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No Matter Who Wins, Expect More Wars
Post Date: 2008-09-29 11:12:40 by christine
If the presidential debate Friday night told us anything, it was that whichever of these candidates is elected, we can expect more wars, or at least more conflicts that put U.S. forces or citizens in danger for dubious reasons. Neither John McCain nor Barack Obama came close to questioning the "bipartisan" consensus on U.S. foreign policy, that the U.S. should be the prime mover and shaker in the world at large. They differ, and in some ways that are fairly important, on details. But on the central question of whether it is the United States' job to go out there and fix the world, there was no disagreement. To be sure, taking candidates at their word during a debate is not ...

US elections: Barack Obama's team believes he can win by a landslide
Post Date: 2008-09-29 09:33:45 by christine
Barack Obama's senior aides believe he is on course for a landslide election victory over John McCain and will comfortably exceed most current predictions in the race for the White House. Aides are convinced that Barack Obama has a strong chance of winning no fewer than nine states won by George W. Bush in the closely contested 2000 election Photo: AP Barack Obama's team believes his strength among first time voters in several key states has been underestimated Photo: GETTY IMAGES Their optimism, which is said to be shared by the Democratic candidate himself, is based on information from private polling and on faith in the powerful political organisation he has built in the key ...

Soldier's mother 'ecstatic' about Obama's bracelet
Post Date: 2008-09-28 19:37:41 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Soldier's mother 'ecstatic' about Obama's bracelet By DINESH RAMDE Associated Press Writer Article Launched: 09/28/2008 04:07:22 PM PDT MILWAUKEE—The mother of a Wisconsin soldier who died in Iraq says she was "ecstatic" when Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama mentioned during Friday's debate the bracelet she gave him in honor of her son. Tracy Jopek of Merrill told The Associated Press on Sunday she was honored that Obama remembered Sgt. Ryan David Jopek, who was killed in 2006 by a roadside bomb. She criticized Internet reports suggesting Obama, D-Ill., exploited her son for political purposes. Jopek acknowledged e-mailing the Obama campaign ...

The question is: Can Palin give a coherent answer?
Post Date: 2008-09-28 16:16:46 by richard9151
David Usborne reports on the latest television performance by the Republican vice-presidential candidate Saturday, 27 September 2008 The reviews of Sarah Palin's latest television appearance tumbled in yesterday and they were ugly. In only the third major broadcast interview since she was selected by John McCain as his running mate at the end of August, she seemed at times lost for words and not all those she spoke fitted together. The financial crisis means less attention will be paid to it than might otherwise have been the case. It could be, meanwhile, that Mrs Palin's unhappy performance will lower expectations ahead of her encounter with Senator Joe Biden at the ...

The Timebomb Who Would be President
Post Date: 2008-09-28 16:14:22 by richard9151
This is not an add for Counterpouch by me, I just found the add quite interesting! You know, for those who wish to pick the lessor of two evils! LOL! Those who know him well regard him as a deceitful, violent, unstable liar who collaborated with the enemy and then postured as a hero. Meet the Real John McCain in this special, subscriber-only issue of CounterPunch newsletter, reported by Alexander Cockburn, Jeffrey St. Clair and Douglas Valentine. Why did Cindy McCain become a drug addict who, Phoenix doctors claim, at least three times sought medical attention for injuries consonant with physical violence? Why did Ron and Nancy Reagan shun him and try to derail his political career? Under ...

Obama Out-Hawks McCain
Post Date: 2008-09-28 15:50:12 by richard9151
By Katrina Vanden Heuvel 27/09/08 "The Nation" - -- Barack Obama not only had the good judgment to oppose the war in Iraq, he argued for the need "to end the mindset that took us into" that war. So it was troubling that tonight---in the first of the three presidential debates-- a man of such good judgment called for an end to the war in Iraq in order to escalate US military forces in Afghanistan. (This holds true not just for the two men on the Democratic ticket but for too many Democrats in Washington who argue, mantra-like, that we need to leave Iraq in order to free additional troops to serve in "the right war.") A few weeks ago, a friend sent me an ...

Keating 5 Ring a Bell?
Post Date: 2008-09-28 15:48:08 by richard9151
McCain's past collides with the present Wall Street debacle. By Rosa Brooks 25/09/08 "LA Times" - - Once upon a time, a politician took campaign contributions and favors from a friendly constituent who happened to run a savings and loan association. The contributions were generous: They came to about $200,000 in today's dollars, and on top of that there were several free vacations for the politician and his family, along with private jet trips and other perks. The politician voted repeatedly against congressional efforts to tighten regulation of S&Ls, and in 1987, when he learned that his constituent's S&L was the target of a federal investigation, he met ...

Palin Responds to Federal Bail Out [coffeshop patron says 'boo']
Post Date: 2008-09-28 13:21:08 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Palin Responds to Federal Bail Out by Shushannah Walshe PHILADELPHIA–Sarah Palin had coffee this morning at a gourmet market and breakfast restaurant and was joined by four Blue Star mothers. The Blue Star Moms are a support and service group for women whose sons and daughters are in the military. Palin responded to a question about the economic recovery plan, which was hashed out overnight. She answered, but she made it clear that she was then going to concentrate on the Blue Star Moms, “Bailout? Ok? Then I’m going to talk to these gals whose sons are also in the service. But, thankful that John McCain is able to have some of those provisions implemented in that Paulson ...

Post debate, McCain tanks - he's 8% behind now
Post Date: 2008-09-28 13:10:24 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Obama 50%, McCain 42%. Rasmussen shows a 6% gap as well. This confirms my impression while watching (most of) the debate. While Obama didn't seem eager to crush McCain, McCain himself projected the image of a grumpy old man. The next catastrophe: take cover for Hurricane Palin, expected to make landfall this coming Thursday.

Catch of the Weekend: Ryan David Jopek’s Mother Told Obama NOT To Wear Slain Son’s Bracelet
Post Date: 2008-09-28 12:47:50 by buckeye
Keith Howington of Dehavelle.com is the source of this “Can You Top This?”shocker (HT Warner Todd Huston of NewsBusters). The original audio interview involved is at Wisconsin Public Radio between Brian Jopek, father of slain soldier Ryan David Jopek, and “Route 5183; show host Glenn Moberg is here (scroll down to March 20, 2008 at link; go to about the 10:01 mark). Here is the relevant portion of the transcript (this is beyond what Huston posted, as I believe it’s important for set-up), which begin after Mr. Jopek gives a bit of a defense of the mission: Moberg: Let’s fast-forward to the present time. A few weeks ago, in the Wisconsin Primary election, there was a ...

Mad Dog Palin
Post Date: 2008-09-27 21:25:13 by angle
The scariest thing about John McCain's running mate isn't how unqualified she is -- it's what her candidacy says about America. I'm standing outside the XCEL ENERGY CENTER in St. Paul Minnesota Sarah Palin has just finished her speech to the Republican National Convention, accepting the party's nomination for vice president. If I hadn't quit my two-packs-a-day habit earlier this year, I'd be chain-smoking now. So the only thing left is to stand mute against the fit-for-a-cheap-dog-kennel crowd-control fencing you see everywhere at these idiotic conventions and gnaw on weird new feelings of shock and anarchist rage as one would a rawhide chew toy. All around ...

First 2008 Presidential Debate (Full Video) - [McCain-Obama]
Post Date: 2008-09-27 20:25:25 by buckeye
Poster Comment:I've only watched four minutes and I'm disgusted.

Gov. Blunt Statement on Obama Campaign’s Abusive Use of Missouri Law Enforcement
Post Date: 2008-09-27 19:59:04 by mirage
JEFFERSON CITY - Gov. Matt Blunt today issued the following statement on news reports that have exposed plans by U.S. Senator Barack Obama to use Missouri law enforcement to threaten and intimidate his critics. “St. Louis County Circuit Attorney Bob McCulloch, St. Louis City Circuit Attorney Jennifer Joyce, Jefferson County Sheriff Glenn Boyer, and Obama and the leader of his Missouri campaign Senator Claire McCaskill have attached the stench of police state tactics to the Obama-Biden campaign. “What Senator Obama and his helpers are doing is scandalous beyond words, the party that claims to be the party of Thomas Jefferson is abusing the justice system and offices of public ...

No manners on one side, no fight on the other [in the debate]
Post Date: 2008-09-27 17:54:57 by Destro
No manners on one side, no fight on the other Tom Shales September 28, 2008 The Republican at times belittled his Democratic opponent, who lacked a killer instinct. JOHN McCain wore the more presidential tie but Barack Obama displayed the more presidential temperament, or the kind of demeanour people presumably would want in a president, when the two candidates met for their first debate. Both men seemed well-equipped in terms of facts and figures and neither made an outrageous blunder, although Senator McCain did misidentify the new President of Pakistan. More critically, he came across as condescending and even rude to his opponent, a bit of bad behaviour especially evident because ...

Send Sarah Home! Send Sarah Home! [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-09-27 13:49:52 by angle

McCain gets Owned (McCain to Rely on the Scty' Treasury)
Post Date: 2008-09-27 13:30:58 by buckeye

Hey Cyni, What About Nader?
Post Date: 2008-09-27 13:20:54 by angle
Political Issues that Matter for 2008 Remember, these issues represent the tip of the political iceberg. But they are indicative of the corporate domination of the Democratic and Republican parties. Click on any of the issues in the table below for more information the issues that matter for 2008, or find out more about the Nader/Gonzalez position on other important issues, including the environment, social, fiscal, market, labor, political and foreign policy. Adopt single payer national health insurance Cut the huge, bloated, wasteful military budget No to nuclear power, solar energy first Aggressive crackdown on corporate crimeand corporate welfare Open up the Presidential ...

10 times worse than Bush
Post Date: 2008-09-27 09:46:06 by Esso
If OoooBama! is selected, he will be 10.1 times worse for this country than Bush has been. If McStain is selected, he will be 9.9 times worse for this country than Bush has been. Or maybe it's the other way around. Regardless, prepare for things to be, at least, an order of magnitude worse than they are now. Sorry, that's just the way it is. A year from now, if we're still here and the internet still exists, we'll be pining for "the good old days of Bush" like I've heard so many people do about Clinton after Bush made him look like a piker. Whoever the PTB installs as president next time is poised to finish closing the books on this country. Count on it.

Jack Cafferty Tells Us How He Really Feels About Sarah Palin [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-09-27 07:30:43 by angle

Breaking News from Big Eddie: McCain Camp insiders say Palin "clueless" [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-09-26 23:07:57 by richard9151
Capitol Hill sources are telling me that senior McCain people are more than concerned about Palin. The campaign has held a mock debate and a mock press conference; both are being described as "disastrous." One senior McCain aide was quoted as saying, "What are we going to do?" The McCain people want to move this first debate to some later, undetermined date, possibly never. People on the inside are saying the Alaska Governor is "clueless." Now We Know Why The McCain Campaign Is Hiding Palin Videos here; www.wegoted.com/todayonshow/index.asp Click for Full Text!

I'll Try to Find Ya Some and I'll Bring 'Em to Ya
Post Date: 2008-09-26 23:03:32 by richard9151
I'll Try to Find Ya Some and I'll Bring 'Em to Ya September 26, 2008 6:45 AM Watching the CBS interview of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin did not exactly fill conservative columnist Kathleen Parker with confidence. "Palin's recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League," Parker writes today. "No one hates saying that more than I do. Like so many women, I've been pulling for Palin, wishing her the best, hoping she will perform brilliantly. I've also noticed that I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my ...

Anyone feels like discussing the O'Cain-McBama debater? - LIVE - [Full Thread]
Post Date: 2008-09-26 18:49:00 by a vast rightwing conspirator
Let's see who's the better man. [Note to J.T. - I was right and you were wrong]

Palin: Don't Second Guess Israel
Post Date: 2008-09-26 13:38:24 by Rupert_Pupkin
"We can't allow another Holocaust" "They're our closest ally" "Need to fight against Eye-ran" etc. www.cnn.com/video/#/video...palin.israel.comments.cnn Click for Full Text! Poster Comment:It's the AIPAC line, but with a personal touch. The world has good guys and bad guys according to Palin. That thought should make us feel warm all over!

John McCain backs down to attend debate
Post Date: 2008-09-26 12:10:48 by angle
John McCain, has bowed to pressure from among his own supporters and announced he will attend today's presidential candidate debate. Mr McCain had said he would skip the debate in Oxford, Mississippi, so he could work with President Bush and congressional leaders on a plan to rescue the US financial system. But today his campaign said he would take part, after talks to rescue the US economy broke down. The debate against Barack Obama is a widely anticipated showdown that was cast in doubt by US financial chaos and extraordinary political maneuvering. Talks on a $700 billion rescue plan stalled after a White House meeting called by Bush with congressional leaders as well as the two ...

Another Weatherman terrorist key player in Obama campaign
Post Date: 2008-09-26 10:38:50 by christine
JERUSALEM – One of the main founders of the Weathermen terrorist organization is a signatory to an independent organization acting to ensure the election of Sen. Barack Obama, WND has learned. The group in question, Progressives for Obama, also includes among its ranks many former members of the 1960s radical organization Students for a Democratic Society, from which the Weathermen splintered, as well as current and former members of other radical organizations, such as the Communist Party USA and the Black Radical Congress. In its creed, first published in March in the Nation magazine, the Progressives for Obama founders state their organization descended from the "proud ...

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