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Chelsea Clinton leaves door open to running for office
Post Date: 2012-08-14 19:41:29 by ndcorup
> Chelsea Clinton leaves door open to running for officeBy Amy Bingham | ABC OTUS NewsChelsea Clinton may follow in her parents' footsteps after all. After years of shooting down rumors that she may run for office, the 32-year-old Clinton left the door open to having another Clinton on the electoral ballots."Before my mom's campaign I would have said no," Clinton said in an interview published in the latest issue of Vogue magazine. "And now I don't know. . .""If there were to be a point where it was something I felt called to do and I didn't think there was someone who was sufficiently committed to building a healthier, more just, more equitable, ...

Richard Gilbert Exposes Mitt Romney Crimes and Supports Ron Paul Delegates
Post Date: 2012-08-14 01:19:04 by RickyJ

Top ten reasons to vote in American presidential elections
Post Date: 2012-08-13 09:53:20 by Original_Intent
Sunday, August 12, 2012 Top ten reasons to vote in American presidential elections 10. You can pretend to help decide which CIA-groomed figurehead will front for the banksters during the next four years. 9. If the rigged voting machines break down, your vote might actually be counted. 8. With a bumpersticker like "Don't blame me, I voted for Cynthia McKinney" (or your favorite 3rd party candidate) you'll feel superior to the sheeple for the next four years. 7. Poking little holes in computer cards is good exercise for the muscles in your hands and wrists - and since you only do it every four years, you won't get repetitive motion syndrome. 6. Voting offers an ...

PANIC! - MSM: "Romney is in Big, Big, Trouble"
Post Date: 2012-08-13 02:59:28 by Ferret
The Florida papers are destroying Ryan. So much so that a distraught and panicked Village believes "Romney is in big, big trouble" for selecting the man who wants to pull the plug on Grandma. The very first available headlines from the all important swing state of Florida are devastating. Rolling out your vice presidential nominee is one of the most crucial aspects of every campaign, and from judging from the headlines, Romney has completely blown it. On the evening news, a visibly shaken Chuck Todd reported the 2012 campaign has not touched on Medicare, but now, all of the sudden, it is front and center, and it will be a big part of voters' decisions in November. Todd ...

Polls find support for voter ID but little awareness
Post Date: 2012-08-13 01:42:24 by scrapper2
Despite widespread support for voter IDs, polling experts say the public is poorly informed about the controversial laws and their potential impact on the November presidential election. A new Washington Post poll found that 74 percent of respondents strongly agreed or somewhat agreed that voters should be required to show a government-issued ID when voting. However, 51 percent of the randomly selected 2,047 adults surveyed nationally between July 18 and 29 said they had heard either not much or nothing about voter ID laws. "From a public awareness standpoint, it's pretty low awareness," said Jon Cohen, the Post's director of polling. "We're talking about under ...

Veep Pick Paul Ryan Is No Conservative [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-08-12 15:11:38 by hondo68
No sooner had Mitt Romney's choice of Paul Ryan as his running mate become known than the world of punditry was abuzz with talk of "Ryanmania." Since mania is by definition an excessive or unreasonable enthusiasm, the label may be regarded as an understatement.For while the seven-term Republican congressman from Wisconsin and chairman of the House Budget Committee is not yet a household name across America, he does generate excitement within the "conservative movement," an excitement and enthusiasm that suggests the talking heads at Fox News and the dot.com warriors at The Weekly Standard have no more sense of conservative, constitutional government than the ...

Reality Check: President Obama and Mitt Romney Don't Have Opposing Views On Healthcare?
Post Date: 2012-08-11 13:51:00 by F.A. Hayek Fan

Paul Ryan Selected as O'romney's Puppet-Mate
Post Date: 2012-08-11 10:29:41 by Original_Intent
Well, as has been speculated for months O'romney's chosen running mate for the next round of (s)Election Bread and Circuses is Paul Ryan. Other than to point out the predictability of the selection I'll leave this up as a "Jump Ball" should anyone care to share their disgust.

The Triumph of Ryanmania
Post Date: 2012-08-11 08:38:50 by Ada
Ryanmania has triumphed: Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has picked Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan to be his running mate, according to a Republican with knowledge of the development. They will appear together Saturday in Norfolk, Va., at the start of a four-state bus tour to introduce the newly minted GOP ticket to the nation. The Ryan boosters appear to have had their way. Portman seemed the obvious choice, but perhaps he had become entirely too obvious and predictable, so I was wrong in assuming that Romney would pick him. Romney said he would choose someone ready to be President, and then chose someone who doesn’t really meet that requirement. Ryan’s fans ...

eports: Romney picks Paul Ryan as VP running mate
Post Date: 2012-08-11 03:02:01 by Tatarewicz
NORFOLK, Va.--Mitt Romney will name his vice presidential running mate on Saturday. According to a statement the campaign released late Friday, the presumptive Republican nominee will announce his running mate at an 8:45am rally here on the USS Wisconsin--the first stop of his four-day bus tour of key battleground states. The campaign offered no further details, and aides traveling with Ronney declined to comment. But Republican sources told NBC News, the Huffington Post, the Associated Press and CNN that Romney is expected to name Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin--reports the campaign refused to confirm. In addition, ABC News's Jon Karl reported that former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, ...

Romney Almost Makes KFC Healthy
Post Date: 2012-08-09 17:24:00 by hondo68
(CBS)From CBS News' Scott Conroy:LAKELAND, FLA. -- When we were told that Mitt Romney would eat at Kentucky Fried Chicken for lunch today, the traveling press corps was a bit confused. The former Massachusetts governor we know is a health nut who jogs a few times a week and looks incredibly fit for a 60-year-old man. But there he was, chopping on his fried chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy, beans and a biscuit, although Romney made sure to take the skin off the chicken. "I feel sorry for you guys though," he said to the media horde that had gathered in front of his table. "I get to eat. You have to watch me eat."It was a bit awkward standing there with our ...

Mitt Romney’s dad had a card giving him free McDonald’s for life
Post Date: 2012-08-08 20:18:58 by X-15
DES MOINES—Mitt Romney has made no secret of his love for fast food—and it appears he inherited that taste from his dad. Speaking to supporters at a Chicago fundraiser Tuesday, Romney recognized a member of the audience who had worked at McDonald's, based in nearby Des Plaines, for 27 years—including with the chain's founder, Ray Kroc. That prompted Romney to tell a story about his father, former Michigan Gov. George Romney, and what he'd found peeking through his father's "top drawer" as a teenager when he was rooting around for spare change. "I found a little paper card, a little pink card, and it said this entitles George W. Romney to a ...

Will the Covert Become Overt? Drudge Reports that Romney Will Pick CIA Director Petraeus for VP
Post Date: 2012-08-07 22:34:24 by christine
They've ruled us from behind the scenes ever since they shot JFK. I guess they figure it's time they made it official. http://drudgereport.com/flashgp.htm All hail the spook-state! National "security" uber alles! Please continue sacrificing your blood and treasure to gain the favor of these, your new gods! Will we resist this decades-long treason against our Republic, or go quietly into the night of a new Dark Age?

The Most Vicious Ad of the 2012 Campaign Blames Mitt Romney For The Death of a Steel Worker's Wife
Post Date: 2012-08-07 19:20:44 by X-15
The pro-Barack Obama super PAC Priorities USA unleashed what might be the most vicious ad of the 2012 campaign cycle this morning, an ad that personally points some blame toward presumptive Republican nominee Mitt Romney for the death of a steel worker's wife. The ad, titled "Understands," is a much more pronounced and heavy attack than some of the others that the Obama campaign and Priorities USA have released targeting Bain Capital's closure of a GST Steel plant in Kansas City. “Understands” features Joe Soptic, who was laid off from the plant and lost health benefits. The ad says that he later found part-time work, but his wife developed a stage-four cancer ...

Romney overseas tour a chance to showcase Netanyahu friendship
Post Date: 2012-07-26 09:06:55 by Phant2000
Mitt Romney set out Wednesday on an international journey that will allow the business-minded candidate to burnish his foreign policy creds and showcase something he has that President Obama doesn't -- a longstanding personal relationship with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. While an incumbent president almost always has the advantage when it comes to foreign policy, the Republican challenger could use his six-day tour to highlight Obama's alleged trust deficit with Israel. And what better way for Romney to do that than by spending quality time with his former colleague, who also happens to lead Israel? The connection between Romney and Netanyahu goes back decades. It ...

Chavez Riding High in Polls
Post Date: 2012-07-25 22:49:16 by Stephen Lendman
Chavez Riding High in Polls by Stephen Lendman Bolivarianism remains overwhelmingly popular. So is Chavez. He heads the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). In 1999, he transformed the nation into a Bolivarian republic. It's based on "solidarity, fraternity, love, justice, liberty and equality." He changed it politically, economically and socially. He established participatory democracy. Venezuela's process shames America's, Britain's, France's, and other Western states. He constitutionally instituted basic social rights for everyone. They include universal health care, education, affordable housing, land reform, indigenous rights, and much more. ...

Mitt Romney, A Hero in My Mind (LOL!)
Post Date: 2012-07-24 12:59:26 by abraxas
Romney girl........er, Romney Old Man has a not so catchy, in fact down right crappy, campaign serenade. Oh noes, my ears are burning!

Spokesman: George W. Bush skipping GOP convention
Post Date: 2012-07-20 17:54:03 by christine
WASHINGTON (AP) — A spokesman says former President George W. Bush is skipping the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., next month. Bush spokesman Freddy Ford says the 43rd president is enjoying his time off the political stage and respectfully has declined the party's invitation to attend the event. Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney will formally be nominated at the convention. Bush's father, former President George H.W. Bush, earlier this week also declined to attend. The two former presidents have endorsed Romney.

100 Ways Mitt Romney Is Just Like Barack Obama
Post Date: 2012-07-19 12:29:57 by PnbC
The New York Times recently made a less than half-hearted attempt to summarize the similarities between President Barack Obama and presumptive Republican Party nominee, Mitt Romney. As New York Magazine reports, the Times wasn’t able to do much better than: They both like Star Trek, Modern Family, and Chicken. Here at IVN, I thought we could find just a few more similarities of just a little more substance.The following list isn’t just a bunch of opinions, but documented facts that together draw a compelling picture: Far from being polar opposites, the two “choices” offered as presidential candidates by this country’s two main parties are nearly indistinguishable on ...

Obama vs Romney
Post Date: 2012-07-19 10:36:13 by christine

Why won't Romney release more tax returns?
Post Date: 2012-07-18 13:08:50 by farmfriend
Why won't Romney release more tax returns? By Edward D. Kleinbard and Peter C. Canellos, Special to CNN Editor's note: Edward D. Kleinbard is a professor at Gould School of Law at the University of Southern California. He is the former chief of staff of Congress's Joint Committee on Taxation. Peter C. Canellos, a lawyer, is former chair of the New York State Bar Association Tax Section. (CNN) -- By announcing that he will release no further tax returns beyond his 2010 and 2011 returns, Mitt Romney appears to have exempted himself from the proud bipartisan tradition of presidential nominees displaying genuine financial candor with the electorate. What is more, his disclosure ...

Do presidential campaigns matter?
Post Date: 2012-07-16 11:25:11 by christine
In a few short weeks, Alan Abramowitz will predict whether Barack Obama or Mitt Romney will win the popular vote for president — and he's almost certain to be right. Abramowitz, a political science professor at Emory University, has correctly called every popular-vote winner since he began forecasting elections in 1992. He has come within two percentage points, on average, of predicting the winner's share of the vote in those elections, too, including Al Gore's super-squeaky majority in 2000. How can he accurately estimate the outcome of an election more than three months ahead of time — before the conventions, the debates, and the twists and turns of the fall ...

Post Date: 2012-07-13 00:32:16 by christine
Late Thursday evening, Mitt Romney's presidential campaign launched a new fundraising drive, 'Meet The VP' -- just as Romney himself has narrowed the field of candidates to a handful, sources reveal. And a surprise name is now near the top of the list: Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice! The timing of the announcement is now set for 'coming weeks'. MORE It was Condi who received two standing ovations at Romney's Utah retreat a few weeks ago, and everyone left with her name on their lips. Rice made an extended argument for American leadership in the world. In recent days, she emailed supporters: "2012 is perhaps a turning point for the United ...

Romney CAUGHT CHEATING - Campaign Over - Paul vs. Obama
Post Date: 2012-07-08 18:33:54 by CadetD
Lawyers For Ron Paul National Conference Call, with Richard Gilbert of the California Bar Click for Full Text!Poster Comment:

Explore Kantar Media
Post Date: 2012-07-08 15:46:19 by bush_is_a_moonie
Campaign Media Analysis Group, a Kantar Media solution, is the exclusive source of content analysis and advertising expenditure data for political, public affairs and issue advocacy professionals.

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