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In Presidential Election, Age Is a Factor Only Among Whites
Post Date: 2012-05-20 00:45:38 by Prefrontal Vortex
May 18, 2012 In Presidential Election, Age Is a Factor Only Among WhitesNonwhites of all ages overwhelmingly support Obama by Frank Newport PRINCETON, NJ -- Barack Obama maintains a substantial edge over Mitt Romney among voters younger than age 40, while Romney wins among those 40 and older. Obama does best among those 18 to 29, beating Romney by 21 percentage points, while Romney's best group is those aged 70 and older, among whom he wins over Obama by a 14-point margin. These results are based on an analysis of more than 15,000 Gallup Daily tracking interviews with registered voters, conducted from April 11-May 16, 2012. Overall, Obama and Romney are tied over this period, with ...

Something Stinks: John Edwards and a Thirty Year Jail Term?
Post Date: 2012-05-18 20:46:37 by Ada
Does no one else find the very fact of John Edwards being on trial curious? Does no one else wonder about the criminal basis for the prosecution? About who in politics does and does not end up being destroyed by matters related to sexual behavior? Let me preface my take on the Edwards trial with one general observation: Not all politicians are created equal. And not all are treated equally. Therein lies an issue deserving a much, much closer look: whether vulnerable Democrats, chiefly of the liberal persuasion, are targeted for destruction. Or at least helped along to their doom by a double standard. *** But first, the specifics of the Edwards case. He faces a potential $1.5 million ...

Newark Star-Ledger admits to censoring race in savage mob attacks [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2012-05-17 08:35:34 by PSUSA2
By now many of you are familiar with the brutal racially motivated mob attack on two Virginia-Pilot reporters in Norfolk, Virgina. The pair was attacked by a mob of up to thirty young blacks down the street from the offices of the Virginia-Pilot. The newspaper news staff refused to report the story. Two weeks later, a writer for the opinion page blew the whistle on her own newspapers' censorship. She also reported on a twitter message from one of the perps. The message boasted that the attack was revenge for Trayvon Martin. She said the police had been reluctant to do anything about the attack.This story was picked up by Bill O'Reilly and several syndicated radio talk show ...

GOP: Romney can shame Obama, boost foreign policy credentials with Israel trip
Post Date: 2012-05-14 17:18:01 by christine
Mitt Romney should visit Israel soon, Republican lawmakers say, claiming that such a trip would highlight the fact that President Obama has not been there during his first term. Congressional Republicans told The Hill that there would be many benefits for Romney should he go to Israel, explaining that it would both advance U.S.-Israeli relations and help him politically. “It would be a good visit for him,” said National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions (Texas). Romney, who has a decades-old friendship with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, has promised that Israel would be his first foreign trip as president. He has slammed Obama for ...

Socialist Hollande owns three homes on the Riviera
Post Date: 2012-05-13 10:33:52 by noone222
France's new Socialist president owns three holiday homes in the Riviera resort of Cannes, it emerged today. Francois Hollande, 57, who “dislikes the rich” and wants to revolutionise his country with high taxes and an onslaught against bankers, is in fact hugely wealthy himself. His assets were published today in the Official Journal, the gazette which contains verified information about France’s government. To the undoubted embarrassment of the most Left-wing leader in Europe, and a man who styles himself as “Mr Normal”, they are valued at almost £1 million. It will also reinforce accusations that Hollande is a “gauche caviar”, or ...

Beach Boys Singer 'Obama's a Socialist A-Hole'
Post Date: 2012-05-11 10:47:53 by Prefrontal Vortex
Beach Boys Singer 'Obama's a Socialist A-Hole' Americans will be "f**ked" if Barack Obama gets re-elected ... this according to Beach Boys singer Bruce Johnston. Bruce was signing autographs for fans in New York yesterday when the conversation turned political. "Obama's an a**hole, "Johnston says ... adding, "Unless you're interested in never having any money and being socialized." But Johnston was an equal opportunity disser -- saying, "And who's the Republican a**hole?" "Our guy isn't any good." He continued, "You got Reagan and Tip O'Neill ... those are the last two good guys." "Wait ...

European Electoral Postmortems
Post Date: 2012-05-08 04:06:17 by Stephen Lendman
European Electoral Postmortems by Stephen Lendman The morning after election Sunday, French and Greek voters have major issues unresolved. Austerity harmed people in both countries. Technocrats remain in charge. Odds remain long for change. Europe's recession is deepening. Every stimulus attempt failed. Budget cutting during crisis conditions makes hard times worse. Throwing out bums for new ones assures similar ones. European governments fell like dominos. Since crisis conditions began, over a dozen regime changes followed. Thirteen Eurozone ones collapsed, were voted out of power, or were ordered out by banker diktats. Left or right made no difference. The Dutch government ...

Choice Not on Ballot in French Election
Post Date: 2012-05-04 04:04:24 by Stephen Lendman
Choice Not on Ballot in French Election by Stephen Lendman France replicates most Western societies. Elections give voters little choice at best. Most often there's none. Two dominant parties usually compete. In France, there's three. On April 22, first round presidential election voting took place. Three main parties competed. Former Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) leader and current president, Nicolas Sarkozy, faced two main challengers He squared off against Socialist Party's (PS) Francois Hollande and the far right National Front's (FN) Marine Le Pen. All three represent wealth and power. Popular interests aren't considered. Sarkozy is far to the right of ...

Mitt Romney Commissioned Pro-America Pins, Made Them In China
Post Date: 2012-05-04 00:45:29 by Ferret
The pin Romney commissioned At a fundraiser in Virginia last night, Mitt Romney touted his experinece running the Salt Lake City Olympic Games in 2002 — a familiar refrain — but also introduced a new rhetorical line about something more specific: lapel pins. He told a story about the “We Stand United” American flag pins he commissioned for the games, which took place just months after the terror attacks on 9/11. Romney touted his creation of the pins as a means to explain how he hopes to bring Americans together: ROMNEY: And so we created a little pin and we notified people that we’re now going to be selling these pins and the proceeds are going to go [to ...

EXPOSED: Romney Campaign Silenced Gay Spokesman To Avoid Confronting Hate Groups, Misled Reporters
Post Date: 2012-05-03 12:15:32 by Ferret
When presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney’s openly gay foreign policy spokesman resigned under pressure from right-wing anti-gay groups, the campaign sought to minimize the perceived damage by noting that Richard Grenell had not actually started yet on the job. When a CNN anchor asked campaign spokesman Eric Fehrnstrom about Grenell, the top aide prefaced his remarks by saying: “First let me correct you. He wasn’t two weeks on the job. He was scheduled to start on May 1.” Other Romney-friendly media, vaguely sourcing the campaign, addressed Grenell’s departure the same way, implying that he left the job before he’d started it. When the Washington ...

Jimmy Carter: I’d be ‘comfortable’ with Mitt Romney
Post Date: 2012-04-26 00:20:03 by Eric Stratton
Jimmy Carter says he would be “comfortable” with a Mitt Romney presidency, although he still expects President Barack Obama to win re-election in the fall. “I’d rather have a Democrat but I would be comfortable,” the former president told MSNBC in a segment aired Wednesday. “I think Romney has shown in the past, in his previous years as a moderate or progressive… that he was fairly competent as a governor and also running the Olympics as you know.” Carter went on to compliment Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, as “a good solid family man and so forth.” And although he said Romney has taken some “extreme right-wing ...

Romney Obama the Same?
Post Date: 2012-04-24 20:35:53 by Southern Style

People With Tickets Denied Entry at Mitt Romney Event in Philadelphia
Post Date: 2012-04-19 21:53:33 by farmfriend

The third name on your ballot in November will be…..
Post Date: 2012-04-18 17:14:30 by Jethro Tull
The third name on your ballot in November will be…..By Jonathan Karl, Richard Coolidge & Sherisse Pham | Power Players – Tue, Apr 17, 2012Spinners and Winners Americans will soon have their choice for the 2012 presidential race: Mitt Romney versus Barack Obama. But one group, Americans Elect, is determined to give voters a third choice for president. Americans Elect is out to shake up the voting process, taking nominations and votes for a third party candidate online, and promising to put a candidate on the ballot of every state come November. The group is telling voters, "you've got somewhere else to go," said Elliot Ackerman, Americans Elect's ...

Derbyshire Atrocity: Why Has Drudge Report Dodged?
Post Date: 2012-04-17 18:50:09 by Prefrontal Vortex
Derbyshire Atrocity: Why Has Drudge Report Dodged? By Patrick Cleburne on April 14, 2012 at 9:08pm Matt Drudge: True colors? As the week draws to a close, it has become clear that the Drudge Report really does intend to avoid mentioning NR’s John Derbyshire lynching, arguably the most significant event in “conservative” journalism in years. This despite the site finding space to record the eviction from Media Matters of a staffer at the behest of crazed Zionist Alan Dershowitz (who is not all bad) – a far less important event. Sadly, a number of media figures whom VDARE.com respects have also been silent. We have reason to believe they fear for their livelihoods. ...

Derbyshire, Weissberg, And Dog-Whistling: Conservatism Inc's Uneasy Balancing Act
Post Date: 2012-04-17 18:34:08 by Prefrontal Vortex
Derbyshire, Weissberg, And Dog-Whistling: Conservatism Inc's Uneasy Balancing Act By James Kirkpatrick on April 16, 2012 at 2:02am It’s become numbingly predictable. The Cultural Marxist Left “investigates” a selected individual working in the Establishment Conservative movement—what has been called, all too accurately, Conservatism Inc. Finding impermissible unPC deviationism, the Left demands the termination of the offending employee. Conservatism Inc. hastens to agree—instantly groveling before its supposed political opponents and sometimes even thanking them for bringing the scandal to their attention. The employee's life and career are destroyed ...

The Fix Is In - Romney Appears to be "The Annointed One"
Post Date: 2012-04-15 14:59:33 by Original_Intent
It looks like things are beginning to clarify a bit in the pResidential Dog and Pony Fraud. This morning, on Fox Nooze Sumday, David Axelrod, Obama's former chief strategist, came out for Mittens Romney. Link To NeoCon Redstate. This would suggest that the elites are done with Oh'bummer because it is becoming too obvious that in addition to being fraudulently in office he is flat incompetent. You can only take a drugged up chain smoking homo so far. My reading is that the fraudulent placing of him in office, when he is not eligible to hold the office, is beginning to stink too bad and that too many people are now waking up and asking pointed questions about the Cipher-In-Chief ...

New Mitt Romney Scandal Jeopardizes Campaign
Post Date: 2012-04-15 14:49:34 by christine

Will Obama Cancel the 2012 Elections?
Post Date: 2012-04-14 14:01:10 by BTP Holdings
Will Obama Cancel the 2012 Elections? By now the pattern is becoming clear, and the Communist strategy is emerging. Barack Obama’s Communist masters are determined to keep him in office after 2012. But with the nearly universal loathing of Obama and his deadly, Jew-hating, anti-American, Communist revolutionary agenda, getting him re-elected would be entirely impossible. Even the electoral fraud machine, composed of millions of Communist cadres (masquerading as “community organizers” or social activists) controlling thousands of precincts nationwide, would have a very hard time stealing the vote as they did in the 2008 fraudulent “election” — especially now ...

George Zimmerman case could hit 2012 presidential race
Post Date: 2012-04-13 17:58:28 by christine
Could George Zimmerman be the October surprise? Depending on the timing of legal developments in Florida, the court proceedings and possible trial of Trayvon Martin’s killer - one of the highest-profile and most racially charged cases in years - could be thrust into the middle of the 2012 presidential election. “If the judge were to rule in the pre-trial that Zimmerman has a legitimate claim in the ‘Stand Your Ground’ law defense and was as a result released, I think that could have national impact and as a result it could bleed into the political system,” Dan Abrams, legal analyst and founder of Mediaite, told POLITICO. Or, he added, “If there is an ...

NC Dem official sexually harrassed staffer
Post Date: 2012-04-13 15:10:21 by Phant2000
A former North Carolina Democratic Party staffer was sexually harassed by a party official, made a financial settlement with the party and signed a non-disclosure agreement to keep the incident quiet. “If this hits the media, the Democratic Party, our candidates, and our credibility are doomed in this election,” reads one email exchange between state Democratic leaders. An email chain between those Democratic leaders, obtained by The Daily Caller, indicates the executive director of the North Carolina Democratic Party, Jay Parmley, and the alleged sexual harassment victim both signed non-disclosure agreements. The email chain does not make clear who was guilty of the ...

Gingrich Unloads on FOX News in Private Meeting
Post Date: 2012-04-12 01:18:13 by farmfriend
Gingrich Unloads on FOX News in Private Meeting By Scott Conroy - April 12, 2012 DOVER, Del. -- During a meeting with 18 Delaware Tea Party leaders here on Wednesday, Newt Gingrich lambasted FOX News Channel, accusing the cable network of having been in the tank for Mitt Romney from the beginning of the Republican presidential fight. An employee himself of the news outlet as recently as last year, he also cited former colleagues for attacking him out of what he characterized as personal jealousy. “I think FOX has been for Romney all the way through,” Gingrich said during the private meeting -- to which RealClearPolitics was granted access -- at Wesley College. “In our ...

Delaware's Biden Takes Away Sheriff Arrest Powers! Sheriffs Bushwhacked
Post Date: 2012-04-09 02:05:02 by GreyLmist
(AFP) -- Sheriff Jeff Christopher of Sussex County, Delaware, when he was elected to the office in 2010, thought he was handpicked by the people to represent them as the highest-ranking law officer in the county. Instead, he has found himself in the middle of a fight for the future of American law enforcement as a result of a nationwide effort to abolish the sheriff’s office altogether. It is one more example of federal and state governments ignoring the will of the people as well state laws. In the case of Delaware, the state’s own constitution stipulates that the office of the sheriff is a constitutionally created position just like the secretary of state and the attorney ...

"Pink Slime" manufacturer turns out to be a major Romney donor
Post Date: 2012-03-31 12:13:31 by farmfriend
"Pink Slime" manufacturer turns out to be a major Romney donor By Virginia Smith Inevitably, appropriately, the corporation behind much-hyped and much-maligned "pink slime" is run by a key Mitt Romney donor. Eldon Roth, the founder of Beef Products, is such a big Romney supporter that he's even cited in the candidate's 2010 book, No Apology, as a paragon of the American dream: "America's industries and domestic markets are, in fact, breeding grounds for innovation. A young Eldon Roth held a blue-collar job in a cold-storage plant where beef was frozen soon after it was butchered. His idea: Instead of slowly freezing the meat in walk-in freezers, why ...

Mitt Romney: In Your Heart, You Know He’s A Loser: Are the Republicans deliberately throwing the presidential election?
Post Date: 2012-03-30 08:08:04 by F.A. Hayek Fan
The economy is in a mess, and – in spite of the Obama administration’s pathetic attempts to conjure a "recovery" out of thin air — looks like it is tanking. The European banks are on the verge of a meltdown, and the jobless rate in this country is much higher than anyone in officialdom is willing to acknowledge (although ordinary people know the truth). What’s more, America’s position abroad is none too good: after being driven out of Iraq, which is falling into the Iranian orbit, we’re well on our way to losing the war in Afghanistan, and the whole region is in turmoil. Israel is threatening to start World War III with an attack on Tehran, an act ...

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