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Fallen Oil Prices A Chink In Sarah Palin's Armor
Post Date: 2009-02-17 12:21:48 by Brian S
(02-17) 03:25 PST Anchorage, Alaska (AP) -- Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's first two years in office have been called a time of milk and honey, when the resource-rich state was flush with wealth from record oil prices. The second half of her term isn't looking so rosy as Palin faces her first major financial challenge as governor. The rapid decline of oil prices has left the state in a looming budget crisis and a late-entrant in the national recession. And that could have political repercussions for the former Republican vice presidential hopeful, who has signaled an interest in a 2012 presidential run but must stay visible in the Lower 48 to be successful. "Given these bad ...

Bolivarianism Triumphs in Referendum Vote
Post Date: 2009-02-17 06:02:14 by Stephen Lendman
Bolivarianism Triumphs in Referendum Vote - by Stephen Lendman On February 15, Venezuelans voted on whether to let presidents, National Assembly representatives, governors, mayors, and state legislators run indefinitely for re-election after Chavez last December proposed a national referendum for constitutional change - so voters, not politicians could decide. Sunday they spoke decisively in favor by a 54.4% to 45.6% margin with over 94% of votes counted. Chavez didn't win. Venezuelans did for Bolivarian continuity and against oligarch dominance, no democracy, and back to an impoverished state. Since 1999, Chavez transformed Venezuela to what it is today: -- a Bolivarian republic ...

'Sanctions' sought in eligibility case - President's attorneys file motion demanding birth, college records be withheld from public
Post Date: 2009-02-14 13:02:50 by Rotara
Posted: February 13, 200912:15 am Eastern By Bob Unruh © 2009 WorldNetDaily A high-powered team of Los Angeles attorneys representing President Obama in his effort to keep his birth certificate, college records and passport documents concealed from the public has suggested there should be "monetary sanctions" against a lawyer whose clients have brought a complaint alleging Obama doesn't qualify for the Oval Office under the Constitution's demand for a "natural born" citizen in that post. The suggestion came in an exchange of e-mails and documents in a case brought by former presidential candidate Alan Keyes and others in California. ...

Senate confirms former lobbyist as Pentagon No. 2
Post Date: 2009-02-12 00:51:13 by Rotara
WASHINGTON – The Senate voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to confirm William Lynn as deputy defense secretary, endorsing President Barack Obama's decision to waive ethics regulations by putting a former defense lobbyist in charge of day-to-day operations at the Pentagon. Republican Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Charles Grassley of Iowa expressed reservations before the Senate voted 93-4 to approve the nomination. McCain, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said he was disappointed Obama would backtrack on his promise to keep lobbyists out of the federal government. On his first day in office, Obama issued an executive order forcing individuals to wait ...

Texas Evangelicals Helped Effort To Stop Palin 'Troopergate' Probe
Post Date: 2009-02-07 14:19:48 by Brian S
JUNEAU — New state gift disclosures show it cost Liberty Legal Institute and the two law firms working with it $185,000 to represent six Alaska legislators in an unsuccessful lawsuit to halt their colleagues' "troopergate" investigation into whether Gov. Sarah Palin acted improperly in firing the state's public safety director. The legislators listed a $25,000 gift of services from the Texas-based Liberty Legal Institute. Liberty is the legal arm of the Free Market Foundation, which is associated with evangelical leader James Dobson's Focus on the Family, and lists its guiding principles as limited government and promotion of Judeo-Christian values. The ...

GOP's Gregg (North American Unioner) accepts commerce secretary post (Executive Branch->Treasury->Commerce->NAFTA Division->Security Prosperity Partnership / SPP=NAU)
Post Date: 2009-02-03 22:14:45 by Rotara
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama extended a political olive branch to the GOP on Tuesday, nominating Sen. Judd Gregg, R-New Hampshire, to head the Commerce Department. GOP Sen. Judd Gregg accepted President Obama's nomination as commerce secretary Tuesday. "Clearly, Judd and I don't agree on every issue, most notably who should've won the [presidential] election," Obama joked in announcing the nomination, "but we do agree on the urgent need to get American businesses and families back on their feet." Gregg will be an "able, persuasive ambassador for industry" because he is a skillful negotiator and a "master of reaching across the aisle ...

Low Turnout in Iraq's Election Reflects a Disillusioned Nation
Post Date: 2009-02-02 06:26:13 by Ada
BAGHDAD — Voter turnout in Iraq's provincial elections Saturday was the lowest in the nation's short history as a new democracy despite a relative calm across the nation. Only about 7.5 million of more than 14 million registered voters went to the polls. Interviews suggest that the low voter turnout also is an indication of Iraqi disenchantment with a democracy that, so far, has brought them very little. Since the U.S.-led invasion in 2003 and the fall of a brutal dictator, Iraqis witnessed unprecedented violence in their nation and what they believe is humiliation under a foreign occupation. Even on Saturday, U.S. tanks could be spotted across Baghdad on largely empty roads. ...

Bolivia's New Constitution: Progressive Change or Business as Usual
Post Date: 2009-01-28 10:25:28 by Stephen Lendman
Bolivia's New Constitution: Progressive Change or Business as Usual? - by Stephen Lendman In Bolivia's history, January 25 was historic but getting there violent and uncertain. On July 2, 2006, a new Constituent Assembly was elected. On August 6, it was sworn in, but for six months remained snagged in procedural debates and achieved little. By late December 2007, a new constitution was passed, but the country was as polarized as ever. It still is. On one side, indigenous, popular rights. On the other, elitist interests wanting business as usual. Street battles ensued and continued for months until Bolivia's National Congress ratified a new constitutional draft (with 411 ...

Bashing Venezuelan Democracy
Post Date: 2009-01-27 14:37:10 by Stephen Lendman
Bashing Venezuelan Democracy - by Stephen Lendman In November/December 2006, Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting's (FAIR) Steve Rendall explained that "Hugo Chavez never had a chance with the US press." It's been a constant since his December 1998 election, and hasn't let up to this day, with language all too familiar: -- a "would-be-dictator; -- an autocratic demagogue; -- a modern caudillo; -- a divisive and demagogic leader; -- a communist; -- (his) increasingly authoritarian tilt; -- (his) militariz(ing) the government; -- (his) terrible human rights record; -- (his) consolidated one-party rule; -- emasculat(ing) the country's courts; -- ...

Obama's aunt has April immigration hearing
Post Date: 2009-01-27 11:52:02 by X-15
The White House is promising to reconsider a new rule requiring high-level approval before federal immigration agents can arrest fugitives. The Bush administration quietly imposed the unusual directive days before the election of Barack Obama, whose aunt has been living in the United States illegally. The directive from the Homeland Security Department came amid concerns that such arrests might generate “negative media or congressional interest,” according to a newly disclosed federal document obtained by The Associated Press. The directive makes clear that U.S. officials worried about possible election implications of arresting Zeituni Onyango, the half-sister of Obama’s ...

Can we change, too?
Post Date: 2009-01-23 13:37:36 by Prefrontal Vortex
Can we change, too? As we celebrate a turning point in America, it’s time to set aside our cynicism for action By LAURA DOUGLAS-BROWN JAN. 23, 2009 It’s been a rollercoaster week for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Atlantans. On Sunday, we joined other gay people from around the country in being moved by openly gay Episcopal Bishop Gene Robinson’s prayer at Barack Obama’s inauguration kickoff event. But that was only after we were outraged that it wasn’t included in HBO’s broadcast of the event, and we had to find it online. On Monday, we were inspired by dozens of protesters who turned out on a chilly morning to counter Rev. Rick Warren as the ...

Festus swears in first black mayor
Post Date: 2009-01-22 14:25:51 by Prefrontal Vortex
Festus swears in first black mayor By Christine Byers ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH 01/21/2009 FESTUS — Earl Cook stole some of Barack Obama's spotlight Tuesday, when he too made history by becoming Festus' first African-American mayor. The crowd of about 50 who witnessed former Mayor Gene Doyle's resignation and the City Council's election of Cook as mayor paled in comparison with the hundreds of thousands who poured into the nation's capital to see Obama's inauguration as president. Nonetheless, the moment was still historic and poignant for the city, which was incorporated in 1888. The crowd gave Cook, 69, the rock star treatment, mobbing and hugging him and ...

Obama Is Like Biblical Joshua, Boxing Promoter Don King Says
Post Date: 2009-01-21 14:47:51 by TwentyTwelve
Obama Is Like Biblical Joshua, Boxing Promoter Don King Says Wednesday, January 21, 2009 By Josiah Ryan, Staff Writer (CNSNews.com) - President Barack Obama is similar to the Biblical character of Joshua and Martin Luther King Jr. was like Moses, boxing promoter Don King told CNSNews.com on Tuesday. Celebrities, including Jay-Z, Smokey Robinson, Don King, Denzel Washington, and Oprah Winfrey, spoke with CNSNews.com in the hours before the inauguration just a few feet from the rostrum where Obama was sworn-in as the nation’s 44th president. They spoke about how Obama had changed their lives and which Biblical character they think he most resembles. “I would say that he would ...

How the Movies Made a President
Post Date: 2009-01-20 11:43:50 by Prefrontal Vortex
How the Movies Made a President By MANOHLA DARGIS and A. O. SCOTT Published: January 16, 2009 BARACK OBAMA’S victory in November demonstrated, to the surprise of many Americans and much of the world, that we were ready to see a black man as president. Of course, we had seen several black presidents already, not in the real White House but in the virtual America of movies and television. The presidencies of James Earl Jones in “The Man,” Morgan Freeman in “Deep Impact,” Chris Rock in “Head of State” and Dennis Haysbert in “24” helped us imagine Mr. Obama’s transformative breakthrough before it occurred. In a modest way, they also hastened ...

Today's "The Day"
Post Date: 2009-01-20 06:19:59 by Itisa1mosttoolate

Some Blacks Choose Inauguration Over Work
Post Date: 2009-01-16 00:44:03 by X-15
Asante Bradford gave his bosses nearly three months notice that he would not be at his desk on Jan. 20. A day after Barack Obama’s historic presidential win, Bradford knew he wanted to be able to whoop it up when Obama was sworn in as the nation’s first black chief executive—and that he couldn’t do that at work. “I decided if I couldn’t be (in Washington D.C.), I’m just going to take the day off, just so I can scream and holler,” said Bradford, 40, who works for the state of Georgia as a liaison to the entertainment industry. He plans to watch the festivities at home with friends. People across the country may notice the absence of their black ...

War Nerd’s Interview Tips for General Nkunda
Post Date: 2009-01-11 17:48:11 by Ada
I just found the perfect job for myself: media consultant for General Laurent Nkunda. Now there’s a job with perks. And General, you need me. I know you need me because I just saw an interview with you in the Huffington Post. And even though you answered all the questions totally right, General, you just showed how you don’t understand the insane, childish way these people think. A “cynical” reader might wonder why any western journo bucked the BBC boycoott on interviewing Tutsi or giving their side of the story. Maybe they’re honest? For once? Or brave? No such luck. Just get that idea right out of your head. It’s just an old tribal loyalty, Euro colonizer ...

Obama's Victory: A View From Across The Pond
Post Date: 2009-01-06 00:03:47 by TwentyTwelve
Obama's Victory An Editorial A View From Across The Pond The London Daily Mail 1-6-9 A victory for the hysterical Oprah Winfrey, the mad racist preacher Jeremiah Wright, the mainstream media who abandoned any sense of objectivity long ago, Europeans who despise America largely because they depend on her, comics who claim to be dangerous and fearless but would not dare attack genuinely powerful special interest groups. A victory for Obama-worshippers everywhere. A victory for the cult of the cult. A man who has done ! little with his life but has written about his achievements as if he had found the cure for cancer in between winning a marathon and building a nuclear reactor ...

Panel to declare Franken winner of Senate race
Post Date: 2009-01-04 21:10:06 by bush_is_a_moonie
A state election board on Monday will announce Democrat Al Franken has defeated Republican incumbent Norm Coleman in Minnesota's U.S. Senate race, state officials told CNN Sunday. The canvassing board on Monday will say a recount determined Franken won by 225 votes, Secretary of State Mark Ritchie told CNN. However, Coleman's campaign, which contends the recount should have included about 650 absentee ballots it says were improperly rejected in the initial count, has indicated it will challenge the certification. Coleman campaign manager Cullen Sheehan said his team believes the recount process was broken and that "the numbers being reported will not be accurate or ...

Eligibility remains focus of Supremes' conferences. Dispute posted on docket twice after Electoral College votes in
Post Date: 2008-12-27 14:13:29 by PoliticallyIncorrect
A second conference has been posted on the docket for the U.S. Supreme Court over the issue of Barack Obama's eligibility to occupy the White House, this one scheduled a week after Congress is to review the Electoral College vote tabulation. The latest issue posted is a request for an injunction on the election results pending the resolution of a petition for a writ of certiorari filed by attorney Philip J. Berg, a case that is docketed for a similar conference among the justices on Jan. 9. Berg's original case raises questions about Obama's eligibility and his injunction request first was filed early in December. It was submitted to and rejected by two different justices ...

The mentality of the Obama voter [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-12-24 14:26:32 by christine
Over the past month, I’ve written several articles concerning the (s)election of Barack Hussein Obama as president of the United States and his eligibility to that office: The (S)election of Comrade Obama 11-11-08 Is Obama eligible to the office of president? 11-25-08 That déjà vu feeling 12-2-08 America’s rogue usurper-in-chief 12-9-08 The ramifications of the SCOTUS inaction 12-16-08 The probability that Barack Hussein Obama is not eligible to the office of president as he is not a natural-born citizen as required by Article II, Section 1, United States Constitution, grows with each passing day that he refuses to produce his vault copy Hawaii birth certificate. ...

Obama to Be Sworn in With Lincoln Bible
Post Date: 2008-12-23 10:55:42 by christine
The similarities between President-elect Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln will be on full display on Inauguration Day when Obama takes the oath of office using the same Bible used to swear in Lincoln. Obama will be the first president sworn in using the Lincoln Bible since its initial use in 1861. The Bible is part of the collections of the Library of Congress. "President-elect Obama is deeply honored that the Library of Congress has made the Lincoln Bible available for use during his swearing-in," Presidential Inaugural Committee Executive Director Emmett Beliveau said in a written statement. "The president-elect is committed to holding an inauguration that celebrates ...

Patrick Cockburn: The reality behind Deep Throat
Post Date: 2008-12-23 06:47:14 by Ada
The Mark Felts of this world want to use the media as a weapon against their enemies Mark Felt, the senior official at the FBI who was the highly placed informant or Deep Throat who famously leaked information during the Watergate scandal, died this week. His nickname, drawn from a pornographic movie of the day, has since become a generic term for well-informed anonymous source. It was Mr Felt, with access to all FBI files, who met Bob Woodward of The Washington Post in an underground parking garage in Rosslyn, Virginia. He famously steered him and Carl Bernstein towards exposing the Watergate burglary of the Democratic Party's national offices in Washington as only one part of a ...

Kennedy Declines to Make Financial Disclosure
Post Date: 2008-12-23 02:00:22 by Disgusted
If she were applying to be, say, an undersecretary of education in Barack Obama’s new administration, Caroline Kennedy would have to fill out a 63-item confidential questionnaire disclosing potentially embarrassing text messages and diary entries, the immigration status of her household staff, even copies of every résumé she used in the last 10 years. If she were running for election to the Senate, Ms. Kennedy would have to file a 10-part, publicly available report disclosing her financial assets, credit card debts, mortgages, book deals and the sources of any payments greater than $5,000 in the last three years. But Ms. Kennedy, who has asked Gov. David A. Paterson to ...

Schwarzenegger's Green Challenge (Wants To Become President)
Post Date: 2008-12-22 13:28:34 by Horse
CBS) President-elect Obama is 30 days from office. For a window on his future, turn west for a moment to a chief executive who is already up to his neck in the nation's troubles. This month, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger warned of financial Armageddon, as California faced a potential $40 billion deficit that threatened jobs, roads, schools and public safety. At the same time, he's pushing some of the world's toughest environmental laws to make California a leader on climate change. The governor agreed to take 60 Minutes along during his most challenging times. How does he deal with it all? Well, what would you expect a former action hero to say? "The more difficult ...

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