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Really Really STRONG (Really)
Post Date: 2011-12-11 21:32:54 by christine

Alex Jones [Nightly News video]: Newt World Order!
Post Date: 2011-12-07 20:07:13 by GreyLmist
Poster Comment: Newt Gingrich: Mr. New World Order Establishment throws its weight behind the ultimate RINO globalist Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones Infowars.com Monday, November 28, 2011 “In order to understand just how dedicated Gingrich is to destroying the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, consider that he described himself as a “conservative futurist” who enthusiastically recommended as Speaker of the House his colleagues read Alvin Toffler’s 1980 book The Third Wave,” writes Kurt Nimmo. “In the book, Toffler wrote a letter to America’s “founding parents,” in which he said: “The system of government you fashioned, ...

The Libertarian Intelligentsia Is Freaking Out Over Newt
Post Date: 2011-12-06 12:47:28 by farmfriend
The Libertarian Intelligentsia Is Freaking Out Over Newt Pema Levy December 6, 2011, 5:32 AM Libertarians in Washington are not happy about how the Republican primary is shaping up. Barring a miracle, there are two candidates with a decent shot at the nomination. Mitt Romney, the godfather of Obamacare, is not libertarians’ first choice. And they think Newt Gingrich, the new frontrunner, is even worse. On Monday, Christopher Barron, a Republican strategist with libertarian leanings and head of GOProud, which represents gay conservatives, penned an op-ed mourning Herman Cain’s exit from the race. In his stead, Barron endorsed Gary Johnson, the libertarian former governor of New ...

Russia Bashing
Post Date: 2011-12-06 04:35:02 by Stephen Lendman
Russia Bashing - by Stephen Lendman On December 4, parliamentary elections were held to fill 450 State Duma seats, Russia's Federal Assembly lower house. With nearly all votes counted, RIA Novosti said Medvedev/Putin's United Russia party won 238 seats, falling slightly below a majority with 49.67% of the vote. It added that it's "a far cry from the commanding two-thirds constitutional majority the party held in the State Duma for the past four years" based on tabulated results so far. United Russia is the nation's dominant party. In December 2001, it was founded by merging the Unity and Fatherland-All Russia parties. Vladimir Putin served as acting President ...

Ron Paul's "Wanna drain the swamp?" ad
Post Date: 2011-12-05 12:20:08 by Ferret

Gingrich Credits Freddie/Fannie For Liquid, Stable Housing Finance System
Post Date: 2011-12-04 21:48:52 by Southern Style
Gingrich Credits Freddie/Fannie For Liquid, Stable Housing Finance System Last Updated: Thu, 12/01/2011 - 5:43pm Weeks after a global news agency revealed Newt Gingrich made upwards of $1.5 million as a Freddie Mac consultant, interesting information continues to surface exposing the former House Speaker’s tight relationship with the scandal-plagued, government-sponsored mortgage giant that triggered the nation’s financial crisis. Gingrich, a Republican presidential candidate, made between $1.6 million and $1.8 million in consulting fees from two Freddie Mac contracts, according to inside sources quoted by the news service that broke the story earlier this month. His job was to ...

Reality Check: Newt Gingrich and the president's power to assassinate
Post Date: 2011-11-28 14:01:49 by GreyLmist

Newt’s Well Deserved Bashing Continues
Post Date: 2011-11-28 03:09:16 by Big Meanie
It’s reassuring that Newt Gingrich’s step into the cowpie of “humane” immigration in the recent debate has caused a firestorm with legs. (A Google News search two days after the debate in question for Gingrich Immigration [1] got 2260 hits.) He may have thought he was making a clever move into a general-election-style campaign, but he has to win conservative primary voters in Iowa [2], New Hampshire and South Carolina first. Newt Gingrich is surely an unashamed practitioner of the straw-man argument, conjuring up an absurd family-splitting scenario that sounds like memo from La Raza: Debate Transcript, Nov. 22 [3] “If you’ve been here 25 years and you got ...

Newt Gingrich Support For Dream Act Amnesty Will Derail Campaign
Post Date: 2011-11-27 18:48:08 by GreyLmist
For National Release November 22, 2011 Contact: Americans for Legal Immigration PAC (ALIPAC) Press@alipac.us Toll Free: (866) 703-0864 Americans for Legal Immigration PAC is predicting that the Gingrich campaign will implode in reaction to Speaker Gingrich's support for Dream Act Amnesty during tonight's CNN debate. ALIPAC successfully predicted the implosion of Rick Perry's campaign immediately following Perry's debate support for in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. Click for Full Text!

Newt Gingrich Thinks School Children Should Work as Janitors
Post Date: 2011-11-27 18:37:09 by GreyLmist
The GOP presidential candidate wants nine-year-olds to work as janitors. It's not merely a crazy plan (although it's plenty crazy). It's also evidence of a deep disrespect for and ignorance of American work. ______ Last Friday, during an event at Harvard, Republican presidential contender Newt Gingrich offered up a modest plan for alleviating poverty in the United States. It was time, he said, to relax our "truly stupid" child labor laws. In particular, schools should fire their unionized janitors, and hire children as young as nine to do the work instead. Per The New York Times: "You say to somebody, you shouldn't go to work before you're what, 14, 16 ...

Gingrich coup: Endorsement from NH's largest paper
Post Date: 2011-11-27 13:21:44 by Phant2000
WASHINGTON – New Hampshire's largest newspaper on Sunday endorsed former House Speaker Newt Gingrich in the 2012 GOP presidential race, signaling that rival Mitt Romney isn't the universal favorite and potentially resetting the contest before the state's lead-off primary Jan. 10. "We are in critical need of the innovative, forward-looking strategy and positive leadership that Gingrich has shown he is capable of providing," The New Hampshire Union Leader said in its front-page editorial, which was as much a promotion of Gingrich as a discreet rebuke of Romney. "We don't back candidates based on popularity polls or big-shot backers. We look for ...

Special Interests...EXPOSED!!!
Post Date: 2011-11-18 04:56:53 by GreyLmist
Poster Comment:"SHOCKING statistics exposing the biggest special interest of all!": Big Government.

Who Are You Mitt?
Post Date: 2011-11-18 04:05:58 by GreyLmist

2012 Iowa Republican Caucus
Post Date: 2011-11-17 17:32:34 by Phant2000
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has already picked up steam among Republican primary voters nationwide, and now he jumps to the front of the GOP pack among caucus-goers in Iowa. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers shows Gingrich with 32% followed by former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney at 19%. Georgia businessman Herman Cain, who led in Iowa last month, drops to third with 13% of the vote. Texas Congressman Ron Paul draws 10% of the vote in Iowa, while Texas Governor Rick Perry and Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann each grab six percent (6%). (To see survey question wording, click here.) Former Pennsylvania Senator ...

(franklin pedophile ring) Does Herman Cain Have A $40 Million Problem? One That Could, As They Say, Come Out?
Post Date: 2011-11-15 19:28:53 by gengis gandhi
Does Herman Cain Have A $40 Million Problem? One That Could, As They Say, Come Out? 3 Digg 48 22 Email > 143 217 ShareThis The devastating Herman Cain video (above), posted by the Ron Paul camp should have put a quick end to whatever there is of Cain's campaign for the Republican Party presidential or vice presidential nomination (although I suspect he'd be equally happy with a secondary ambassadorship)... but it didn't. Inside the GOP these days, support from the Koch brothers for one of their lackeys trumps good judgment-- or even common sense. Herman Cain wasn't just the former chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City and he wasn't just the ...

How Two Elections Changed America
Post Date: 2011-11-15 08:14:37 by Ada
Two clandestine operations during hard-fought presidential elections of the past half century shaped the modern American political era, but they remain little known to the general public and mostly ignored by historians. One unfolded in the weeks before Election 1968 and the other over a full year before Election 1980. Share this article ShareThis emailEmail printPrinter friendly Besides putting into power iconic Republican leaders, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, those two elections altered the nation’s course and went a long way toward defining the current personalities of America’s national parties, the anything-goes Republicans versus the ever-accommodating Democrats. The ...

Jim Robinson: A word about Romney
Post Date: 2011-11-12 19:16:34 by James Deffenbach
RINO. Three words: liberal progressive RINO. Add a fourth, fifth, sixth, etc: unprincipled, untrustworthy, flip-flopper, aisle-crossing, fraud, liar, political whore. And a few more: abortionist, gay rights panderer, gun-grabber, global warming advocate, big government mandate lover, socialist healthcare pusher, constitution trampling, liberal judge appointing, TARP loving, bailout loving, stimulus pushing Keynesian statist. That my friends, is no definition of conservative or of conservatism. Not even close. In fact it's the exact opposite. Free Republic is and will remain an exclusive pro-God, pro-life, pro-family, pro-gun, pro-constitution, pro-small government, pro-capitalism, ...

David Axelrod's Pattern of Sexual Misbehavior
Post Date: 2011-11-10 19:52:26 by Phant2000
Herman Cain has spent his life living and working all over the country -- Indiana, Georgia, Minnesota, Nebraska, Kansas, Washington, D.C. -- but never in Chicago. So it's curious that all the sexual harassment allegations against Cain emanate from Chicago: home of the Daley machine and Obama consigliere David Axelrod. Suspicions had already fallen on Sheila O'Grady, who is close with David Axelrod and went straight from being former Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley's chief of staff to president of the Illinois Restaurant Association (IRA), as being the person who dug up Herman Cain's personnel records from the National Restaurant Association (NRA). The Daley-controlled IRA ...

Hilton Hotels: We Will Not Release Any Information on Cain Stays or Upgrades
Post Date: 2011-11-10 01:27:32 by RickyJ
David Trumble, senior director for corporate communications for the Hilton hotel chain, replies to my inquiry on whether Herman Cain ever rented or upgraded to a suite in their Washington hotel in July 1997: “The hotel has a privacy policy which prohibits releasing specific information regarding guests. Thank you for your understanding.”

What Does the GOP Really Want in 2012?
Post Date: 2011-11-09 06:35:10 by Ada
With the field of electable Republican presidents shrinking by the minute and the first primary elections only weeks away, conservatives may be wondering what the Republican Party establishment really wants to accomplish in 2012. I won’t keep you waiting. The Republican leadership would like nothing better than to have another four years of Dictator BHO. Of course, they will never admit it. And I don’t doubt that they’d like as many party loyals elected to 2012 state and federal offices, good suits who will do Boehner’s bidding, and stay bought. It’s just that, well, there’s nothing like the Obaminator to rally the party troopers and inspire order. The Tea ...

Paul: I Don't Want to Run as an Independent
Post Date: 2011-11-06 19:05:49 by Phant2000
Texas Rep. Ron Paul, fresh off a win in the Illinois Republicans presidential candidate straw poll, is ruling out an independent bid for the White House, saying he doesn't want to go that route. "I have no intention doing that. That doesn't make sense to me to even think about it, let alone plan to do that," Paul told "Fox News Sunday." Asked why, Paul responded: "Because I don't want to do it. That's the reason." But Paul said that if he's not the nominee, he's not certain that he would support the GOP nominee. "Probably not unless I get to talk to them and find out what they believe in. But if they believe on expanding the ...

Romney Supporters Banned From Free Republic (Rim Job has spoken)
Post Date: 2011-11-02 08:35:07 by Ferret
Conservative site on Romney: 'Enemies of the constitution ... are not welcome here' Free Republic founder Jim Robinson has a message for supporters of Mitt Romney: go away. In an email to POLITICO this afternoon, Robinson admitted that the site routinely blocks Romney supporters from posting -- and offered no apologies for the practice: Free Republic is a pro-life, pro-family, pro-gun, pro-small government, pro-constitution, pro-liberty site. Governor Romney is none of the above. His record is that of an abortionist, gay rights pushing, gun grabbing, global warming advocating, big government, mandate loving, constitution trampling, flip-flopping liberal progressive with no core ...

Another Question, This Time Financial, for Herman Cain
Post Date: 2011-11-01 11:52:56 by Ferret
Early in his candidacy, Herman Cain may have accepted tens of thousands of dollars in goods and services for his campaign from a tax-exempt organization founded by his top aide, documents from the organization show, raising the prospect of serious violations of tax and election law by both Mr. Cain’s campaign and the organization. The documents suggest that the nonprofit organization, Prosperity USA, effectively subsidized some early costs of his presidential bid, paying for computer equipment, charter planes and air travel for Mr. Cain or the aide, Mark Block, who is his chief of staff. Such expenditures would violate federal election and campaign laws, which prohibit tax-exempt ...

NBC confirms one Cain accuser received cash settlement
Post Date: 2011-10-31 14:54:04 by bush_is_a_moonie
NBC News has confirmed that one woman received a settlement from the National Restaurant Association after complaining about inappropriate sexual conduct by Herman Cain. NBC News is not disclosing the name of the woman nor characterizing who she is. Cain denied the allegations, saying on FOX this morning he was "falsely accused." "I have never sexually harassed anyone, anyone," he said, "and absolutely, these are false accusations." Despite being the chief executive officer of the National Restaurant Association, he said he was unaware of any settlement with the accusers, though he didn't deny it. "If the restaurant association did a settlement, I ...

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