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Post Date: 2012-02-10 10:40:00 by christine
Vote? Why? What candidate in the quadiennial resurrection of the Mickey Mouse club wants to do anthing that I want done? I want to roll back the onrushing police state and return to constitutional government. The plunge into totalitarianism is a far worse danger than World War Two, in which the US was never in danger of being invaded, and in which the outcome was a foregone conclusion. Who do I vote for? No candidate (except Ron Paul: ERP) is against sovietization. I want to end our stupid wars, now. Yesterday. Who do I vote for? There is no anti'war candidate (ERP). Obama sends the troops anywhere he can think of, and all the Republicans want to attack Iran. I want to reduce the ...

20% of Republicans leaning to Obama!
Post Date: 2012-02-09 13:40:08 by Ada
2012 election looks like replay of 2008 Editor’s note: This is another in a series of “WND/WENZEL POLLS” conducted exclusively for WND by the public-opinion research and media consulting company Wenzel Strategies. WASHINGTON – For critics of Barack Obama, 2012 has been portrayed as a do-or-die year for the country – an election that will determine whether America stays on the road to European-style socialism or veers right to reclaim its positions as the most vibrant economy in the world and the home of individual liberty. Ads by Google But the 2012 election is looking more like a replay of 2008 than a do-over. The latest WND/Wenzel Poll shows none of the ...

Romney glitter-bomber faces 6 months in prison
Post Date: 2012-02-09 11:17:51 by freepatriot32
DENVER — A Colorado student faced misdemeanor charges Wednesday for flinging glitter toward Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney in an increasingly frequent protest act some commentators say should be subject to prosecution. The practice of "glitter bombing" has mainly been the domain of gay rights activists targeting Republican politicians and other public figures who oppose same-sex marriage. But University of Colorado Boulder student Peter Smith, 20, told Reuters he threw glitter at Romney after the candidate's speech in Colorado on Tuesday to protest against his "general political philosophy," and not only his stance on gay marriage. Video of ...

Rebellion, Resistance, Renewal … or War?
Post Date: 2012-02-09 09:08:48 by Ada
I just received my copy of a great new book entitled Why Peace edited by Marc Guttman. I am one of many contributors, and my chapter is titled "If War is the Health of the State, What is Peace?" I will share that chapter at a later time, and I encourage you to buy and widely share this fantastic collection. Marc, a friend and a great activist for liberty, has really achieved something special and important in Why Peace. It occurs to me that when we speak of war, we often confuse justifiable resistance of people to evil with the propaganda-driven fiascos pursued by governments in order to consolidate or expand power, or to satisfy the corporate demands placed on politicians by ...

Jubilant Santorum wins Minnesota, nonbinding Mo.
Post Date: 2012-02-07 23:51:51 by farmfriend
Jubilant Santorum wins Minnesota, nonbinding Mo. By DAVID ESPO and PHILIP ELLIOTT Associated Press Published: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 - 6:47 pm Last Modified: Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2012 - 8:38 pm WASHINGTON -- A resurgent Rick Santorum won Minnesota's Republican caucuses with ease Tuesday night, relegating GOP front-runner Mitt Romney to a distant third-place finish that raised fresh questions about his ability to attract ardent conservatives at the core of the party's political base. Santorum was victorious, as well, in a nonbinding Missouri primary that was worth bragging rights but no delegates, and he led in early returns from Colorado's caucuses. "Conservatism is alive ...

Romney's lead dips despite wins: Reuters/Ipsos poll (Ron Paul surges 6 points to 2nd)
Post Date: 2012-02-07 15:35:52 by Critter
Despite his strong showing in early voting contests in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, Mitt Romney's support among Republicans nationwide has dipped slightly during the past month, according to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Tuesday. Romney was backed by 29 percent of Republican voters in the telephone poll conducted February 2-6, down from 30 percent in a survey in early January. The former Massachusetts governor's three rivals in the race to oppose President Barack Obama in November were in a close race for second, the poll showed. Texas Congressman Ron Paul's support grew by 5 percentage points to 21 percent, moving him into second place and ahead ...

Germany's Merkel backing Sarkozy for French president
Post Date: 2012-02-07 04:03:22 by Tatarewicz
Crisis Desperation Drives Merkel to Campaign for Sarkozy Photo Gallery: The Merkozy Alliance Photos Getty Images Chancellor Angela Merkel's move to help President Nicolas Sarkozy in his bid for re-election is unprecedented. But so too is the European debt crisis. Berlin is driven by the fear that a Socialist president in Paris may overturn its strategy to rescue the euro. But Merkel's campaign assistance poses risks. It looked almost as if it could have been a wedding when German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Nicolas Sarkozy walked into the conference hall of the European Council building in Brussels last Monday. They nodded at each other and exchanged pecks on ...

Either way....
Post Date: 2012-02-06 23:55:55 by christine
Poster Comment:Add your favorite political cartoons!

Romney! Romney! Romney
Post Date: 2012-02-06 21:24:17 by christine
I am thrilled that Mitt Romney seems to be well on his way to becoming the Republican presidential nominee. No, I'm not kidding. I think it is the best possible outcome, far better than Ron Paul winning. Now, as anyone who knows me can guess, it's not because I think Romney is a great guy who will do great things. On the contrary, he is the quintessential political whore: a delusional, narcissistic, god-complex pathological liar who has no beliefs, values or substance of his own. He is a slimy, dishonest prevaricator who will say whatever he thinks will benefit himself, without the slightest regard for truth or morality. He is a two-faced, opportunistic con-man, a crook of the ...

Mother Goose?
Post Date: 2012-02-06 19:03:12 by Dakmar
The third telephone call I received right after getting home from work was from someone calling herself "mother goose". I tried hanging up but the f****r kept ringing. On the third attempt I picked up the reciever and shouted something along the lines of "stop calling me", expletive deleted. There was some sort of babble about Obama on the other end... I did cursory search but did not discover which campaign is running these, anyone know?

Newt Gingrich, Lesbian Shocker?
Post Date: 2012-02-05 10:51:00 by christine
Got your attention? Well, read on. News today is that Gingrich is planning to hold a press conference after the Nevada caucuses wrap up. This comes as the National Enquirer hits the stands today with the blaring headline, NEWT GINGRICH’S WIFE, LESBIAN SHOCKER. Oh oh. Remember when the National Enquirer reported that John Edwards was screwing around and had a love child? So ask yourself, would the National Enquirer risk a lawsuit by making a false, unsubstantiated claim against the potential First Lady? this why Newt is going to hold a press conference? Fold his tent rather than put his family life under further scrutiny? I don’t think this kind of allegation, if true, ...

Admit It: The Elections Are Rigged.
Post Date: 2012-02-04 09:39:26 by Southern Style

O'Reilly Agrees with Ron Paul on Paul's Iran nuclear policy.flv [My note: Disagrees with Romney]
Post Date: 2012-02-02 18:00:36 by GreyLmist
Uploaded by TheScotthutch on Jan 11, 2012 Bill O'reilly apparently is coming around to seeing the truth of Ron Paul's policy on Iran, which is: that we should talk to Iran instead of invading Iran since we're not sure Iran is building a nuke. The last three commanders of U.S. Centcom including four star General John Abizaid, and the current and former heads of the Israeli Mossad also agree with this assessment. Fair Use notice - I uploaded this video in accordance with the Fair Use provisions of U.S. copyright law, for the purpose of promoting and encouraging political discussion.

Charles Krauthammer: "Newt Gingrich Is Done"
Post Date: 2012-02-02 17:40:29 by GreyLmist
Uploaded by FoxNewsInsider on May 16, 2011 On tonight's Special Report, political contributor Charles Krauthammer gave his take on presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich's future as a candidate. This follows contradictory statements made by Gingrich on the individual health care mandate, as well as a vocal lack of support for Republican Paul Ryan's (R-WI) alternative plan. Krauthammer told Bret Baier that Gingrich "didn't have a big chance from the beginning, but now it's over." Krauthammer cites "Reagan's Eleventh Commandment". Poster Comment:More recent reporting by Jon Stewart on Newt Gingrich and Reagan's Eleventh Commandment: Article 1 ...

Sarah Palin: Vote for Newt Gingrich, "annoy a liberal", "rage against the machine"
Post Date: 2012-01-30 15:37:54 by christine
Poster Comment:Stupid bitch! First comment in response to this clip on youtube. Annoy the establishment and the banksters, vote Ron Paul! Oh, and Ron Paul started the Tea Party movement in 2007. Newt is part of the machine. They're trying to make him seem like an outsider. Pathetic!

Obama hosts George H.W. and Jeb Bush at White House
Post Date: 2012-01-29 06:21:11 by Ferret
White House photo Unbeknownst to the press, President Obama met Friday evening with former president George H.W. Bush and his son, former Florida governor Jeb Bush, in the Oval Office. White House officials did not list the meeting on the president's schedule but released a photo on Flickr. According to the photo's time stamp, the meeting occurred shortly after 5 p.m., about the time the president returned to the White House from a fundraiser. When asked what the men discussed and why it wasn't on the schedule, the White House released a statement saying, “The three men enjoyed a personal visit in the Oval Office – as they have done on previous occasions when ...

Winning Our Future | Blood Money MITT ROMNEY'S MEDICARE SCANDAL
Post Date: 2012-01-29 06:14:52 by Ferret
All source information found at http://www.mittsbloodmoney.com Debating in Tampa, Florida in late-January, while falsely characterizing Newt Gingrich's income from his government consulting work, Mitt Romney denied that Bain did "any work with the government like Medicaid and Medicare". Now we learn that Bain, under Romney's "supervision", purchased and ran the Damon Corporation, who pled guilty to Federal conspiracy charges as a result of tens of millions of dollars in systemic Medicare fraud committed under Romney's and Bain's control. Damon was fined over $119-million which was, at the time, the largest criminal healthcare fine in Massachusetts ...

Santorum cancels morning events to be with child
Post Date: 2012-01-28 23:06:21 by RickyJ
Republican presidential hopeful Rick Santorum canceled his Sunday morning campaign events and planned to spend time with his hospitalized daughter. "Rick and his wife Karen are admitting their daughter Bella to Children's Hospital of Philadelphia this evening," spokesman Hogan Gidley said in a statement Saturday night, adding "Rick intends to return to Florida and resume the campaign schedule as soon as is possible." Santorum had been scheduled to appear on NBC's "Meet the Press" and attend church in Miami. Officials did not cancel Sunday's afternoon events in Sarasota and Punta Gorda. Isabella Santorum has Trisomy 18, a genetic condition caused ...

Why Newt Gingrich Won't Be President
Post Date: 2012-01-28 05:52:12 by GreyLmist
6 mins. Poster Comment:An ad runs first that can be skipped. Gets interesting at the 1 1/2 min. mark onward. The transcription is laughable too. lol

"Democrat Dictator" tries to ban me from sidewalk @ GOP debate
Post Date: 2012-01-28 02:53:23 by RidleyReport
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WO7jG3XOlEY Man chases me down public right-of-way, forbids me from being on public sidewalk, then tries to stop me from taping him! At a Republican presidential debate! How do you think that went?

Mitt Romney's Mexican Roots; His Father Was Born In Mexico, Romney Not a Natural Born US Citizen?
Post Date: 2012-01-26 12:21:58 by GreyLmist
Poster Comment:My research summary: Mitt Romney's paternal great-frandfather, Miles Park Romney, and other Mormons rejected the Edmund Act of 1882, which declared polygamy a felony. They moved as fugitives into Mexico in 1884. Mitt Romney's paternal grandparents were both born in Utah. His paternal grandfather, Gaskell Romney, was about 13-years old at the time his family crossed the border to live in Mexico and his paternal grandmother, Anna Amelia Pratt, was about 8-years old when her family moved there as well. Mitt Romney's father, George Wilcken Romney, was born to them in Mexico in 1907 and they moved to the U.S. in 1912, when he was 5 years old, to flee the Mexican ...

The Illuminati Choice for 2012 by Texe Marrs
Post Date: 2012-01-25 23:07:47 by TwentyTwelve
Newt Gingrich is Their Chosen as the Republican Party's Nominee for President The Illuminati Choice for 2012 "In no sense is Newt Gingrich a conservative or even a traditional Republican. He was a fellow at the neocon (Zionist warmonger) criminal organizations... Newt Gingrich has also attended Bohemian Grove where he rubbed elbows with occultists and male prostitutes...he is a demonstrated liar." - Kurt Nimmo - Infowars.com (April 23, 2010) Two years in advance, billionaire Jews who comprise the inner circle of the Republican Party leadership have chosen the nominee of the Party to run for President in the upcoming 2012 elections. Newt Gingrich, premier neocon and corrupt ...

[Video] David Bismark: E-voting without fraud
Post Date: 2012-01-24 17:38:24 by GreyLmist
7 minute video Poster Comment:Haven't read thoroughly through all of the many comments at the site yet but here is a random sampling: David Bismark, Nov 11 2010: So a good place to start is to put the term Prêt à Voter into Google Scholar to find many papers published over the last few years. The paper "Prêt à voter: a voter-verifiable voting system" is the currently most authoritative paper and you will find this if you google for the title. As our research is conducted at various universities in the UK and elsewhere in Europe, we have published our results and they are free for you to look at, David Bismark, Nov 11 2010: The votes are decrypted ...

Stephens: The GOP Deserves to Lose - WSJ.com
Post Date: 2012-01-24 16:20:48 by TwentyTwelve
* The Wall Street Journal * GLOBAL VIEW * JANUARY 24, 2012 The GOP Deserves to Lose That's what happens when you run with losers. *By BRET STEPHENS Let's just say right now what voters will be saying in November, once Barack Obama has been re-elected: Republicans deserve to lose. It doesn't matter that Mr. Obama can't get the economy out of second gear. It doesn't matter that he cynically betrayed his core promise as a candidate to be a unifying president. It doesn't matter that he keeps blaming Bush. It doesn't matter that he thinks ATMs are weapons of employment destruction. It doesn't matter that Tim Geithner remains secretary of Treasury. It ...

A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Convention
Post Date: 2012-01-24 10:40:50 by christine
Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, fresh from his win — er, loss — er, tie — with Rick Santorum in Iowa, dropped the proverbial house on the field in his part-time home State of New Hampshire. Following his Granite State triumph, Romney rolled into South Carolina wearing his new title of “presumptive nominee.” Then, the Romney Express missed the curve and slammed face-first into the wall at full speed. Normally, conservatives would cheer the defeat of the only-marginally-better-than-Barack-Obama Romney. Unfortunately, normal didn’t make the trip to the Palmetto State. Instead of a candidate who can untangle America from the Gordian knots of ...

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