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Can Republicans Do Any Better Than This?
Post Date: 2009-08-16 08:43:36 by Eric Stratton
Can Republicans Do Any Better Than This? Austin Hill Sunday, August 16, 2009 The party in charge in Washington is doing a horrible job. But can Republicans do any better? To say that the Democrats are “drunk with power” or “out of touch” is inadequate. Something on the order of “clueless” or “oblivious” or “tone-deaf” would be more accurate. But simply to have the Democrats tripping over their own kingly and queenly arrogance and their incompetence, is not enough to create success for the Republican Party. Republicans - in Congress, running for Congress, and elsewhere - need a cohesive message that signals a competent, respectful, ...

Bomb in Kabul targets NATO headquarters, near US Embassy
Post Date: 2009-08-15 11:48:31 by hfrancis
Bomb in Kabul targets NATO headquarters, near US Embassy The blast killed seven Afghan civilians and wounded 91 more. The aim appears to be to sow uncertainty about showing up to vote on Aug. 20. By Ben Arnoldy | Staff writer 08.15.09 * Print this * Letter to the Editor * Republish * Email and share * Get e-mail alerts * RSS KABUL, AFGHANISTAN – Militants managed to penetrate one of the safest nooks of Kabul to detonate a massive car bomb Saturday, shaking the confidence of voters just five days before presidential elections. The powerful blast, for which the Taliban claimed responsibility, killed seven Afghan civilians and wounded 91 more. The bomb went off outside NATO ...

For Ron and Rand Paul, Like Father, Like Son?
Post Date: 2009-08-12 11:02:41 by Brian S
By Nikki Schwab, Washington Whispers Calling Ron Paul's supporters enthusiastic is an understatement. When the libertarian Republican lawmaker from Texas ran in the recent presidential election, his fans swarmed the Internet, created a "Hotties for Ron Paul" pinup calendar, and even got him a blimp. So it's no wonder that one of Paul's sons caught the politics bug as well. Rand Paul announced this week that he is entering the race to replace Sen. Jim Bunning, a Kentucky Republican who is retiring. Ron Paul was on daddy duty when he heard his son's plans. "I said, 'Are you sure you want to do this? You want to give up a completely good medical practice ...

Computer scientists take over electronic voting machine with new programming technique (w/ Video)
Post Date: 2009-08-12 03:34:16 by wudidiz
Computer scientists take over electronic voting machine with new programming technique (w/ Video)August 10th, 2009 Enlarge UC San Diego computer science Ph.D. student Stephen Checkoway clutches a print out demonstrating that his vote-stealing exploit that relied on return-oriented programming successfully took control of the reverse engineered voting machine. Credit: UC San Diego / Daniel Kane (PhysOrg.com) -- Computer scientists demonstrated that criminals could hack an electronic voting machine and steal votes using a malicious programming approach that had not been invented when the voting machine was designed. The team of scientists from University of California, San Diego, the ...

FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Subpoenaed, Set to 'Break' Gag Order Unless DoJ Intercedes
Post Date: 2009-08-07 22:29:33 by wudidiz
FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds Subpoenaed, Set to 'Break' Gag Order Unless DoJ IntercedesFormer agency translator called to testify in Ohio election case this Saturday on Turkish infiltration of U.S. government...[Update 8/7/09: FBI has now attempted to block Edmonds' testimony. Exclusive details now here...]Unless the Dept. of Justice re-invokes their twice-invoked "state secrets privilege" claim in order to once again gag former FBI translator-turned-whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, her attorneys have notified the department by hand-delivered, sworn letter of declaration [PDF] this week, that she intends to give a deposition, open to the media [Updated: see bottom of ...

Democrats Complain About Manufactured Outrage Over ObamaCare…As They Manufacture Outrage
Post Date: 2009-08-06 08:59:11 by longnose gar
It really is like we’re in the twilight zone. For eight years we all heard about Bushitler and his big brother tactics to keep the opposition quiet but now we have Democrat’s calling for the photographing and interrogations of all those opposed to socialism at the town hall meetings: Let’s have the media name names, publish photographs, and do interviews of those responsible for approving, even organizing these techniues. And let’s find an investigative journalist – are there many left – to prove these so-called grassroots shouters are, or are not, being paid. Even more classic: The “shout downs” organized by the Republican right meet one of the ...

Ron Paul son Rand joins Ky. GOP race for Senate
Post Date: 2009-08-05 14:53:10 by Brian S
(08-05) 11:28 PDT Frankfort, Ky. (AP) -- Rand Paul, the son of 2008 presidential candidate Ron Paul, ended months of speculation Wednesday by saying he will run for the U.S. Senate seat being vacated next year by fellow Republican Jim Bunning. The Bowling Green ophthalmologist told The Associated Press he is entering the race and plans to run as a candidate with "outsider" credentials. Paul had been considering a campaign even before the 77-year-old Bunning announced last week that he intends to retire when his second term ends. Two other Republicans — Secretary of State Trey Grayson and western Kentucky businessman Bill Johnson — have already announced they're ...

U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison leaving Senate to run for Texas governor
Post Date: 2009-07-30 13:30:49 by Brian S
(07-30) 10:10 PDT Austin, Texas (AP) -- U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison says she will step down this fall to challenge fellow Republican Rick Perry for governor in 2010, setting the stage for what will be a crowded race to replace her. Hutchison told WBAP radio of Fort Worth-Dallas on Wednesday that she would formally declare her candidacy in August. "Then the actual leaving of the Senate will be some time — October, November — that, in that time frame," she said. The Republican primary is in March 2010. The winner of that race will be heavily favored in the general election. Perry is seeking a third full term, a span in office Hutchison says would be too long. She ...

No political race in sight, but Hillary Clinton's camp is election-ready
Post Date: 2009-07-29 12:07:36 by christine
WASHINGTON - Hillary Clinton says running for office isn't on her "radar," but she still has an eight-person political team and sports two overflowing campaign war chests. Her team transformed the former Democratic White House contender's massive campaign debts into a $3 million mountain of political cash, according to federal fund-raising records through the end of June. Clinton's failed presidential bid is now $1 million in the black, and her old Senate campaign committee has $2.1 million in the bank, much of it transferred in from the presidential account. The former First Lady paid eight staffers nearly $100,000 in the second quarter of the year to tend to the ...

Sarah Palin, Inc.
Post Date: 2009-07-29 11:31:00 by christine
The biggest brand name in conservative politics is about to enter the burgeoning right-wing marketplace — and she's perfect for it. Ka-ching! When earlier this month Sarah Palin abruptly announced her intention to resign as governor of Alaska — barely midway through her four-year term — the political punditry was left puzzling over what she could possibly do next. If Palin was not in office, nor actively campaigning for election, how could she remain relevant, influential, and, of course, paid? Those confused commenters have no clue as to the opportunities that await Palin — because few understand the extraordinary, multi-billion-dollar marketplace that has ...

More than 20,000 take to streets to protest Johnnie Walker plant closure
Post Date: 2009-07-26 20:01:58 by DeaconBenjamin
More than 20,000 people joined a march and rally in Kilmarnock in the latest step of a campaign to try and force the company to reconsider. Among those present were Alex Salmond, the First Minister, and Des Browne, the former Scottish Secretary, who said that the protest showed Diageo had "got it wrong". The firm has announced that it will close the plant in the town, which has been linked with Johnnie Walker since 1820, with the loss of 700 jobs. A further 200 jobs are to go with the closure of its distillery in Port Dundas, Glasgow, although 400 new jobs would be created at a packaging plant in Fife. Mr Browne, the Kilmarnock and Loudoun MP, told protesters that he hoped ...

Palin's Annual Picnic In Hometown Draws Big Crowd
Post Date: 2009-07-25 10:29:38 by christine
WASILLA, Alaska — More than a thousand people showed up Friday for Gov. Sarah Palin's annual picnic held in her hometown of Wasilla. Palin, who is resigning and leaves office on Sunday, used the occasion to sign autographs and hand out hot dogs. The governor – dressed casually in blue jeans and a red sweat shirt that read "Once a patriot, always a patriot" – was mobbed by well-wishers who offered up babies, books, calendars, skateboards and even their hands for autographs. Several longtime picnic-goers said this year's picnic crowd dwarfed last year's. Fred Kostrick, an 84-year-old World War II veteran from Michigan who attended the event, said he ...

2008 voting rate down as older whites stayed home
Post Date: 2009-07-20 14:42:10 by christine
WASHINGTON (AP) - For all the attention generated by last year's presidential race, census figures show the share of eligible voters who actually went to the polls in November declined from 2004. Census figures released Monday show about 63.6 percent of eligible voters, or 131.1 million people, cast ballots last November. Although that represented an increase of 5 million voters, the turnout was a decrease when taking into account population growth. In 2004, the voting rate was 63.8 percent. According to the data, more older whites opted to stay home compared with 2004, citing little interest in supporting either Barack Obama or John McCain.

Poor, Persecuted Sarah Palin [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-07-19 11:41:51 by IDon'tThinkSo
Poor, Persecuted Sarah Palin The GOP embraces the culture of victimhood. When Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin announced her resignation two weeks ago it was after a series of strange, petty bouts with her detractors. Many "frivolous ethics violations" had been alleged against her, she noted. David Letterman had told an ugly joke about her daughter. A blogger had posted something that was probably not true. Someone had photoshopped a radio talker's face onto a picture of her baby -- a "malicious desecration" of the image, in the words of Ms. Palin's spokeswoman. Team Palin got duly indignant at each of these. They took special, detailed offense. They issued statements ...

Shouldn't being an American, count more for any Political Office, then being a Member of the Republican or Democratic Party?
Post Date: 2009-07-16 01:18:30 by Refinersfire
Shouldn't being an American, count more for any Political Office, then being a Member of the Republican or Democratic Party? Take my poll!

Democrats Reject Palin Campaigning Offer
Post Date: 2009-07-15 10:44:21 by christine
Gov. Sarah Palin said last weekend that she’d be willing to campaign for some Democrats when she leaves office later this month. She may not have many takers. Interviews with a number of the most conservative Democrats in the House and Senate induced an awkward, stare-at-your-shoes unease when the prospect of appearing with Palin was posed. Some of the members lunged for elevators, others moved to get into meetings (or at least behind closed doors), and a few just chuckled nervously and replied in a clipped fashion that reflected an immense desire to not discuss the topic at any length. For these Democrats, many of them part of the right-leaning Blue Dog Coalition, Palin ...

Poll: Majority of Republicans don't think Palin's qualified for prez
Post Date: 2009-07-14 16:48:34 by Brian S
(CNN) — A majority of Americans think Sarah Palin is stepping down as Alaska's governor for political reasons, according to a new national poll, with a majority of Republicans now saying that they do not believe that Palin would be an effective president. Only 33 percent of Republicans questioned in a CBS News survey released Monday night say that Palin would have the ability to serve effectively as president. Last fall, 71 percent of registered Republicans felt that way. "It's unclear whether the change in Republicans' view of Palin is the result of her decision to step down as governor, or whether the GOP rank-and-file felt they had to defend their party's ...

Republican pundits open fire on Sarah Palin [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2009-07-13 10:01:35 by christine
Since announcing her resignation, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin has been pummeled by critics who have called her incoherent, a quitter, a joke and a "political train wreck." And those were fellow Republicans talking. Palin has been a polarizing figure from the moment she stepped off the tundra into the bright lights last summer as John McCain's surprise vice presidential running mate. Some of that hostility could be expected, given the hyper-partisanship of today's politics. What is remarkable is the contempt Palin has engendered within her own party and the fact that so many of her GOP detractors are willing, even eager, to express it publicly -- even with Palin an early ...

Review skeptical of Bush snooping program’s effectiveness
Post Date: 2009-07-12 13:29:37 by Ada
Sen. Leahy calls for inquiry; Sen. Feingold slams ‘blatantly illegal and unconstitutional’ abuses A US government probe has concluded that a secret wiretap program launched after the September 11, 2001 attacks had a “limited role” in preventing fresh strikes. The report found that most intelligence officials “had difficulty citing specific instances” when the National Security Agency’s covert wiretapping in the country contributed to successes against terrorists. Many senior intelligence community officials, the document said, believed that the program “filled a gap in intelligence collection” thought to exist. The warrantless spying, ...

What’s behind the Palin resignation?
Post Date: 2009-07-10 21:30:11 by christine
The US political world was shocked as “Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin announced Friday she is stepping down as governor and will transfer authority to Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell. The statement, delivered outside her home in Wasilla, fueled speculation that Palin, the running mate of Republican presidential candidate John McCain last year, will be — or won’t be — preparing for her own presidential bid in 2012.” Yes, this resignation will very much affect her ability to run in 2012. I’m convinced she was planning a major run, but all that is in limbo now. Political pundits all over the nation were shocked that she would pull such a big political mistake to step down from a ...

Sarah Palin: Up and Out (National Review)
Post Date: 2009-07-07 12:29:33 by christine
In all the speculation about why Sarah Palin quit the Alaska governorship, no one — right or left, supportive or critical, rational or conspiratorial — has credited her stated reason that she had to do it for the sake of Alaska. It’s just too absurd. Palin mentioned Alaska or Alaskans 34 times in a 17-minute statement that must be a new record in the history of protesting too much. Palin says she hates politics as usual, and true to her word, on July 3 she staged a spectacle in politics as unusual. But she still proved adept at the traditional political art of extreme disingenuousness. She didn’t want to put Alaska through the hell of a lame-duck governor who would ...

Marion man already driving around with Sarah Palin 2012 poster
Post Date: 2009-07-05 20:09:53 by christine
Harlan Muth isn’t organizing Sarah Palin’s presidential campaign, but pledges as soon as someone does, “I’ll be with ’em. In the meantime, the Marion maintenance contractor is turning heads with his “Sarah Palin 2012” poster prominently displayed on his van. “It’s getting a fantastic response,” Muth, 63, said. “So many people give me the thumbs up or honk when they see it. Some people get out of their cars and ask me where they can get a poster.” Muth, who spent 23 years in the Air Force before settling down in Marion, couldn’t find a Palin 2012 sign, so he had a local shop make one for him. He put it on his van between ...

The Adam Kokesh Money Bomb
Post Date: 2009-06-29 06:51:35 by Refinersfire
Join me in supporting Kokesh for Congress this July 4th

Hezbollah keeps its eye on the ball
Post Date: 2009-06-27 18:10:21 by Ada
DAMASCUS - Many years ago, French president Charles de Gaulle said, "France has no friends; only interests." These words came to mind as Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah recently met with anti-Syrian Druze leader Walid Jumblatt, a man who has loudly been critical of Hezbollah, for the first time in three years. Meeting with Jumblatt, head of the Socialist Cooperative Party, raised eyebrows in Lebanon on whether the leader of Hezbollah had changed after the June 7 elections. Many had expected the Hezbollah-led opposition to sweep parliament. Gulf states were holding their breath, preparing to cut off all aid to Lebanon in the event that happened, believing that then, the small ...

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