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Federal judge slaps voters in face, energizes patriots
Post Date: 2008-10-27 19:52:17 by christine
Excerpt: Phil Berg's lawsuit to force production of Barack Hussein Obama's birth certificate is not a political game, it's a constitutional issue. The most cogent narrative, including excerpts from Judge Surrick's decision is found here. To say millions of us are outraged is putting it mildly. Enraged is more appropriate. If one reads the dishonorable Surrick's words, it becomes apparent this judge, if he is the one who actually wrote the decision, thinks we the people are too stupid to understand his outrageous remarks: "…regardless of questions of causation, the grievance remains too generalized to establish the existence of an injury in fact. To reiterate: ...

Obama Be Thy Name’: Kenyan Reggae Star Sends Musical Message to America
Post Date: 2008-10-27 19:41:54 by christine

Sen Ted Stevens found guilty in corruption case
Post Date: 2008-10-27 17:07:03 by christine
WASHINGTON (AP) - Alaska Sen. Ted Stevens was convicted of seven corruption charges Monday in a trial that threatened to end the 40-year career of Alaska's political patriarch in disgrace. The verdict, coming barely a week before Election Day, increased Stevens' difficulty in winning what already was a difficult race against Democratic challenger Mark Begich. Democrats hope to seize the once reliably Republican seat as part of their bid for a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. Stevens, 84, was convicted of all the felony charges he faced of lying about free home renovations and other gifts from a wealthy oil contractor. Jurors began deliberating last week. The senator showed ...

Biden Compares Obama to Lincoln, Jefferson -- Not Marx
Post Date: 2008-10-27 16:30:06 by christine
Joe Biden on Monday compared Barack Obama to Thomas Jefferson, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Roosevelt, and he said a less savory comparison to Karl Marx is completely off the mark. Biden, whose comments on Marx referenced an uncomfortable interview with a Florida anchorwoman last week, stressed that his Obama is a genuine force for change. As proof, Democratic vice presidential candidate pointed to the kind of attacks that have historically been directed at new leaders with new ideas. "The defenders of the status quo have always tried to tear down those who would change our nation for the better," Biden said. "They said Thomas Jefferson wasn't ... a ...

(s)Election 2008 [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-10-27 11:57:39 by Original_Intent
Musing about the current (s)Election cycle caused me to look back over the path we've traveled and manipulations that have occurred along the way. We are now at the point where we are again faced with two ciphers, both selected for their allegiance to the Plutocracy and nothing resembling honorable or decent motivations. On one hand we have a double talking bisexual con artist and on the other a corrupt and unstable whackjob who should never be allowed near sharp objects. In the VP slot we have Joe, bought and paid for, Biden or Sarah, the end is near, Palin. The difference in experience between the two, which seems a big issue for some, is best likened to Bugsy Siegel versus Small ...

October Suprise!
Post Date: 2008-10-27 04:59:57 by Zoroaster
October 27, 2008 October Surprise? Don't be too surprised… by Justin Raimondo Who would really be all that surprised by an October surprise? After all, if history teaches us anything, it's that incumbent presidents are inclined to use their power in this way. George Condon, the San Diego Union's man in Washington, gives us a little history lesson in this regard, starting with the occupation – and burning – of Atlanta, in September 1864, as a means to ensure Lincoln's reelection. "Other surprises have been less consequential," he avers, recalling LBJ's announcement – six days before the 1968 presidential election – that the bombing of ...

Obama's birth certificate sealed by Hawaii governor
Post Date: 2008-10-27 00:32:25 by freepatriot32
HONOLULU, Hawaii – Although the legitimacy of Sen. Barack Obama's birth certificate has become a focus of intense speculation – and even several lawsuits – WND has learned that Hawaii's Gov. Linda Lingle has placed the candidate's birth certificate under seal, and instructed the state's Department of Health to make sure no one in the press obtains access to the original document under any circumstances. The governor's office officially declined a request made in writing by WND in Hawaii to obtain a copy of the hospital-generated original birth certificate of Barack Obama. "It does not appear that Dr. Corsi is within any of these categories of ...

Alaska's largest newspaper endores Obama
Post Date: 2008-10-26 16:27:59 by christine
ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) - The Anchorage Daily News, Alaska's largest newspaper, has endorsed Sen. Barack Obama for president. The newspaper said Sunday the Democrat "brings far more promise to the office. In a time of grave economic crisis, he displays thoughtful analysis, enlists wise counsel and operates with a cool, steady hand." The Daily News said since the economic crisis has emerged, Republican presidential candidate John McCain has "stumbled and fumbled badly" in dealing with it. "Of the two candidates, Sen. Obama better understands the mortgage meltdown's root causes and has the judgment and intelligence to shape a solution, as well as the ...

McCain guarantees victory [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-10-26 13:02:08 by christine
Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Sunday on NBC’s “Meet the Press” that he can “guarantee” a win on Nov. 4 in a squeaker victory that won’t be clear until late that night. McCain spoke amid signs of a tightening race, and reports of renewed determination among his staff, which is badly outgunned in both money and manpower. “I guarantee you that two weeks from now, you will see this has been a very close race, and I believe that I'm going to win it,” McCain told interim "Meet" moderator Tom Brokaw. “We're going to do well in this campaign, my friend. We're going to win it, and it's going to be tight, and we're going ...

Dow Tumbles: Remember the Bailout Vote Switchers
Post Date: 2008-10-26 11:44:43 by farmfriend
Dow Tumbles: Remember the Bailout Vote Switchers Written by Christopher S. Bentley Wednesday, 22 October 2008 10:53 Bailout fever is spreading across the globe in Beijing, Pakistan, Switzerland, Korea, Ukraine, Iceland, and the Middle East, to name the most recent countries and areas to be plundered by the plutocratic class and forced to prop up bad assets. Fed Chairman Bernanke is now stumping for another bailout shakedown so that middle class and poor Americans can continue to protect the fortunes of the people who made this mess to begin with through more inflationary spending. But lets consider one thought: if the Wall Street Journal was correct, that the "Rescue May Not ...

The New York Times’ endorsement of Obama
Post Date: 2008-10-26 11:29:47 by christine
A series of major newspapers have announced their endorsement of Democrat Barack Obama for president, including the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the Detroit Free Press and the Los Angeles Times. This lineup behind Obama culminated in Friday's endorsement by the New York Times, the leading US newspaper and the principal voice of the liberal wing of the American political establishment. The generally favorable media attitude toward Obama reflects the fact that decisive sections of the American ruling elite have swung behind his candidacy. This is not because they share popular illusions in Obama, but because they regard these illusions as a valuable ...

Elephonkey Two-Punch
Post Date: 2008-10-26 10:36:11 by christine
“Even conservative governments adopt welfare methods and perpetuate them…the welfare state is a mentality secreted by social techniques [meant] to coalesce into one superbeing, institutions that express mankind’s unity on the international level…a common thought Bank will be established from which all will receive instructions.”[1] The process of decades accelerates like waters reaching the lip of a waterfall; soon, barring a remarkable rebuff, the grand synthesis sought by Dr. Sir Julian Huxley will arrive: under the suavely vacuous hypnotic sway of the fabricated messiah the social engineers will forge a “perfect society where the individual is powerless to ...

Polls Show Obama's Support Growing Among White Voters
Post Date: 2008-10-26 01:14:28 by christine
Barack Obama is drawing more support from white voters than any Democratic presidential nominee since Jimmy Carter in 1976, according to a Politico analysis of recent Gallup and Pew Research Center polling. Obama is positioned to win 44 percent of non-Hispanic white voters, the highest share for a Democrat since Carter carried 47 percent of the white vote in his White House victory three decades ago, according to Politico. Bill Clinton was supported by 43 percent of white voters in 1996, including 38 percent of white men. Until recently, polls had show Obama's support among white voters around 35 percent, Politico reported. One reasons he has been able to increase that number is he is ...

McCain Surrogate -War With Iran Is Certain
Post Date: 2008-10-26 01:13:59 by richard9151
October 24, 2008 McCain Surrogate -War With Iran Is Certain By Cernig Republican William Grayson, president of a San Francisco hedge fund company and former general counsel for the San Francisco Republican Central Committee - and "cleared by the McCain campaign to serve as a McCain surrogate": "Let me assure you of this," Grayson said after the student presentation on foreign policy. "The next president, whether it is Senator Obama or John McCain, will go to war, and he will go to war with Iran. "They are very busy developing nuclear weapons. They will use those nuclear weapons against Israel or any of its allies, and that is a war that we're going to ...

Obama Campaign Cuts Off Interviews With Florida TV Station Biden gets asked tough questions by Orlando reporter
Post Date: 2008-10-26 01:09:12 by christine
Barack Obama's campaign killed all interviews with a Florida TV station after Sen. Joe Biden, the Democratic vice presidential nominee, faced tough and critical questions from a reporter at the Orlando station, the Orlando Sentinel reported . During a satellite video Thursday, WFTV's Barbara West quoted Karl Marx and asked Biden how Obama's comment to "Joe the Plumber," about spreading the wealth wasn't being Marxist. "Are you joking?," Biden asked. West replied, "No." Click here to watch the interview. Later in the interview West questioned Biden about his comments that if Obama wins the election next month, he would be tested early on as ...

Judge Surrick “Received” the Decision He Issued
Post Date: 2008-10-26 00:58:20 by freepatriot32
In the “never-ending” drama that is known as the 2008 Presidential election, there is an appearance that the decision issued yesterday by the Honorable Judge R. Barclay Surrick in the matter of Berg v. Obama might have been SENT to the judge just a short time BEFORE he released the decision. A fax copy of the decision from Judge Surrick was faxed to Mr. Berg from the Judge’s Chambers, pages 1-36, beginning at 18:09 October 24, 2008, and that is clearly notated by the receiving fax, starting at page 01/36. Page 36/36 is marked 18:16 October 24, 2008. What is interesting is not at the TOP of the fax pages; it is at the bottom. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_P2ak2vb2Zv0 ...

R. Barclay Surrick dooms the Democratic Party
Post Date: 2008-10-25 23:34:27 by Horse
I sort of hope that Phil Berg has learned his lesson concerning the liberal bunch of communists he has dedicated his life to are nothing but a bunch of liberal communists who will screw even Phil Berg over. It seesm that R. Barclay Surrick decided today in a most amusing "finding" that honestly makes the Carter appointed judges and their wacko "findings" sound less wacko. R. Barclay Surrick decided to cover his butt in getting rid of the Obama fraud case in a 34 page statement which concluded that the Constitution gives citizens, political parties or voters no jurisdiction over policing if someone qualifies for the presidency. Like all liberals R. Barclay Surrick ...

Obama Medical Records, College, University, Other Records Still Secret
Post Date: 2008-10-25 22:50:16 by TwentyTwelve
Obama Medical Records, College, University, Other Records Still Secret Posted on October 25th, 2008 by mondoreb in 2008 Election Coverage, Breaking News a Read 1,270 times. Obama’s Missing Records: Medical, College, University, Birth Certificate and Other Records Packaging Barack Obama Part 1 Obama's records off-limits The Refusal of the Obama Campaign to Release Important Records [UPDATE: Obama Birth Certificate Federal Lawsuits Berg v. Obama lawsuit in Philadelphia federal court is dismissed due to Phillip Berg having lack of standing to sue. Obama birth certificate lawsuit news in the section below.] The refusal of the Obama campaign to allow the public to see ...

The Rothschilds and their 200 years of political influence (mainstream source!)
Post Date: 2008-10-25 21:39:15 by bluegrass
Nat Rothschild, the financier at the centre of allegations that threaten to engulf the shadow Chancellor, George Osborne, is no stranger to laws which forbid politicians from accepting donations from abroad. Political donations from overseas are also illegal in the US, where John McCain's campaign team is under investigation for allegedly accepting a benefit in kind from two mega-rich British citizens, namely Nat Rothschild and his father, Jacob, the Fourth Baron Rothschild. In April, Mr McCain passed through London and spoke at a fund-raising dinner for expatriate Americans, where seats at the cheapest tables cost £500 a head. What caught the eye of Judicial Watch, a ...

What “incredibly tough” foreign policy actions is Obama preparing?
Post Date: 2008-10-25 19:57:07 by richard9151
What “incredibly tough” foreign policy actions is Obama preparing? By Patrick Martin 22 October 2008 "WSWS' -- - In remarks made over the weekend in Seattle, Democratic vice presidential candidate Joseph Biden warned that Barack Obama, if elected president, would be compelled to take deeply unpopular actions in both domestic and foreign policy within months of taking office. In closed-door gatherings with two audiences of Democratic Party insiders and fundraisers, Biden forecast a major international crisis in the first six months of an Obama administration. He compared Obama to John F. Kennedy, the last senator to be elected president. "It will not be six months ...

So, McCain picked Palin in August?
Post Date: 2008-10-25 17:59:59 by Axenolith
Then how was Jerry Bruckheimer contributing to their compliance fund in March??? Merely interesting from the standpoint of all the huffing and puffing that went on over it when it was apparently set in stone 6 months earlier... 3rd row down, 3/1/08

Palin's 'going rogue,' McCain aide says (GOP base being played like a fiddle) [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-10-25 17:38:52 by F.A. Hayek Fan
With 10 days until Election Day, long-brewing tensions between GOP vice presidential candidate Gov. Sarah Palin and key aides to Sen. John McCain have become so intense, they are spilling out in public, sources say. Several McCain advisers have suggested to CNN that they have become increasingly frustrated with what one aide described as Palin "going rogue." A Palin associate, however, said the candidate is simply trying to "bust free" of what she believes was a damaging and mismanaged roll-out. McCain sources say Palin has gone off-message several times, and they privately wonder whether the incidents were deliberate. They cited an instance in which she labeled ...

Fare Thee Well, and Get Ye Lost
Post Date: 2008-10-25 15:54:00 by Ada
Now, hatred is by far the longest pleasure; men love in haste, but they detest at leisure. ~ Lord Byron For the past eight years, Republicans have diligently cultivated the doctrine of Fuhrerprinzip and nurtured the Cult of the Imperial Presidency. In two weeks the harvest will start to come in as the voters ratify the reign of His Ineffable Holiness, Obama the Blessed (peace be upon him). By no later than next Spring, the Republicans – who will deservedly be reduced not merely to the status of minority party, but that of an unpleasant political afterthought – will be force-fed the nettles that sprouted from the seeds of despotism they planted during Bush the Lesser's first ...

new freakrepugnant purge on the horizen from schitzo rimjob
Post Date: 2008-10-25 14:40:07 by freepatriot32
Oct 24, 2008 | Jim Robinson Posted on Friday, October 24, 2008 4:34:27 PM by Jim Robinson As reported on another thread: "Major Garrett reports from Hawaii 10 minutes ago that David Axelrod the Campaign Manager for Barack Obama says as of this morning the campaign had a meeting in Chicago and according to internal numbers they have "a clear road to victory holding all Kerry states while picking up Ohio, Florida, Colorado, Nevada and Virginia with an excellent shot at Montana, North Carolina, West Virginia, and Indiana." They are saying they will get to 400 EV's election night." And I just heard through the grapevine yesterday that McCain-Palin are needing ...

"OBAMA, NO MERCI BEAUCOUP" --Gun-Toting Bible-Thumping Cajuns Release Best Campaign Song of the Year!
Post Date: 2008-10-25 13:31:44 by OliviaFNewton
Forget the Hopey-Changer Cult singing their "Prayers to Obama", this song here kicks it! Poor James and the Swamp Crows. Catchy tune.

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