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Expert says Rahm Emanuel not eligible (to be Mayor of Chicago - not a resident)
Post Date: 2010-10-04 22:23:54 by James Deffenbach
Former White House chief of staff planning run for Chicago mayor. While President Obama's eligibility to be president as a "natural born" citizen under Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution is increasingly being questioned by millions of Americans, former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel is not eligible to run for mayor of Chicago, contends a top elections law lawyer in the Windy City. "Elections law clearly specifies that a candidate for mayor in Chicago must have been a resident of Illinois for at least a year before running for election," attorney Burt Odelson told WND. "Emanuel is a resident of Washington, D.C., where he lives with his wife and ...

A Picture is worth 1,000 words
Post Date: 2010-10-04 18:57:53 by christine
Here is the comparison between the 08/28 Restoring the Republic rally by Glenn Beck and the so called “The Right Wingers” vs. the Leftist One Nation Rally on 10/02 by “The Left Wingers”. If the ‘Restoring Honor’ rally only had 87,000 (according to CBS), then the commie rally had no more than 2,000.

Democrats will hold the House and Senate
Post Date: 2010-10-01 14:39:04 by Prefrontal Vortex
Democrats will hold the House and Senate For Democrats, it's Rove time: Rally the base and save Congress POSTED ON SEPTEMBER 30, 2010, AT 5:55 PM Maybe I’m wrong. In fact, maybe I’m really, really wrong, which is the reaction I hear when I dare even to broach this notion to commentators and political strategists in both parties. So let me state it plainly: I now think the Democrats will hold the Congress—yes, the House as well as the Senate—and turn back high-profile Republican challengers in California and elsewhere. The GOP strategy of “no” worked to slow the recovery, stoke fears about fictions like death panels in the health-reform bill, and ...

Venezuela Votes
Post Date: 2010-09-28 05:52:28 by Stephen Lendman
Venezuela Votes - by Stephen Lendman On September 26, Venezuelans again voted, the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign (VSC - vicuk.org) saying to elect members to the 165-seat National Assembly. It happens every five years, and it's the 16th national election or referendum since Chavez's 1998 victory, taking office as President for first time on February 2, 1999. Bolivarianism is always at stake, represented by his United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV). They were pitted against the opposition's Table for Democratic Unity (MUD), an alliance hoping to deny Chavez a two-thirds super-majority. It was PSUV's goal, campaign head Aristobulo Isrutiz saying pre- election: ...

The Obama Boomerang [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-09-27 11:15:26 by ghostdogtxn

George Will Schools This Week Panel on Tea Party Causing GOP Civil War
Post Date: 2010-09-26 15:14:09 by farmfriend
George Will Schools This Week Panel on Tea Party Causing GOP Civil War By Noel Sheppard George Will on Sunday gave a much-needed education to the entire "This Week" panel about how the Tea Party is moving the GOP in a positive direction that could alter politics in this nation for years to come. As Christiane Amanpour and her Roundtable guests - Democrat strategist Donna Brazile, National Journal's Ron Brownstein, and Republican strategist Matthew Dowd - all fretted about the so-called Civil War brewing in the GOP, Will was once again the voice of reason. "At the beginning of the year, the question was, will the Tea Party people play nicely with others and will they ...

GOP fat cats are back and ready to spend on Republican candidates ahead of midterm elections (Koch, Univision)
Post Date: 2010-09-25 18:41:15 by hondo68
House Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio. Ten of the wealthiest conservative donors gave $19 million to GOP candidates since Obama came into office. Gearing up for the November midterm elections, some of the wealthiest GOP powerhouses have their wallets out and are ready to spend. Big time. In fact, since President Obama came into office, 10 of the most active conservative contributors have donated a whopping $19 million to Republican candidates and their political action committees, according to Politico. The fourth-highest spender on that list was the Koch family. David Koch, a leading Manhattan philanthropist(and reputed Tea Party bankroller) made headlines this past week when he ...

Castle wishes fraud complaint came before primary
Post Date: 2010-09-24 05:29:02 by HOUNDDAWG
WASHINGTON -- Rep. Mike Castle suggested a Washington watchdog group may have intentionally waited until he lost the GOP Senate primary before filing a campaign finance fraud complaint against his opponent, Christine O'Donnell. Castle -- who said Wednesday he has not ruled out a write-in campaign -- called the timing of the complaint by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington "suspect" and possibly designed to help the Democratic candidate, New Castle County Executive Chris Coons. Castle was seen as the probable winner in a general-election matchup against Coons, but O'Donnell had been considered a long shot. Castle noted that CREW filed its complaint with ...

Prepare to Be Betrayed
Post Date: 2010-09-22 15:19:02 by ghostdogtxn

Christine O'Donnell: Five reasons Democrats may need to worry
Post Date: 2010-09-20 15:29:06 by freepatriot32
Christine O’Donnell beat Rep. Mike Castle in Delaware’s Republican Senate primary this week, and Democrats in Washington swooned with joy. They figured that Mr. Castle, a moderate in a moderate state, would have been tough for Democratic candidate Chris Coons to beat. But Ms. O’Donnell? A pushover. She’s a sharp-edged "tea party" favorite running in a soft-edged political culture. She’ll have to answer too many questions about past statements and alleged financial improprieties. Look at the polls! She’s so far behind Mr. Coons she couldn’t find him on a GPS. But overconfidence in politics, as in many of life’s activities, can be fatal. ...

Occult Obsessed Elite Claim Christine O’Donnell is a Witch
Post Date: 2010-09-20 13:41:29 by christine
The establishment is pulling out all the stops to shoot down Delaware Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell. First it was former Nixon dirty trickster and Bush’s brain, Karl Rove, who characterized her as “nutty” and a reprobate for taking two decades to pay off her student loans. Now a decade old video clip as surfaced where O’Donnell admits to dabbling in witchcraft. It looks like Ms. O’Donnell will face a withering barrage of negative publicity as she heads into the mid-term elections. Both Democrats and Republicans are determined to trash the real Tea Party and any candidate who appears to be an outsider. O’Donnell, who obviously has a few issues, will be the ...

Americans Renew Call for Third Party [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-09-19 14:03:13 by abraxas
Americans Renew Call for Third Party Fifty-eight percent of Americans, and 62% of Tea Party supporters, favor third partyb y Jeffrey M. Jones PRINCETON, NJ -- Americans' desires for a third political party are as high as they have been in seven years. Fifty-eight percent of Americans believe a third major political party is needed because the Republican and Democratic Parties do a poor job of representing the American people. That is a significant increase from 2008 and ties the high Gallup has recorded for this measure since 2003. The finding, based on an Aug. 27-30 USA Today/Gallup poll, comes at a time when Americans are widely dissatisfied with the way things are going in the ...

Three reasons Christine O’Donnell might actually win [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-09-19 11:04:07 by TooConservative
Three reasons Christine O’Donnell might actually winJohn Feehery - 09/16/10 11:33 AM ET I got caught up in the moment Tuesday night and expressed my disgust with the primary victory in Delaware of Christine O’Donnell. I didn’t (and don’t) think she is qualified to be a United States senator. I bought into the notion that Delaware is a traditionally blue state and that it required a moderate like Mike Castle to win. And I expressed, in fairly tough terms, how frustrated I was with conservative activists who seemingly would rather lose elections on purpose than have candidates they agree with 60 percent of the time win. My principal frustration has to do, though, with ...

Christine O'Donnell disaster in Delaware is not a win
Post Date: 2010-09-18 20:07:17 by Original_Intent
By: September 18, 2010 First let me say that I am and have been a vocal supporter of the tea party movement. I have said on my radio show many times and in columns, I hope the tea party movement remains independent because that is where their strength lies. Many of us feel some of the larger factions have been co-opted by neo cons like Sarah Palin who endorsed O'Donnell. The tea party movement has become a force to be reckoned with and a welcome awakening. Having said that, I am simply appalled by the hysterical reaction to the "win" by Christine O'Donnell in the primary this past Tuesday out in Delaware. Not because I don't support citizen candidates. I do 100%. ...

Christine O'Donnell hits the stage at Values Voter Summit [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-09-18 10:39:32 by christine
Delaware GOP Senate candidate and tea party sensation Christine O'Donnell torched "ruling-class elites" and their "anti-Americanism," in her debut on the national stage Friday, encouraging the room of conservatives to lead a constitutional comeback in this year's midterm election. O'Donnell's 17-minute speech before the Family Research Council's Value Voters Summit made no direct mention of her primary upset of nine-term Rep. Mike Castle Tuesday; it instead focused on the enthusiasm that's reinvigorated the conservative movement in the two years since President Obama took office. "The conservative movement was told to curl up in a ...

From "Hizzhonor" to Dishonor
Post Date: 2010-09-17 05:59:12 by Stephen Lendman
From "Hizzhonor" to Dishonor - by Stephen Lendman An earlier article discussed Chicago politics under father and son Daley - Richard J. (mayor from April 20, 1955 - December 20, 1976) and Richard M. (mayor since April 24, 1989), both called "Hizzhonor" or "Hizzhonor Da Mare." Last winning a sixth term on February 27, 2007 by a 70% majority, most observers expected he'd seek another in 2011, but not so. The Chicago Tribune, on September 7, announced it, headlining, "Daley won't run for re-election: 'I have done my best,' saying: "Mayor Richard Daley says he will not run for re-election in 2011," saying it's: "time for ...

Kicking the Status Quo to the Curb — No More Beltway Bozos
Post Date: 2010-09-16 15:23:14 by Big Meanie
In case anyone was wondering, or cares: I am not a Republican nor a Democrat. I don’t like either party. Never have. I am an independent. I don’t like the Democrats because they are statists. They are for big government and more taxes. They are also for mob rule. They want a democratic society, not a Republic. That is a disastrous recipe. Big government always leads to tyranny, democracy lacks the limited government structure of a Republic, which makes it harder for corruption to prevail. Democrats seem to love corruption. They wallow in it like pigs in their own dung. That’s why they seek to undermine our limited-government constitution at every point. You can go back to ...

Sarah Palin’s top advisor outed as PNAC (“New Pearl Harbor”) director
Post Date: 2010-09-15 18:00:43 by christine
Vanity Fair recently ran a story titled Sarah Palin: The Sound and the Fury, in which they noted "The small inner circle that shapes Palin’s voice day to day includes lobbyist Randy Scheunemann, a director of the neoconservative think tank Project for the New American Century, who advises Palin on foreign affairs,..." The official PNAC website features a bio of Scheunemann, stating "Randy Scheunemann is a foreign policy and national security analyst based in Washington D.C. In 2002, he founded the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq (CLI) to promote freedom for the Iraqi people. He served as pro bono President and Executive Director of CLI until its mission was ...

Christine O'Donnell on Rove's 'Un-factual' Remarks and 'Republican Cannibalism'
Post Date: 2010-09-15 10:11:21 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Christine O'Donnell on Rove's 'Un-factual' Remarks and 'Republican Cannibalism' he Republican nominee for the Delaware Senate seat fired back at Karl Rove today for what she called "un-factual" accusations about her record. “Everything that he is saying is un-factual. And it’s a shame because he is the same so-called political guru that predicted I wasn’t going to win. And we won and we won big,” Christine O’Donnell told me this morning. “So I think, again, he is eating some humble pie and he is just trying to restore his reputation.” Following O’Donnell’s victory over Republican congressman Mike Castle – ...

Big night for tea party: O'Donnell wins Delaware [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-09-15 06:39:42 by Ada
Tea party favorite O'Donnell wins GOP Senate primary in Delaware over longtime congressman Virtually unknown a month ago, Christine O'Donnell rode a surge of support from tea party activists to victory in Delaware's Republican Senate primary Tuesday night, dealing yet another setback to the GOP establishment in a campaign season full of them. A second insurgent led narrowly for the GOP nomination in New Hampshire. O'Donnell defeated nine-term Rep. Mike Castle, a fixture in Delaware politics for a generation and a political moderate. Republican Party officials, who had touted him as their only hope for winning the seat in the fall, made clear as the votes were being ...

Tea party favorite wins Delaware GOP Senate nod
Post Date: 2010-09-14 21:46:06 by freepatriot32
WASHINGTON — Conservative activist Christine O'Donnell has earned a stunning victory in Delaware's Republican Senate primary. O'Donnell's shocking win over longtime Congressman Mike Castle gives new energy to the tea party movement, which targeted Castle after victories by Republican tea party candidates in the Alaska and Nevada Senate primaries. With 78 percent of precincts reporting, O'Donnell had 54 percent to 46 percent for Castle, a former two-term governor and the longest serving congressman in Delaware history. While attracting enough GOP conservatives to defeat Castle, a leader of Republican moderates in Congress, O'Donnell will have a hard time ...

Exclusive: Pentagon watchdog broken, U.S. money at risk: report
Post Date: 2010-09-11 07:05:03 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Exclusive: Pentagon watchdog broken, U.S. money at risk: report (Reuters) - The Pentagon's top watchdog has abandoned efforts to do in-depth audits of defense contracts, leaving billions of dollars in taxpayer money at risk because of overpayments and fraud, according to an investigative report due to be made public on Thursday. The report, written by Republican Senator Chuck Grassley's staff and obtained by Reuters, concludes that the Defense Department's Office of Inspector General has focused instead on less important types of audits, and that its productivity has plunged in recent years. It said the inspector general's office in fiscal 2009, which ended September 30, 20 ...

President Barack Obama says Rahm Emanuel would be 'terrific' Chicago mayor after Richard Daley
Post Date: 2010-09-09 20:53:48 by X-15
Now that's a good endorsement. President Barack Obama said his chief of staff would make a "terrific" Chicago mayor on ABC's "Good Morning America" on Thursday. But the president said Rahm Emmanuel is currently busy at the White House and anticipates that Emmanuel will wait until after Nov. 2 to make his decision. "My expectation is he'd make a decision after these midterm elections," Obama said. "He knows that we've got a lot of work to do. But I think he'd be a terrific mayor." Longtime Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley announced unexpectedly this week that he wouldn't run for a seventh term, leading to speculation that ...

Mayor Daley is not seeking another term
Post Date: 2010-09-07 17:12:37 by Prefrontal Vortex
Mayor Daley is not seeking another term September 7, 2010 BY FRAN SPIELMAN City Hall Reporter In a stunning political development, Richard M. Daley announced today that he will not seek another term as mayor, saying of his decision to end a record-breaking run, “it just feels right.” “In the coming days I know there will be some reflecting on my time as mayor,” Daley said. “Many of you will search to find out what’s behind my decision. It’s simple. “I have always believed that every person, especially public officials must understand when it is time to move on. “For me that time is now.” Daley, 68, made the announcement at City Hall, ...

Major Democratic donors shift donations to the right
Post Date: 2010-09-06 12:59:02 by Ada
If the temperature in Washington is determined by the smell of money, then this summer is very hot indeed. The rich are not happy. Major political action committees and employees of the nation's largest business empires have dramatically shifted their money to the right. A detailed analysis of 2010 campaign cycle contributions by the Houston Chronicle shows that Republicans are catching up with Senate Democrats in campaign fundraising. Donations to the Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)-led Senate Democratic Campaign Committee (DSCC) have dropped 25 percent this year alone. "Employees of 126 businesses that had donated money to Senate Democrats in the 2008 campaign have switched all or ...

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