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Latest Articles: (s)Elections

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PRI Regains Mexican Presidency
Post Date: 2012-07-04 03:55:09 by Stephen Lendman
PRI Regains Mexican Presidency by Stephen Lendman Like its northern neighbor, wealth and power dominate Mexican politics. Elections are notoriously tainted. Populist candidates are excluded. The late John Ross said Mexico perfected the art of electoral theft. Longstanding problems fester. For millions, they're unbearable. They include extreme poverty, unemployment, underemployment, deep-seated private and public corruption, drug-related crime and violence, and political repression. Beyond lip service, none of the candidates addressed them. Conditions are worse now than years earlier. Sunday's election changed nothing. Privately, Nieto assured Washington that business as usual ...

"Stay Home, Don’t Vote!"
Post Date: 2012-06-27 12:11:30 by PnbC
Celente Launches 2nd American Revolution: Puts His Money Where His Heart Is Trends JournalPreviously by Gerald Celente: From Meltdown to Mayhem: Are You Ready? KINGSTON, NY, 26 June 2012 – Gerald Celente’s forecast is clear – The 2nd American Revolution is on the horizon. And this American Patriot has done more than just sign up to join the fight, he’s established its headquarters. Inspired by its potent symbolic value, Celente has purchased the 1750s "Franz Roggen House," a stately stone colonial set on the northeast corner of John and Crown Streets, in Kingston’s historic Stockade District. This is the only intersection in the United States ...

‘Obama Truth Team’ Orders GoDaddy To Shut Down Website
Post Date: 2012-06-27 10:11:31 by Ada
Information deemed “maliciously harmful to government” A political website that contained stinging criticism of the Obama administration and its handling of the Fast and Furious scandal was ordered to be shut down by the Obama campaign’s ‘Truth Team’, according to private investigator Douglas Hagmann, who was told by ISP GoDaddy his site contained information that was “maliciously harmful to individuals in the government.” Hagmann, CEO of Hagmann Investigative Services, Inc., a private investigative agency serving a roster of Fortune 500 clients, was given 48 hours by GoDaddy to find a new home for his website before it was deleted. Hagmann was told the ...

Why Congress Doesn't Work
Post Date: 2012-06-26 08:39:27 by Ada
Lawmakers’ avoidance of accountability undermines self-government. Faced with a complex, hard-to-solve problem, there is a natural human tendency to solve a much simpler, easier one instead. Nobel Laureate Daniel Kahneman, in his book, Thinking, Fast and Slow, dubs this cognitive process “substitution.” We know our political system is broken. The signs are everywhere: knee-jerk partisanship, massive debts and unfunded liabilities, widespread citizen dissatisfaction, trillion-dollar deficits, rampant public and private corruption, and a federal government that has less support than King George III at the time of the American Revolution. But fixing the system is a ...

Pro Obama Biographer Admits Obama Family History Based On Myth
Post Date: 2012-06-23 03:57:22 by GreyLmist
Godfather Politics Yet another Barack Obama biography has been recently published. This time it was written by someone friendly to Obama. David Maraniss, in his book, Barack Obama: The Story, sought to chronicle the early years of young Obama and tell of things that molded and shaped him into being the person he is today. Maraniss diligently researched as much as he could about Obama’s childhood, including the relationship between his parents. He looked up records and interviewed as many people as possible that may have had some knowledge of Barack Obama Sr and Ann Dunham, his father and mother. But what Maraniss discovered was that the family history told by Obama at the 2004 ...

Incredible ad by the Catholic Church
Post Date: 2012-06-22 18:56:49 by christine

Post Date: 2012-06-21 12:08:21 by christine
ABC News picked up reports from new media sources claiming that Marco Rubio was not being properly vetted by the Romney campaign. USA Today raised the question with Romney who responded - Mitt Romney told reporters in Michigan that Florida Sen. Marco Rubio is being looked at as his possible running mate, adding that a news story out today about the Tea Party favorite not being vetted was "entirely false." – “Marco Rubio is being thoroughly vetted as part of our process," Romney said during a campaign stop in Holland, Mich. Okay, so Marco Rubio is being vetted for the VP position by the Romney campaign. However, since it is well-known that Marco Rubio is not a ...

The Romnambulist
Post Date: 2012-06-18 19:36:42 by Ada
After winning a war of attrition in the primaries, Mitt Romney is the presumptive Republican nominee for president. He is also a presumptive human being. Whereas questions still linger as to whether Barack Obama was born an American citizen, I have doubts as to whether Romney was born a member of the human race. Whereas Obama is thought to be cool, Romney is widely perceived as cold. He is so utterly bloodless, wooden, and flavorless, he makes the robot from Lost in Space seem like Pagliacci. A tree stump has more personality than he does. Even a square has sharp edges, while his are softly rounded. The only remotely magical thing about him is his Mormon underwear. No, I take that ...

Post Date: 2012-06-15 16:34:55 by Ada
Today, the Obama Administration, in an obvious attempt to boost the President's flailing reelection campaign, announced that it would bypass Congress and rewrite the nation's immigration laws. The Obama administration will stop deporting and begin granting work permits to younger illegal immigrants who came to the U.S. as children and have since led law-abiding lives. The election-year initiative addresses a top priority of an influential Latino electorate that has been vocal in its opposition to administration deportation policies. The second sentence of the Associated Press story addresses the true impetus for the policy change; election-year politics. Obama, and today's ...

Oregon sees biggest drop-off of Obama donors from 2008, analysis shows
Post Date: 2012-06-13 20:27:36 by Phant2000
Thousands of donors who gave to Barack Obama in 2008 are so far sitting out this year, and nowhere is the drop-off so steep as in Oregon, reports the website BuzzFeed. In Oregon, 91 percent of those who gave at least $200 -- the threshold for identifying individual contributors -- to Obama in the 2008 campaign have so far not contributed to the president's reelection campaign. That's the highest percentage of any state in the country, according to BuzzFeed. Idaho, Colorado and Nevada were also close behind. BuzzFeed didn't provide full data on the states, but the national average was an 88 percent drop, so it doesn't appear to vary that much. The drop-off doesn't ...

Why Rand Paul was wrong to endorse Mitt Romney & Jack Hunter is a statist (Adam Kokesh)
Post Date: 2012-06-13 16:10:24 by christine

Ventura: Abolish Both Political Parties
Post Date: 2012-06-13 08:42:00 by Ada
[Editor's Note: Jesse's latest book is currently available in the Infowars Shop.] Former Governor of Minnesota Jesse Ventura called for the abolition of the Democratic and Republican parties in an appearance last night on CNN, saying they are worse than violent warring street gangs. In an interview with Piers Morgan, Ventura did not hold back, urging that “We need to abolish the political parties,” and “Make them political action committees.” As he does in his new book, the former Navy Seal compared the current two party US political system to the infamous Los Angeles street gangs the Bloods and Crips. “They call the blue states Democrats, well that is ...

IRS Denial of Tax Exemption to U.S. Political Group Spurs Alarms
Post Date: 2012-06-10 21:33:00 by farmfriend
IRS Denial of Tax Exemption to U.S. Political Group Spurs Alarms By Jonathan D. Salant - Jun 7, 2012 9:01 PM PT An Internal Revenue Service decision revoking the tax-exempt status of a small political nonprofit organization may foreshadow an investigation into groups such as Crossroads GPS and Priorities USA that spend millions on the 2012 U.S. presidential election. At risk would be the groups’ nonprofit status, which lets them collect millions of dollars from individuals and corporations while keeping donors anonymous. President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are benefitting from such nonprofits. Crossroads GPS was started with help from former President ...

Lew Rockwell: Ron Paul and Rand Paul are Different
Post Date: 2012-06-10 16:17:09 by abraxas

You Are Libertarian--End the Fed, End the Wars, This is Your Freedom
Post Date: 2012-06-08 14:11:13 by abraxas

Walker Wins, Wisconsinites Lose
Post Date: 2012-06-07 03:31:45 by Stephen Lendman
Walker Wins, Wisconsinites Lose by Stephen Lendman Morning headlines read more like obituaries than reason for anyone to celebrate. Despite pre-election polls suggesting either candidate could win, odds greatly favored Republican Scott Walker. He outspent Democrat Tom Barrett around 25 - 1. Corporate backing made the difference. The Democrat National Committee (DNC) gave no financial or campaign support. Neither did Obama. Effectively they conceded. Final results didn't surprise. On June 6, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel headlined "Walker wins recall race over Barrett," saying: He became "the first governor in (US) history to survive a recall election...." In ...

Censorship: Google Caught Blocking The DailyPaul Website
Post Date: 2012-06-06 14:48:51 by Ferret

Holder's Chutzpah
Post Date: 2012-06-04 07:09:28 by Ada
Attorney General Eric Holder recently told a group of black clergymen that the right to vote was being threatened by people who are seeking to block access to the ballot box by blacks and other minorities. This is truly world-class chutzpah, by an Attorney General who stopped attorneys in his own Department of Justice from completing the prosecution of black thugs who stationed themselves outside a Philadelphia voting site to harass and intimidate white voters. This may have seemed like a small episode to some at the time, but it was only the proverbial tip of the iceberg. The U.S. Attorney who was prosecuting that case – J. Christian Adams – resigned from the Department of ...

National Right to Work Act Petition
Post Date: 2012-06-03 10:09:14 by Phant2000
I don't know how to properly post this, so am sending the link: http://righttoworkcommittee.org/rprtwa_petition.aspx Perhaps someone will know how to post the entire email so the reader will get the full affect?

Romney promises world's strongest military
Post Date: 2012-05-28 18:54:18 by Phant2000
SAN DIEGO (AP) — Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney promised Monday to maintain an American military "with no comparable power anywhere in the world." The likely Republican presidential nominee faced a San Diego crowd estimated at 5,000 in what was billed as a Memorial Day service paying tribute to the nation's war dead, not a campaign rally. The appearance came the day before Romney was expected to win enough delegates to claim his party's nomination, a formality that cements his status as President Barack Obama's general election opponent. Without naming his general election rival on Monday, Romney drew clear contrasts with Obama on the issue of ...

Mitt Romney the RINO - a Republican In Name Only
Post Date: 2012-05-24 15:00:59 by GreyLmist
Mitt Romney: It's Always A Burden To Run With R For Republican After Your Name - 4 seconds Mitt Romney: I'm Not Trying To Return To Reagan-Bush. - 8 seconds Mitt Romney: I'm Not Running As The Republican View Or A Continuation of Republican Values - 7 seconds Mitt Romney: My R Doesn't Stand For Republican As Much As Reform - 6 seconds Mitt Romney admits hes PROGRESSIVE.wmv - 24 seconds Romney: I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was - 13 seconds Poster Comment:Mitt Romney admits he's a progressive RINO (Schiff Radio) - 3:15

Palin Endorses Hatch
Post Date: 2012-05-24 11:07:20 by christine
By the CNN Political Unit (CNN) — Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has weighed into another race for the U.S. Senate, this time endorsing the incumbent seeking reelection to the Utah seat he has held since 1976. Palin announced her backing for Orrin Hatch in a post to her website Tuesday evening, calling him “part of the one percent of national politicians who I think should be reelected.” Her endorsement comes almost precisely a month after Hatch came within several dozen votes of avoiding a primary contest in his bid for a seventh term in the Senate. Hatch is known for reaching across the aisle on occasion, though in her endorsement, Palin touted his opposition against the ...

Five things Ron Paul wants from the Republican National Convention
Post Date: 2012-05-23 08:12:37 by F.A. Hayek Fan
It looks as if Ron Paul is going to be an active participant in the Republican National Convention in Tampa this August. That will mark a big change from 2008, when Congressman Paul held a rival convention in Minneapolis/St. Paul while the GOP nominated John McCain nearby. Here’s our take on the five things Paul hopes to gain from staying within his party’s tent in 2012. 1. Ron Paul wants to change the soul of the GOP Paul’s most ambitious goal is to influence the Republican Party as a whole, making it more amenable to his libertarian principles. That appears to be the point of his so-called “delegate strategy," whereby Paul supporters out-organize rivals in ...

Maryland’s Highest State Court Construes Law on Petition-Checking in an Unfavorable Manner
Post Date: 2012-05-21 23:12:07 by farmfriend
Maryland’s Highest State Court Construes Law on Petition-Checking in an Unfavorable Manner May 21st, 2012 On May 21, the highest state court in Maryland, the State Court of Appeals, interpreted Maryland election law to mean that signatures on petitions are invalid if there is no exact match in the name on the voter registration record, and the name on the petition. As a result, the Libertarian Party and the Green Party do not have enough valid signatures on their petitions for 2012, and must now get more before the August 6 deadline. Here is the 36-page unanimous decision, which is called Maryland State Board of Elections v Libertarian Party of Maryland, 11-79. The Court also ...

Obma or Anarchy?
Post Date: 2012-05-21 05:58:30 by Ada
The politics of prosecuting the "NATO Three" Rahm Emanuel runs Chicago like he ran the Obama White House: with an iron fist and a foul mouth – and the NATO summit, being held in the Windy City, is the perfect occasion for him to demonstrate just how “tough” he can be. “Never let a serious crisis go to waste. What I mean by that is it’s an opportunity to do things you couldn’t do before.” Thus spake Rahm, during his days as Obama chief consigliere — and with the arrest of at least three individuals on the eve of the anti-NATO protests on charges of “material support for terrorism,” possession of incendiary devices, and ...

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