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Arizona lawmaker who questioned 9/11/01 seeks governor's seat, challenging Brewer
Post Date: 2010-06-29 10:35:35 by Artisan
Karen Johnson, a dynamic Constitutionalist and defender of liberty who served as an Arizona State Senator for two decades, is running for governor of Arizona in the Republican primary. Much of the attention regarding the Arizona governor's race has thus far been focused on Jan Brewer, whose popularity has reached near Sarah Palin type hysteria in the two months since Brewer signed SB 1070, the oft-touted immigration law. But a closer examination of Brewer's ideology and purported 'conservatism' reveals that she's an opportunist and big government apologist who doesn't hold a candle to Johnson. Johnson has a proven track record on so many issues which are important ...

McChrystal's Disdain: Symptom of a Mercenary Force With Few Ties to Civilian Leaders
Post Date: 2010-06-24 09:27:01 by Ada
The Obama/McChrystal debacle is symptomatic of a wider divide -- the widening estrangement between our civilian elites and our military. McChrystal deserved to be fired and has been. But this event is a symptom of a bigger problem. General McChrystal's disdain for President Obama did not arise in a vacuum. The context is: 1) the disconnect between our "all-volunteer military" -- that is now really a professional mercenary force by another name -- and the civilian political leadership with less and less personal military service experience. And 2) the fact that the Republican Party has wrapped itself in the flag while the Democrats have had a harder time distancing themselves ...

From Great Man to Great Screwup: Behind the McChrystal Uproar
Post Date: 2010-06-24 06:00:18 by Ada
When the wheels are coming off, it doesn’t do much good to change the driver. Whatever the name of the commanding general in Afghanistan, the U.S. war effort will continue its carnage and futility. Between the lines, some news accounts are implying as much. Hours before Gen. Stanley McChrystal’s meeting with President Obama on Wednesday, the New York Times reported that "the firestorm was fueled by increasing doubts — even in the military — that Afghanistan can be won and by crumbling public support for the nine-year war as American casualties rise." It now does McChrystal little good that news media have trumpeted everything from his Spartan personal ...

Voters Say Hillary More Qualified To Be President Than Obama, Romney, Gingrich, Palin
Post Date: 2010-06-22 11:36:44 by christine
U.S. voters think Hillary Clinton is more qualified to be president than Barack Obama, but most believe that both Democrats are more fit for the White House than three top Republicans interested in the job. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey shows that 57% of voters feel Clinton is qualified to be president, but 34% disagree and say she is not. As for President Obama, 51% say he is fit for the job. However, 44% say he is not qualified to be president, even though he has now served 17 months in the job. Nearly as many (49%) say former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, an unsuccessful candidate for the GOP presidential nomination in 2008, is qualified to be president of ...

Schiff qualifies for Republican primary for U.S. Senate nomination
Post Date: 2010-06-21 11:36:31 by DeaconBenjamin
U.S. Senate candidate Peter Schiff, a Tea Party favorite known for his gloomy predictions about the U.S. economy, has qualified for the Aug. 10 Republican primary. Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz said today that Schiff gathered enough petition signatures he needed to challenge the endorsed Republican, former wrestling executive Linda McMahon. Rob Simmons, who qualified for a primary at the Republican State Convention, has curtailed his campaign, but he said today his name will remain on the ballot as well. "It doesn't change my thinking at all," Simmons said. "I am remaining on the ballot." Simmons said he had emailed Schiff on Friday wishing him well. ...

Dems uphold Alvin Greene’s bizarre victory in SC primary
Post Date: 2010-06-18 06:24:32 by Ada
Mystery candidate says he's the best candidate for Time's 'Man of the Year' An unemployed man who can't explain where he got the money to file as a political candidate and who is facing a felony obscenity charge will be the Democratic Party's candidate for the US Senate in South Carolina this fall. The executive board of the South Carolina Democratic Party voted Thursday night not to overturn the results of the June 8 primary that saw Alvin Greene, a political unknown, defeat the establishment-backed candidate, Jim Rawl, with 59 percent of the vote. According to WLTC in Columbia, South Carolina, the executive board decided there wasn't enough evidence of ...

Texas GOP ousts chair, wants Ariz. immigration law
Post Date: 2010-06-15 23:46:56 by X-15
DALLAS — Fired-up Republican activists in no mood for compromises threw out their party chairwoman Saturday, then bucked Texas Gov. Rick Perry by pushing for a crackdown on illegal immigration similar to Arizona's new law. Some delegates at the Republican state convention also called for a nonbinding resolution calling on House Republicans to oust their own speaker, Rep. Joe Straus of San Antonio, considered too moderate for many of the bedrock conservatives meeting in Dallas this weekend. Convention organizers ruled the Straus resolution out of order. While the convention began Friday with scripted unity and Democrat-bashing speeches, its final hours were marked by division and ...

We are Fed UP!
Post Date: 2010-06-11 14:17:52 by Prefrontal Vortex
zoomru wrote: JIM Demint......... WAKE UP....JIM...!!! Jim, do you have ANY idea what is in store for YOU...!?!? When Zoomru asks questions.......HARPO knows it will be BOLD and LOUD....and factual..!!! Jim Demint, do you know that you are GRESHAM BARRETT...!?!?! Harpo and Lou9 can see the writing on the WALL....!!! Will Vic Rawl be played or is he and James CLYBURN this suprised...!?!?! Jim Demint.....do you think that "Early" or lou9 is that dumb to think that JAMES CLYBURN does not know is running for US Senate...??? MY Backside.....!!!! (Fist Poundz...!!) We wonder if Vic RAWL was this snookered by the BEACH Company about their development on John's Island....!!! ...

South Carolina: Unknown Black wins Dem primary over prominent white? Blame the alphabet
Post Date: 2010-06-09 16:33:44 by Prefrontal Vortex
South Carolina: Unknown Black wins Dem primary over prominent white? Blame the alphabet From wire reports: An unemployed military veteran has stunned South Carolina Democratic Party leaders by winning the nomination to challenge Republican U.S. Sen. Jim DeMint. Thirty-two-year-old Alvin Greene of Manning defeated 64-year-old Vic Rawl of Charleston in Tuesday’s primary. Rawl is a former judge and legislator, who had about $186,000 cash available and had already scheduled a fundraising event for Thursday. Greene raised no money in the contest, had no signs and no website. Democratic Party Chairwoman Carol Fowler says she hasn’t seen Greene since he filed to run. She says Greene ...

Explosive Testimony: Honolulu Chief Elections Clerk Says Obama NOT Born in Hawaii
Post Date: 2010-06-09 16:19:01 by James Deffenbach
Tim Adams was the Chief Elections Clerk for the city and county of Honolulu, Hawaii, during the 2008 presidential election. As Chief Elections Clerk, he supervised a staff of 50 and had access to all the database to verify documents like birth certificates and birth places of campaign candidates. On June 5, 2010, Adams was interviewed by James Edwards of the Political Cesspool radio show. Adams says unequivocally: “Barack Obama was NOT born in Hawaii.” Adams is currently teaching in the graduate program of Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, Kentucky, (270) 745-0111. He’s listed, as Timothy Adams, in WKU’s faculty-staff directory, HERE. Timothy Adams is also ...

Tea Party Candidates, Women Roar in Primary Election Night
Post Date: 2010-06-09 15:10:18 by christine
The primary elections Tuesday amounted to a night of messages -- from the Tea Party, from female candidates and for the Democrats. With hundreds of primaries held across 11 states, a number of candidates made history while others pulled out come-from-behind wins. The elections helped set the stage for a November general election in which incumbents are girding for a series of hard-fought battles. In California, the Republican Party has placed two women at the top of its ticket for the first time, nominating former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina for Senate and former eBay CEO Meg Whitman for governor. Fiorina told Fox News on Wednesday that she's been "itching" for the ...

Palin: The Power And The Glory
Post Date: 2010-06-09 15:03:29 by christine
Those who believe that Sarah Palin has quit politics or does not have a future in elective office have some 'splaining to do. If she's irrelevant, why the following statements from last night: "Her decision to get - and stay - involved in the race here in South Carolina was a huge boon to our campaign, because it caused a lot of South Carolinians to take a second look at a rising in the polls but once-little known state legislator who was fighting to give them back their government,” Haley spokesman Tim Pearson said of Palin. ... “Governor Palin’s endorsement was integral to the success of our campaign,” Fiorina spokeswoman Julie Soderlund told POLITICO. ...

AP Sources: Admin talked jobs with Romanoff
Post Date: 2010-06-02 21:10:33 by bush_is_a_moonie
The Obama administration dangled the possibility of a government job for former Colorado House Speaker Andrew Romanoff last year in hopes he would forgo a challenge to Democratic Sen. Michael Bennet, officials said Wednesday, just days after the White House admitted orchestrating a job offer in the Pennsylvania Senate race. These officials declined to specify the job that was floated or the name of the administration official who approached Romanoff, and said no formal offer was ever made. They spoke on condition of anonymity, saying they were not cleared to discuss private conversations. "Mr. Romanoff was recommended to the White House from Democrats in Colorado for a position in ...

Something Rotten in the State?
Post Date: 2010-05-28 08:56:59 by Ada
At the 1952 Republican National Convention, California's favorite son, Gov. Earl Warren, released his delegation reportedly in return for Ike's promise that he would give Warren the first open seat on the Supreme Court. In September 1953, Chief Justice Fred Vinson dropped dead of a heart attack. As they say, the rest is history. In 1824, Andrew Jackson won a plurality of both the popular and electoral votes, but not a majority. Secretary of State John Quincy Adams came in second; Speaker of the House Henry Clay fourth. Between Jackson and Clay, however, there was a great hate. When Gen. Jackson had gone rogue in Florida, hanging two British subjects for aiding renegade Indians ...

What Does the Future Hold for Rand and Ron?
Post Date: 2010-05-24 20:19:32 by christine
Listen to Rand Paul talk and you will hear the unmistakable echoes of his father. His voice, intonation, and gestures indicate that this is the son of Rep. Ron Paul. But Tuesday night, the son pulled off a political feat that the father could never quite manage. He captured the Republican nomination for statewide office, by an overwhelming margin. In 1984, Ron Paul tried for an open Senate seat but didn't get through the primary. He lost to that Texas titan of charisma Phil Gramm and didn't reenter Congress again until 1997. Rand Paul will now have now have to appeal to a broader swath of voters than those who vote in Republican primaries. He'll have a real fight ahead of him ...

GOP Downplays Paul's Remarks
Post Date: 2010-05-24 17:41:17 by Prefrontal Vortex
GOP Downplays Paul's Remarks By ELIZABETH WILLIAMSON and VICTORIA MCGRANE Republicans on Sunday sought to neutralize criticism of GOP Senate candidate Rand Paul's remarks questioning aspects of a landmark desegregation law, and his support of racial discrimination by property owners expressed in a 2002 letter to a Kentucky newspaper. Mr. Paul, the antiestablishment tea party candidate who won the party primary in Kentucky last week, has told the Louisville Courier-Journal that he opposed provisions in the 1964 Civil Rights Act banning racial discrimination by private businesses. He told MSNBC on Wednesday that while he abhorred racial discrimination, he questioned the federal ...

Paul cancels 'Meet the Press' appearance
Post Date: 2010-05-21 18:48:43 by Prefrontal Vortex
Paul cancels 'Meet the Press' appearance By Joseph Gerth • jgerth@courier-journal.com • May 21, 2010 U.S. Senate candidate Rand Paul, following a difficult week of controversial interviews, has canceled an appearance Sunday on NBC's "Meet the Press." Paul, who won the Republican primary Tuesday, said in an interview that he is "exhausted" and needs to spend time with his family because his son is being confirmed at church. "I'm getting feedback from my homestead that I need to be going to my middle son's confirmation," he said. "The exhaustion of the whole campaign and everything, probably has something to do with it, but ...

Rand Paul: Obama's criticism of BP 'un-American'
Post Date: 2010-05-21 15:01:41 by Prefrontal Vortex
Rand Paul: Obama's criticism of BP 'un-American' By MICHELE SALCEDO (AP) – 1 hour ago WASHINGTON — Taking another unconventional stand, Kentucky's Republican Senate nominee Rand Paul criticized President Barack Obama's handling of the Gulf oil spill Friday as anti-business and sounding "really un-American." Paul's defense of the oil company came during an interview as he tried to explain his controversial take on civil rights law, an issue that has overtaken his campaign since his victory in Tuesday's GOP primary. "What I don't like from the president's administration is this sort of, 'I'll put my boot heel on the ...

Scoundrel Specter Should Have Stayed Put
Post Date: 2010-05-21 10:32:47 by Eric Stratton
Scoundrel Specter Should Have Stayed Put Mike Gallagher Thursday, May 20, 2010 Arlen Specter is a scoundrel. It really doesn’t take much digging or deep analysis to come to this conclusion. His decision to abandon the GOP and switch to the Democrat Party left everyone mad at him. Democrats never quite trusted him -- after all, a betrayer is a betrayer, no matter what his party affiliation -- and Republicans were never inclined to act particularly kindly to a person like him. I’m not fond of kicking a man when he’s down. Sen. Specter’s defeat slammed the door on a long career of public service that ended in disgrace, and what’s done is done. But I’m ...

Rand Paul -- Strong National Defense
Post Date: 2010-05-20 12:21:54 by Prefrontal Vortex

Connecticut Supreme Court Rules Against Attorney General Candidate
Post Date: 2010-05-20 07:49:09 by DeaconBenjamin
The state Supreme Court unanimously reversed a lower court ruling that would have allowed Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz to run for state attorney general. The state Supreme Court on Tuesday unanimously reversed a lower court ruling that would have allowed Secretary of the State Susan Bysiewicz to run for attorney general. The ruling shockingly ends one of the most unusual chapters in Connecticut's political history. Bysiewicz had been one of the leading candidates for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination until January, when Attorney General Richard Blumenthal's decision to run for the U.S. Senate prompted her to run for the office that he was vacating. Bysiewicz, ...

College Grads Flood U.S. Labor Market With Diminished Prospects
Post Date: 2010-05-19 23:55:13 by DeaconBenjamin
May 19 (Bloomberg) -- Ten months after graduating from Ohio State University with a civil-engineering degree and three internships, Matt Grant finally has a job -- as a banquet waiter at a Clarion Inn near Akron, Ohio. “It’s discouraging right now,” said the 24-year-old, who sent out more than 100 applications for engineering positions. “It’s getting closer to the Class of 2010, their graduation date. I’m starting to worry more.” Schools from Grant’s alma mater to Harvard University will soon begin sending a wave of more than 1.6 million men and women with bachelor’s degrees into a labor market with a 9.9 percent jobless rate, according to the ...

In Arkansas and Pennsylvania, a tale of turnout
Post Date: 2010-05-19 12:41:39 by Prefrontal Vortex
In Arkansas and Pennsylvania, a tale of turnout In yesterday's Senate primaries in Arkansas and Pennsylvania, turnout and shifting vote patterns left sitting Senator Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) facing a runoff and defeated Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Penn.). The Arkansas' contest this year drew more voters than the state's 2008 presidential primary (with 99 percent counted, 326,216 have voted, compared with 314,234 in the '08 contest) and also topped the 1998 Senate primary (318,801 voted then). In that contest, Lincoln won the right to a runoff against then Attorney General Winston Bryant. She matched her overall share of the vote in that contest (45 percent), but there are some ...

Sestak, Specter Tied Right Down to the Wire in Pennsylvania Senate Democratic Primary
Post Date: 2010-05-17 12:05:37 by christine
Pennsylvania's Democratic Senate primary race is going to the wire as a new poll out Monday shows Sen. Arlen Specter and Rep. Joe Sestak neck-and-neck in the run-up to Tuesday's much-watched primary. Pennsylvania's Democratic Senate primary race is going to the wire as a new poll out Monday shows Sen. Arlen Specter and Rep. Joe Sestak neck-and-neck in the run-up to Tuesday's primary pitting the five-term senator against the two-term congressman. The latest Quinnipiac University poll conducted through Wednesday through Sunday night shows Sestak taking 42 percent of likely primary voters compared to Specter's 41 percent, well within the margin of error of 3.2 percent. ...

Post Date: 2010-05-15 01:32:15 by DeaconBenjamin
On Saturday, May 8, an extraordinary event took place. United States Senator Bob Bennett, a 3-term Republican, failed to make the cut for his party's primary. Not only was he not nominated to run, he did not make the cut to get nominated. He was a distant third. Two Tea Party candidates beat him. Bob Bennett is a legacy Senator. His father served as Senator before him. This was an insurrection. Bennett had turned squishy years ago. He had an undeserved reputation as a conservative. He backed the TARP bailout in 2008. Then he backed Obama's health insurance bill. That did it. "No mas!" The folks back home sent him a message: "You're out of here!" Then, ...

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