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Longtime American traitor Arlen Spector is Dead. Let us Rejoice!
Post Date: 2012-10-14 14:55:46 by F.A. Hayek Fan
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Former U.S. Sen. Arlen Specter, the outspoken Pennsylvania centrist whose switch from Republican to Democrat ended a 30-year career in which he played a pivotal role in several Supreme Court nominations, died Sunday. He was 82. Specter, who announced in late August that he was battling cancer, died at his home in Philadelphia from complications of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, said his son Shanin. Over the years, Arlen Specter had fought two previous bouts with Hodgkin lymphoma, overcome a brain tumor and survived cardiac arrest following bypass surgery. Specter rose to prominence in the 1960s as an aggressive Philadelphia prosecutor and as an assistant counsel to the ...

Demagoguery Substitutes for Debate
Post Date: 2012-10-13 03:23:11 by Stephen Lendman
Demagoguery Substitutes for Debate by Stephen Lendman When is a debate not one? When it's not intended to be. When theatrical blather substitutes. When demagoguery takes center stage. On October 11, it showed up prominently in Danville, KY. Centre College played host. ABC News correspondent Martha Raddatz moderated 90 minutes of film flam. Unmentioned was her close Washington military/intelligence establishment ties. She supports America's right to bomb, invade, ravage, occupy, colonize, and exploit one country after another. Her loyalty got her prominence Thursday night. Call it spoils sharing for services rendered. Like all so-called political debates, Biden/Ryan was ...

Romney essentially says following the Constitution would create a Constitutional crisis
Post Date: 2012-10-12 22:42:00 by RickyJ

When Officers Become Criminals
Post Date: 2012-10-11 07:33:20 by Ada
From bribery to bigamy, war's corruption infects the Army's top echelons. Two recent disciplinary actions involving U.S. Army generals suggest the extent to which the senior command structure has been compromised by the widespread corruption that has been clearly visible in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Office of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) is still in operation to oversee the much scaled-down assistance that continues to be given to Baghdad to rebuild its military and infrastructure. There have been 117 indictments for corruption by American contractors and military officers, 42 arrests, and 90 convictions for fraud amounting to $220 million. ...

Owner Of Electronic Voting Machine Company To Be Used Across the Country Has Close Ties To Bain, Romney
Post Date: 2012-10-10 22:54:58 by freepatriot32
Owner Of Electronic Voting Machine Company To Be Used Across the Country Has Close Ties To Bain, RomneyPhoto: Roger Barone/flickrWe’re not really into conspiracy theories here, so we’re not going to jump to any conclusions about the fact that, apparently, Mitt Romney and his former company, Bain Capital, have some really close ties with the voting machine company that will be used in several swing states in the upcoming presidential election. But we will say, uhhhhhh, someone should probably keep an eye on this, no?Okay, so here’s what we know:Hart InterCivic is a national provider of election voting systems that are used in swing-states Ohio and Colorado, as well as in ...

Venezuelan Electoral Postmortems
Post Date: 2012-10-10 03:25:25 by Stephen Lendman
Venezuelan Electoral Postmortems by Stephen Lendman Chavistas celebrated Sunday's victory. Bolivarianism triumphed over exploitive neoliberal harshness. In open, free, and fair elections, Venezuelans got to choose. It's constitutionally mandated. Every vote counts equally. Americans don't have that right. On November 6, choice won't be the ballot. Column A matches Column B. Money power chooses candidates and winners. Some election! No wonder half the electorate ops out. On October 7, Venezuelans turned out in record numbers. Over 80% of registered voters showed up. Turnout was so great, many waited hours to exercise their franchise. It's important because what they ...

Romney Obama the Same?
Post Date: 2012-10-10 01:15:00 by farmfriend

Jimmy Carter Says Elections Corrupted
Post Date: 2012-10-09 14:40:20 by christine
Injecting billions of dollars into U.S. politics is a recipe for corruption, says former President Jimmy Carter. Placing the blame squarely on the Supreme Court for endorsing a corporate spending free-for-all in American politics, he said the justices gave unlimited freedom to special interest groups representing corporations and lobbyists to provide campaign funding through third parties that don’t have to disclose their donors. “We have one of the worst election processes in the world right here in the United States of America,” he said, “and it’s almost entirely because of the excessive influx of money. “You know how much I raised to run against Gerald ...

Reckoner assesses presidential "debate"
Post Date: 2012-10-09 04:06:55 by Tatarewicz
In the case of the current race, both candidates are pro-war and the military industrial complex that thirsts insatiably for it. Both are pro-Federal Reserve and the vampire banksters who feast on the bloodletting of would-be savers. Both are pro-bailouts. Both are pro-big government, whether at home (Obama...followed closely by Romney) and abroad (where the roles are ever so slightly reversed). One gets the feeling that anyone who actually musters enough delusion to carry them to the ballot box will be doing so only because, in the words of Thomas Sowell, they prefer “disaster to catastrophe.” But when you strip away the veneer, the varnish...and the deafening ...

Chavez Win Strengthens Bolivarianism
Post Date: 2012-10-09 03:23:00 by Stephen Lendman
Chavez Win Strengthens Bolivarianism by Stephen Lendman Several previous articles said Venezuelans won't tolerate going back to their ugly past. On Sunday, they proved it. They voted in record numbers. Long lines queued hours before dawn. Polls stayed open well into the night so everyone coming out could vote. Turnout was nearly 81% of Venezuela's 19,119,809 registered voters. US elections usually get around 50%. Off-year congressional races average under 40%. From 1960 - 2010, the highest percentage participation was 63.1%. It was in 1960 when Kennedy defeated Nixon. The lowest turnout was 49.1% in 1996 when Clinton bested Bob Dole. In the off-year 2010 congressional ...

October Has Come, But Not Gone
Post Date: 2012-10-08 11:32:13 by Ada
I have previously written for TAC about the October Surprise of 1980, how it developed, and what impact it might have had on the election of Ronald Reagan. The “Surprise” was arranged through a secret agreement made between some associates of the Reagan campaign and the Iranian government. Those who follow the international media are aware that there is intense interest worldwide in the upcoming U.S. election. The general consensus in Europe and much of the rest of the world is that Mitt Romney’s foreign policy would be dangerous, as he reminds other nations too much of George W. Bush and has, in fact, surrounded himself with Bush’s neocon advisers. Most countries are ...

Romney Eight Points Behind – Israelis Hedging Their Bet
Post Date: 2012-10-07 15:25:24 by randge
Romney Eight Points Behind – Israelis Hedging Their Bet Netanyahu’s Obama Shakedown Goes Down in Flames – Snubbed as ‘Noise’ by Jim W. Dean, VT Editor and Press TV It’s been a surprising past week. The Israelis have launched a dual campaign to salvage Netanyahu’s failed attempt to shake Obama down for an red line commitment to attack Iran. Bibi already had Romney in the bag but the Zios historically like to have the fix in with both candidates. That is the part they like best about democracy, being able to subvert it. Mitt Romney, silver spoon Mormon who hid out in France during the Vietnam war has no problem sending American servicemen and women to ...

Expect Bolivarian Victory in Venezuela
Post Date: 2012-10-07 03:24:01 by Stephen Lendman
Expect Bolivarian Victory in Venezuela by Stephen Lendman October 7 is the moment of truth. Venezuelans get to choose between populism and neoliberal harshness. They're not stupid. They won't tolerate reinventing the bad old days. Expect Bolivarianism to triumph. Too bad it can't everywhere when it's most needed. James Petras is a longtime distinguished Latin American expert. His article titled "Venezuelan Elections: a Choice and Not an Echo" expertly explains what's at stake. Hugo Chavez and corporatist Henrique Capriles Radonski are mirror opposites. At issue is social democracy v. the worst of exploitive capitalism. Chavez wants greater "public ...

Post Date: 2012-10-05 11:52:20 by abraxas
Okay.......it's time for an honest debate anal-ysis! Can you handle the truth? lol

Flim Flam Substitutes for Debate
Post Date: 2012-10-05 03:29:27 by Stephen Lendman
Flim Flam Substitutes for Debate by Stephen Lendman So-called presidential debates are well-rehearsed, prescripted theater. Theater of the absurd best describes them. Election outcomes aren't influenced. They don't edify. They insult. Wednesday night was no exception. Even some media scoundrels were underwhelmed. At least one was honest as far as his editors let him. London Guardian contributor Charles Ferguson headlined "America's duopoly of money in politics and manipulation of public opinion," saying: "Behind the divisiveness lies a deeper bipartisan consensus in which donors own democracy and there are no votes (for) reform." "Presidential ...

If They Can't Do Better Than This, The Debates Are An Utter Swindle
Post Date: 2012-10-04 16:55:09 by Prefrontal Vortex
John Derbyshire On The First Debate: If They Can't Do Better Than This, The Debates Are An Utter Swindle By John Derbyshire on October 4, 2012 at 2:00am With Peter Brimelow and James Fulford on the road for an immigration event, it has fallen to me to write up last night's Obama-Romney debate. As an ordinary sane citizen, not much interested in politics, I brought considerable anxiety to the task. I knew the debate would be wonkish and conducted within very narrow boundaries. I'm not a wonk, and have a low threshold of boredom. I vaguely thought I should do some debate preparation myself ─ try to raise my political libido some; but all I actually did was browse the ...

America's Sham Electoral Process
Post Date: 2012-10-04 03:18:52 by Stephen Lendman
America's Sham Electoral Process by Stephen Lendman It's bad enough to make some despots blush. It doesn't rise to the level of good fiction. No respectable film producer would accept a script explaining it. Who'd believe a democratic system so implausible. It's more fanciful than real. Longstanding electoral fraud alone subverts democracy in America. The entire process lacks legitimacy. Most democracies have proportionally representative (PR) governance. America's winner-take-all system lacks credibility. It's borderline lawless. PR represents all voters and all political parties or groups proportionally to their electoral strength. Thus, if candidates from ...

Bolivarianism v. Fake US Democracy
Post Date: 2012-10-04 03:15:24 by Stephen Lendman
Bolivarianism v. Fake US Democracy by Stephen Lendman On October 7, Venezuelans go to the polls. Expect Chavez reelected again overwhelmingly. Expect the freest, most open and fair electoral process in the Americas. Perhaps it's the best anywhere. On November 6, polls open in America. Voters have no choice. Democrats and Republicans barely differ. They're in lockstep on issues mattering most. Ordinary people are entirely left out. They have no say. Voting for either major party assures same old same old. Money power runs things. Elections are for show. They're a facade. Venezuelans get the real thing. Chavez expects pre and post-election mischief. Perhaps it began. In ...

Obama-Romney debate
Post Date: 2012-10-03 21:24:02 by X-15
Does anybody care?

Gary Johnson Just Crowd Surfed At The End Of His Town Hall (not joking)
Post Date: 2012-10-03 14:07:09 by Lysander_Spooner

Inciting Unrest in Venezuela
Post Date: 2012-10-03 03:25:29 by Stephen Lendman
Inciting Unrest in Venezuela by Stephen Lendman Last month, Duke University's Patrick Duddy published a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) paper titled "Political Unrest in Venezuela." From August 2007 - July 2010, he was Washington's Venezuelan ambassador. He represents imperial, not popular interests. In September 2008, Venezuela declared him persona non grata. At issue were solidarity issues with Bolivia. The State Department expelled its US ambassador Gustavo Guzman. It acted after Evo Morales banished Washington's ambassador Philip Goldberg. He did so for good reason. Goldberg "conspir(ed) against democracy" and encouraged internal disruptions. In ...

Will Obama Keep Power By Any Means Necessary?
Post Date: 2012-09-27 09:23:01 by Ada
This question has been raised a vast number of times since LBJ. It misses the crucial reality of power at the top of the U.S. The "Presidents" have long been front men for the vast military, secret police, government bureaucracies, big corps.....Reagan was the beginning of the obvious Actor-Lip-Synching-Presidents. [JFK and Nixon were probably eliminated by the CIA et al. because they insisted on pursuing Detente with the Soviets in reality, rather than as mere rhetoric for the Mass-Mediated Dunces. That enraged the CIA and other Brass. Ford went along. Carter was kind of out of it and irrelevant.] Since Reagan, all have been acting their parts, Clinton and Obama brilliantly, ...

Elizabeth Warren's law license problems
Post Date: 2012-09-24 20:53:10 by X-15
Maintained private law practice at Cambridge office for over a decade but not licensed in Massachusetts 4377 2906 The debate last Thursday night between Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren covered ground mostly known to voters. But there was one subject most people watching probably did not know about, Elizabeth Warren’s private legal representation of The Travelers Insurance Company in an asbestos-related case. Brown brought the point up late in the debate, and hammered it: Warren attempted to deny her role, and referred to a Boston Globe article, but the Globe article supports Brown’s account. The Globe article indicated the representation was for a period of three years and ...

Elizabeth Warren on defensive again over heritage claim
Post Date: 2012-09-24 20:33:55 by X-15
U.S. Sen. Scott Brown, continuing his attacks on Democratic rival Elizabeth Warren, unveiled a new television ad today blasting the Harvard professor for her purported Native American heritage. “Elizabeth Warren is trying to put questions about her heritage behind her,” the ad quotes a reporter saying. “She is facing tough questions about whether she claimed to be a minority for professional gain.” The 30-second spot comes days after Brown pressed Warren about the issue during their first debate last week. Warren listed herself as a minority on law school directories, but has been unable to prove any Cherokee or Delaware tribe heritage. Warren, during the Jim & ...

Presidential Candidate says, “Israel Did 911" Zionists Control US Politics
Post Date: 2012-09-21 12:10:20 by abraxas
(Video) Presidential Candidate says, “Israel Did 911" Zionists Control US Politics Friday, September 21, 2012 8:50

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