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Never Choose Evil
Post Date: 2008-10-05 23:10:46 by christine
I have a confession to make: I rather like Barack Obama. I know, I know ... I have an image to maintain, and all that, but it is a fact. Never mind that my public image largely is undeserved and thrust upon me by America's politically-correct ruling cabal. Never mind that my fervent opposition to affirmative action and the other perks of minority status is based upon a desire for true equality for all people. But, put all that aside for a moment and reason along with me. Maybe I'm Just Bushed Perhaps it is just the cumulative effect of eight years of George Bush. After all, I watched Bill Clinton hold forth at length on a talk show the other night and was hard pressed to remember ...

Fear Based Voting - A Nation in Turmoil
Post Date: 2008-10-05 16:47:48 by christine
My email is filled with letters from truly fearful Americans. Never before, have I experienced this level of fear from citizens. It is incredibly disconcerting. Fears expressed are from every possible point of view, all seemingly unrelated. Fears of illegal immigration, shadow government, terrorism, war, failing economy, loss of sovereignty and liberty indicate a distrustfulness of the intentions of our government and I think is well founded. Recent events have reinforced these fears. The cliché, 'lesser of two evils,' has taken on a meaning more crucial than ever. Is anyone voting for a candidate, in whom they truly believe? Many supporters of Obama fear the McCain/Palin ...

Whose Palin? The old Buchanan Brigades now ride to the sound of the neocon guns.
Post Date: 2008-10-04 22:13:08 by buckeye
Whose Palin? PDF The old Buchanan Brigades now ride to the sound of the neocon guns. By Sean ScallonPat Buchanan welcomed Sarah Palin to the national scene with a column declaring “she is one of us.” But the Alaska governor evidently doesn’t think of herself as a Buchananite—at least not today. Through her McCain handlers, Palin denied ever associating with the conservative champion of 1996, even though there’s evidence that she not only knew him but was at one time an enthusiastic Buchanan Brigader. As recently as 1999, according to the Associated Press, “Wasilla Mayor Sarah Palin” was “among those sporting Buchanan buttons” at a rally in ...

Palin continues to question McCain's pull out of Michigan [rat jumping off McCain sinking ship?]
Post Date: 2008-10-04 16:20:47 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Palin continues to question McCain's pull out of Michigan Gordon Trowbridge / Detroit News Washington Bureau Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin has questioned for a second straight day the McCain campaign's decision to abandon its Michigan campaign. CBS News reported on its Website on Saturday that Palin told a reporter during a visit to a Colorado diner that she still wants to compete in Michigan. John McCain's campaign said on Thursday it would withdraw from what had been a battleground state, pulling down advertising and moving staffers to states aides believe are more winnable. "Well as I said the other day, I would sure love to get to run to Michigan ...

Sarah Palin's pastor exorcises witches, condemns Jew Bankers [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-10-04 16:06:49 by buckeye
Palin once blessed to be free from 'witchcraft' video surfaced Wednesday showing Sarah Palin being blessed in her hometown church three years ago by a Kenyan pastor who prayed for her protection from "witchcraft" as she prepared to seek higher office. The video shows Palin standing before Bishop Thomas Muthee in the pulpit of the Wasilla Assembly of God church, holding her hands open as he asked Jesus Christ to keep her safe from "every form of witchcraft." "Come on, talk to God about this woman. We declare, save her from Satan," Muthee said as two attendants placed their hands on Palin's shoulders. "Make her way my God. Bring finances her ...

Post Date: 2008-10-03 10:43:42 by nikki
On September 29, 2008 US District Court Judge R. Barclay Surrick, the federal magistrate for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania ruled in the matter of Philip J. Berg vs Barack Hussein Obama, et al as the world was distracted by the $700 billion subprime mortgage crisis. Obama signed a breathe of relief as the mainstream media chose to ignore the question: "Can Senator Barack Hussein Obama legally seek the office of President of the United States?" The flap began in June when National Review's Jim Geraghty raised the question and asked the Obama Campaign to release a copy of his birth certificate in order to prove that he actually was born in the United States. (Reports had ...

Make-Believe Maverick
Post Date: 2008-10-03 07:51:03 by buckeye
URL: http://www.rollingstone.com/news/coverstory/make_believe_maverick_the_real_john_mccainRollingstone.com Back to Make-Believe Maverick Make-Believe Maverick A closer look at the life and career of John McCain reveals a disturbing record of recklessness and dishonesty TIM DICKINSONPosted Oct 16, 2008 7:00 PMAdvertisement • The Double-Talk Express • Mad Dog Palin: The Full Story At Fort McNair, an army base located along the Potomac River in the nation's capital, a chance reunion takes place one day between two former POWs. It's the spring of 1974, and Navy commander John Sidney McCain III has returned home from the experience in Hanoi that, according to legend, ...

Leaked 'Simpsons' clip shows rigged voting machine
Post Date: 2008-10-03 07:03:41 by Ada
Although the cartoon Simpson family did once help Krusty the Clown run for Congress as a Republican with the aid of Fox News, their general learning is clearly towards the Democrats. In a leaked clip from the upcoming Halloween episode of The Simpsons, Homer declares when faced with an electronic voting machine, "I want to vote for Obama. ... It's time for a change." The machine, however, has ideas of its own, which it enforces more and more violently. "This doesn't happen in America!" screams Homer. "Maybe Ohio, but not in America. One blogger notes that it would "be funny if it didn't seem eerily plausible." "We really made a fun ...

Live VP Debate Thread October 2nd [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-10-02 19:36:17 by buckeye
Dennis Kucinich railing against the bailout bill RIGHT NOW on this channel, which seem to be where the debate will be. From rncnyc2004.blogspot.com/2...al-candidates-debate.html

AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka on Racism and Obama
Post Date: 2008-10-02 07:43:17 by Ferret Mike
-- AFL-CIO Secretary Treasurer Richard Trumka blasts racism and underlines why workers should vote Obama in 2008. Excerpt of speech at Steelworkers convention July 1, 2008, sponsored by USWA President Leo Gerard. FABULOUS! Entire speech at http://www.usw.org/multimedia/video

US losing war in Afghanistan, Pak tribal region: former army chief
Post Date: 2008-10-01 22:13:34 by richard9151
Former Pakistani Army chief General `Retd` Mirza Aslam Beg on Tuesday said that US has almost lost its war in Afghanistan and Pakistani tribal region and soon will leave with empty hands. Talking exclusively he said that it has become very difficult for US to sustain the pressure of local armed groups who have been giving tough time to the US-led forces in Afghanistan and Pakistani tribal area. Beg was Pakistan's Army chief of staff between 1988 and 1991 and now heads a research center. General Beg contended that a conspiracy is being hatched to destabilize Pakistan and in which the former Pakistani rulers were equally responsible. "Our own soil is being used against our ...

Mad Dog Palin
Post Date: 2008-10-01 22:08:15 by richard9151
Mad Dog Palin By Matt Taibbi 01/10/09 "Rolling Stone" -- - Sep 27, 2008 -- - The scariest thing about John McCain's running mate isn't how unqualified she is -- it's what her candidacy says about America. I'm standing outside the XCEL ENERGY CENTER in St. Paul, Minnesota. Sarah Palin has just finished her speech to the Republican National Convention, accepting the party's nomination for vice president. If I hadn't quit my two-packs-a-day habit earlier this year, I'd be chain-smoking now. So the only thing left is to stand mute against the fit-for-a-cheap-dog-kennel crowd-control fencing you see everywhere at these idiotic conventions and gnaw on ...

Congress approval rating just 10% -- Bush Goes From 'Lame To Dead Duck'
Post Date: 2008-10-01 22:04:04 by richard9151
Congress approval rating just 10% Bush Goes From 'Lame To Dead Duck' By Simon Tisdall in Washington 01/10/09 "The Guardian" -- - The controversy over the failure of the Bush administration's unpopular financial bail-out is infecting every aspect of government and the presidential election campaign. Eminent reputations lie in ruins; the august institutions of Congress, the treasury, the Federal Reserve tremble; the presidency itself is shaken. In America's year of living dangerously, few will emerge unscathed. The consensus view, if there is one in so divided a nation, is that the US has suffered a calamitous, across-the-board failure of leadership. The ...

The Century of the Self -- How politicians and business learned to create and manipulate mass-consumer society.
Post Date: 2008-10-01 21:57:00 by richard9151
How politicians and business learned to create and manipulate mass-consumer society. Episodes: One | Happiness Machines Episode Two | The Engineering of Consent Adam Curtis, The Century of the Self tells the untold and sometimes controversial story of the growth of the mass-consumer society in Britain and the United States. How was the all-consuming self created, by whom, and in whose interests? Freud provided useful tools for understanding the secret desires of the masses. Unwittingly, his work served as the precursor to a world full of political spin doctors, marketing moguls, and society's belief that the pursuit of satisfaction and happiness is man's ultimate goal. Part 1 ...

The Art of Politics
Post Date: 2008-10-01 21:52:55 by richard9151
The Art of Politics Jim Kirwan 01/10/08 "ICH" -- 30/09/08 -- - This morning Bush went back to the microphones to again trash the public for failing to approve of his strong-arm plan to bailout his buddies and to screw the people. ‘Politics must be kept out of this’ has been the constant refrain from the bunch of pretenders who appointed themselves to fix this problem. But “Politics” is not about democrats and republicans it’s about what people think, and it’s about anything that will directly impact the real and long-term futures or millions of ordinary people. What these criminals fail to understand is that: “The act of breathing is ...

Latest from the Looney Bin -- Mark to Market
Post Date: 2008-10-01 20:48:51 by DeaconBenjamin
Listen to the latest from the Looney Bin. I've been hearing the whining & whinging about the terrible bank-burdening accounting rule called "mark to the market." They're blubbering that if it weren't for the mean-old mark to market rule, they wouldn't have balance sheet problems. Now mark to the market is an accounting rule that says, "What you paid for it doesn't matter, what you think it's worth doesn't matter, only what somebody is actually willing to pay today." Otherwise, how could you ever know what a business is worth? What are the banks saying? "We have rotten MBS that we paid 100 cents for. Nobody wants the stuff so today ...

How Can Anyone Think Voting Matters? (It does. Just not in the way you think)
Post Date: 2008-10-01 13:04:28 by christine
Home | Columnists | Blog | Subscribe | Podcasts How Can Anyone Think Voting Matters?(It does. Just not in the way you think.) by Wilton D. Alston by Wilton D. Alston DIGG THIS "…people who vote are quick to distance themselves from the guy to whom they gave their support. It seems to me that if your candidate lies, cheats, steals, or gets a whole bunch of people killed you – the voter who supported him – might share some blame. … With the secret ballot, everyone can claim to be disappointed with the guy they actually helped elect!" ~ "I Don't Mind If You Keep Voting, But…" In the piece above, I attempted to lay out some very basic ...

The Coming Conservative Crack-up
Post Date: 2008-10-01 11:05:03 by iconoclast
The Republicans' split over the bailout bill is the latest example of the party's internal divisions. Unless the GOP figures out what it stands for, it's headed for civil war and electoral disaster. In Washington over the last week, there were lots of ideas about what a bailout of Wall Street ought to look like. But none had less chance of becoming law than the plan put out by the core of the House GOP caucus, the conservatives known as the Republican Study Committee. The members of this group (which has more than its share of extremists and buffoons) offered as the cure to our current woes the removal of regulations on businesses and a suspension of the capital-gains tax, as ...

Dr. Cornel West pushes for Obama, 'new world order'
Post Date: 2008-10-01 09:29:23 by Jethro Tull
Dr. Cornel West pushes for Obama, 'new world order' Article from:Chicago DefenderArticle date:February 6, 2008Author:Gillespie, RhondaMore results for:obama and new world order To hear him talk about the 'skinny guy with the funny name' who is the first African American poised to take the helm of the nation as the 44th U.S. president, you'd never know that Dr. Cornel West, initially, was skeptical of Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.). The Princeton University dynamo with the unmistakable persona, replete with a funky afro and distinguished black-rimmed glasses, had been invited to Chicago by Rev. Michael Pfleger to bring the gospel message Sunday at his St. Sabina mass. But ...

Palin: 'Only Flag in My Office' is Israeli
Post Date: 2008-09-30 23:37:27 by buckeye
President Peres of Israel yesterday met for the first time with Governor Palin and with Senator McCain, who called the veteran Israeli statesman "my old friend." The warm handshake and exchange of broad smiles occurred during an international gathering known as the Clinton Global Initiative, hosted by President Clinton. "I wanted to meet you for many years," Ms. Palin told Mr. Peres, according to an aide to the president. "The only flag at my office is an Israeli flag," she was quoted as saying, "and I want you to know and I want Israelis to know that I am a friend."

Downfall -- Obama version
Post Date: 2008-09-30 18:00:16 by Tauzero

A Bush Budget Showdown Brewing
Post Date: 2008-09-30 14:45:36 by richard9151
A Bush Budget Showdown Brewing By Gilbert Cruz/Washington Monday, Jun. 25, 2007 How serious is President Bush about his sudden return to the altar of fiscal responsibility? Over the past two weeks, Bush and Congressional Republicans alike have hammered Democrats on excessive spending and earmark abuse. With both the President and Congress's approval ratings at record lows and typically stalwart conservatives criticizing Bush over his perceived support of "amnesty" for illegal immigrants, Republicans have fallen back on their old favorite agenda — starve the beast that is the federal government. Two weeks ago, House Republicans stalled the homeland security ...

Who Predicted U.S. Economic Collapse Years Ago?
Post Date: 2008-09-30 10:45:55 by richard9151
There are five videos here; articles.mercola.com/site...e-year-ago.aspx?source=nl Defying President Bush and the leaders of both parties the US House rejected a $700 billion economic rescue plan in a revolt that rocked the US Capitol, sent markets plunging and left top lawmakers groping for a resolution. So by the time that bell sounded again on the NY Stock Exchange $1.2 trillion had vanished from the United States stock market. The broad market, as measured by the Standard & Poor’s 500-stock index, plunged almost 9 percent, its third-biggest decline since World War II. The Dow Jones industrial average fell nearly 778 points, or 7 percent, to 10,365. However, please ...

Newsom: The unwitting star of Yes on 8 ad
Post Date: 2008-09-29 16:22:16 by farmfriend
Newsom: The unwitting star of Yes on 8 ad Proponents of banning same-sex marriage have rolled out their first TV ad - and it stars San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom proclaiming gay marriage is "going to happen, whether you like it or not." Newsom, of course, brought the issue to the forefront of national consciousness in 2004, when he tried to legalize same-sex marriages in San Francisco. That move was stopped by the courts, but it set in motion a legal battle that culminated in the California Supreme Court legalizing such unions earlier this year. "This door's wide open now," Newsom says in the opening clip of the ad. "It's going to happen, whether you ...

Prosecutor named to probe US attorneys' firings
Post Date: 2008-09-29 14:42:50 by richard9151
Will wonders never cease. More made-for-the-tele soap opera to draw attention away from what is really happening. By LAURIE KELLMAN and MARK SHERMAN, Associated Press Writer 11 minutes ago WASHINGTON - Attorney General Michael Mukasey named a prosecutor Monday to investigate whether Bush administration officials violated federal law in the firings of nine federal prosecutors. The scandal stripped the Justice Department of its leadership, damaged its credibility and sparked a historic showdown in court. The decision to push ahead on a criminal inquiry follows the recommendation of an internal Justice Department investigation that harshly criticized Bush administration officials, ...

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