small parties have their own candidates. On ...

Fund-raising letter confirms George P. Bush looking at land commissioner race (Texas)
Post Date: 2012-12-04 12:17:38 by X-15
George P. Bush, a Fort Worth attorney and son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, is considering a run for Texas Land Commissioner in 2014. In a letter posted on the Tampa Bay Times website Wednesday, Jeb Bush asked supporters to donate to his son's campaign for the Texas office, whose responsibility includes managing the state's land and mineral rights, veterans affairs and historical archives, and protecting the coast. "George's experience and skills match the job. In business, he has helped build a successful real estate fund business, and practiced law," Jeb Bush wrote in the letter. George P. Bush, who co-founded the Hispanic Republicans of Texas and also runs a ...

A Very Bad Movie
Post Date: 2012-11-23 18:52:41 by PnbC
A Very Bad Movie by C.T. Rossi Previously by C.T. Rossi: The Law Is Dead "Life imitates Art far more than Art imitates Life" ~ Oscar Wilde "The sign of a clever auteur is to achieve the illusion that there is a sole individual responsible for magnificent creations that require thousands of people to accomplish." ~ Louis B. Mayer I guess that every movie critic’s idea of hell is being eternally trapped in a frightful viewing room subjected to some vapid, endless film. To be truly hellish, this 9th circle cinema couldn’t be a cringe-worthy, stinker-of-a-flick (lest it have some type entertainment value and perhaps charm by its ineptitude). Rather it must be ...

SEC Rocked By Lurid Sex-and-Corruption Lawsuit
Post Date: 2012-11-22 22:26:11 by farmfriend
SEC Rocked By Lurid Sex-and-Corruption Lawsuit Move over, adulterous generals. It might be time to make way for a new sexual rats'nest – at America's top financial police agency, the SEC. In a salacious 77-page complaint that reads like Penthouse Forum meets The Insider meets the Keystone Kops, one David Weber, the former chief investigator for the SEC Inspector General's office, accuses the SEC of retaliating against Weber for coming forward as a whistleblower. According to this lawsuit, Weber was made a target of intramural intrigues at the agency (which has a history of such retaliation) after he came forward with concerns that his bosses may have been spending more ...

Obama campaign manager: Huntsman was our top concern
Post Date: 2012-11-21 08:26:06 by Ada
Obama campaign manager Jim Messina told Politico on Tuesday that the campaign worried most about having to run against former Utah governor Jon Huntsman. “I think we were honest about our concerns about Huntsman,” he said. “I think Jon Huntsman would have been a very tough general election candidate, and as someone who helped manage his nomination for ambassador, he’s a good guy. We looked at his profile in a general election and though he would have been difficult.” Huntsman had framed himself as a pragmatic Republican rather than a die-hard conservative. But during his presidential campaign, the moderate Republican was pilloried by conservatives for believing ...

Netanyahu: Israel prepared to widen Gaza offensive (Peaceful Jews Once Again At It)
Post Date: 2012-11-18 15:56:18 by tom007
Netanyahu: Israel prepared to widen Gaza offensive Reuters – 11 hrs ago Email Share Print JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Sunday Israel was prepared to widen its Gaza offensive significantly. "We are exacting a heavy price from Hamas and the terrorist organizations and the Israel Defense Forces are prepared for a significant expansion of the operation," he told his cabinet, in broadcast remarks. He gave no specifics and made no mention of the possibility of a ground offensive. (Writing by Jeffrey Heller, Editing by Crispian Balmer)

The Marching Camp (and Mating Habits) of Rome’s Military
Post Date: 2012-11-17 09:22:54 by Ada
There’s David Petraeus, former CIA director, formerly a four-star general who cultivated his own celebrity. There’s his mistress-cum-stalker, the bombastic, narcissistic Paula Broadwell, who despite – or, rather, because of – her pockmarked character has been propelled to prominence by the country’s elites. There’s Petraeus’ even skankier BFF (Best Friends Forever), Tampa socialite Jill Kelley, and her dysfunctional twin. Primped like street walkers, the twins can be seen in pictures, flanking their BFF and his ungroomed, graying wife, Holly Petraeus. The fawning press takes the position that this – the flotsam and jetsam of American society – ...

Historic Earthquakes
Post Date: 2012-11-16 19:35:37 by pablo
New Madrid 1811-1812 Earthquakes Earthquake Summary The New Madrid Seismic Zone is at Significant Risk for Damaging Earthquakes Three Main Shocks December 16, 1811 - Magnitude ~7.7 January 23, 1812 - Magnitude ~ 7.5 February 7, 1812 - Magnitude ~ 7.7 A Robust Aftershock Sequence Aftershocks are Earthquakes! December 16, 1811 - Magnitude ~7.0 Six aftershocks in the first two days in the range of M5.5 to M6.3. Hundreds of quakes felt into 1813. It's happened before 1811-1812 The geologic record of pre-1811 earthquakes reveals that the New Madrid seismic zone has repeatedly produced sequences of major earthquakes, including several of magnitude 7 to 8, over the past 4,500 ...

Afghanistan: The Taliban Pile Onto Petraeus
Post Date: 2012-11-16 09:47:29 by Ada
As if the disgraced former CIA chief didn’t have enough to feel bad about, the Taliban are gloating over his fall. The Taliban are beside themselves with glee at the very public humiliation of Gen. David Petraeus. As the leading architect of the U.S. military surge in Afghanistan, he made thousands of mortal enemies among the insurgents, and their old grudges only intensified when he retired from the Army last year and became director of the CIA– the chief operators of the drone war inside the guerrillas’ formerly safe havens across the Pakistani border. Now the general’s Afghan foes consider themselves both avenged and vindicated by the disclosure of his illicit ...

Karl Rove—Poster Boy for National Suicide
Post Date: 2012-11-16 00:12:57 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Karl Rove—Poster Boy for National Suicide By Virginia Abernethy on November 14, 2012 at 9:22pm [VDARE.com note:  Virginia Abernethy [email her], Emeritus Professor of Psychology and Anthropology at Vanderbilt University, was the American Third Position Party’s 2012 candidate for Vice-President. Her most recent response to the usual critics is here.] Karl Rove is a principal architect of the GOP's 30-year advocacy for mass immigration. Karl Rove can also be seen as the principal architect of the GOP's November 2012 disaster—because the large Hispanic vote turned around and bit him. Rove, who has lived in Texas since 1981, was apparently ...

Why Save the Republican Party?
Post Date: 2012-11-14 10:24:02 by F.A. Hayek Fan
Since the election there has been much discussion of the future of the Republican party. Can it ever again win a national election, or is it doomed to permanent minority status? The most common response has been that the party must "reach out" (i.e., compete in the offer of bribes) to the exploding Hispanic population. Rather neatly and deceitfully avoiding the obvious fact that Republican sponsorship of mass immigration is the cause of their minority status. A few fringe commentators have urged that the party instead do more for its core constituency of conservative white people. But the party leadership has already repudiated this alternative in both word and deed. They have ...

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