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Tancredo: Palin not fit for the presidency
Post Date: 2010-03-01 14:26:09 by Rotara
Tancredo: Palin not fit for the presidency posted at 10:55 am on March 1, 2010 by Ed Morrissey The decision by Sarah Palin to campaign for John McCain has opened up a Tea Party tiff between two of its firebrand conservatives. Former Congressman Tom Tancredo, who has campaigned among Tea Party activists for his long-standing fight against comprehensive immigration reform, declares Palin unfit for the presidency and an unprincipled politician for supporting his bete noir in his re-election bid: After her speech at the Nashville convention, Palin said she is considering a run for the presidency in 2012. Tancredo however, does not believe she is fit for the presidency. “I really ...

Post Date: 2010-03-01 10:31:35 by christine
Vote fraud. I have been writing about it since 1993. The Republican and Democratic parties are well greased, well run corrupt enterprises who did nothing to stop the fraud and in fact, opened the door for more: National Voter Registration Act of 1993 aka Motor Voter Law, which opened the flood gates for fraud. While this was 2001, it's only gotten worse: "A recent study in Georgia found more than 15,000 dead people on active voting rolls statewide. Alaska, according to Federal Election Commission, had 502,968 names on its voter rolls in 1998. The census estimates only 437,000 people of voting age were living in the state that year... "A cursory check of the registration ...

Tea Party effect becomes apparent in local elections
Post Date: 2010-03-01 07:14:12 by Critter
Tea Party activism may have started with national politics in mind, but its themes have filtered down into state and even local races. As a result, Republican candidates at all levels are rushing to embrace the movement as Tuesday's primaries approach. Some have declared themselves "Tea Party approved" on campaign mailings as an overt appeal to Tea Party voters, while others have made state sovereignty a strong part of their message, a more subtle approach. Tea Party leaders say a strong early-voter turnout in much of North Texas is evidence of their impact. "We're very pleased with the early voting data that's coming out," said Dallas Tea Party leader ...

Debra Medina TV AD!!!!!!
Post Date: 2010-02-26 12:38:27 by titorite
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tUvPmnM76MA I have no idea how to embed...Gosh thats what happens when you lurk too long. But Medina has me out of my hole. This here is a link to her TV ad. Its cute, its corny, and its blunt. She makes her point. I see Medina in the future of Texas leadership!!!

Keith Olbermann vs. Dallas Tea Partiers: Both Wrong, One American
Post Date: 2010-02-26 12:05:07 by Prefrontal Vortex
February 25, 2010 Keith Olbermann vs. Dallas Tea Partiers: Both Wrong, One American By Ellison Lodge [See also: Yes, It Is About Race. Quite Right Too. By Peter Brimelow] The current snarlfest between the Dallas Tea Party Patriots and MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann demonstrates the hypocrisy of the Left--and the cluelessness of the Right. Olbermann is well known for throwing around accusations of racism even more baselessly than most leftists. He went so far as to call Scott Brown, upset winner of the recent Massachusetts Senate race, a racist solely because he campaigned in a pickup truck. The self righteousness and vitriol of Olbermann’s rants, coupled with his Chicken Little ...

Behind the Tea Party Facade, Just Another Bush-League Republican
Post Date: 2010-02-25 18:37:14 by Prefrontal Vortex
Behind the Tea Party Facade, Just Another Bush-League Republican Posted on Feb 24, 2010 By Yasha Levine and Mark Ames The Tea Party Revolution has struck the Texas gubernatorial race, with the insurgent Republican candidate, Debra Medina, gaining in the polls and threatening the leading candidates, incumbent Gov. Rick Perry and Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison. Medina has positioned herself as a radical anti-government outsider who would cut Texas free from federal government programs and influence in favor of the free market. However, according to an investigation of Medina’s business records, her company, Prudentia Inc., benefited greatly over the past decade from federal government ...

Debra Medina on Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano Yesterday (video)
Post Date: 2010-02-25 17:29:53 by christine

Texas GOP Primary A Battle Of Conservative Cred (Incomplete Mention of Medina 9/11 Reference)
Post Date: 2010-02-24 19:38:26 by Deasy
Copyright ©2010 National Public Radio®. For personal, noncommercial use only. See Terms of Use. For other uses, prior permission required.text sizeAAAHeard on Morning EditionFebruary 24, 2010 - RENEE MONTAGNE, host: Rick Perry has been the governor of Texas longer than anyone in the state's history, and he wants to stay in the job. But he's got some stiff competition in next Tuesday's Republican primary. His main challenger is the senior senator from Texas, Kay Bailey Hutchison, though a third candidate is making a surprisingly strong run: Tea Party favorite Debra Medina. From Dallas, NPR's Wade Goodwyn reports on a race that highlights some of the fault lines ...

Letter to the editor in the Austin rag 'Medina and 9/11'
Post Date: 2010-02-23 23:45:33 by christine
Kudos to Debra Medina for stating that "the American people have not seen all the evidence" about 9/11. As the new aerial pictures published Feb. 11 show, the collapse of the towers bore every hallmark of a controlled demolition. Add to that the identical coallapse of Building 7, which is kept hidden from the public, and there are plenty of glaring questions we need to ask. It's only too bad that she quickly caved to pressure to pretend the emperor is indeed clothed. Ben Aiken Austin

AJ says he's withdrawing his support of Medina if she doesn't issue an apology on her comment about truthers [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-02-23 13:18:18 by christine

Dana Milbank: At CPAC, Glenn Beck scolds the Republican Party
Post Date: 2010-02-21 07:45:24 by Kamala
Dana Milbank: At CPAC, Glenn Beck scolds the Republican Party At CPAC, Glenn Beck tells the GOP to shape up: " 'Hello, my name is the Republican Party, and I've got a problem.' " (Jose Luis Magana/associated Press) TOOLBOX Resize Print E-mail Yahoo! Buzz By Dana Milbank Sunday, February 21, 2010 After three days of liberal bashing, 10,000 right-wing activists attending the Conservative Political Action Conference used their final night in town to give a sharp rebuke to . . . the Republicans? First came the results of CPAC's presidential straw poll, in which the runaway winner was Ron Paul, the antiwar libertarian gadfly who is only nominally a Republican. ...

WE TEXANS - 12 Days Till Victory ('tube)
Post Date: 2010-02-20 11:11:39 by christine

Can Debra Medina's Grassroots Rebellion Dethrone Texas' Republican Royalty?
Post Date: 2010-02-20 10:28:08 by christine
On a Saturday afternoon in Burleson, even the hottest politician in Texas has trouble scoring a table at Babe’s, a popular fried-chicken joint. Her name is called after 15 minutes huddled around an industrial heater against the frosty, early-February breeze. Then there’s a snag. “Is your whole party here yet?” the young hostess asks sternly. “We can’t seat you until all four are here.” “Then it’s a party of three,” Debra Medina says, flashing a grin at husband Noe and the reporter—me—who’s been chasing her around North Texas. “Good Lord,” she says, hustling us through the door while peeking at the time on her ...

Time for Term Limits Again
Post Date: 2010-02-18 20:27:40 by christine
At its genesis 2,500 years ago, democracy incorporated term limits as a safeguard against corruption and complacency. Aristotle believed that frequent rotation in office would foster civic involvement and constrain a politician's ability to acquire power. Members of the Athenian governing council were chosen by lottery and eligible only upon agreeing to serve no more than two years. Several of America's founding fathers, including Franklin, Adams, and Jefferson, championed term limits. Term limits were included in the Articles of Confederation, the Virginia Plan for the U.S. Constitution, and the Pennsylvania Constitution of 1776. The framers of our federal Constitution omitted ...

Post Date: 2010-02-17 10:12:19 by christine
Last week a major public opinion research firm based in North Carolina posed the heretofore unthinkable question: “Could the Republican primary for governor in Texas end up in a runoff between Rick Perry … and Debra Medina?” This was astonishing. Debra Medina, a 47-year-old registered nurse who owns a medical consulting and billing service, is a political neophyte with less than a million dollars for a war chest, who has dared challenge Gov. Rick Perry the longest-serving governor in the state’s history (two terms, going for an unprecedented third), and three-term U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison in the Republican gubernatorial primary on March 2. “Think about ...

Frightening Voters into Submission
Post Date: 2010-02-17 06:37:02 by Ada
Former Homeland Security chief Tom Ridge has a new book out that reveals that he almost resigned because the Bush administration was hustling bogus terror alerts before the 2004 election. Ridge’s revelation was not surprising to people who had closely followed the tactics Bush used to snare a second term. During the 2004 campaign, residents of swing states were under constant bombardment by throat-grabbing political ads. In late September, the Bush campaign released a television ad titled “Peace and Security.” The New York Times described the ad: “A clock ticks menacingly as a young mother pulls a quart of milk out of a refrigerator in slow motion, a young father loads ...

How Sarah Palin Excluded African-Americans in Alaska
Post Date: 2010-02-16 22:55:59 by Prefrontal Vortex
Now Sarah Palin Excluded African-Americans in Alaska posted by MAX BLUMENTHAL on 10/14/2008 @ 01:55am On April 29, 2008, 14 leaders of Alaska's black community met with Gov. Sarah Palin to voice discontent with her minority hiring record. Palin's response, which was first reported by journalist Earl Ofari Hutchinson, only compounded her icy relationship with her African-American constituents. Gwen Alexander, the president of the African-American Historical Society of Alaska, told me that Palin stated defiantly that she had no intention to hire any minority staffers. And according to Bishop Dave Thomas, senior pastor of Anchorage-based African-American church Jesus Holy Temple, ...

Is Sarah Palin Racist? “Well, She Ended Our Conversation When She Learned I Was Black”
Post Date: 2010-02-16 22:44:03 by Prefrontal Vortex
Is Sarah Palin Racist? “Well, She Ended Our Conversation When She Learned I Was Black” by Charley James posted on Wednesday, 17 September 2008 Long before Gregory Charles Royal became a judge on America’s Hot Musician, a talent competition airing in 200 US television markets, he was a hot, young jazz trombonist. Today, he is someone confirming from first-hand experience that Palin has always been racist as alleged by numerous sources in my original article on her, “Alaskans Speak: Palin Is “Racist, Sexist, Vindictive and Mean.” And he’s willing to be quoted by name. Royal, shown here, is incredibly talented. He received formal trombone training when he ...

Another Dem in Congress implodes (over Amy Bishop Murder Case)
Post Date: 2010-02-15 20:46:04 by your_neighbor
Another Dem in Congress implodes (updated) Rosslyn Smith Saturday's Boston Globe reported that Congressman William Delahunt may not run for reelection. US Representative William Delahunt said yesterday that he is considering retiring from his congressional seat representing the South Shore and Cape Cod, although he portrayed his deliberations as routine and said they are not related to challenges from Republicans who are energized by Scott Brown's upset victory in last month's special Senate election. "Every election cycle, I take my time, I think it through, and I think, not about whether I can win or lose, but: ‘Am I in a position to make a difference?' ...

Debra Medina LEADS in NEWEST POLL!
Post Date: 2010-02-15 18:29:02 by titorite
(Spread the word, the local papers are pushing lies this is the real deal) More Austin Business Journal readers said they would vote for Republican gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina than incumbent Gov. Rick Perry last week The most recent BusinessPulse Survey asked readers if the primary election were today, who would win their vote. Out of the 1,582 that answered, 31 percent picked Tea Party favorite Medina compared with 26 percent choosing Perry. About 20 percent backed Houston Democratic mayor Bill White and 14 percent chose Republican U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison. Just 4 percent picked Democratic primary challenger and Houston businessman Farouk Shami, the same number that ...

Latinos and the GOP
Post Date: 2010-02-15 11:57:35 by Prefrontal Vortex
Latinos and the GOP by Debra Medina on Aug 17, 2009 It’s a shame isn’t it, that Republicans continue to ignore Hispanics especially here in Texas? The writing has long been on the wall that unless the GOP begins to better work with Latinos, the GOP will continue to lose races and be a minority party. It is equally important, of course, for the Latino community to realize that true political identity will be achieved only through participation in all national party structures - Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, etc. We are not all the same and we shouldn’t all be attracted to any one party. Here in Texas, we have an open party primary because our founders knew ...

Taking a Texas Primary Ever Further to the Right
Post Date: 2010-02-15 10:56:13 by christine
HOUSTON — Some days it is hard to be a neophyte far-right candidate in a governor’s race, even in Texas, where Republicans vying for the party’s nomination try to outdo one another to prove their conservative credentials. Debra Medina found that out when she appeared on Glenn Beck’s radio show last week and fumbled a question about whether she agreed with conspiracy theorists who think the Bush administration was involved in the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. “I think some very good questions have been raised in that regard,” she said. “There’s some very good arguments, and I think the American people have not seen all the evidence there.” Mr. ...

Talking about Debra Medina "The New Sarah Palin" on Fox (Video) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2010-02-15 00:33:56 by christine

Debra Medina - Blowback (video)
Post Date: 2010-02-13 11:07:08 by christine

Patrick Kennedy WILL NOT RUN: No Re-Election Race For Ted Kennedy's Son In Rhode Island
Post Date: 2010-02-12 12:14:00 by christine
WASHINGTON — Rep. Patrick Kennedy has decided not to seek re-election after eight terms in Congress, saying his life is "taking a new direction" just months after the death of his father and mentor, Sen. Edward Kennedy. The Rhode Island Democrat taped a message with his decision to be aired on Rhode Island's television stations Sunday night. The Associated Press viewed the message Thursday, ahead of the announcement. "Now having spent two decades in politics, my life is taking a new direction, and I will not be a candidate for re-election this year," Kennedy says. The decision comes less than a month after a stunning upset by Republican Scott Brown in the ...

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