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Our Long National Nightmare Isn't Over, It's Just Beginning
Post Date: 2010-09-05 16:05:03 by SkyRat
n the 1930s, the only thing we had to fear was fear, itself. Today, the main thing we have to fear is us, ourselves. Looking out over the horizon, I'm starting to wonder just how many shades of dark there are on the pallette. Lately, I get the feeling that we're about to find out. I wish I could say that this society did our best to fight our demons, but that the odds were simply insurmountable. You know. Like we were just sitting there by ourselves on our remote little Pacific island, a thousand years before telephones and radar when - bang - the tsunami hit, no fault of our own. And we bravely struggled heroically, doing our mightiest to save as many lives as we could. I mean, ...

Republican New School Flexes Clout Ahead of November
Post Date: 2010-09-05 11:43:28 by buckeroo
Democrats aren't the only incumbents in trouble this November. With a crop of feisty, fresh-faced conservatives making noise in the House and a wave of Tea Party-backed newcomers determined to join them, senior Republicans could have a mutiny on their hands. The gap between the old and new schools of the GOP has become apparent as Election Day nears and polls show Republicans increasingly likely to pick up seats -- lots of seats. Election guru Larry Sabato, at the University of Virginia, released new projections showing a possible 47-seat GOP pickup in the House. Gallup's latest generic poll showed Republicans with a 10-point lead over Democrats in the fall, the largest gap in 68 ...

How Do You Stop an Elephant Charging?
Post Date: 2010-09-03 14:50:34 by Prefrontal Vortex
How Do You Stop an Elephant Charging? Democrats are running out of time to find an answer. Eight weeks out and you don't have to be a political professional to feel what's in the air: The Republicans have a big win coming. The question in the House races is: Will they get to 218? Will Republicans pick up the 39 seats they need to win control of the 435-member chamber? Another way of asking: Is this 1994 again? That year the Republicans swept the House races, picking up 52 seats and getting, for the first time in 40 years, a Republican majority and a Republican speaker, Newt Gingrich. Even then-Speaker Tom Foley (D., Wash.), lost his seat that year. (Speaker Nancy Pelosi is ...

Voting Machine Hacked to Play Pac-Man
Post Date: 2010-09-02 17:13:32 by freepatriot32
J. Alex Halderman and Ariel J. Feldman managed to hack a touchscreen voting machine to play Pac-Man, all without breaking the machine’s tamper-evident seals. “The original election software used the psOS+ embedded operating system. We reformatted the memory card to boot DOS instead. (Update: Yes, it can also run Linux.) Challenges included remembering how to write a config.sys file and getting software to run without logical block addressing or a math coprocessor. The entire process took three afternoons.” Demo video below: I,m voting for clyde

If tomorrow you could trade out Obama for Palin, would you? This hypothetical leaves for one or the other, no equivocating. [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-08-31 15:46:15 by A K A Stone
Yes. The Kenyan is a Marxist and Palin, although slow on the uptake, is far less dangerous to America. Step up oh gutsy ones. Answer the question and show us your wisdom with a pithy comment. A non answer will render the poster to be an O'tard and a defender of Barry Soetoro's Big Government, Black nationalist agenda.

Houston Fire destroys all Harris County voting machines
Post Date: 2010-08-27 22:04:45 by randge
Fire destroys all Harris County voting machines Harris County Clerk Beverly Kaufman Friday morning said she is confident of timely, clean elections in November, even after a fire that destroyed the county's entire inventory of 10,000 electronic voting machines. Kaufman urged voters to cast their ballots early to help the county cope with a possible shortage of equipment on election day. "Because I don’t expect to have 10,000 pieces to work with, no matter what we do, I’m sure that we’re going to be putting on a full court press urging people to vote early," Kaufman said. Kaufman said she expected that the fire in a county warehouse in the 600 block of ...

We stood by Arizona & They gave us 6 more years of McCain!!!
Post Date: 2010-08-25 15:47:00 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
We stood by Arizona & They gave us 6 more years of McCain!!! What can I say? I give McLiar a week before he starts the pandering to foreign nationals and their big dollars.Here's the reaction to the Arizona Senate race from Conservatives, who sum it all up!BREAKING: McCain Wins Primary (Idiot Republicans on Parade) Tue Aug 24 doc1019: How can a state that is willing to fight the President over illegal immigrants continue to elect this idiot RINO.Boucheau: Thank you Sarah Palin! Well done, you hack!Not to mention all the GOP-bots out there—you are about as useful as Obama voters.The Commie-Lite GOP Establishment wins again!who knows what evil?: The pig McCain will probably ...

McCain defeats conservative primary challenger [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-08-24 23:54:16 by abraxas
McCain defeats conservative primary challenger PHOENIX – Sen. John McCain routed conservative challenger J.D. Hayworth on Tuesday in the Republican primary in what could be the final campaign for the former GOP presidential nominee. McCain spent more than $20 million to beat back an aggressive challenge from Hayworth, who relentlessly attacked the senator for his shifting stance on immigration and sought to tap into the anti-incumbent rage that has taken down other lawmakers in 2010. Two years after his bitter loss in pursuit of the White House, the 73-year-old McCain now begins a final 10-week push and will be the heavy favorite. The Democratic race was still undecided, but whoever ...

Dirtry Tricks
Post Date: 2010-08-23 06:19:22 by Ada
Smear campaign against Julian Assange reaches new low The smear campaign targeting Julian Assange and WikiLeaks isn’t very subtle, nor is it very effective. First the Pentagon refuses Assange’s request to vet the tens of thousands of secret files WikiLeaks put online, expunging material that might cost American or Afghan lives – and then turns around and declares Assange and his organization have “blood on their hands.” In a similar act of self-refutation, they announce there will be no negotiations with the WikiLeakers, and then denounce WikiLeaks’ American lawyer for not keeping a 10 a.m. appointment to … negotiate. All this was preceded by a smear ...

Pac-Man Hacked Onto E-Vote Machines Without Breaking Seal
Post Date: 2010-08-22 07:36:41 by Ada
Same systems to be used by millions of voters this November... This is your Sequoia touch-screen voting machine.... This is your Sequoia touch-screen voting machine with Pac-Man hacked onto it without disturbing any of the "tamper-evident" seals supposedly meant to protect it from hackers... Any questions?... Sequoia's voting machines, used in some 20% of U.S. elections, employ Intellectual Property (IP) still owned by a Venezuelan firm tied to Hugo Chavez. Sequoia itself is now owned by a Canadian firm called Dominion. (Though Dominion, like Sequoia itself before it, lied about the continuing Venezuelan/Chavez ties in its recent announcement of the acquisition, as ...

GOP gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman opposes ban on open carry of guns in California
Post Date: 2010-08-20 17:38:54 by Artisan
Meg Whitman's campaign spokesman has replied to a query regarding California's AB 1934, a proposed bill which would outlaw open carry of firearms in California. The biill has been proposed by Democratic Assemblywoman Lori Saldana, who fears that carrying guns "creates a very dangerous situation". The Los Angeles County Sheriffs have come out in favor of the bill, along with the L.A. Mayor, several cities and newspapers. I contacted the Republican candidate's campaign and asked "What is Meg Whtiman's position on AB 1934, and open carry of firearms in California, which is currently legal? If she is elected governor, would she sign or veto this bill? Also, what ...

DeLay warns GOP: Don't underestimate Democrats this fall
Post Date: 2010-08-19 16:44:40 by Prefrontal Vortex
DeLay warns GOP: Don't underestimate Democrats this fall By Michael O'Brien - 08/18/10 12:06 PM ET Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) said the Democratic Party's strong ground game could stave off midterm losses. Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) on Wednesday warned Republicans not to underestimate Democrats this fall. DeLay, fresh off having the Justice Department drop a federal investigation against him, said GOP wins in the midterm elections aren't "a given" due to the strength of the grassroots infrastructure Democrats built in 2006 and 2008. "Over the last ten years, the Democrats, particularly the Democrats in the House, ...

Civilian Control? Surely, You Jest.
Post Date: 2010-08-19 06:20:54 by Ada
The principle of civilian control forms the foundation of the American system of civil-military relations, offering assurance that the nation’s very powerful armed forces and its very influential officer corps pose no danger to our democracy. That’s the theory at least, the one that gets printed in civics books and peddled to the plain folk out in Peoria. Reality turns out to be considerably more complicated. In practice, civilian control—expectations that the brass, having rendered advice, will then loyally execute whatever decision the commander-in-chief makes—is at best a useful fiction. In front of the curtain, the generals and admirals defer; behind the curtain, ...

Court halts Calif. gay marriages pending appeal
Post Date: 2010-08-16 20:21:41 by hondo68
SAN FRANCISCO – A federal appeals court put same-sex weddings in California on hold indefinitely Monday while it considers the constitutionality of the state's gay marriage ban. The decision, issued by a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, trumps a lower court judge's order that would have allowed county clerks to begin issuing marriage licenses to same-sex couples on Wednesday. Lawyers for the two gay couples that challenged the ban said Monday they would not appeal the panel's decision on the stay to the Supreme Court. In its two-page order granting the stay, the 9th Circuit agreed to expedite its consideration of the Proposition 8 case. The ...

Kagan case: 'Real Truth About Obama'
Post Date: 2010-08-07 13:18:14 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
LAW OF THE LAND Kagan case: 'Real Truth About Obama' Fight over ad explaining president's abortion advocacy reached Supremes Posted: August 04, 201010:55 pm Eastern Just as the U.S. Senate was voting to install President Obama's one-time solicitor general, Elena Kagan, on the U.S. Supreme Court bench, a case was discovered in which she represented the government against an organization called "The Real Truth About Obama." Kagan, while solicitor general of the U.S. from March 2009 until May, was listed as the government's counsel on the files when the dispute reached the U.S. Supreme Court. The case focuses on the organization's desire to broadcast ...

Resolution By South Carolina Republicans Condemning Lindsay Graham
Post Date: 2010-08-03 07:20:06 by HAPPY2BME-4UM
Resolution By South Carolina Republicans Condemning Lindsay GrahamWhereas, U.S. Senators Lindsey Graham (SC) and John Kerry (MA) have called for a bipartisan bill dealing with “climate change” via a “Cap & Trade” energy bill;Whereas, the basis of Cap & Trade – global warming caused by carbon emissions – is still in doubt as evidenced by the past decade of cooling temperatures;Whereas, the people of South Carolina can ill afford the job-killing Cap & Trade bill’s ripple effects on our state’s economy and on personal energy bills;Whereas, U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham supported TARP and has shown a willingness to discuss nationalizing U.S. ...

Psychopathy Legitimized
Post Date: 2010-07-23 07:03:51 by Ada
On Antiwar.com, I find a loutish American general, James Mattis, martial feminist, talking about the fun he has killing Afghans. Yes, fun, wheeee-oooo! and ooo-rah! too. He says, “You go into Afghanistan, you got guys who slap women around for five years because they didn’t wear a veil,” adding “guys like that ain’t got no manhood left anyways. So it’s a hell of a lot of fun to shoot them.” What must he do with prisoners? A joyous killer, possibly orgasmic. Note mandatory flagly background, pickle suit, and stupid colorful gewgaws so he looks like a goddam stamp collection. Stern gaze is necessary to become a general. From defending the Constitution to ...

JD Hayworth trounces John McCain in first of two Senate primary debates
Post Date: 2010-07-17 16:59:55 by James Deffenbach
JD Hayworth: "It's really sad to see John McCain, who should be revered as a statesman, basically reduced to a political shape-shifter. John, you've changed positions so much in this campaign maybe we'll have to set up an extra podium for you depending on which John McCain is going to answer which question." It was apparent last night why McCain has only agreed to participate in two Senate debates with JD Hayworth, because of the awkwardness attempting to explain his flip-flopping back to the right now that it is an election year. Both debates between the two candidates are taking place well into the primary, after McCain has had months to spend $6 million in smear ...

Will Dr. David Duke Run for U.S. President?
Post Date: 2010-07-15 14:30:16 by X-15
Dr. David Duke, a former member of the House of Representatives in Louisiana who served from 1989-1992, is shortly embarking on an extended, year-long speaking tour across the United States to gauge support for a possible entry in the next race for President of the United States. He is seriously considering entering the Republican Party primaries for President of the United States. Duke also was elected as Chairman of the Republican Executive Committee in the largest populated Republican district of Louisiana, St. Tammany Parish from 1996 to 2000. David Duke is launching a Duke for President exploratory committee, and will soon start a year long tour across America from his home base in ...

Peter Schiff shows true colors, endorses zealous Israeli-firster for Congress
Post Date: 2010-07-15 11:45:12 by christine
Political endorsements reveal a lot about a person. They offer insight into the agenda and policies which a candidate endorses. Peter “blow the place up” Schiff, Ron Paul's former presidential campaign economic advisor and son of Irwin Schiff, has revealed a key element of his ideology by announcing his support and endorsement of Mark Greenberg for Congress. Schiff, who recently appeared on the Alex Jones show rigorously defending his controversial remarks about preemptively bombing Iran if they dare develop a nuclear weapon, sent an e-mail to supporters regarding Greenberg, which read, Dear Friends: In Case You Missed It Last week, I endorsed Mark Greenberg and his bid for ...

Summer sizzle: Obamacare could be repealed before election
Post Date: 2010-07-12 09:07:50 by ndcorup
Summer sizzle: Obamacare could be repealed before election Petition campaign started for new vote in House of RepresentativesPosted: July 11, 2010 7:15 pm Eastern © 2010 WorldNetDaily   WASHINGTON – News that a discharge petition in the House of Representatives has gathered half the names necessary to force a vote repealing Obamacare has spurred an online petition campaign to rally the public to the cause. "Who would have thought we might have a chance to repeal Obamacare – this term?" exclaimed Joseph Farah, editor and chief executive officer of WND, in response to the plan by Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa. "This movement has already gained half the ...

Iran warns Russia of US trap
Post Date: 2010-07-11 10:04:18 by Tatarewicz
US setting traps for Russia: Iran general Fri, 09 Jul 2010 17:35:44 GMT Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri A senior Iranian general has warned Russia about US efforts to legitimize its missile system in Europe by straining Tehran's ties with Moscow and the European Union. "They are pursuing different goals through this and one of them is [gaining] dominance on Russia," Fars News Agency quoted Brigadier General Masoud Jazayeri as saying on Friday. Jazayeri said, “Given that Americans are not correctly-informed, US governments use this issue to further their plots.” Reiterating that "Iran's doctrine includes defensive elements" and that "no ...

Hypothetical. Palin Wins The Republican Nomination. Do you vote for her [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-07-10 20:40:24 by A K A Stone
Ok it is 2012. You aren't happy with Obama. Palin has won the republican nomination for president. It is election day. You are registered to vote. Do you pull the lever for Palin. Why or why not.

Celente Says Populists Will Break the False Left-Right Political Paradigm
Post Date: 2010-07-08 22:55:15 by christine
Trends Research Institute CEO, Gerald Celente, originally predicted the rise of a third party when he spoke with Libertarian radio talk show host, Alex Jones, in late 2009 and repeated this forecast last week on the same show. Celente described this populist third party as “Progressive Libertarians” who stand for real environmental issues such as non-GMO organic foods, clean water, air, and soil free from corporate pollution, while advocating for alternative health freedoms and economic justice. He coupled this group with the antiwar, “live free or die” Libertarians who principally desire a return to small locally-controlled government with truly free economic markets ...

Ex-con Traficant disqualified by Ohio elections officials in bid for congressional combeack
Post Date: 2010-07-06 17:31:06 by abraxas
Ex-con Traficant disqualified by Ohio elections officials in bid for congressional combeack Former Ohio Rep. James Traficant has been disqualified in his bid to return to Congress after seven years in prison. Political adviser Linda Kovachik says elections officials in Trumbull County ruled Tuesday that Traficant was short of the number of petition signatures required to get on the fall ballot. She says Traficant plans to appeal. Elections board officials did not immediately return a call seeking comment. Traficant was hoping to run as an independent in his Youngstown-area home turf against Democratic Rep. Tim Ryan. Traficant represented the region in Congress as a Democrat for nearly ...

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